Siemens S7-200 Brochure

S7-200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication
S7-200 SMART V2.4/ TIA V15.1
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S7 –200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication Entry-ID: 6, V0.0, 01/2020
Table of contents
Table of contents
Legal information ..................................................................................................... 2
1 Task ................................................................................................................. 4
Overview of the automation task ........................................................ 4
2 Automation solution ....................................................................................... 5
2.1 Hardware and software components used ......................................... 5
2.2 Setup................................................................................................. 6
3 Functional mechanisms ................................................................................. 7
3.1 Axis Control ....................................................................................... 7
3.2 Control program ................................................................................. 7
4 Commissioning ............................................................................................ 12
Setting Motion Control Wizard.......................................................... 12
Downloading the SIMATIC program ................................................. 18
5 Operation ...................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Positioning ....................................................................................... 20
Profiling ........................................................................................... 22
6 Appendix ....................................................................................................... 23
6.1 Service and support ......................................................................... 23
6.2 Application support .......................................................................... 24
6.3 Links and literature .......................................................................... 24
ã Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved
6.4 Change documentation .................................................................... 24
S7 –200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication Entry-ID: 6, V0.0, 01/2020
1 Task
1 Task
Communication between Stepper Drive and a PLC is often required in a diversity of general “Cutting-to-Lenght“ applications. Taking reciprocating controlled positioning of an axis for example, communication between a controller (S7-200 Smart)and a Stepper Drive RHINO MOTION CONTROLS RMCS-1106.
ã Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved
In the application, RMCS-1106 Stepper Drive controls a RMCS-1107 Stepper Motor using motion control wizard.
The following figure provides an overview of the automation task:
Overview of the automation task
S7 –200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication Entry-ID: 6, V0.0, 01/2020
2 Automation solution
2 Automation solution
2.1 Hardware and software components used
2.1.1 Hardware components
No. Component Order number Quantity
1 SIMATIC S7-200 Smart ST30 6ES72881ST300AA0 1
2 Micro-Stepping Motor Driver
(Max. 40Vdc and 2A per phase)
3 Stepper Motor 3.75° Step Angle 0.65 Kgcm Torque
4 Comfort Panel TP 700
4 Ethernet Cable 1
2.1.2 Software components
User can order these CDs that contain the following software tools:
RMCS-1106 1
ã Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved
No. Component Order number Quantity
1 STEP7 Micro/WIN SMART 2.4 6ES7288-SW01-0AA0 1
Most of the hardware components shown in the table are commercially available in the global market. If unavailable in your country (or region), find an
appropriate substitute at your own discretion.
The table lists key hardware components required for this project. Other accessories such as cables and wires, supports, terminal strips, and so on can be purchased separately.
S7 –200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication Entry-ID: 6, V0.0, 01/2020
2.2 Setup
2 Automation solution
ã Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved
2.2.1 Figure 2-1 Stepper Motor connection
For more detail please refer operating manual of Stepper Drive RMCS-1106 and Stepper Motor RMCS-1007
S7 –200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication Entry-ID: 6, V0.0, 01/2020
3 Functional mechanisms
3.1 Axis Control
The Axis of Motion provides a single pulse train output with integrated direction control and disable outputs. It also includes programmable inputs which allow the CPU to be configured for several modes of operation, including automatic reference point seek. The Axis of Motion provides a unified solution for open loop control of the speed and position for either stepper motors or servo motors.
To simplify the use of motion control in your application, STEP 7-Micro/WIN SMART provides a Motion wizard to configure Axis of Motion and a PWM wizard to configure PWM. The wizards generate motion instructions that you can use to provide dynamic control of speed and motion in your application. For the Axis of Motion, STEP 7­Micro/WIN SMART also provides a control panel that allows you to control, monitor, and test your motion operations.
The motion control built into the CPU uses an Axis of Motion to control both the speed and motion of a stepper motor or a servo motor. Using the Axis of Motion requires expertise in the field of motion control. This chapter is not meant to educate the novice in this subject. However, it provides fundamental information that will help as you use the Motion wizard to configure the Axis of Motion for your application.
3 Functional mechanisms
ã Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved
For more details refer operating manual section 12.2 Using Motion Control
3.2 Control program
3.2.1 AXISx_CTRL subroutine
CALL AXISx_CTRL, MOD_EN, Done, Error, C_Pos, C_Speed, C_Dir Figure 3-1
Input/output Date Type Value
MOD_EN BOOL I, Q, V, M, SM, S, T, C, L, Power Flow
Done, C_Dir BOOL I, Q, V, M, SM, S, T, C, L
The AXISx_CTRL subroutine (Control) enables and initializes the Axis of Motion by automatically commanding the Axis of Motion to load the configuration/profile table each time the CPU changes to RUN mode. Use this subroutine only once in your project per motion axis, and ensure that your program calls this subroutine every scan. Use SM0.0 (Always On) as the input for the EN parameter.
Error BYTE IB, QB, VB, MB, SMB, SB, LB, AC, *VD,
C_Pos, C_Speed DINT, REAL ID, QD, VD, MD, SMD, SD, LD, AC, *VD,
S7 –200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication Entry-ID: 6, V0.0, 01/2020
*AC, *LD
*AC, *LD
3 Functional mechanisms
The MOD_EN parameter must be on to enable the other motion subroutines to send commands to the Axis of Motion. If the MOD_EN parameter turns off, then the Axis of Motion aborts any command that is in progress and performs a decelerated stop.
The output parameters of the AXISx_CTRL subroutine provide the current status of the Axis of Motion.
The Done parameter turns on when the Axis of Motion completes any subroutine.
The C_Pos parameter is the current position of the Axis of Motion. Based upon the units of measurement, the value is either a number of pulses (DINT) or the number of engineering units (REAL).
The C_Speed parameter provides the current speed of the Axis of Motion. If you configured the measurement system for the Axis of Motion for pulses, C_Speed is a DINT value containing the number of pulses/second. If you configured the measurement system for engineering units, C_Speed is a REAL value containing the selected engineering units/second (REAL).
· Signal state of 0 = positive
· Signal state of 1 = negative
ã Siemens AG 2020 All rights reserved
The Axis of Motion reads the configuration/profile table only at power-up or when commanded to load the configuration.
If you use the Motion wizard to modify the configuration, then the AXISx_CTRL subroutine automatically commands the Axis of Motion to load the configuration/profile table every time the CPU changes to RUN mode.
If you use the Motion control panel to modify the configuration, clicking the Update Configuration button commands the Axis of Motion to load the new configuration/profile table.
If you use another method to modify the configuration, then you must also issue an AXISx_CFG command to the Axis of Motion to load the configuration/profile table. Otherwise, the Axis of Motion continues to use the old configuration/profile table.
3.2.2 AXISx_GOTO subroutine
CALL AXISx_GOTO, START, Pos, Speed, Mode, Abort, Done, Error, C_Pos, C_Speed
The AXISx_GOTO subroutine commands the Axis of Motion to go to a desired location.
Input/output Date Type Value
S7 –200 Smart to Stepper Drive Communication Entry-ID: 6, V0.0, 01/2020 Figure 3-2
I, Q, V, M, SM, S, T, C, L, Power Flow
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