Siemens SENTRON PAC RS485 User Manual

Expansion module PAC RS485
Safety notes
Parameter assignment/Addressing
Service and maintenance
Alarm, error, and system messages
Technical data
Dimension drawings
Application examples
ESD guidelines
List of abbreviations
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
CAUTION without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
NOTICE indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Prescribed Usage
Note the following:
This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owner.
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives Postfach 48 48 90327 NÜRNBERG GERMANY
Ordernumber: A5E02091800B-01 Ⓟ 03/2008
Copyright © Siemens AG 2008. Technical data subject to change
Table of contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Purpose of this document ..............................................................................................................7
1.2 Orientation aids..............................................................................................................................7
1.3 Scope of supply .............................................................................................................................8
1.4 Contents of the CD for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.........................................8
1.5 Technical support...........................................................................................................................9
1.6 Further documentation.................................................................................................................10
2 Safety notes............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Safety notes .................................................................................................................................11
3 Description............................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Area of application .......................................................................................................................13
3.2 Features.......................................................................................................................................13
3.3 Tasks............................................................................................................................................14
3.4 Structure.......................................................................................................................................15
3.5 Firmware ......................................................................................................................................16
3.6 Bus and master............................................................................................................................17
4 Assembling.............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.1 Procedure for installation and commissioning .............................................................................19
4.2 Unpacking ....................................................................................................................................20
4.3 Assembly......................................................................................................................................21
4.4 Connecting...................................................................................................................................23
4.5 Measures to be performed prior to start-up .................................................................................26
4.6 Disassembly.................................................................................................................................27
5 Parameter assignment/Addressing.......................................................................................................... 29
5.1 MODBUS RTU.............................................................................................................................29
5.1.1 Structure of the job message frame.............................................................................................29
5.1.2 Character frame ...........................................................................................................................30
5.1.3 Function codes.............................................................................................................................31
5.1.4 Exception codes...........................................................................................................................33
5.1.5 Modbus measured variables with the function codes 0x03 an
5.1.6 Structure - Digital input status and digital output status with the function codes 0x03 and Structure - Device diagnostics and device status with the function codes 0x03 and 0x04 .........38 Structure - Limit values with function codes 0x03 and 0x04........................................................39
5.1.7 Modbus status parameters with the function code 0x02 .............................................................39
5.1.8 Modbus settings with the function codes 0x03, 0x04 and 0x10 ..................................................40
0x04 .............................................................................................................................................38
d 0x04 .........................................33
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Table of contents
5.1.9 Modbus command parameters ................................................................................................... 51
5.1.10 MODBUS communication parameter with the function codes 0x03, 0x04 and 0x10................. 52
5.1.11 Modbus device information with the function codes 0x03, 0x04 and 0x10................................. 53
5.1.12 MODBUS standard device identification with the function code 0x2B ....................................... 55
5.1.13 Parameters and function codes supported by the broadcast commands................................... 55
6 Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 57
6.1 Default settings ........................................................................................................................... 57
6.2 Changing the address................................................................................................................. 57
6.3 Configuration of the PAC RS485 expansion module on the SENTRON PAC3200 Power
Monitoring Device ....................................................................................................................... 58
7 Service and maintenance ........................................................................................................................ 61
7.1 Cleaning ...................................................................................................................................... 61
7.2 Repair.......................................................................................................................................... 62
7.3 Disposal....................................................................................................................................... 62
8 Alarm, error, and system messages ........................................................................................................ 63
8.1 Diagnostics concept .................................................................................................................... 63
8.2 Diagnostics LED.......................................................................................................................... 64
8.3 Initializing the module.................................................................................................................. 64
9 Troubleshooting/FAQs............................................................................................................................. 65
9.1 Power failure ............................................................................................................................... 65
10 Technical data ......................................................................................................................................... 67
10.1 Cable ........................................................................................................................................... 67
10.2 Standards .................................................................................................................................... 67
10.3 Technical data............................................................................................................................. 68
10.4 Communication interface ............................................................................................................ 70
10.5 Labeling....................................................................................................................................... 71
11 Dimension drawings ................................................................................................................................ 73
11.1 Dimension drawings.................................................................................................................... 73
12 Application examples.......................................................................................................
Examples of MODBUS communication ...................................................................................... 75
........................ 75
A Appendix.................................................................................................................................................. 79
A.1 Correction sheet.......................................................................................................................... 79
B ESD guidelines ........................................................................................................................................ 81
B.1 Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) ......................................................................................... 81
C List of abbreviations................................................................................................................................. 83
C.1 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 83
Glossary .................................................................................................................................................. 85
Index........................................................................................................................................................ 89
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Table of contents
Table 1-1
Table 1-2 Online service and support ............................................................................................................9
Table 1-3 Technical Support........................................................................................................................10
Table 5-1 Structure of the message frame...................................................................................................29
Table 5-2 Supported function codes ............................................................................................................31
Table 5-3 MODBUS exception codes ..........................................................................................................33
Table 5-4 Available measured variables......................................................................................................34
Table 5-5 Structure - Status of the digital inputs and status of the digital outputs.......................................38
Table 5-6 Modbus offset 205, tab 2: Structure device status and device diagnostics.................................38
Table 5-7 Modbus Offset 203, Register 2: Limit Violations..........................................................................39
Table 5-8 Status parameters........................................................................................................................39
Table 5-9 Settings parameters.....................................................................................................................40
Table 5-10 Settings parameter for the digital input ........................................................................................41
Table 5-11 Settings parameter for the digital output......................................................................................41
Table 5-12 Settings parameter for language, phase labels and universal counters source..........................42
Table 5-13 Settings parameter for the display ...............................................................................................43
Table 5-14 Settings parameter for limit value 0 .............................................................................................43
Contacts in your region - worldwide...............................................................................................9
Table 5-15 Settings parameter for limit value 1 .............................................................................................44
Table 5-16 Settings parameter for limit value 2 .............................................................................................45
Table 5-17 Settings parameter for limit value 3 .............................................................................................47
Table 5-18 Settings parameter for limit value 4 .............................................................................................48
Table 5-19 Settings parameter for limit value 5 .............................................................................................49
Table 5-20 Command parameters .................................................................................................................51
Table 5-21 Communication parameters.........................................................................................................52
Table 5-22 I&M 0 parameter of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device with the function codes
0x03 and 0x04 .............................................................................................................................54
Table 5-23 I&M 1-4 parameters with the function codes 0x03, 0x04 and 0x10.............................................54
Table 5-24 I&M 0 parameter of the module in slot 1 with the function codes 0x03 and 0x04 .......................54
Table 5-25 MODBUS standard device identification parameters ..................................................................55
Table 5-26 Parameters supported by the broadcast commands...................................................................56
Table 6-1 Factory settings............................................................................................................................57
Table 6-2 Structure of the setting versions ..................................................................................................59
Table 6-3 Setting options .............................................................................................................................60
Table 6-4 Performance calculation ..............................................................................................................60
Table 8-1 Fault and status indication by the LED ........................................................................................64
Table 10-1 The device meets the following standards...................................................................................67
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Table of contents
Table 10-2 Mechanical data for the PAC RS485 expansion module............................................................ 68
Table 10-3 Electrical data for the PAC RS485 expansion module ............................................................... 69
Table 10-4 Ambient and environmental conditions....................................................................................... 69
Table 10-5 Technical data for the communication interface ......................................................................... 70
Table 10-6 Connection types with associated conductor cross-sections...................................................... 70
Table 10-7 Technical data of the terminal block ...........................................................................................71
Table 12-1 Request of the master................................................................................................................. 75
Table 12-2 Response - confirmation of the slave.......................................................................................... 75
Table 12-3 Requirement................................................................................................................................ 76
Table 12-4 Response - confirmation of the slave.......................................................................................... 76
Table 12-5 Requirement................................................................................................................................ 76
Table 12-6 Response - confirmation of the slave.......................................................................................... 76
Table 12-7 Requirement................................................................................................................................ 77
Table 12-8 Response - confirmation of the slave.......................................................................................... 77
Table 12-9 Requirement................................................................................................................................ 77
Table 12-10 Response - confirmation of the slave.......................................................................................... 77
Table A-1 Errors, comments, and suggestions for improvements .............................................................. 80
Table B-1 Protective measures ................................................................................................................... 82
Table C-1 Meaning of abbreviations............................................................................................................ 83
Figure 3-1
Figure 3-2 Schematic view of the rear of the PAC RS485 expansion module............................................. 16
Figure 4-1 Schematic view of assembling the PAC RS485 expansion module........................................... 22
Figure 4-2 Block diagram: General topology of the twisted-pair cable......................................................... 24
Figure 4-3 Terminal assignment................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 4-4 Terminal assignment with terminating resistor............................................................................ 25
Figure 4-5 Terminal assignment with line polarization ................................................................................. 25
Figure 5-1 11-bit character frame................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 5-2 10-bit character frame................................................................................................................. 30
Schematic view of the side and front of the PAC RS485 expansion module ............................. 15
Figure 6-1 Configuring the PAC RS485 expansion module using buttons .................................................. 59
Figure 10-1 PAC RS485 expansion module with type plate .......................................................................... 71
Figure 11-1 View from above, side view, front view and view from underneath with terminal block ............. 73
Figure B-1 ESD work center ......................................................................................................................... 82
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1.1 Purpose of this document

This manual is intended for:
● Planners
● Plant operators
● Commissioning engineers
● Service and maintenance personnel This manual contains:
● Details of the design of the PAC RS485 expansion module
● Permissible conditions of use for the PAC RS485 expansion module
Required basic knowledge
General knowledge in the fields of automation and electrical engineering is required to understand this manual.

1.2 Orientation aids

General information
The manual includes the following orientation aids:
● Table of contents
● List of figures and tables
● List of abbreviations
● Glossary
● Index
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1.3 Scope of supply

1.3 Scope of supply

The package includes:
● The PAC RS485 expansion module including 2 permanent screws
● Terminal block including 6 permanent screws
● The operating instructions for the PAC RS485 expansion module
1.4 Contents of the CD for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
CD contents
The SENTRON PAC CD includes the following files:
● The manual for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in all available languages
● The operating instructions for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in all available languages
● The manual for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in all available languages
● The operating instructions for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module in all available languages
● The GSD files for the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module and the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
Note Specific GSD file
This GSD file is only designed for the use of the PAC PROFIBUS DP expansion module with a specific type of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
● The manual for the PAC RS485 expansion module in all available languages
● The operating instructions for the PAC RS485 expansion module in all available languages
● The SENTRON powerconfig software including online help in all available languages.
● The language packages for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
This CD is supplied with the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
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1.5 Technical support
1.5 Technical support
Contact for technical problems and other questions
Help is available from:
● Service and support contacts in your region - worldwide
● Online service and support
● Technical support
Contacts in the region
Contacts in your region can provide support worldwide.
Table 1-1 Contacts in your region - worldwide
Utility Address, number Internet: Service and support ( under
"Contact > Contacts worldwide"
Online support

Technical Support

Support address: SIEMENS AG
A&D CD MM1 Gleiwitzerstr. 555
D-90475 Nuremberg
This comprehensive information system is available day and night via the Internet. Online service and support offers product support, services and support, and support tools from the shop.
Table 1-2 Online service and support
Utility Address, number Internet: Online service and support (
Technical support offers:
● Expert advice on technical queries over a broad subject area
● Tailored services relating to our products and systems If you require technical support or you have questions about the product, contact Technical
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1.6 Further documentation
Table 1-3 Technical Support
Utility Address, number Phone: +49 (0)180-50-50-222 Fax: +49 (0)180-50-50-223 Internet: Support request (

1.6 Further documentation

You can find further details in the following manuals:
● Manual for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
● Operating instructions for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
● Operating instructions for the PAC RS485 expansion module
● "MODBUS over Serial Line Specification & Implementation guide V1.02"
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Safety notes

2.1 Safety notes

General safety notes
Danger! High voltage Will cause death or serious injury. Turn off and lock out all power supplying this device before working on this device.
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Safety notes
2.1 Safety notes
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3.1 Area of application

The PAC RS485 expansion module is designed for use with a SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
Area of application of the PAC RS485 expansion module
The PAC RS485 expansion module connects the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device to the RS 485 bus. This integrates the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device into power management systems and automation systems.
The PAC RS485 expansion module communicates with the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and with the master.
Purpose of the PAC RS485 expansion module The PAC RS485 expansion module is only intended for use with a SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device. The guidelines for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device also apply to the PAC RS485 expansion module.

3.2 Features

You can use the PAC RS485 expansion module to access the measuring stations during operation.
Features include:
● Communication based on the master-slave principle via the serial interface
● Function:
MODBUS RTU slave or SEAbus slave with the SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring Device
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3.3 Tasks
● Configuration via: – the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device – the Ethernet interface – the RS 485 interface
● Unicast messages
● Broadcast commands with address 0 to the MODBUS slaves
See also
Parameters and function codes supported by the broadcast commands (Page 55)

3.3 Tasks

The tasks of the PAC RS485 expansion module are as follows:
● Provides measured values, parameters and settings of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device via the RS 485 bus.
● Receives information, e.g. commands, via the RS 485 bus and forwards this to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
● Galvanic isolation between the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and the bus.
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3.4 Structure

3.4 Structure

Structure of the PAC RS485 expansion module
Figure 3-1 Schematic view of the side and front of the PAC RS485 expansion module
(1) Terminal block (2) Screw for mounting the PAC RS485 expansion module on the SENTRON PAC
Power Monitoring Device (3) Ventilation slots (4) LED
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3.5 Firmware
Figure 3-2 Schematic view of the rear of the PAC RS485 expansion module
(1) Terminal block (2) Screw for mounting the PAC RS485 expansion module on the SENTRON PAC Power
(3) Guide pins; their guide for correct position ensures that the PAC RS485 expansion module is
(4) Pins

3.5 Firmware

General information
The PAC RS485 expansion module does not have its own firmware. The protocol of the PAC RS485 expansion module is integrated into the firmware of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device. New functions and changes to functions only become available after the firmware of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device has been udpated.
The PAC RS485 expansion module will not work with the wrong firmware version The SENTRON PAC3200 Power Monitoring Device must have at least firmware version
FWV2.0X. Earlier versions do not support the PAC RS485 expansion module. If necessary, install the correct firmware version from V. with the program
SENTRON powerconfig
Monitoring Device
plugged into the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device correctly
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3.6 Bus and master

3.6 Bus and master

The following restrictions apply for the use of a bus and a master:
● You must use only broadcast commands that agree in syntax and meaning with the broadcast commands supported by the Power Monitoring Device.
● The following must be set on the bus and the master and on all nodes on the bus: – The same baud rate – The same communication settings, e.g. data bits, stop bits, parity bit – The same protocol
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3.6 Bus and master
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4.1 Procedure for installation and commissioning

The following system configuration information must be available:
● Installation location of the device
● Baud rate
● Planned address of the PAC RS485 expansion module
1. Mount the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and the PAC RS485 expansion module.
2. Connect the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
3. Connect the PAC RS485 expansion module to the RS 485 network.
4. Switch on the terminating resistor at the start and the end of the bus.
5. Apply supply voltage to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device. The SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device and expansion module are then ready for operation.
6. Set the language on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
7. Parameterize the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
8. Set the following on the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device. – The planned RS 485 address, e.g. the MODBUS address – The baud rate – The communication settings – The protocol, e.g. MODBUS RTU or SEAbus – The response time
9. Make the necessary settings on the master.
10. Check all connections and settings.
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4.2 Unpacking
See also
Safety notes (Page 11) Changing the address (Page 57) Examples of MODBUS communication (Page 75) Configuration of the PAC RS485 expansion module on the SENTRON PAC3200
Power Monitoring Device (Page 58)

4.2 Unpacking

Observe the ESD Guidelines. Open the packaging with care. Do not use excessive force.
After receiving the module, and before installing it, you should make the following checks:
See also
● Check the packaging for damage.
● Make sure that the package contents are complete.
● Check the module for external damage. Please contact your Siemens sales partner in the following cases:
● The packaging is damaged
● The contents of the package are not complete
● The module is damaged
Store the PAC RS485 expansion module in a dry place.
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) (Page 81)
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4.3 Assembly
4.3 Assembly


Condensation Sudden fluctuations in temperature can lead to condensation. Condensation can affect the
function of the PAC RS485 expansion module. Store the PAC RS485 expansion module in the operating room for at least 2 hours before commencing installation.
To install the PAC RS485 expansion module you will need the following tool:
● A cross-tip screwdriver PZ1, 0.5 Nm cal. ISO 6789
Mount the PAC RS485 expansion module before starting up the SENTRON PAC. Observe the ESD Guidelines.
Defective connector to SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device Dirty or bent pins can affect the function of the connectors. The connectors can be
destroyed. Do not allow the pins to become dirty. Make sure that:
There are no metal parts between the pins.
There are no metal parts adhering to the pins.
The pins do not bend.
Do not touch the pins.
Do not cover the ventilation slots! If the ventilation slots are covered, the PAC RS485 expansion module can overheat. Make
sure that the ventilation slots are not covered.
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4.3 Assembly
Figure 4-1 Schematic view of assembling the PAC RS485 expansion module
1. Ensure safe isolation from supply.
2. Discharge yourself.
3. Mount the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
4. Connect the current terminals and voltage terminals to the SENTRON PAC.
5. Handle the PAC RS485 expansion module by the plastic housing only.
6. Connect the PAC RS485 expansion module to the SENTRON PAC. The guide for correct position of the guide pins will help you to plug in the PAC RS485 expansion module correctly. You can find more information about the slot in the SENTRON PAC manual.
7. Tighten the screws SN62217-B3x22 of the PAC RS485 expansion module to the SENTRON PAC with a torque of 0.5 Nm.
More information Installing the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
You can find information about how to install the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in the operating instructions and manual for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
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4.4 Connecting
Damage due to moisture Moisture or wetness can affect the operating capability of the PAC RS485 expansion
module. Make sure that no moisture or wetness can find its way into the PAC RS485 expansion module. Clean the PAC RS485 expansion module using a dry, lint-free cloth only.
Do not operate the PAC RS485 expansion module in an environment affected by high humidity or wetness. Note the environmental requirements of the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
See also
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) (Page 81) Connecting (Page 23) Measures to be performed prior to start-up (Page 26)

4.4 Connecting

Tools required
To install the cables and the screw terminals, you will require:
● A cross-tip screwdriver PZ1, 0.5 Nm
cal. ISO 6789
If you use cables with wire end ferrules, you also require:
● A crimping tool in accordance with EN 60947-1
Connect the PAC RS485 expansion module to the RS 485 bus. Please pay attention to the general topology of the twisted-pair cable.
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4.4 Connecting
Figure 4-2 Block diagram: General topology of the twisted-pair cable
+/B B signal; D1
-/A A signal; D0 COM Common = Ground TER (Line) Termination = bus terminating resistor PU Pull-up resistor PD Pull-down resistor
&RP % $ 7HU 38 3'
Figure 4-3 Terminal assignment
1. Connect the cables to the appropriate screw terminals on the terminal block. You can find the assignments of the terminals in the figure "Terminal assignment".
2. Connect the cable shield at one end with protective ground PE.
3. Connect the signal Common with protective ground. This grounds the expansion module.
4. On the first and last communication nodes, switch a bus terminating resistor between the positive signal and the negative signal. A 120-Ohm bus terminating resistor is implemented in the PAC RS485 expansion module for this purpose. In the case of other values, use an external bus terminating resistor. Attach this to the first and last communication node.
24 Manual, 02/2008, A5E02091800B-01
4.4 Connecting
&RP % $ 7HU 38 3'
Figure 4-4 Terminal assignment with terminating resistor
Incorrect bus terminator If you switch more than two bus terminating resistors on one bus, this can result, for
example, in signal reflections that interfere with communication on the bus. Never attach more than two bus terminators to one bus. Attach one bus terminating
resistor at the start of the bus and one terminating resistor at the end of the bus.
5. Make sure that there is sufficient strain relief for the connected cables.
Line polarization
See also
A resistor for line polarization is implemented in the terminal block.
&RP % $ 7HU 38 3'
Figure 4-5 Terminal assignment with line polarization
If one or more communication nodes require line polarization, switch a resistor pair PU and PD on the RS 485 twisted-pair cable in the case of a PAC RS485 expansion module. To do so, switch on the resistor in the terminal block of the relevant PAC RS485 expansion module shown in the figure "Terminal assignment with line polarization".
Assembly (Page 21) Communication interface (Page 70)
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4.5 Measures to be performed prior to start-up

4.5 Measures to be performed prior to start-up

Never start up damaged modules Damaged components can impair and endanger operation. Never use damaged
Store the device in the service room for at least two hours before applying voltage to the device for the first time. This will equalize the temperature and prevent the formation of condensation.
Once you have correctly installed the PAC RS485 expansion module, you should carry out the following checks:
1. Check that the PAC RS485 expansion module is connected to the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device correctly.
2. Check that the cables are correctly connected and screwed to the terminal block.
3. Check that the RS 485 bus is correctly grounded and shielded.
See also
4. Check that the ventilation slots are not covered.
5. Check that the relevant terminating resistors have been switched.
Assembly (Page 21) Connecting (Page 23)
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4.6 Disassembly

4.6 Disassembly

1. Ensure safe isolation from supply.
2. Observe the ESD Guidelines. Discharge yourself. Handle the PAC RS485 expansion
module by the plastic housing only.
3. Remove the terminal block from the expansion module, or detach the cable from the
terminal block.
4. Unscrew the PAC RS485 expansion module from the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
5. Remove the PAC RS485 expansion module from the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring
See also
6. If necessary, disassemble the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
More information Disassembling the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device
You can find information about how to disassemble the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device in the manual for the SENTRON PAC Power Monitoring Device.
Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) (Page 81)
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4.6 Disassembly
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+ 64 hidden pages