Siemens RVL470,RVL469 Basic Documentation

Siemens Building Technologies
Landis & Staefa Division
RVL470 and RVL469 Heating Controllers
Basic Documentation
1996 Siemens Building Technologies Ltd.
iemens Building Technologies AG
andis & Staefa Division
ubelstrasse 22
H-6301 Zug
el. 041 - 724 11 24
ax. 041 - 724 35 22
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
1. Summary.........................................................................................................1
1.1. RVL470 and RVL469.......................................................................................1
1.2. Brief description and key features....................................................................1
1.3. Type summary.................................................................................................1
1.4. Equipment combinations..................................................................................1
1.4.1. Suitable sensors ..............................................................................................1
1.4.2. Suitable room units..........................................................................................2
1.4.3. Suitable actuators............................................................................................2
1.4.4. Communication................................................................................................2
1.4.5. Documentation.................................................................................................2
2. Use..................................................................................................................3
2.1. Types of plant ..................................................................................................3
2.2. Types of buildings............................................................................................3
2.3. Types of heating systems................................................................................3
2.4. Functions .........................................................................................................3
3. Fundamentals.................................................................................................5
3.1. Key technical features......................................................................................5
3.1.1. Plant types with regard to the heating circuit....................................................5
3.1.2. Function blocks................................................................................................5
3.2. Plant types.......................................................................................................5
3.2.1. Plant type 1 – "Space heating with a mixing valve"..........................................5
3.2.2. Plant type 2 – "Space heating with a boiler".....................................................6
3.2.3. Plant type 3 – "Space heating with district heat"..............................................6
3.2.4. Plant type 4 – "Pre-control with a mixing valve"...............................................6
3.2.5. Plant type 5 – "Pre-control with a boiler"..........................................................7
3.2.6. Plant type 6 – "Pre-control with district heat" ...................................................7
3.3. Plant types and function blocks........................................................................7
3.4. Operating modes .............................................................................................8
3.4.1. Automatic mode...............................................................................................8
3.4.2. Continuous REDUCED heating .......................................................................8
3.4.3. Continuous NORMAL heating..........................................................................8
3.4.4. Standby............................................................................................................8
3.4.5. Manual operation.............................................................................................8
3.4.6. Plant type and operating mode........................................................................9
3.5. Operational status and operational level..........................................................9
4. Acquisition of measured values.................................................................10
4.1.1. Room temperature (A6, B5)...........................................................................10 Measurement.................................................................................................10 Handling of faults...........................................................................................10 Room model...................................................................................................10
4.1.2. Flow and boiler temperature (B1)...................................................................10 Measurement.................................................................................................10 Handling of faults...........................................................................................11
4.1.3. Outside temperature (B9) ..............................................................................11
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Landis & Staefa Division Measurement ................................................................................................ 11 Handling of faults........................................................................................... 11
4.1.4. Primary return temperature (B7).................................................................... 11 Measurement ................................................................................................ 11 Handling of faults........................................................................................... 11
4.1.5. Secondary return temperature (B71)............................................................. 12 Measurement ................................................................................................ 12 Handling of faults........................................................................................... 12
5. Function block "End-user 1"...................................................................... 13
5.1. Operating lines.............................................................................................. 13
5.2. Setpoints....................................................................................................... 13
5.2.1. General ......................................................................................................... 13
5.2.2. Frost protection for the building..................................................................... 13
5.3. Heating program............................................................................................ 13
5.4. Holiday program............................................................................................ 14
6. Function block "End-user 2"...................................................................... 15
6.1. Operating lines.............................................................................................. 15
6.2. Time of day and date..................................................................................... 15
6.3. Indication of faults ......................................................................................... 15
7. Function block "Plant type"....................................................................... 17
7.1. Operating line................................................................................................ 17
7.2. General ......................................................................................................... 17
8. Function block "Space heating"................................................................ 18
8.1. Operating lines.............................................................................................. 18
8.2. ECO function................................................................................................. 18
8.2.1. Compensating variables and auxiliary variables............................................ 18
8.2.2. Heating limits................................................................................................. 19
8.2.3. Mode of operation ......................................................................................... 19 Switching the heating off............................................................................... 19 Switching the heating on............................................................................... 20
8.2.4. Operating modes and operational statuses................................................... 20
8.3. Room temperature source............................................................................. 20
8.4. Optimization .................................................................................................. 20
8.4.1. Definition and purpose .................................................................................. 20
8.4.2. Fundamentals................................................................................................ 21 With a room temperature sensor................................................................... 21 Without a room temperature sensor.............................................................. 21
8.4.3. Process......................................................................................................... 21
8.4.4. Room model temperature.............................................................................. 21
8.4.5. Optimum stop control.................................................................................... 22
8.4.6. Quick setback................................................................................................ 22
8.4.7. Optimum start control.................................................................................... 23
8.4.8. Boost heating ................................................................................................ 23
8.5. Room functions ............................................................................................. 24
8.5.1. Maximum limitation of the room temperature ................................................ 24
8.5.2. Room temperature influence......................................................................... 25
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8.6. Heating curve.................................................................................................25
8.6.1. Purpose .........................................................................................................25
8.6.2. Basic setting...................................................................................................25 Settings with the bar ......................................................................................26 Settings on operating lines.............................................................................26 Selection of setting.........................................................................................26
8.6.3. Deflection.......................................................................................................26
8.6.4. Parallel displacement of heating curve ..........................................................27
8.6.5. Display of setpoints........................................................................................27
8.7. Generation of setpoint....................................................................................28
8.7.1. Weather-compensated control.......................................................................28
8.7.2. Demand-compensated control.......................................................................28
9. Function block "Three-position actuator heating circuit"..........................29
9.1. Operating lines...............................................................................................29
9.2. Limitations......................................................................................................29
9.2.1. Limitations of the flow temperature................................................................29
9.2.2. Setpoint increase...........................................................................................29
9.3. Three-position control....................................................................................30
9.4. Excess mixing valve temperature ..................................................................30
9.5. Locking of pulses...........................................................................................30
10. Function block "Boiler"...............................................................................31
10.1. Operating lines...............................................................................................31
10.2. Operating mode.............................................................................................31
10.3. Limitations......................................................................................................31
10.3.1. Maximum limitation of the boiler temperature ................................................31
10.3.2. Minimum limitation of the boiler return temperature.......................................32
10.4. Two-position control.......................................................................................32
10.4.1. Control with a single-stage burner .................................................................32
10.4.2. Control with a two-stage burner.....................................................................33 Setting parameters.........................................................................................33 Control 33
10.4.3. Frost protection for the boiler......................................................................... 34
10.4.4. Protective boiler startup.................................................................................34
10.4.5. Protection against boiler overtemperatures....................................................35
10.5. Operating mode of pump M1 .........................................................................36
11. Function block "Setpoint of return temperature limitation" ....................37
11.1. Operating line.................................................................................................37
11.2. Description.....................................................................................................37
11.3. Minimum limitation of the return temperature.................................................37
11.3.1. Acquisition of the measured values ...............................................................37
11.3.2. Mode of operation..........................................................................................37
11.3.3. Mode of operation with a single unit (with no bus).........................................38
11.3.4. Mode of operation in interconnected plants ...................................................38 Central impact of limitation.............................................................................38 Local impact of limitation................................................................................ 38
12. Function block "District heat" ....................................................................39
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12.1. Operating lines.............................................................................................. 39
12.2. Limitations..................................................................................................... 39
12.2.1. Secondary flow temperature.......................................................................... 39
12.2.2. Maximum limitation of primary return temperature........................................ 39 Purpose39 Generation of maximum limit value............................................................... 39 Function40
12.2.3. Maximum limitation of the return temperature differential (DRT limitation).... 40 Function40 Purpose40
12.2.4. Integral action time........................................................................................ 41
12.2.5. Minimum limitation of stroke (suppression of hydraulic creep)...................... 41
12.2.6. Flow limitation................................................................................................ 41
13. Function block "Service functions and general settings"....................... 42
13.1. Operating lines.............................................................................................. 42
13.2. Display functions........................................................................................... 43
13.2.1. Flow temperature setpoint............................................................................. 43
13.2.2. Heating curve................................................................................................ 44
13.3. Commissioning aids...................................................................................... 44
13.3.1. Simulation of outside temperature................................................................. 44
13.3.2. Relay test...................................................................................................... 45
13.3.3. Sensor test.................................................................................................... 45
13.3.4. Test of H-contacts......................................................................................... 46
13.4. Auxiliary functions ......................................................................................... 46
13.4.1. Frost protection for the plant ......................................................................... 46
13.4.2. Flow alarm..................................................................................................... 46
13.4.3. Manual overriding of operating mode (contact H1)........................................ 47
13.4.4. Pump overrun................................................................................................ 47
13.4.5. Pump kick...................................................................................................... 48
13.4.6. Winter- / summertime changeover ................................................................ 48
13.4.7. Gain of locking signal.................................................................................... 48 Fundamentals................................................................................................48 Uncritical locking signals............................................................................... 48 Critical locking signals................................................................................... 48
13.5. Entries for LPB.............................................................................................. 49
13.5.1. Source of time of day .................................................................................... 49
13.5.2. Source of outside temperature...................................................................... 50
13.5.3. Addressing of devices................................................................................... 50
13.5.4. Bus power supply.......................................................................................... 51
13.5.5. Bus loading characteristic ............................................................................. 51
14. Function block "Contact H2" ..................................................................... 52
14.1. Operating line................................................................................................ 52
14.2. Description .................................................................................................... 52
15. Function block "External inputs" .............................................................. 53
15.1. Operating lines.............................................................................................. 53
15.2. Contact H2.................................................................................................... 53
15.3. Hours run counter.......................................................................................... 53
15.4. Software version............................................................................................ 53
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15.5. Identification number of room unit..................................................................53
15.6. Radio clock, elapsed time since last reception...............................................53
16. Function block "Locking functions"..........................................................54
16.1. Operating line.................................................................................................54
16.2. Locking the settings on the software side ......................................................54
16.3. Locking the settings for district heat on the hardware side ............................54
17. Communication............................................................................................55
17.1. Combination with room units..........................................................................55
17.1.1. General..........................................................................................................55
17.1.2. Combination with room unit QAW50..............................................................55 Overriding the operating mode.......................................................................55 Setting knob for room temperature readjustments.........................................55
17.1.3. Combination with room unit QAW70..............................................................55 Overriding the operating mode.......................................................................56 Setting knob for room temperature readjustments.........................................56 Effect of the individual QAW70 operating lines on the RVL470.....................56 Overriding the QAW70 entries from the RVL470...........................................57
17.1.4. Combination with SYNERGYR central unit OZW30.......................................57
17.2. Communication with other devices ................................................................57
18. RVL469..........................................................................................................58
18.1. Features and function....................................................................................58
18.2. Technical design............................................................................................58
18.2.1. Type of plant.................................................................................................. 58
18.2.2. Operation with a partner ................................................................................58
18.2.3. Handling errors ..............................................................................................59 Wrong addressing..........................................................................................59 Missing or wrong partner ...............................................................................59
18.2.4. Passive mode ................................................................................................59
19. Handling .......................................................................................................60
19.1. Operation.......................................................................................................60
19.1.1. General..........................................................................................................60 Operating elements........................................................................................60 Display 61 Operating instructions....................................................................................61
19.1.2. Analog operating elements ............................................................................61 Buttons and displays for selecting the operating mode..................................61 Heating curve.................................................................................................61 Setting knob for room temperature readjustments.........................................61 Buttons and displays for manual operation....................................................61 Display of positioning commands...................................................................62 Display "Heating operates"............................................................................62
19.1.3. Digital operating elements..............................................................................62 Operating line principle..................................................................................62 Buttons 62 Block skip function .........................................................................................62 Info button...................................................................................................... 63
19.1.4. Setting levels and access rights.....................................................................63 Setting levels..................................................................................................63 Access rights..................................................................................................63
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19.2. Commissioning.............................................................................................. 63
19.2.1. Installation instructions.................................................................................. 63
19.2.2. Operating lines.............................................................................................. 63 Setting the operating line "Plant type" ........................................................... 63 Setting the other operating lines.................................................................... 64 Operating lines for functional checks............................................................. 64
19.3. Installation..................................................................................................... 64
19.3.1. Location......................................................................................................... 64
19.3.2. Mounting choices .......................................................................................... 64
19.3.3. Wiring............................................................................................................ 64
20. Engineering ................................................................................................. 65
20.1. Connection terminals..................................................................................... 65
20.1.1. Low voltage side............................................................................................ 65
20.1.2. Mains voltage side......................................................................................... 65
20.2. Connection diagrams .................................................................................... 66
20.2.1. Basic connections on the low voltage side.................................................... 66
20.2.2. Basic connections on the mains voltage side................................................ 66
21. Mechanical design ...................................................................................... 67
21.1. Basic design.................................................................................................. 67
21.2. Dimensions.................................................................................................... 67
22. Technical data ............................................................................................. 68
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
1. Summary
1.1. RVL470 and RVL469
This Basic Documentation covers two types of heating controllers, the RVL470 and the RVL469. The RVL470 is described in every detail, not so the RVL469. The RVL469 contains functions of the RVL470 and is therefore integrated in the present Basic Documentation. But only the section “RVL469” refers to the specific functionality of the RVL469 (functions that differ from those of the RVL470). In all the other chapters and sections, the RVL469 will not be specifically mentioned.
1.2. Brief description and key features
The RVL470 is a multi-functional heating controller for use in residential and non­residential buildings. It is suited for weather-compensated flow temperature control of heating zones with or without room temperature influence or for demand-compen­sated control of heat generating equipment (pre-control)
It is used in plants with own heat generating equipment or with a district heat connec­tion
The RVL470 is capable of communicating with other units via LPB (Local Process Bus)
The RVL470 has 6 types of plants pre-programmed. When a certain plant type is se­lected, all functions and settings required for that particular plant will be activated
For the direct setting of the heating curve, the proven bar is used, but digital adjust­ment of the heating curve is also possible. For readjustment of the room temperature, a setting knob is used (L&S standard)
All other parameters are set digitally using the operating line principle (L&S standard)
Operating voltage AC 230 V, CE conformity, overall dimensions to DIN 43700 (144
144 mm)
1.3. Type summary
is a compact controller requiring no plug-in modules or cards.
1.4. Equipment combinations
1.4.1. Suitable sensors
For water temperatures: Suitable are all types of temperature sensors that use a sensing element LG­Ni 1000 Ω at 0 °C. The following types are presently available:
Clamp-on temperature sensor QAD22
Immersion temperature sensor QAE22...
Immersion temperature sensor QAP21.3 with integrated connecting cable
For the room temperature: Suitable are all types of temperature sensors that use a sensing element LG­Ni 1000 Ω at 0 °C. The following type is presently available:
Room temperature sensor QAA24
For the outside temperature:
Outside sensor QAC22 (sensing element LG-Ni 1000 Ω at 0 °C)
Outside sensor QAC32 (sensing element NTC 575 Ω at 20 °C)
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1.4.2. Suitable room units
Room unit QAW50
Room unit QAW70
1.4.3. Suitable actuators
All Landis & Staefa actuators with the following features can be used:
Electric or electro-hydraulic actuators with a running time of 0.5 to 14.5 minutes
Suitable for three-position control
Operating voltage AC 24 V ... AC 230 V
1.4.4. Communication
Communication is possible with the following types of units:
All controllers made by Landis & Staefa with LPB communication capability
SYNERGYR central unit OZW30 (software version 3.0 or higher)
1.4.5. Documentation
Type of documentation Ordering number (for English) Data sheet RVL470 CE1N2522E Data sheet RVL469 CE1N2527E Operating Instructions RVL470 4 319 2634 0 Operating Instructions RVL469 74 319 0008 0 Installation Instructions RVL470 4 319 2643 0 Installation Instructions RVL469 74 319 0017 0 Data sheet QAW50 CE2N1635E Data sheet QAW70 CE2N1637E Data sheet "LPB Basic System Data" CE1N2030E Data sheet "LPB Basic Engineering Data" CE1N2032E Basic documentation "LPB System engineering“ CE1P2370E
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
2. Use
2.1. Types of plant
Basically, the RVL470 is suitable for all types of heating plants that use weather­compensated flow temperature control. In addition, it can be used for demand­compensated control of the main flow. Examples:
Heating zones with own heat generation
Heating zones with a direct or indirect district heat connection
Main groups with own heat generation
Main groups with a direct or indirect district heat connection
Large plants comprising heat generation and several heating zones
2.2. Types of buildings
Basically, the RVL470 is suitable for all types of buildings that use weather­compensated heating control, but is designed specifically for use in:
Multi-family houses
Single-family houses
Small to medium-size non-residential buildings
2.3. Types of heating systems
The RVL470 is suitable for use with all standard heating systems, such as:
Underfloor heating systems
Ceiling heating systems
Radiant panels
2.4. Functions
The RVL470 is used if one or several of the following functions is / are required:
Weather-compensated flow temperature control
Flow temperature control through a modulating seat or slipper valve, or boiler tem­perature control through direct control of a single- or two-stage burner
Optimum start / stop control according to the selected weekly program
Quick setback and boost heating according to the selected weekly program
ECO function: demand-dependent switching of the heating system based on the type of building construction and the outside temperature
Weekly program for building occupancy with a maximum of three setback periods per day and daily varying occupancy schedules
Entry of eight holiday periods per year
Automatic summer- / wintertime changeover
Display of parameters, actual values, operational statuses and fault status signals
Communication with other units via the LPB
Remote operation with the help of a room unit and external switches
Service functions
Frost protection for the plant, the boiler and the building
Minimum or maximum limitation of return temperature
DRT limitation (limitation of the temperature differential)
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Minimum and maximum limitation of flow temperature
Maximum limitation of room temperature
Periodic pump run
Pump overrun
Maximum limitation of the rate of setpoint increase
Flow alarm
For application examples, refer to section "3. Fundamentals".
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
3. Fundamentals
3.1. Key technical features
The RVL470 offers two key technical features:
The controller has six plant types preprogrammed
The settings are combined in the form of function blocks
3.1.1. Plant types with regard to the heating circuit
In terms of the heating circuit, the following plant types are available:
Plant type 1 – "Space heating with a mixing valve"
Plant type 2 – "Space heating with a boiler"
Plant type 3 – "Space heating with district heat"
Plant type 4 – "Pre-control with a mixing valve"
Plant type 5 – "Pre-control with a boiler"
Plant type 6 – "Pre-control with district heat"
3.1.2. Function blocks
The following function blocks are available:
Function block "End-user 1"
Function block "End-user 2"
Function block "Plant type"
Function block "Space heating"
Function block "Three-position actuator for heating circuit"
Function block "Boiler"
Function block "Setpoint of return temperature limitation"
Function block "Settings for plant type 3"
Function block "Service functions and general settings"
Function block "Contact H2"
Function block "Contact H2 and general displays"
Function block “Locking functions”
For each function block, the required settings are available in the form of operating lines. A description of the individual functions is given below, for each function block and line.
3.2. Plant types
The RVL470 has six types of plant ready programmed, whereby the functions are as­signed to each type of plant, as required. When commissioning a plant, the respective plant type must be selected.
3.2.1. Plant type 1 – "Space heating with a mixing valve"
Space heating with weather-compensated flow temperature control. Three-position control through the heating zone's mixing valve. Outside temperature signal from own outside sensor or data bus. With or without room temperature influence. Heating-up and setback according to the heating program.
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3.2.2. Plant type 2 – "Space heating with a boiler"
Space heating with own boiler, with weather-compensated boiler temperature control. Two-position control through a burner.
Outside temperature signal from own outside sensor or data bus. With or without room temperature influence. Heating-up and setback according to the heating program.
3.2.3. Plant type 3 – "Space heating with district heat"
B7 B71
Space heating with a district heat connection, with weather-compensated flow tem­perature control through the valve in the primary return of the district heat connection. Outside temperature signal from own outside sensor or data bus. With or without room temperature influence. Heating-up and setback according to the heating program.
3.2.4. Plant type 4 – "Pre-control with a mixing valve"
Pre-control with demand-compensated control of the main flow temperature. Three­position control through the mixing valve in the main flow. Heat demand signal from the data bus. No heating program.
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3.2.5. Plant type 5 – "Pre-control with a boiler"
Pre-control with demand-compensated boiler temperature control. Two-position control through the burner. Heat demand signal from the data bus. No heating program.
3.2.6. Plant type 6 – "Pre-control with district heat"
B7 B71
Pre-control with a district heat connection, with demand-compensated control of the secondary flow temperature through the valve in the primary return. Heat demand signal from the data bus. No heating program.
A6 Room unit QAW50 or QAW70 E1 Heat generating equipment B1 Flow / boiler temperature sensor (boiler / heat exchanger) B5 Room temperature sensor E2 Load (space) B7 Return temperature sensor (primary circuit) LPB Data bus B71 Return temperature sensor (secondary circuit) M1 Heating circuit pump/circulating pump B9 Outside sensor N1 Controller RVL470
Y1 Heating circuit mixing valve
3.3. Plant types and function blocks
Plant typeLevel Function block
End-user 1
End-user level
End-user 2
Plant type
Space heating
Three-position actuator for heating circuit
Setpoint of return temperature limitation
z zzzz
Settings for plant type 3
Service functions and general settings
Contact H2
Heating en­gineer level
Contact H2 and general displays
Locking level Locking functions
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The block diagram shows
the function blocks assigned to the three operational levels
the function blocks activated with the different plant types
3.4. Operating modes
The operating mode is selected on the controller by pressing the respective button. Also, the operating mode can be changed by bridging terminals H1–M.
3.4.1. Automatic mode
Automatic changeover from NORMAL to REDUCED temperature, and vice versa, according to the entered weekly program
Automatic changeover to holiday mode, and back, according to the entered holiday schedule
Demand-dependent switching of the heating system in function of the room and out­side temperature while giving consideration to the building's thermal inertia (ECO function)
Remote operation from a room unit (optional)
Frost protection is assured
3.4.2. Continuous REDUCED heating
Continuous heating to the REDUCED temperature
With ECO function
No holiday mode
Remote operation from a room unit not possible
Frost protection is assured
3.4.3. Continuous NORMAL heating
Continuous heating to NORMAL temperature
No ECO function
No holiday mode
Remote operation from a room unit not possible
Frost protection is assured
3.4.4. Standby
Heating is switched off, but is ready to operate
Frost protection is assured
3.4.5. Manual operation
The RVL470 can be switched to manual operation. In that case, the control will be switched off. In manual operation, the various regulating units behave as follows:
Heating circuit slipper valve / seat valve: this mixing valve is not under voltage, but can be manually driven to any position by pressing the manual buttons
( = clos-
= opening).
The heating circuit pump/circulating pump M1 is continuously running.
Boiler: the two burner stages are continuously on. The manual button can be used to switch the second stage on and off.
The heating circuit pump/circulating pump M1 is continuously running. Manual operation also negates any overriding of the controller's operating mode (bridg­ing H1–M).
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3.4.6. Plant type and operating mode
Depending on the type of plant selected, the following operating modes are available:
Plant type
*) Depending on the boiler's operating mode:
Boiler with automatic shutdown: NO Boiler without manual shutdown: YES
3.5. Operational status and operational level
The user selects the required operating mode by pressing the respective button. Each operating mode has a maximum of two operational statuses – with the exception of op­erating mode "Continuously NORMAL heating" (only one operational status possible). When the ECO function is activated and in the case of quick setback, the operational status is always OFF. When the operational status is ON, there is a maximum of three operational levels, de­pending on the operating mode. The operational level is determined by the heating pro­gram and the holiday program.
Opera t i ng mode
Operationa l statu s
Operat ional level
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Acquisition of measured values
Landis & Staefa Division
4. Acquisition of measured values
4.1.1. Room temperature (A6, B5) Measurement
The following choices exist:
A room temperature sensor QAA24 can be connected to terminal B5
A room unit QAW50 or QAW70 can be connected to terminal A6
A unit can be connected to each of the two terminals. In that case, the RVL470 can ascer-
tain the average of the two measurements.
The other room unit functions will not be affected by averaging Handling of faults
If there is a short-circuit or an interruption in one of the two measuring circuits, the con­trol will respond as follows:
No sensor (operating line 65 = 0):
A short-circuit or open-circuit has no impact on the control. A fault status message will not be generated
Room unit sensor QAW... (operating line 65 = 1):
In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit, the control continues to operate de­pending on the function of the room model. A fault status message will be generated
Room temperature sensor QAA24 (operating line 65 = 2):
In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit, the control continues to operate de­pending on the function of the room model. A fault status message will be generated
Average value (operating line 65 = 3):
In the event of a short-circuit or open-circuit in one of the two measuring circuits, the control continues to operate with the normally working measuring circuit. A fault status message will be generated. In the case of a short-circuit or open-circuit in both measuring circuits, the control continues to operate depending on the function of the room model. Two fault status messages will be generated
Automatic mode (operating line 65 = A):
Since the controller itself decides how it acquires the room temperature, no fault status messages can be generated Room model
The RVL470 features a room model which simulates the development of the room tem­perature. In plants with no measurement of the room temperature, it can provide certain room functions (e.g. quick setback). For more details, refer to section "8.4.4. Room model temperature".
4.1.2. Flow and boiler temperature (B1) Measurement
The flow or boiler temperature is acquired with one or two sensors. Two sensors con­nected in parallel are used to ascertain the average value. The temperature sensors used must always have a sensing element LG-Ni 1000 Ω.
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
Acquisition of measured values
11/68 Handling of faults
A short-circuit or interruption in the measuring circuit is identified and displayed as a fault. In that case, the plant will respond as follows:
Plants with mixing valve control: The heating circuit pump/circulating pump M1 continues to run and the mixing valve will close
Plants with boiler control: The heating circuit pump/circulating pump M1 continues to run and the burner will shut down
4.1.3. Outside temperature (B9) Measurement
The outside temperature is acquired by the outside sensor, which may be a QAC22 or QAC32: QAC22: sensing element LG-Ni 1000 Ω at 0 °C QAC32: sensing element NTC 575 Ω at 20 °C The controller automatically identifies the type of sensor used. In interconnected plants, the outside temperature signal is made available via LPB. Controllers having their own sensor pass the outside temperature signal to the data bus. Handling of faults
If there is a short-circuit or an interruption in the measuring circuit, the control will re­spond as follows:
In the event of a short-circuit: If an outside temperature is made available via LPB, it is used. If none is available, the control uses a fixed value of 0 °C outside temperature. A fault status signal is always generated
In the event of an interruption: If the controller requires an outside temperature and it is made available via LPB, it is used. There will be no fault status signal in that case (this is the usual status in inter­connected plants!). If, however, there is no outside temperature made available via LPB, the control uses a fixed value of 0 °C. In that case, a fault status signal will be delivered
4.1.4. Primary return temperature (B7) Measurement
The primary return temperature is acquired with a sensor having a sensing element LG­Ni 1000 Ω at 0 °C. This measured value is required for minimum and maximum limita­tion of the primary return temperature and for limitation of the temperature differential (DRT limitation). In interconnected plants, the primary return temperature with plant type 1 can be ac­quired via the data bus. Controllers with plant type 1 and connected sensor pass the primary return temperature signal to the data bus. Handling of faults
If there is a short-circuit or an interruption in the measuring circuits, the control will re­spond as follows:
If, on the data bus, there is a return temperature from a controller of the same seg­ment available, it is used (only with plant type no. 1). No fault status message will be generated since this is the normal status in inconnected plants
If, on the data bus, there is no return temperature available, the return temperature limitation functions will be deactivated and a fault status message generated
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Acquisition of measured values
Landis & Staefa Division
4.1.5. Secondary return temperature (B71) Measurement
The secondary return temperature is acquired with a sensor having a sensing element LG-Ni 1000 Ω at 0 °C. This measured value is required for limitation of the temperature differential (DRT limitation) (plant types 3 and 6), together with the primary return tem­perature. Handling of faults
If there is a short-circuit or open-circuit in the measuring circuit, and if the controller re­quires the return temperature, DRT limitation will be deactivated and a fault status mes­sage generated.
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
Function block "End-user 1"
5. Function block "End-user 1"
This function block contains settings that the end-user himself can make.
5.1. Operating lines
Line Function, parameter Unit Factory
Setpoint for NORMAL heating °C 20.0 0...35
Setpoint for REDUCED heating °C 14.0 0...35
Setpoint for frost protection / holiday mode °C 10.0 0...35
Weekday 1-7 1...7, 1-7
1st heating period, start of NORMAL heating hh:mm 06:00 --:-- / 00:00...24:00
1st heating period, start of REDUCED heating hh:mm 22:00 --:-- / 00:00...24:00
2nd heating period, start of NORMAL heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00...24:00
2nd heating period, start of REDUCED heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00. ..24:00
3rd heating period, start of NORMAL heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00...24:00
3rd heating period, start of REDUCED heating hh:mm --:-- --:-- / 00:00...24:00
Holiday period 1...8 1...8
Date of first day of holidays dd:MM --:-- 00.00. ... 31.12.
Date of last day of holidays dd:MM --:-- 00.00. ... 31.12.
Heating curve, flow setpoint TV1 at 15 °C outside temperature
°C 30 20...70
Heating curve, flow setpoint TV2 at –5 °C outside temperature
°C 60 20...120
5.2. Setpoints
5.2.1. General
The setpoint of the NORMAL and the REDUCED temperature and of frost protection for the plant / holiday mode are entered directly in °C room temperature. They are inde­pendent of whether or not the control uses a room temperature sensor.
5.2.2. Frost protection for the building
The lowest valid room temperature setpoint always corresponds to at least the setpoint of frost protection / holiday mode (setting on operating line 3), even if lower values have been entered as the setpoints of the NORMAL and the REDUCED temperature (set­tings on operating lines 1 and 2). If a room temperature sensor is used and the room temperature falls below the holiday / frost protection setpoint, ECO – if available – will stop OFF until the room temperature has risen 1 °C above the holiday / frost protection setpoint.
5.3. Heating program
The heating program of the RVL470 provides a maximum of three heating periods per day. Also, every weekday may have different heating periods.
The entries to be made are not switching times, but periods of time during which the NORMAL temperature shall apply. Usually, these periods of time are identical to the building's occupancy times. The actual switching times for the change from the REDUCED to the NORMAL temperature, and vice versa, are calculated by the optimi­zation function, provided it is activated. Using the setting "1-7" on operating line 4, it is possible to enter a heating program that applies to all days of the week. This simplifies the settings: if the weekend settings differ from the other weekday settings, first enter
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Function block "End-user 1"
Landis & Staefa Division
the times for the entire week, then make the settings for days 6 and 7. The entries are sorted and overlapping heating periods combined.
5.4. Holiday program
A maximum of eight holiday periods per year can be programmed. At 00:00 of the first day of the holiday period, changeover to the setpoint of frost protection / holiday mode takes place. After 24:00 of the last day of the holiday period, the RVL470 will change to NORMAL or REDUCED mode in accordance with the time switch settings. The settings of each holiday period will be cleared as soon as the respective period has elapsed. The holiday periods may overlap. It is not necessary to observe a certain or­der. The holiday program is only activated in AUTO mode.
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
Function block "End-user 2"
6. Function block "End-user 2"
This function block contains settings that the end-user himself may make, as well as fault indication.
6.1. Operating lines
Line Function, parameter Unit Factory
Time of day hh:mm 00:00...23:59
Weekday 1...7
Date dd:MM 1.01. ... 31.12.
Year yyyy 1995...2094
Faults 0...255
6.2. Time of day and date
The RVL470 has a yearly clock to enter the time of day, weekday and date. The changeover from summer- to wintertime, and vice versa, is automatic. Should the respective regulations change, the changeover dates can be adjusted (refer to section "13. Function block "Service functions and general settings"").
6.3. Indication of faults
The following faults are indicated:
Number Fault
10 Interruption or short-circuit in the outside sensor's measuring circuit (B9) 30 Interruption or short-circuit in the flow or boiler temperature sensor's
measuring circuit (B1)
40 Interruption or short-circuit in the measuring circuit of the return tem-
perature sensor in the primary circuit (B7)
42 Interruption or short-circuit in the measuring circuit of the return tem-
perature sensor in the secondary circuit (B71)
60 Interruption or short-circuit in the room temperature sensor's measuring
circuit (B5)
61 Interruption or short-circuit in the measuring circuit of the room unit's sen-
sor (A6) 62 Wrong room unit connected 81 Short-circuit on the LPB 82 Same bus address exists on the data bus (LPB) several times
100 Two time masters on the LPB 120 Flow alarm (for explanation, refer to function block "Service functions",
operating line 171)
140 Inadmissible bus address or inadmissible plant type (if RVL470 is used
with LPB)
142 Wrong partner unit (with RVL469 only)
If a fault occurs, the LCD displays
. In interconnected plants, the address (device and segment number) of the controller causing the fault is indicated on all the other controllers, but no address is displayed on the controller causing the fault.
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Function block "End-user 2"
Landis & Staefa Division
Example of display in interconnected plants:
50 10 2 03
= line number = error code = device number = segment number
The fault status signal disappears only after rectification of the fault. There will be no acknowledgment.
Siemens Building Technologies Basic Documentation RVL470 CE1P2522E / 30.03.2000 Landis & Staefa Division
Function block "Plant type"
7. Function block "Plant type"
This function block only contains the entry of the type of plant.
7.1. Operating line
Line Function, parameter Unit Factory
Plant type 1 1...6
7.2. General
When commissioning the plant, the respective plant type must be entered first. This en­sures that the functions required for the specific type of plant, the parameters and oper­ating lines for the settings and displays will be activated. All plant-specific variables and operating lines that are available for the other plant types will then be dead.
Example (selection of plant type no. 2):
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Function block "Space heating"
Landis & Staefa Division
8. Function block "Space heating"
This function block provides the ECO function, the optimization functions with boost heating and quick setback, as well as the room temperature influence.
8.1. Operating lines
Line Function, parameter Unit Factory
Heating limit for NORMAL heating (ECO day) °C 17.0 --.- / 5...+25
Heating limit for REDUCED heating (ECO night) °C 5.0 --.- / –5...+25
Building time constant h 20 0...50
Quick setback 1 0 / 1
Source of the room temperature A 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / A
Type of optimization 0 0 / 1
Maximum heating-up time hh:mm 00:00 00:00...42:00
Maximum optimum shutdown h:mm 0:00 0:00...6:00
Maximum limitation of room temperature °C --.- --.- / 0...35
Gain factor for room temperature influence 4 0...20
Boost of room temperature setpoint °C 5 0...20
Parallel displacement of heating curve °C 0.0
Type of heating curve adjustment 0 0...2
8.2. ECO function
The ECO function controls the heating system depending on demand. It gives consid­eration to the development of the room temperature depending on the type of building construction as the outside temperature varies. If the amount of heat stored in the building is sufficient to maintain the room temperature setpoint currently required, the ECO function will switch the heating off. Using the ECO function, the heating system operates only, or consumes energy only when required.
8.2.1. Compensating variables and auxiliary variables
The ECO function takes into account the development of the outside temperature and the heat storage capacity of the building. The following variables are taken into consideration:
The building time constant. This is the measure of the type of building construction and indicates how quickly the room temperature in the building would change if the outside temperature was suddenly changed. The following guide values can be used for setting the building time constant: 10 hours for light, 25 hours for medium, and 50 hours for heavy building structures
The actual outside temperature (TA)
The composite outside temperature (TAM); it is the mean value of
the actual outside temperature and
the outside temperature filtered by the building time constant In comparison with the actual outside temperature, the composite outside tempera­ture is attenuated. Hence, it represents the effects of short-time outside temperature variations on the room temperature as they often occur during intermediate seasons (spring time and autumn)
The attenuated outside temperature (TAD). It is generated by filtering twice the actual outside temperature by the building time constant. This means that, in comparison with the actual outside temperature, the attenuated outside temperature is considera­bly dampened. This ensures that no heating will be provided in the summer when, under normal cir­cumstances, the heating would be switched on because the outside temperature drops for a few days.
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