Siemens Teneo S, Teneo M+, Teneo HP+ Instructions And Guidance

Teneo S/S+, M/M+ & HP/HP+
Instructions and guidance
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Points out a situation that could lead to serious, moderate, or minor injuries
Indicates possible property damage
Advice and tips on how to handle your device better
It is recommended to familiarise yourself with your new hearing aids.
With the aids in your hand try using the controls and note their location on the aid. This will make it easier for you to feel and press the controls while wearing the hearing aids.
Read this user guide thoroughly and completely and follow the safety guide supplied with the device(s) to avoid damage or injury.
To benefi t most from your hearing aid, wear it daily and all day long. Especially after long periods of living with hearing loss, a dedicated hearing training is recommended ­ask your NHS Provider.
Components and names
M M+
Battery size
Getting to know your hearing aids
Changing the batteries
Open the battery
Remove coloured sticker
from new battery, place battery in drawer with + symbol on battery + side up.
Low Battery indicator
u Always use the right size batteries
Your hearing aid may be programmed to inform you when the battery should be replaced for best system performance. You may hear an intermittent series of beeps and/or experience low amplifi cation power or volume.
Change the battery when either of these occur.
Remove empty batteries immediately and dispose of according to local regulations
Remember to have your
replacement batteries with you at all times.
For certain hearing aid types, a
special batt
ery compartment is available that cannot be opened unintentionally. Ask your NHS Provider for the tamperproof battery compartment.
Via battery compartment:
u Turning on: Close the battery
compartment. The default volume and hearing program are set.
u T
urning off: Open the battery
compartment to the fi rst catch.
Via remote control:
u Follow the instructions in the remote
control’s user guide. After turning on, the previously used volume and hearing program are set.
When wearing the hearing aids, an
optional signal canindicate when an aid is turned on or off.
Remove the batteries if the hearing
aids ar
e not used for several days.
The optional concha lock helps to securely retain the ear piece in your ear. To position the concha lock:
u Bend the concha lock and position it
efully into the bowl of your ear.
Refer to the picture.
u Lift the hearing aid and slide it over
the top of your ear
u Hold the tube and pull the ear
piece carefully out
Clean and dry your hearing aids after usage.
Read more in section
“Maintenance and care”.
CAUTION Risk of injury!
u In very rare cases the ear piece
could remain in your ear when removing the hearing aid. If this happens, have the ear piece removed by a medical professional.
Your hearing aids have been fi ne-tuned for your right and left ear. Coloured markers indicate the side:
red marker = right earblue marker = left ear
o insert the hearing aid:
u Hold the tube at the bend that is closer
o the ear piece.
u Carefully push the ear piece in the ear
u Twist it slightly until it sits well. u Open and close your mouth to avoid
accumulation of air in the ear canal.
u Lift the hearing
aid and slide it o
ver the top
of your ear
Insert t he right hearing aid
with the right hand and the
t hearing aid with the left
If you have problems inserting
the ear piece, use the other hand to gently pull your earlobe downwards.
This opens the ear canal and
eases inser
tion of the ear piece.
CAUTION Risk of injury!
u Insert the ear piece carefully and
not too deeply into the ear.
Your hearing aids automatically adjust the volume to the listening situation.
u If you prefer manual volume adjustment,
press the rocker switch briefl y or use a remote control or smartphone app.
Refer to section “Controls” for your personal settings.
An optional signal can indicate the volume change.
Your Teneo™ hearing aid
Ear piece (LifeTip)
Concha lock (option)
Tube (LifeTube)
Microphone openings
Push button
Rocker switch
Battery compartment
S S+
Battery size
Battery size
Close battery door
u Carefully close the
battery compartment. If you feel resistance, the battery is not inserted correctly.
Do not attempt to close the battery compartment by force. It can be damaged.
Daily use
Turning on and off - You have several options to turn your hearing aids on or off.
When you are on the phone, hold the telephone receiver slightly above your ear. The hearing aid and telephone receiver have to be aligned.
Turn the receiver slightly so that the ear is not completely covered.
If you have problems pressing the controls of your hearing aids while wearing them, you can ask your NHS Provider about a remote control option.
Via push button or rocker switch:
u Turning on or off: Press the push button.
Refer to section “Controls” for your personal settings.
After turning on, the previously used volume and hearing program are set.
When the power-on delay is activated, the hearing aids turn on after a delay of several seconds. During this time you can insert the hearing aids without experiencing unpleasant whistling.
The “power-on delay” can be activated by your NHS Provider.
You should only remove the protective sticker if you actually use the battery.
Hearing programs change the characteristics of the sound coming through the hearing aid. They help you to select the optimal setup for every listening situation. An optional signal can indicate the change of the hearing program.
u To change the hearing program,
ess the push button briefl y or
use a remote control.
Changing the hearing program
Refer to section “Controls” and to section “Settings” for your personal settings and for a list of your hearing programs.
Your NHS Provider can confi gure your hearing aids so that they switch automatically to the audio shoe program if the audio shoe has been attached. Read more in section “Audio input”.
On the phone
Telephone program
You may prefer a certain volume when using the phone. Ask your NHS Provider to confi gure a telephone program.
u Switch to the telephone program
ver you are on the phone.
Whether a telephone program is confi gured for your hearing aid is listed in section “Settings”.
Inserting and removing
Adjusting the volume
If you are wearing two hearing aids,
you have to lock or unlock the controls on each hearing aid separately.
Locking or unlocking can optionally
be indicat
ed by an acoustic signal.
When you turn your hearing aids off
and on again, the key lock remains in the previously selected state.
To prevent any accidental operation you can lock the controls. When the controls are locked, both push button and rocker switch are disabled.
u To loc
k the controls, press the top
of the rocker switch and hold it. Simultaneously press the push button on the same hearing aid for 3 seconds.
u To unloc
k the controls, press the
bottom of the rocker switch and
hold it. Simultaneously press the push button on the same hearing aid for 3 seconds.
Whether this function is confi gured for your hearing aids is listed in section “Controls”.
You can control each hearing aid separately. You can control both hearing aids simultaneously. Your NHS Provider has to activate the “e2e wireless” function if available, enabling both hearing aids to exchange information or you may be able to then use either a remote control or the user controls on either of your aids for the desired function e.g. volume change.
The control elements of both aids can meven be set differently – thus offering you the degree of control you really need.
The controls of your hearing aids can also be used to change, for example, the tinnitus noiser level.
Refer to section “Controls” for your personal settings.
Locking the controls (optional)
Further adjustments (optional)
Using two hearing aids
Explanation of symbols
Audio induction loops
Many telephones as well as public places like theatres offer the audio signal (music and speech) via an audio induction loop
With this system, your hearing aids can directly receive the desired signal – without distracting noise in the environment.
Ask your NHS Provider to confi gure a telecoil program.
u Switch to the telecoil program whenever
ou are in a place with an audio
induction loop.
Whether the telecoil program is confi gured for your hearing aid is listed in section “Controls - Settings”.
Audio input (FM system)
With an audio input you can connect your hearing aid to an FM system.
An FM system gathers speech at the voice source (via a separate microphone) and transmits the sound directly to the hearing aid.
This can be useful for adults in diffi cult listening situations and for children in classrooms.
Most FM systems allow for coupling with audio devices like a MP3 player.
Risk of electric shock!
u Connect audio input only to a
vice conforming to EN 60065, for audio, video and other electronic devices.
To prevent very rare cases of electric shock:
u Use the audio input only with
ery operated devices or
FM systems.
u For a more thorough professional cleaning,
ake your aids to your NHS Provider.
Cleaning the LifeTubes
If your hearing aids are equipped with LifeTubes, you can remove cerumen from the tubes using a special cleaning wire. This should be done on a regular basis. Ask your NHS Provider for more information and for suitable cleaning wires.
u Screw off the tube.
u Carefully insert the cleaning wire into
the tube. S
tart from the side opposite
to the ear piece adapter.
u Push the cleaning wire all the way
ough the tube.
u Wipe away any cerumen or debris that is
dislodged from the tube.
u Completely remove the cleaning wire
from the tube.
u Screw the tube onto the hearing aid.
Risk of damage to ear canal and ear drum.
u Always remove the Life Cleaning
e from the LifeTube before
reattaching it to your hearing aid.
u During longer periods of non-use, store
your hearing aids with open battery compartment (and batteries removed) in a drying system in order to prevent the penetration of moisture.
u Dry you hearing aids overnight. u Ask your Hearing Care Professional for
recommended drying products.
Exchanging ear pieces and tubes
u Ask your NHS Provider to exchange the
LifeTube approximately every 3 to 6 months or sooner if you notice cracks or other changes.
u Ask your NHS Provider to exchange
eTips every 1 to 2 months or
as needed.
u For exchanging LifeTips, please consult
our NHS Provider.
u For aids with earhook please clean
regularly. Ask your NHS Provider for more information.
Maintenance and care
Your hearing aids are so robust that they will function reliablyfor years. It is, however, important that you take care of your aids and observe a few basic rules, which will soon become habit.
For hygiene reasons and to maintain functionality, clean your hearing aids daily.
u Do not put the hearing
aids in water. Do not put LifeTubes or LifeTips in water.
u Clean your hearing aids with a soft, dry
tissue. Never apply pressure while cleaning.
u If your hearing aids are equipped with
Refer to section “Cleaning the LifeTubes” for details.
u Ask your NHS Provider for recommended
cleaning pr
oducts, special care sets and further information on how to keep your hearing aids in good condition.
Telecoil program and remote control
For aids with wireless connectivity:
When the telecoil program is active, the remote contr ol may cause a pulsing noise.
u Use the remote control with a distance
reater than 10 cm (4 inches).
Your NHS Provider can confi gure your hearing aids so that they switch automat­ically to the audio shoe program if the audio shoe has been attached.
If you want to use an audio shoe, a special battery compartment is required. Battery compartment with an audio input is available for Teneo M/M+ & HP/HP+.
u Ask your NHS Provider to exchange
the batt
ery compartment.
Your Teneo + hearing aid can be used with the easyTek
wireless enhancement system. easyTek provides a wireless connection from your Teneo + hearing aids to your television, mobile phone, MP3 player and stereo.
easyTek is also an easy-to-use remote control for your Teneo + hearing aids for convenient and discreet program and volume adjustment.
easyTek and easyPocket
are additional products to your hearing aid which may be available to purchase. If you think it would assist you in your day-to-day life talk to your NHS Provider about how you can obtain an easyTek or easyPocket.
Further information is available on our website or email
The easyPocket™ remote control is available as an optional accessory allowing for convenient and discreet hearing aid adjustment. It is extremely ergonomic, has an easy-to­read display and a modern, stylish look.
Use an approved audio shoe only. Ask your NHS Provider for this accessory
Attaching and removing the audio shoe
The audio shoe is integrated into a battery compartment. To attach or remove the audio shoe, the battery compartment has to be exchanged. A special tool is required.
u Ask your NHS Provider to attach or
emove the audio shoe.
You can usually recognise audio induction loop systems by certain signs.
Left Right
Program change
Volume up
Volume down
Standby/ turn on
Sound mixer (audio input)
press briefl y,  press 2 seconds
Power-on delay enables whistle­free insertion of hearing aids.
Read more in section “Turning on and off”.
e2e wireless enables simultaneous control of both hearing aids.
Read more in section “Using two hearing aids”.
A telecoil is built into the aid, so it can connect with audio induction loops.
Read more in section “Audio induction loops”.
Teneo S/S+ does not include a telecoil option.
Remote control
Function Left Right
   
Program up/ down
Volume up/down
Tinnitus noiser level up/down
Sound balance
Standby/turn on
Sound mixer (audio input)
press briefl y,  press 2 seconds,
press 5 seconds
In case of aid failure
u Is the aid switched on? u Is the battery inserted correctly? u Is the battery run down? u Is the battery compartment closed? u Is the sound opening in the ear mould
clogged with wax?
Sound is weak
u Increase the volume. u Replace the empty battery. u Clean or exchange the tube
and the ear piece.
Hearing aid emits whistling sounds
u Reinsert the ear piece until it fi ts
u Decrease the volume. u Clean or exchange the ear piece.
Sound is distorted
u Decrease the volume. u Replace the empty battery. u Clean or exchange the tube and
the ear piece.
Hearing aid emits signal tones.
u Replace the empty battery.
Hearing aid does not work
u Turn the hearing aid on. u Gently close the battery door. u Replace the empty battery. u Make sure the battery is inserted
u Power-on delay is active. Wait several
seconds and check again.
touchControl App™ & easyTek App™
The touchControl App™ & easyTek App™ are available to download from the Apple App store or Google Play store for discreet and simple hearing aid adjustments.
Search for ‘Siemens touchControl’ or ‘Siemens easyTek’ and download for free.
Teneo + aids are easyTek and easyPocket compatible.
Please note: easyTek App requires easyTek.
Optional accessories
Only for Teneo + models
Push bu tton
With the controls you can, for example, adjust the volume or switch hearing programs. Your hearing aids either have a push button and a rocker switch or a push button only. The NHS Provider has assigned your desired functions to the controls.
Ask your NHS Provider to mark your controls and their functions on the following pages.
Control Left Right
Push button
Rocker switch
You can also use a remote control.
Rocker s witch
Hearing programs
1 2 3 4
Read more in section “Changing the hearing program”.
Please see “Components” and “names” section for your battery size information.
Exchangeable ear pieces (only with LifeTubes)
LifeTip open or closed
LifeTip double
LifeTip semi-open
u To avoid environmental pollution,
do not throw batteries into household waste.
u Recycle or dispose of batteries
ding to national regulations or return them to your NHS Provider.
u Recycle hearing aids, accessories
and pac
kaging according to
national regulations.
Battery size and ear pieces
Function Left Right
Lock / Unlock the controls
Read more in section ”Locking the controls".
Push button and rocker switch