Siemens RVL471 Basic Documentation

RVL471 Heating and Domestic Hot Water Controller
Edition: 2.2 Controller series: C CE1P2524E
Siemens Building Technologies
HVAC Products
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HVAC Products 23.10.2002
1 Summary........................................................................................................11
1.1 Brief description and key features .................................................................11
1.2 Type summary...............................................................................................11
1.3 Equipment combinations................................................................................11
1.3.1 Suitable sensors ............................................................................................11
1.3.2 Suitable room units........................................................................................12
1.3.3 Suitable actuators..........................................................................................12
1.3.4 Communication..............................................................................................12
1.3.5 Passing on of heat demand signal.................................................................12
1.3.6 Documentation...............................................................................................12
2 Use.................................................................................................................13
2.1 Types of plant ................................................................................................13
2.2 Types of houses and buildings ......................................................................13
2.3 Types of heating systems..............................................................................13
2.4 Functions .......................................................................................................13
3 Fundamentals................................................................................................15
3.1 Key technical features ...................................................................................15
3.1.1 Plant types with regard to heating circuit.......................................................15
3.1.2 Plant types with regard to d.h.w. heating.......................................................15
3.1.3 Function blocks..............................................................................................15
3.2 Plant types.....................................................................................................16
3.2.1 Selectable combinations................................................................................16
3.2.2 Heating circuit type 1 – space heating with mixing valve...............................17
3.2.3 Heating circuit type 2 – space heating with boiler..........................................17
3.2.4 Heating circuit type 3 – space heating with district heat................................18
3.2.5 Heating circuit type 4 – precontrol with mixing valve.....................................18
3.2.6 Heating circuit type 5 – precontrol with boiler................................................18
3.2.7 Heating circuit type 6 – precontrol with district heat ......................................19
3.2.8 D.h.w. plant type 0 – no d.h.w........................................................................19
3.2.9 D.h.w. plant type 1 – d.h.w. storage tank with charging pump.......................19
3.2.10 D.h.w. plant type 2 – d.h.w. storage tank with mixing valve...........................19
3.2.11 D.h.w. plant type 3 – storage tank with diverting valve..................................20
3.2.12 D.h.w. plant type 4 – instantaneous d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger........20
3.2.13 D.h.w. plant type 5 – only electric immersion heater .....................................20
3.2.14 Summary of plant types and plant combinations...........................................21
3.3 Setting levels, function blocks and plant types..............................................22
3.4 Heating circuit operating modes ....................................................................23
3.4.1 Automatic operation.......................................................................................23
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3.4.2 Continuously REDUCED heating.................................................................. 23
3.4.3 Continuously NORMAL heating .................................................................... 23
3.4.4 STANDBY ..................................................................................................... 23
3.5 D.h.w. operating modes ................................................................................ 23
3.6 Manual operation...........................................................................................24
3.7 Plant type and operating mode ..................................................................... 24
3.8 Operating state and operational level ...........................................................25
4 Acquisition of measured values ....................................................................26
4.1 Room temperature (A6, B5)...........................................................................26
4.1.1 Measurement ................................................................................................ 26
4.1.2 Handling faults ..............................................................................................26
4.1.3 Room model.................................................................................................. 26
4.2 Flow and boiler temperature (B1)..................................................................26
4.2.1 Measurement ................................................................................................ 26
4.2.2 Handling faults ..............................................................................................27
4.3 Outside temperature (B9).............................................................................. 27
4.3.1 Measurement ................................................................................................ 27
4.3.2 Handling faults ..............................................................................................27
4.4 Primary return temperature (B7) ...................................................................27
4.4.1 Measurement ................................................................................................ 27
4.4.2 Handling faults ..............................................................................................27
4.5 Secondary return temperature (B71)............................................................. 28
4.5.1 Measurement ................................................................................................ 28
4.5.2 Handling faults ..............................................................................................28
4.6 D.h.w. flow temperature (B3).........................................................................28
4.6.1 Measurement ................................................................................................ 28
4.6.2 Handling faults ..............................................................................................28
4.7 D.h.w. storage tank temperature (B31, B32)................................................. 28
4.7.1 Measurement ................................................................................................ 28
4.7.2 Handling faults ..............................................................................................28
5 Function block "Enduser space heating"....................................................... 30
5.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................30
5.2 Setpoints ....................................................................................................... 30
5.2.1 General..........................................................................................................30
5.2.2 Frost protection for the building..................................................................... 30
5.3 Heating program............................................................................................30
5.4 Holiday program............................................................................................ 31
6 Function block "Enduser d.h.w."....................................................................32
6.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................32
6.2 Setpoint.........................................................................................................32
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6.3 Actual value ...................................................................................................32
7 Function block "Enduser general"..................................................................33
7.1 Operating lines...............................................................................................33
7.2 Switching program 2......................................................................................33
7.3 Time of day and date.....................................................................................33
7.4 Indication of errors.........................................................................................34
8 Function block "Plant type"............................................................................35
8.1 Operating line.................................................................................................35
8.2 General..........................................................................................................35
9 Function block "Cascade slave".....................................................................36
9.1 Operating lines...............................................................................................36
9.2 Mode of operation..........................................................................................36
9.2.1 Boiler sequence release integral (KFI)...........................................................36
9.2.2 Boiler sequence reset integral (KRI)..............................................................36
10 Function block "Space heating".....................................................................37
10.1 Operating lines...............................................................................................37
10.2 ECO function .................................................................................................37
10.2.1 Compensating variables and auxiliary variables............................................37
10.2.2 Heating limits .................................................................................................38
10.2.3 Mode of operation..........................................................................................38
10.2.4 Operating modes and operating states..........................................................39
10.3 Room temperature source.............................................................................39
10.4 Optimization...................................................................................................39
10.4.1 Definition and purpose...................................................................................39
10.4.2 Fundamentals................................................................................................39
10.4.3 Process..........................................................................................................40
10.4.4 Room model temperature..............................................................................40
10.4.5 Optimum stop control.....................................................................................41
10.4.6 Quick setback ................................................................................................41
10.4.7 Optimum start control.....................................................................................42
10.4.8 Boost heating.................................................................................................42
10.5 Room functions..............................................................................................43
10.5.1 Maximum limitation of the room temperature.................................................43
10.5.2 Room influence..............................................................................................43
10.6 Heating curve.................................................................................................44
10.6.1 Purpose..........................................................................................................44
10.6.2 Basic setting ..................................................................................................44
10.6.3 Deflection.......................................................................................................45
10.6.4 Parallel displacement of heating curve..........................................................46
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10.6.5 Display of setpoints.......................................................................................46
10.7 Generation of setpoint................................................................................... 47
10.7.1 Weather-compensated control......................................................................47
10.7.2 Demand-compensated control......................................................................47
11 Function block "3-position actuator heating circuit".......................................48
11.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................48
11.2 Limitations.....................................................................................................48
11.2.1 Flow temperature limitations ......................................................................... 48
11.2.2 Setpoint rise .................................................................................................. 49
11.3 3-position control........................................................................................... 49
11.4 Auxiliary variables in interconnected plants .................................................. 49
11.4.1 Excess mixing valve or heat exchanger temperature.................................... 49
11.5 Pulse lock...................................................................................................... 50
12 Function block "Boiler" .................................................................................. 51
12.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................51
12.2 Operating mode.............................................................................................51
12.3 Limitations.....................................................................................................51
12.3.1 Maximum limitation of the boiler temperature ...............................................51
12.3.2 Minimum limitation of the boiler temperature ................................................52
12.3.3 Actions during d.h.w. heating........................................................................52
12.4 2-position control........................................................................................... 52
12.4.1 Control with a single-stage burner ................................................................52
12.4.2 Control with a 2-stage burner........................................................................ 53
12.4.3 Frost protection for the boiler ........................................................................ 54
12.4.4 Protective boiler startup ................................................................................55
12.4.5 Protection against boiler overtemperatures................................................... 55
12.5 Operating mode of pump M1.........................................................................56
13 Function block "Setpoint of return temperature limitation" ............................57
13.1 Operating line................................................................................................ 57
13.2 Description .................................................................................................... 57
13.3 Minimum limitation of the return temperature................................................57
13.3.1 Acquisition of measured values ....................................................................57
13.3.2 Mode of operation ......................................................................................... 57
13.3.3 Mode of operation with a single device (with no bus) ...................................58
13.3.4 Mode of operation in interconnected plants .................................................. 58
14 Function block "District heat"......................................................................... 59
14.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................59
14.2 Limitations.....................................................................................................59
14.2.1 Maximum limitation of the primary return temperature..................................59
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14.2.2 Maximum limitation of return temperature differential (DRT limitation)..........60
14.2.3 Integral action time.........................................................................................61
14.2.4 Minimum stroke limitation (suppression of hydraulic creep) ..........................61
14.2.5 Limitation of the volumetric flow.....................................................................61
15 Function block "Maximum limitation of the return temperature, d.h.w.".........62
15.1 Operating line.................................................................................................62
15.2 Purpose..........................................................................................................62
15.3 Function.........................................................................................................62
16 Function block "Basic settings d.h.w." ...........................................................64
16.1 Operating lines...............................................................................................64
16.2 Assignment of d.h.w. heating.........................................................................64
16.3 Program for the circulating pump...................................................................64
16.3.1 General mode of operation............................................................................64
16.3.2 Operation of circulating pump during the holiday period...............................65
16.4 Frost protection for d.h.w...............................................................................66
16.4.1 Frost protection in the d.h.w. storage tank.....................................................66
16.4.2 Frost protection in the d.h.w. storage tank flow .............................................66
16.4.3 Frost protection for the secondary d.h.w. flow...............................................66
17 Function block "Release of d.h.w. heating"....................................................67
17.1 Operating line.................................................................................................67
17.2 Release..........................................................................................................67
17.2.1 Function.........................................................................................................67
17.2.2 Release programs..........................................................................................67
17.2.3 D.h.w heating during the holiday period.........................................................68
18 Function block "D.h.w. priority and flow temperature setpoint"......................69
18.1 Operating line.................................................................................................69
18.2 Settings..........................................................................................................69
18.3 D.h.w. priority.................................................................................................69
18.3.1 Absolute priority.............................................................................................69
18.3.2 Shifting priority...............................................................................................70
18.3.3 No priority.......................................................................................................70
18.4 Flow temperature setpoint .............................................................................70
18.4.1 Maximum selection........................................................................................70
18.4.2 D.h.w..............................................................................................................71
19 Function block "D.h.w. storage tank".............................................................72
19.1 Operating lines...............................................................................................72
19.2 D.h.w. charging..............................................................................................72
19.2.1 D.h.w. charging with hot water.......................................................................72
19.2.2 Alternate d.h.w. charging with hot water and electricity.................................72
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19.3 D.h.w. temperature and d.h.w. switching differential.....................................73
19.4 Boost of the d.h.w. charging temperature ..................................................... 74
19.5 Maximum d.h.w. charging time......................................................................74
19.6 Setpoint of legionella function .......................................................................74
19.7 Forced charging ............................................................................................ 75
19.8 Protection against discharging......................................................................75
19.8.1 Purpose......................................................................................................... 75
19.8.2 Mode of operation ......................................................................................... 75
19.9 Manual d.h.w. charging.................................................................................76
20 Function block "3-position actuator for d.h.w.".............................................. 77
20.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................77
20.2 Function ........................................................................................................77
20.2.1 Flow temperature boost.................................................................................77
20.2.2 D.h.w temperature control............................................................................. 77
20.3 Pulse lock...................................................................................................... 77
21 Function block "Derivative action time d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger" .. 78
21.1 Operating line................................................................................................ 78
21.2 Description .................................................................................................... 78
22 Function block "Multi-functional relay"........................................................... 79
22.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................79
22.2 Functions....................................................................................................... 79
22.2.1 No function....................................................................................................79
22.2.2 Outside temperature switch ..........................................................................79
22.2.3 ON / OFF according to the time switch .........................................................80
22.2.4 Relay energized in the event of fault............................................................. 80
22.2.5 Relay energized during occupancy time ....................................................... 80
22.2.6 Relay energized during occupancy time (including optimizations)................80
22.2.7 Relay energized, if there is demand for heat ................................................80
22.2.8 Manually ON / OFF ....................................................................................... 80
23 Function block "Legionella function" .............................................................81
23.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................81
23.1.1 Periodicity of legionella function.................................................................... 81
23.1.2 Time of legionella function ............................................................................81
23.1.3 Dwelling time at the legionella setpoint.........................................................81
23.1.4 Circulating pump operation during the legionella function ............................81
23.2 Mode of operation ......................................................................................... 81
24 Function block "Switching program 3"...........................................................83
24.1 Operating lines..............................................................................................83
24.2 Function ........................................................................................................83
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25 Function block "Service functions and general settings" ...............................84
25.1 Operating lines...............................................................................................84
25.2 Display functions............................................................................................84
25.2.1 Flow temperature setpoint .............................................................................84
25.2.2 Heating curve.................................................................................................85
25.2.3 Hours run counter..........................................................................................85
25.2.4 Software version............................................................................................85
25.2.5 Identification number of room unit..................................................................86
25.2.6 Radio clock, elapsed time since last reception..............................................86
25.3 Commissioning aids.......................................................................................86
25.3.1 Simulation of the outside temperature...........................................................86
25.3.2 Relay test.......................................................................................................87
25.3.3 Sensor test.....................................................................................................87
25.3.4 Test of H-contacts..........................................................................................88
25.4 Auxiliary functions..........................................................................................88
25.4.1 Frost protection for the plant..........................................................................88
25.4.2 Flow alarm .....................................................................................................89
25.4.3 Manual overriding of operating mode (contact H1)........................................90
25.4.4 Pump overrun ................................................................................................90
25.4.5 Pump kick ......................................................................................................90
25.4.6 Winter- / summertime changeover.................................................................90
25.4.7 Gain of locking signal.....................................................................................91
25.5 Entries for LPB...............................................................................................92
25.5.1 Source of time of day.....................................................................................92
25.5.2 Outside temperature source ..........................................................................92
25.5.3 Addressing the devices..................................................................................93
25.5.4 Bus power supply...........................................................................................93
25.5.5 Bus loading number.......................................................................................94
25.6 Heat demand output DC 0...10 V...................................................................94
26 Function block "Locking functions" ................................................................95
26.1 Operating line.................................................................................................95
26.2 Locking the settings on the software side......................................................95
26.3 Locking the settings for district heat on the hardware side............................95
27 Communication..............................................................................................96
27.1 Combination with room units..........................................................................96
27.1.1 General..........................................................................................................96
27.1.2 Combination with room unit QAW50..............................................................96
27.1.3 Combination with room unit QAW70..............................................................96
27.1.4 Combination with SYNERGYR central unit OZW30......................................98
27.2 Communication with other devices................................................................98
27.2.1 Data bus.........................................................................................................98
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27.2.2 Heat demand signal ...................................................................................... 99
28 Handling......................................................................................................100
28.1 Operation.....................................................................................................100
28.1.1 General........................................................................................................100
28.1.2 Analog operating elements .........................................................................101
28.1.3 Digital operating elements........................................................................... 102
28.1.4 Setting levels and access rights.................................................................. 103
28.2 Commissioning............................................................................................ 103
28.2.1 Installation instructions................................................................................ 103
28.2.2 Operating lines............................................................................................103
28.3 Installation...................................................................................................104
28.3.1 Mounting location........................................................................................104
28.3.2 Mounting choices ........................................................................................ 104
28.3.3 Electrical installation.................................................................................... 104
29 Engineering.................................................................................................105
29.1 Connection terminals ..................................................................................105
29.1.1 Low-voltage side ......................................................................................... 105
29.1.2 Mains voltage side ......................................................................................105
29.2 Connection diagrams .................................................................................. 106
29.2.1 Low-voltage side ......................................................................................... 106
29.2.2 Mains voltage side ......................................................................................106
30 Mechanical design ......................................................................................107
30.1 Basic design................................................................................................ 107
30.2 Dimensions .................................................................................................107
31 Technical data............................................................................................. 108
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1 Summary
1.1 Brief description and key features
The RVL471 is a multifunctional heating controller for use in residential and non-resi­dential buildings that have their own d.h.w. heating facility
Suited for:
Heating zone control with or without room influence via weather-compensated flow
temperature control
Precontrol via demand-compensated control of the main / secondary flow tem-
Precontrol via demand-compensated boiler temperature control. Suited for integra-
tion into heat source cascades or heat generation systems (heat pump, solar, wood)
For use in plants with own heat generation or with a district heat connection
With regard to d.h.w. heating, the RVL471 is suited for plants with d.h.w. storage tanks,
electric immersion heaters and instantaneous systems with own heat exchangers
The RVL471 has 29 plant types preprogrammed. When a certain type of plant is se­lected, all functions and settings required for that plant will be activated
A scalable voltage output DC 0...10 V is used to pass the heat demand signal to other systems
A multifunctional relay provides additional control functions, if required
For direct adjustment of the heating curve, the well known bar" is used. Digital ad-
justment of the heating curve is possible also. A setting knob is used for making room temperature readjustments
All the other parameters are set digitally based on the operating line principle
The RVL471 is capable of communicating with other units via LPB (Local Process Bus)
Key design features: Operating voltage AC 230 V, CE conformity, overall dimensions
to DIN 43700 (144 x 144 mm)
1.2 Type summary
The RVL471 is a compact controller that requires no plug-in modules.
1.3 Equipment combinations
1.3.1 Suitable sensors
For water temperatures: Suitable are all types of temperature sensors that use a sensing element LG-Ni 1000
Strap-on temperature sensor QAD22
Immersion temperature sensors QAE22...
Immersion temperature sensor QAP21.3 complete with connecting cable
For the room temperature:
Suitable are all types of temperature sensors that use a sensing element LG-Ni
Room temperature sensor QAA24
For the outside temperature:
Outside sensor QAC32 (sensing element NTC 575)
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL471 CE1P2524E HVAC Products 1 Summary 23.10.2002
1.3.2 Suitable room units
Room unit QAW50
Room unit QAW70
1.3.3 Suitable actuators
All types of actuators from HVAC Products with the following features can be used:
Electromotoric or electrohydraulic actuators with a running time of 0.5...14.5 minutes
3-position control
Operating voltage AC 24... 230 V
1.3.4 Communication
Communication is possible with the following units:
All LPB-compatible controllers supplied by HVAC Products
SYNERGYR central unit OZW30 (software version 3.0 or higher)
1.3.5 Passing on of heat demand signal
The scalable DC 0...10 V signal can be used to pass the heat demand signal to other devices in the system.
1.3.6 Documentation
Type of documentation Ordering number (for English) Data Sheet RVL471 CE1N2524E Operating Instructions RVL471 4 319 2779 0 Installation Instructions RVL471 4 319 2770 0 Data Sheet QAW50 CE2N1635E Data Sheet QAW70 CE2N1637E Data Sheet "LPB Basic System Data" CE1N2030E Data Sheet "LPB Basic Engineering
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2 Use
2.1 Types of plant
The RVL471 is suitable for all types of heating plant that use weather-compensated flow temperature control. In addition, it can be used for demand-compensated control of the main flow. With regard to d.h.w. heating, the RVL471 is suited for plants with storage tanks or d.h.w. heating via heat exchangers (instantaneous d.h.w. heating). Main applications:
Heating zones and d.h.w. heating with own heat generation
Heating zones and d.h.w. heating with a district heat connection
Interconnected plants consisting of heat generation, several heating zones and central
or decentral d.h.w. heating
2.2 Types of houses and buildings
Basically, the RVL471 is suited for use in all types of houses and buildings It has been designed especially for:
Multi-family houses
Single-family homes
Small to medium-size nonresidential buildings
2.3 Types of heating systems
The RVL471 is suited for use with all standard heating systems, such as:
Underfloor heating systems
Ceiling heating systems
Radiant panels
2.4 Functions
The RVL471 is used if one or several of the following functions is / are required:
Weather-compensated flow temperature control
Flow temperature control via a modulating seat or slipper valve, or boiler temper a t ur e
control through direct control of a single- or 2-stage burner
D.h.w. storage tank charging through control of a mixing valve, charging pump or di­verting valve, with or without circulating pump
D.h.w. heating via heat exchanger (instantaneous d.h.w. heating), with or without cir­culating pump
Optimum start / stop control according to the selected 7-day program
Quick setback and boost heating according to the selected 7-day program
ECO function: demand-dependent switching of the heating system based on the type
of building construction and the outside temperature
Voltage output DC 0...10 V for passing on the heat demand signal
Multifunctional relay
7-day program for building occupancy with a maximum of 3 setback periods per day
and daily varying occupancy schedules
Own 7-day switching program for the release of d.h.w. heating
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Third 7-day switching program
Input of 8 holiday periods per year
Automatic summer- / wintertime changeover
Display of parameters, actual values, operating state and error messages
Communication with other units via LPB
Remote operation via room unit and external switches
Service functions
Frost protection for the plant, the boiler and the house or building
Minimum or maximum limitation of the return temperature
DRT limitation
Minimum and maximum limitation of the flow temperature
Maximum limitation of the room temperature
Periodic pump run
Pump overrun
Maximum limitation of the rate of setpoint increase
Flow alarm
Legionella function
Manual d.h.w. charging
For the preprogrammed heating and d.h.w. heating circuits and their possible combina­tions, refer to section 3.2 Plant types”.
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3 Fundamentals
3.1 Key technical features
The RVL471 offers 2 key technical features:
The RVL471 has 6 heating circuit plant types and 5 d.h.w. plant types preprogrammed. When making use of all possible or practical combinations, there is a total of 29 plant types available
All functions and their settings are combined in the form of function blocks
3.1.1 Plant types with regard to heating circuit
In terms of heating circuit, the following plant types are available:
Heating circuit plant type 1 space heating with mixing valve
Heating circuit plant type 2 space heating with boiler
Heating circuit plant type 3 space heating with district heat
Heating circuit plant type 4 precontrol with mixing valve
Heating circuit plant type 5 precontrol with boiler
Heating circuit plant type 6 precontrol with district heat
Heating circuit plant type 5 is suited for integration into heat source cascades or heat generation systems.
3.1.2 Plant types with regard to d.h.w. heating
In terms of d.h.w., the following plant types are available:
D.h.w. plant type 0 no d.h.w.
D.h.w. plant type 1 storage tank with charging pump
D.h.w. plant type 2 storage tank with mixing valve
D.h.w. plant type 3 storage tank with diverting valve
D.h.w. plant type 4 instantaneous d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger
D.h.w. plant type 5 only electric immersion heater
3.1.3 Function blocks
The following function blocks are available:
Function block Enduser space heating
Function block Enduser d.h.w.
Function block Enduser general
Function block Plant type
Function block Cascade slave
Function block "Space heating"
Function block 3-position actuator heating circuit
Function block Boiler
Function block Setpoint return temperature limitation
Function block District heat
Function block "Maximum limitation of the return temperature d.h.w."
Function block "Basic settings d.h.w."
Function block "Release of d.h.w. heating"
Function block "Priority and flow temperature setpoint d.h.w."
Function block "D.h.w. storage tank"
Function block "3-position actuator d.h.w."
Function block Derivative action time d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger
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Function block Multifunctional relay
Function block Legionella function"
Function block "Switching program 3"
Function block Service functions and general settings
Function block Locking functions
For each function block, the required settings are available in the form of operating lines. On the following pages, a description of the individual functions per block and line is given.
3.2 Plant types
The RVL471 has 29 plant types preprogrammed; the functions required for each type of plant are ready assigned. When commissioning the installation, the relevant plant type must be selected. Each plant type consists of a heating circuit and a d.h.w. circuit. When making use of all possible or practical combinations, there is a total of 29 plant types available.
3.2.1 Selectable combinations
&RPELQDWLRQV Type of heating circuit Type of d.h.w. heating
1–0 1–1 1–2 1–4
1–5 2–0
2–1 2–2 2–3 2–5 3–0 3–1 3–2 3–3 3–4
3–5 4–0 4–1 4–2 4–5 5–0 5–1 5–2 5–4
5–5 6–0 6–1 6–2 6–5
Space heating with mixing valve No d.h.w. Space heating with mixing valve Storage tank with charging pump Space heating with mixing valve Storage tank with mixing valve Space heating with mixing valve Instantaneous d.h.w. heating via heat
exchanger Space heating with mixing valve Only electric immersion heater Space heating with boiler No d.h.w. Space heating with boiler Storage tank with charging pump Space heating with boiler Storage tank with mixing valve Space heating with boiler Storage tank with diverting valve Space heating with boiler Only electric immersion heater Space heating with district heat No d.h.w. Space heating with district heat storage tank with charging pump Space heating with district heat Storage tank with mixing valve Space heating with district heat Storage tank with diverting valve Space heating with district heat Instantaneous d.h.w. heating via heat
exchanger Space heating with district heat Only electric immersion heater Precontrol with mixing valve No d.h.w. Precontrol with mixing valve Storage tank with charging pump Precontrol with mixing valve Storage tank with mixing valve Precontrol with mixing valve Only electric immersion heater Precontrol with boiler No d.h.w. Precontrol with boiler Storage tank with charging pump Precontrol with boiler Storage tank with mixing valve Precontrol with boiler Instantaneous d.h.w. heating via heat
exchanger Precontrol with boiler Only electric immersion heater Precontrol with district heat No d.h.w. Precontrol with district heat Storage tank with charging pump Precontrol with district heat Storage tank with mixing valve Precontrol with district heat Only electric immersion heater
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Notes on the plant diagrams with the different types of space heating and d.h.w. circuits are given in the following sections:
and indicate where and how the space heating circuit is connected to
the d.h.w. circuit. where:
representing the flow representing the return
The numbers beneath these symbols indicate the type of d.h.w. circuit with which the heating circuit can be combined
3.2.2 Heating circuit type 1 – space heating with mixing
1, 2, 4 0, 5
Space heating with weather-compensated flow temperature control. 3-position control acting on the mixing valve of the heating zone. Outside temperature signal from own sensor or data bus. With or without room influ­ence. Heating up and setback according to the heating program.
3.2.3 Heating circuit type 2 – space heating with boiler
1, 2 3 0, 5
Space heating with own boiler, with weather-compensated boiler temperature control. 2-position control acting on the burner. Outside temperature signal from own sensor or data bus. With or without room influ­ence. Heating up and setback according to the heating program.
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3.2.4 Heating circuit type 3 – space heating with district heat
2, 4 1 3 0, 5
Space heating with district heat connection, with weather-compensated flow tempera­ture control acting on the valve in the primary return of the district heat connection. Outside temperature signal from own sensor or data bus. With or without room influ­ence. Heating up and setback according to the heating program.
3.2.5 Heating circuit type 4 – precontrol with mixing valve
1, 2 0, 5
Precontrol with demand-dependent control of the main flow temperature. 3-position control acting on the mixing valve in the main flow. Heat demand signal from data bus. No heating program.
3.2.6 Heating circuit type 5 – precontrol with boiler
1, 2, 4 0, 5
Precontrol with demand-compensated control of the boiler temperature. 2-position con­trol acting on the burner. Heat demand signal from data bus. No heating program.
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3.2.7 Heating circuit type 6 – precontrol with district heat
Precontrol with district heat connection, with demand-compensated control of the sec­ondary flow temperature acting on the valve in the primary return. Heat demand signal from data bus. No heating program.
1, 2 0, 5
3.2.8 D.h.w. plant type 0 – no d.h.w.
The RVL471 does not provide d.h.w. heating.
3.2.9 D.h.w. plant type 1 – d.h.w. storage tank with charging
Charging of d.h.w. storage tank through control of the charging pump. Acquisition of the d.h.w. temperature with one or 2 sensors or thermostats. Circulating pump and electric immersion heater are optional.
3.2.10 D.h.w. plant type 2 – d.h.w. storage tank with mixing
Charging of d.h.w. storage tank through control of the mixing valve according to own temperature sensor in the storage tank flow. Acquisition of the d.h.w. temperature with one or 2 sensors or thermostats. Circulating pump and electric immersion heater are optional.
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3.2.11 D.h.w. plant type 3 – storage tank with diverting valve
Charging of the d.h.w. storage tank through control of the diverting valve. Acquisition of the d.h.w. temperature with one or 2 sensors or thermostats. Circulating pump and electric immersion heater are optional.
3.2.12 D.h.w. plant type 4 – instantaneous d.h.w. heating via heat exchanger
D.h.w. heating via heat exchanger (instantaneous d.h.w. heating) through control of the 2-port valve in the heat exchangers primary return. Acquisition of the d.h.w. tempera­ture in the heat exchangers secondary flow. Circulating pump is optional, but strongly recommended.
3.2.13 D.h.w. plant type 5 – only electric immersion heater
Charging of d.h.w. storage tank only through release of the electric immersion heater. No control of d.h.w. heating by the controller. Circulating pump is optional.
A6 Room unit QAW50 or QAW70 E2 Consumer (space) B1 Flow / boiler sensor LPB Data bus B3 D.h.w. flow sensor K6 Electric immersion heater B31 Storage tank sensor / thermostat 1 M1 Heating circuit pump / circulating pump B32 Storage tank sensor / thermostat 2 M3 Charging pump B5 Room sensor M4 Circulating pump B7 Return sensor (primary circuit) N1 Controller RVL471 B71 Return sensor (secondary circuit) Y1 Heating circuit mixing valve B9 Outside sensor Y3 Diverting valve E1 Heat source (boiler / heat converter) Y7 D.h.w. mixing valve
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3.2.14 Summary of plant types and plant combinations
0, 5
0, 5
0, 5
0, 5
Plant types with regard to heating circuit D.h.w. plant types
Space heating with mixing zone 3­position control, acting on mixing valve
Space heating with own boiler:
Space heating with own boiler 2-position contro l, acting on burner
Possible d.h.w. com­binations:
Space heating with district heat 3-position control, acting on valve
Possible d.h.w. com­binations:
Õ 1, 2, 4
Õ 1, 2 3 0, 5
2, 4 1 3 0, 5
No d.h.w. heat­ing
D.h.w. heating
through control of the charging pump.
D.h.w. heating through control of the mixing valve.
Precontrol with mix­ing zone, heat de­mand signal via data bus
Possible d.h.w. combi­nations:
Precontrol with boiler, heat demand signal v ia data bus
Possible d.h.w. combi­nations:
Precontrol with dis­trict heat, heat de­mand signal via data bus
Possible d.h.w. combi­nations:
Õ 1, 2
Õ 1, 2, 4
Õ 1, 2
D.h.w. heating through control of the diverting valve
D.h.w. heating via heat ex­changer through control of the valve
D.h.w. heating via electric immersion heater only
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3.3 Setting levels, function blocks and plant
Combination of plants
1-0 1-1 1-2 1-4 1-5 2-0 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-5 3-0 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 4-0 4-1 4-2 4-5 5-0 5-1 5-2 5-4 5-5 6-0 6-1 6-2 6-5
Enduser general
Plant type
Function block
Enduser space heating
Enduser d.h.w.
Cascad e s l ave
Space heating
Setpoint limitation of return temperatu re
District heating
3-positio n actu ato r heati ng ci rc uit
Max. limitat i on of d.h . w. re turn te mperature
Basic settings d.h.w.
Release of d.h.w. charging
D.h.w. s to rage tank
D.h.w. priority and flow temperature setpoint
3-position d.h.w. actuator
The above table shows
the assignment of function blocks t o t he 3 op erat ing leve ls
the function blocks activ at ed wit h the d ifferen t p lan t ty pes
Multifunctional relay
Time switch pro gram 3
Legionella function
Service fu nct io ns and gene ra l set tin gs
Locking function s
F R /
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3.4 Heating circuit ope rating modes
The heating circuit operating mode is selected on the controller by pressing the respec­tive button. Also, the operating mode can be changed by bridging terminals H1-M.
3.4.1 Automatic operation
Automatic changeover from NORMAL to REDUCED temperature, and vice versa, according to the 7-day program entered
Automatic changeover to holiday mode, and back, according to the holiday schedule entered
Demand-dependent switching of the heating system according to the room and outside temperature while giving consideration to the buildings thermal inertia (ECO function)
Remote operation via room unit (optional)
Frost protection is ensured
3.4.2 Continuously REDUCED heating
Continuous heating to the REDUCED temperature
With ECO function
No holiday mode
Remote operation from a room unit not possible
Frost protection is ensured
3.4.3 Continuously NORMAL heating
Continuous heating to NORMAL temperature
No ECO function
No holiday mode
Remote operation via room unit not possible
Frost protection is ensured
Heating is switched off, but is ready to operate
Frost protection is ensured
3.5 D.h.w. operati ng modes
D.h.w. heating is switched on and off by pressing the respective button:
ON (button operating mode and control. D.h.w. heating to the NORMAL or REDUCED setpoint can be provided as follows:
According to the entered switching program 2
According to the entered heating circuit program (–1 h)
Continuously (24 hours a day)
During the entered holiday period, d.h.w. heating and the circulating pump are deac­tivated when using controllers with no bus connection (with data bus, depending on the setting made).
OFF (button tion of plant types x–4 and x–5)
is lit): D.h.w. heating takes place independent of the heating circuit’s
dark): No d.h.w. heating. Frost protection is ensured (with the excep-
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL471 CE1P2524E HVAC Products 3 Fundamentals 23.10.2002
3.6 Manual operation
The RVL471 can be switched to manual operation. In this case, the control will be switched off. In manual operation, the various actuating devices behave as follows:
Heating circuit mixing valve: This mixing valve is not under voltage, but can be manu­ally driven to any position by pressing the manual buttons
= opening). The heating circuit pump / circulating pump is continuously running.
Boiler: The 2 burner stages are continuously on. The manual button switch the second stage on and off. Pump M1 is continuously running
D.h.w. charging pump: The charging pump is continuously running
D.h.w. changeover valve: The diverting valve is always in the Heating circuit position
D.h.w. slipper / seat valve: This valve is driven to the fully closed position, in which
case the closing time is five times the set running time. Then, it is deactivated
Circulating pump M4: Continuously running
Electric immersion heater K6: Continuously released
Multifunctional relay: Continuously energized
Manual operation also negates any overriding of the controller's operating mode (bridging of H1–M).
( = closing,
can be used to
3.7 Plant type and operating mode
Depending on the selected type of plant, the following operating modes are available:
Plant type 1–0 YES YES YES YES NO YES
1–1, 1–2, 1–4, 1–5 YES YES YES YES YES YES 2–0 YES YES YES YES NO YES 2–1, 2–2, 2–3, 2–5 YES YES YES YES YES YES 3–0 YES YES YES YES NO YES 3–1, 3–2, 3–3, 3–4, 3–5 YES YES YES YES YES YES 4–0 YES NO NO NO NO YES 4–1, 4–2, 4–5 YES NO NO NO YES YES 5–0 YES NO NO *) NO YES 5–1, 5–2, 5–4, 5–5 YES NO NO *) YES YES 6–0 YES NO NO NO NO YES 6–1, 6–2, 6–5 YES NO NO NO YES YES *)
Depending on the boiler's operating mode: Boiler with automatic shutdown: NO Boiler with manual shutdown: YES
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3.8 Operating state and operational level
The user selects the required heating circuit operating mode by pressing the respective button. Each operating state has a maximum of 2 operating states – with the exception of operating mode "Continuously NORMAL heating" (only one operating state possi­ble). When the ECO function is active, and in the case of quick setback, the operating state is always OFF. When the operating state is ON, there is a maximum of 3 operational levels, depending on the operating mode. The operational level is determined by the heating program and the holiday program.
Operat i n g mo de
Operating stat e
Operational le v e l
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL471 CE1P2524E HVAC Products 3 Fundamentals 23.10.2002
4 Acquisition of measured values
4.1 Room temperature (A6, B5)
4.1.1 Measurement
The following choices exist:
A room temperature sensor QAA24 can be connected to terminal B5
A room unit QAW50 or QAW70 can be connected to terminal A6
2 units can be connected to the terminals. In this case, the RVL471 can ascertain the
average of the 2 measurements. The other room unit functions will not be affected by averaging
4.1.2 Handling faults
If there is a short-circuit or open-circuit in one of the 2 measuring circuits, the control responds as follows, depending on the room temperature source (setting on operating line 65):
No sensor (operating line 65 = 0): A short-circuit or open-circuit has no impact on the control. An error message will not be generated
Room unit sensor QAW... (operating line 65 = 1): In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit, the control continues to operate with the room model, depending on the function. An error message will be generated
Room temperature sensor QAA24 (operating line 65 = 2): In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit, the control continues to operate with the room model, depending on the function. An error message will be generated
Average value (operating line 65 = 3): In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit in one of the 2 measuring circuits, the control continues to operate with the normally working measuring circuit. An error message will be generated. In the case of a short-circuit or open-circuit in both measuring circuits, the control con­tinues to operate with the room model, depending on the function. 2 error messages will be generated
Automatic mode (operating line 65 = A): Since the controller itself decides how it acquires the room temperature, error mes­sages cannot be generated.
4.1.3 Room model
The RVL471 features a room model. It simulates the progression of the room tem­perature. In plants with no measurement of the room temperature, it can provide certain room functions (e.g. quick setback). For more detailed information, refer to section 10.4.4, "Room model temperature".
4.2 Flow and boiler temperatur e (B1)
4.2.1 Measurement
The flow or boiler temperature is acquired with one or 2 sensors. 2 sensors connected in parallel are used to ascertain the average value. The temperature sensors used must always have a sensing element LG-Ni 
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4.2.2 Handling faults
A short-circuit or open-circuit in the measuring circuit is identified and indicated as a fault. In that case, the plant responds as follows:
Plants with 3-position control: Heating circuit pump / circulating pump M1 continues to run and the mixing valve will close
Plants with 2-position control:
The heating circuit pump / circulating pump M1 continues to run and the burner will shut down
4.3 Outside temperature (B9)
4.3.1 Measurement
The outside temperature is acquired with the outside sensor. This can be a QAC22 or QAC32:
QAC22: Sensing element LG-Ni 1000
QAC32: Sensing element NTC 575 at 20 °C
The controller automatically identifies the type of sensor used. In interconnected plants, the outside temperature signal is made available via LPB. Controllers having their own sensor pass the outside temperature signal to the data bus.
4.3.2 Handling faults
If there is a short-circuit or open-circuit in the measuring circuit, the controller responds as follows, depending on the outside temperature source:
Controller not connected to the data bus (LPB): The control operates with a fixed value of 0 °C outside t emperature. An error message will be generated
Controller connected to the data bus (LPB): If the outside temperature is available via data bus, it will be used. An error message will not be generated (this is the normal state in interconnected plants!). If there is no outside temperature available on the data bus, however, the control uses a fixed value of 0 °C outside temperature. In that case, an error message will be generated.
4.4 Primary return temperature (B7)
4.4.1 Measurement
The primary return temperature is acquired with a sensor having a sensing element LG­Ni 1000 primary return temperature and for limitation of the temperature differential (DRT limita­tion). In interconnected plants, the primary return temperature with plant type 1–x can be acquired via data bus. Controllers with plant type 1–0 and connected sensor pass the return temperature signal to the data bus.
4.4.2 Handling faults
If there is a short-circuit or open-circuit in the measuring circuit, and if the controller requires the return temperature, it responds as follows:
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If there is a return temperature from a controller of the same segment available on the data bus, it is used (only with plant type 1–x). No error message will be generated since this is the normal state in interconnected plants
However, if there is no return temperature available on the data bus, the return tem­perature limitation functions will be deactivated and an error message generated
4.5 Secondary return temperature (B71)
4.5.1 Measurement
The secondary return temperature is acquired with a sensor having a sensing element LG-Ni 1000 6–x), together with the primary return temperature.
4.5.2 Handling faults
If there is a short-circuit or open-circuit in the measuring circuit, and if the controller requires the return temperature, DRT limitation will be deactivated. An error message will be generated
4.6 D.h.w. flow temperatu re (B 3)
4.6.1 Measurement
The d.h.w. flow temperature is acquired with a sensor having a sensing element LG-Ni 1000
4.6.2 Handling faults
If there is a short-circuit or open-circuit in the measuring circuit, the d.h.w. will no longer be heated. The charging pump is deactivated and the actuating device (slipper or seat valve) is shut. An error message will be generated.
4.7 D.h.w. storage tank temperature (B31, B32)
4.7.1 Measurement
The storage tank temperature can be acquired as follows:
With one or 2 sensors having a sensing element LG-Ni 1000
With one or 2 thermostats
This means that there are 2 measuring circuits.
4.7.2 Handling faults
The controller's response to faults in the measuring circuits depends on the type of d.h.w. demand (setting on operating line 126):
One d.h.w. storage tank temperature sensor (operating line 126 = 0): In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit in one of the 2 measuring circuits, the controller continues to work with the other measuring circuit, if possible. An error mes­sage will not be generated.
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If no valid measured value is obtained from either of the measuring circuits, an error message will be generated. The d.h.w. will no longer be heated and the charging pump is deactivated. Exception: With plant type x–2, the d.h.w. storage tank is always charged when sensor B3 (d.h.w. flow) works normally
2 d.h.w. storage tank temperature sensors (operating line 126 = 1): In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit in one of the 2 measuring circuits, the controller continues to work with the other measuring circuit. An error message will be generated. If no valid measured value is obtained from either of the measuring circuits, 2 error messages will be generated. The d.h.w. will no longer be heated and the charging pump is deactivated. Exception: With plant type x–2, the d.h.w. storage tank is always charged when sensor B3 (d.h.w. flow) works normally
One d.h.w. storage tank thermostat (operating line 126 = 2): If, in measuring circuit B31, there is neither an open-circuit (thermostat open) nor a short-circuit (thermostat closed), an error message will be generated. The d.h.w. will no longer be heated and the charging pump is deactivated. Exception: With plant type x–2, the d.h.w. storage tank is always charged when sensor B3 (d.h.w. flow) works normally
2 d.h.w. storage tank thermostats (operating line 126 = 3): If, in the measuring circuits, there is neither an open-circuit (thermostat open) nor a short-circuit (thermostat closed), an error message will be generated. The controller will continue to work with the measuring circuit that operates correctly. If, in both measuring circuits, there is neither an open-circuit (thermostat open) nor a short-circuit (thermostat closed), 2 error messages will be generated. The d.h.w. will no longer be heated and the charging pump is deactivated. Exception: With plant type x–2, the d.h.w. storage tank is always charged when sensor B3 (d.h.w. flow) works normally
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5 Function block "Enduser space heat-
This function block contains settings that the enduser himself can make.
5.1 Operating lines
Line Function, par amet er Unit Factory
1 Setpoint of NORMAL heating °C 20.0 0...35 2 Setpoint of REDUCED heating °C 14.0 0...35 3 Setpoint of holiday mode / frost protection °C 10.0 0...35 4 Weekday for th e heating program 1-7 1...7, 1-7 5 1. Third heating period, start of NORMAL heating hh:mm 06:00 --:-- / 00:00...24:00 6 1. Third heat i ng per i od, start of REDUCED heating hh:mm 22:00 --:-- / 00:00...24:00 7 2. Third heating period, start of NORMAL heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00...24:00 8 2. Third heat i ng per i od, start of REDUCED heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00...24 :00
9 3. Third heating period, start of NORMAL heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00...24:00 10 3. Third he at i ng per i od, start of REDUCED heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00...24 :00 11 Holiday period 1...8
12 Date of first day of holiday dd:MM --:-- --:-- / 01.01. ... 31.12.
13 Date of last day of holiday dd:MM --:-- --:-- / 01.01. ... 31.12.
14 Heat i ng cu rv e, f low tem pe r at ure s et poin t TV 1 at
an outside temperature of 15 °C
Heating cu rv e, flo w tem pe rat ur e set po in t TV2 at an outside temperature of –5 °C
°C 30 20...70 °C 60 20...120
5.2 Setpoints
5.2.1 General
The setpoints of the NORMAL and the REDUCED room temperature and of frost pro­tection for the plant / holiday mode are entered directly in °C room temperature. They are independent of whether or not the control uses a room temperature sensor.
5.2.2 Frost protection for the building
The lowest valid room temperature setpoint always corresponds to at least the setpoint of holiday mode / frost protection (setting on operating line 3), even if lower values have been entered as the setpoints of the NORMAL and the REDUCED room temperature (settings on operating lines 1 and 2). If a room sensor is used and the room temperature falls below the holiday / frost pro­tection setpoint, ECO – if available – will stop OFF until the room temperature has risen 1 °C above the holiday / frost protection setpoint.
5.3 Heating program
The heating program of the RVL471 provides a maximum of 3 heating periods per day; also, every weekday may have different heating periods.
The entries to be made are not the switching times, but the periods of time during which the NORMAL room temperature shall apply. Usually, these periods of time are identical to the building's occupancy times. The actual switching times for the change from the REDUCED to the NORMAL room temperature, and vice versa, are calculated by the optimization function. (Precondition: Optimization is activated).
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