Siemens Simomed HC User manual

Adjustment SIMOMED
Print No.: Replaces: AX52-060.842.01.01.02
© Siemens AG
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design, are reserved.
English Doc. Gen. Date: 05.03

2 Revision / Disclaimer

1Revision / Disclaimer
Document revision level
The document corresponds to the version/revision level effective at the time of system delivery. Revisions to hardcopy documentation are not automatically distributed.
Please contact your local Siemens office to order current revision levels.
The installation and service of equipment described herein is to be performed by qualified personnel who are employed by Siemens or one of its affiliates or who are otherwise authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates to provide such services.
Assemblers and other persons who are not employed by or otherwise directly affiliated with or authorized by Siemens or one of its affiliates are directed to contact one of the local offices of Siemens or one of its affiliates before attempting installation or service pro­cedures.
SIMOMED HC AX52-060.842.01.02.02 Siemens AG
05.03 TD SD 21
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Medical Solutions

Setup and Adjustments 3

2Setup and Adjustments

General Remarks 0

Safety Information 0

The DHHS regulations have been met by this monitor under the following circumstances:
No components may be replaced inside the monitor.
Exception: when a modification or upgrade is initiated by Med. Adjustments are made via the service software or the front keys only.
110/230 V are present inside even if the power switch is OFF.

General Information 0

The Simomed HC is a 17" b/w landscape multisync monitor for progressive video scan­ning. The unit receives the video and synch information via three BNC connectors located at the rear.
The front keys are locked. The unlock is handled by the service software.
If there is a malfunction, the monitor is completely replaced.

Tools, auxiliary device and tests 0

Laptop with Windows interface (3.1 or compatible version).
Serial interface cable (0- modem cable)
According to AR TD Part 3, Part Number 99 00 440 RE999.
For some modalities, the monitor multi-norm testbox is required to perform adjust-
ments. (per AR TD Part 3, Part Number 97 16 754 Y4905.)
Mavo monitor (Part Number 97 16 754) or Luminance Spotmeter (Germany only).

Installing the monitor 0

Unpack the monitor and check for physical damage.
Place the monitor in a position where no lights, windows, furnishings with a shiny sur-
face or bright walls can be reflected onto the screen.
If the monitor is brought in from a cold environment, condensation may occur inside the
unit. Do not switch on immediately, wait a brief period.
Siemens AG AX52-060.842.01.02.02 SIMOMED HC Medical Solutions
05.03 TD SD 21
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4 Setup and Adjustments
BAS connect ion

Connect Video and Power 0

Connect the video cable to the labeled video BNC socket. With separate sync signals
similar to ACOM.PC, connect the H-sync and V-sync cables accordingly.
Connect the power cable. For a PC-based system, connect the monitor to the PC pow-
er outlet.
Connect the ground cable at the designated terminal (this does not apply for PC-based
systems such as ACOM.PC).
H/( H+V )
Main s conne ct ion
Fig. 1:
Use clamps to stress-relieve of cables.
The cables can be run through the monitor base.
Fig. 2:
Switch on the monitor by using the power switch (front right).
The green LED should go on. The yellow LED lights up if the video signal is missing!
The monitor automatically recognizes the video timing being used, and sets the prepro­grammed values.
Depending on the graphics controller and the current position of use, it may still be neces­sary to readjust the geometry according to the video timing.
PC-based systems (e.g. ACOM.PC) might have a video standard which is not preprogrammed at the monitor. The check of geome­try, focus, brightness and contrast is mandatory.

Installation of the service software and connection 0

1. Connect the 0-modem cable between PC and Monitor. The serial interface connector is found behind the front lid.
SIMOMED HC AX52-060.842.01.02.02 Siemens AG
05.03 TD SD 21
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Medical Solutions
Setup and Adjustments 5
2. Insert the supplied service diskette in the disk drive.
3. Select drive A in the Windows file manager.
4. Double-click on the SETUP.EXE file to start the program; the installation routine will in­stall the service software to PC.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions.
6. Start the application by double clicking the relevant icon.
7. The actual parameters of the monitor are downloaded (polled) automatically.
For the latest information, check the README.TXT file.

Lock and unlock of front keys 0

Press the >Disable/Enable Front Keys< softkey button in the service platfor.
1. By simultaneous pressing SHIFT- CTRL(STRG) - U : Front keys are unlocked.
2. By simultaneous pressing SHIFT - CTRL(STRG) - L : Front keys are locked.
Lock the front keys again once the installation or service is fin­ished.
Siemens AG AX52-060.842.01.02.02 SIMOMED HC Medical Solutions
05.03 TD SD 21
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