WARNING: Hackers who unlawfully gain ac ces s to customer telecommunications systems
to make long distance telephone calls that are then billed to the system owner are criminals.
Curren tly, we do not kn ow of any teleco mmunications system that is immune to this type of
criminal activity. Siemens will not accept li ability fo r any damages, including long dist ance
charges, w hich result from unaut hor ized use. Although Siemens has des igned security features into its products, it is your sole responsibility to use the security features and to establish
securi ty prac tice s with in yo ur co mpan y, i nclud ing t rai ning , se curit y awa reness , an d ca ll a udit ing. Si emens s ales and servi ce perso nnel, as w ell as Siemens’ business partners, are avai lable
to work with you to help you pr event this type of unau thorized use of your tel ecommunica tions system.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital devi ce, pu rsua nt to Par t 15 o f the FCC R ules. Thes e limit s are desi gn ed to prov id e reason able protectio n against harmful interference when the equi pment is operated in a commercial
environment. Thi s equipment generates, uses, and can ra diate rad io frequency energy and if
not ins talled and used i n accordance with the instruction manual, may cause har m f ul interf e r ence to radio communication. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to
cause ha rmful interfer e nce, in w hich case the us er wi ll be req uired t o take wha te ver measu res
may be required to correct the interference at his or her own expense.
WARNING: Changes or modifications to the equipment that are not expressly approved by
the resp onsibl e part y for comp lian ce cou ld void th e user’ s author it y ot operat e the equ ipment .
This equip ment does no t exceed Class A limits per radi o noise emiss ions for di gital appar atus,
set out in the Radio Interference Regulation of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Operat ion in a r eside nt ial area ma y c ause unac ceptab le i nter fere nce t o radio a nd TV rec ept ion
requir ing the owne r or operator to take whatever steps are necessary to correct the inte r ference. See inst r uction manual.
Cet équipement ne dépas s e pas les li mit es de Classe A d’ émission de bruits radioélectriques
pour les appareils numériques, telles qu e prescrite s par le Règlement s ur le brouillage radioélectrique établi par le ministère de s Comm unications du Canada. L ’ exploitat ion faite en
milieu résidentiel peut entraîner le brouillage des réceptions radio et tél é, ce qui obligerait le
propri étaire ou l’ opérateur à prendre les dispositions nécess aires pour en éliminer les caus e s .
November 1998
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Copyright Siemens B us iness Commu nication Systems, Inc. 1995, 1996, 199 7, 1998.
All rights reserved.
Chapter 1. Introduction
The ROLMphone 120, 240, an d 400 Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1
This guide ex plains how to use the many features of your
Chapter 1, “Introduction” and Chapter 2, “Using Your Phone” which
explain the ba sic fe at ures of your phon e. Then look th rough the rest of
the book and read about the additional features you want to us e. You
don’t have to know all about your phone in order to use any given
120/240/400 series te lephone. Be sure to read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2Using Your Phone
Chapter 3Making Calls
Chapter 4Answering Calls
helpful be fore you begin using your phone. It
explain s the phone models and options available in
the ROLMphone 120/240/400 series, the basic
features of your phone, where to go for assistanc e,
and how to get started using this guide.
answer calls and describes the difference between
inter nal and external ca lls and briefly explains the
features t hat can be us ed with the m. It also des cribes
how to use a speaker, a speakerphone, the Hold,
Transfer, Connect, and Mailbox keys and how to
change your phone’s ring tone.
describes the many features you can
use to in itiat e calls .
descr ib e s th e fe at u res av a il ab l e
for receiving calls.
presents info rmation tha t may be
explains how to make and
Chapter 5Moving Calls
forwarding ca lls to other extensions and placing
calls on system hold .
Chapter 6Blocking Calls
prevent calls from reaching your phone.
Chapter 7Managerial F eatures
assign calls to an account, report bad lines, receive
calls through hunt groups, use PIN authorization,
and trace calls.
explains th e feat u res av ailab le for
explains the features you ca n use to
describe s features th at let you
How to Use This Guidexi
Appendix AFeature Access Codes
dialed to use system features.
lists the codes that can be
Appendix BHelp!
to correct problems with your phone.
terminology and concepts used in this guide.
presents some sim ple pr ocedure s you can u se
explains so me of the te ch nical
is useful for tracking down specific
xiiROLM phone 120/240/400 Se ries User Guide
Related Publications
The following list presents the titles and brief descriptions of other
useful Siemens publications. Please refer to the book’s order number
when requesti ng a publication from your Siemens representative.
Order No.Title and Description
ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series Quick
Reference Guide for 9751 CBX and Hicom 300
provides a brief tour of the different p hone
models and quick access to information on the
most-used features. This is the basic manual for
all ROLMphone 120/240/400 seri es user s.
Customer P articip ation Inf ormatio n Guide
basic manual for the Customer Participation
program. This program allows custom ers to
troubleshoot, repair, and replace their own
phones. The
parts and shipping broken phones back to the
factory for repair or replacement.
Customer Setup Installation Instructions
basic manual for the Customer Setup progra m.
The Customer Setup program allows customers
to install their own phones. T his manual conta ins
detail ed insta ll ation inst ruct ions for all pres ently
shippin g Siemens telepho ne products and related
options .
provides information on maint aining spare
Customer Par ticipati on Infor mation
is the
is the
Problem Determination P rocedures for
ROLMphone, Analog, Optiset E, Optiset NI1200, and DCT1900 Cordless Telephones
troubleshooting manual for the Customer
Particip ation and Cus tomer Setup programs . This
guide contains detailed troubleshooting
instructions for all presently shipping Siemens
telepho ne products and relat ed options..
Related Publicationsxiii
is the
xivROL Mp hone 120/240/400 Ser ies User Gui de
Chapter 1Introduction
The ROLMphone 120, 240, and 400
The ROLMphone 120, 240, an d 400 se ries of multi-featured phones
have many op tions that enha nce their functio nality. Your ROLMphone
model may have a displ ay, a speake rphone, from 12 to 40 fea ture keys,
and multiple extensions.
These digi tal telephone s work with your company’s Siemens
Communications Server to give you advanced, easy-to-use telephone
features. The communications server is your facility’s
telecommunications system.
1. Introduction
The RP240 and RP400 are multi- line tele phones; the RP 120 is a
single -line telephone. The RP240E an d RP4 00 eac h have a display.
Intro du c tio n1-1
Figure 1-1.The ROLMphone 120, 240, 400 Series
1-2ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User G uide
The ROLMphone 120 Series
1. Introduction
Figure 1-2.Th e ROLMphone 120 Telephone
The ROLMphone 120 series offers three models.
•The RP120 (like the RP120H and RP120D) has 12 feature keys
and one extension.
•The RP120H has a dual headset connection.
•The RP120D has a data communi ca tions module (DCM) for
attaching your phone to a terminal or personal computer with an
RS-232C cable.
Intro du c tio n1-3
The ROLMphone 240 Series
Figure 1-3.The ROLMphone 240E Telephone
The ROLMphone 240 series offers seven models.
•The RP240 Basic has 24 feature keys and may have multiple
extens ions.
•The RP240 (like the RP240H and RP240D) has 24 feature keys
and a speakerphone, and may have multiple extensions.
•The RP240H has a dual headset connection.
•The RP240D has a data communications module (DCM) f or
attaching your phone to a terminal or personal comput er with an
RS-232C cable.
1-4ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User G uide
•The RP240E (like the RP240EH and RP240ED) has 24 feature
keys, a speaker phone, a two-line dis play with up to 24 characters
per line, and may have multiple extensions.
•The RP240EH has a headset connection.
•The RP240ED has a data communications module (DCM) for
attaching your phone to a terminal or personal computer with an
RS-232C cable.
1. Introduction
Intro du c tio n1-5
The ROLMphone 400 Series
Figure 1-4.The ROLMphone 400 Telephone
The ROLMphone 400 series offers four mod els.
•The RP400 (like the RP400HR, RP400D, and RP400HD) has 40
feature keys, a speakerphone, a two-line display with up to 30
characters per line, and may have multiple extensions.
•The RP400HR has connections for two headsets and a recorder.
1-6ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User G uide
•The RP400D has a data communi ca tions module (DCM) for
attaching your phone to a terminal or personal computer with an
RS-232C cable.
•The RP400HD has a dual headset connection and a data
communications module (DCM) for atta ching your phone to a
terminal or personal computer with an RS-232C cable.
1. Introduction
Intro du c tio n1-7
ROLMphone Basics
The faceplate is a paper template th at identifies fea tures that you
access by pressi ng sp ecific keys on your telephone. It shows which
system featur es have been assigned to your phone keys.
Line Keys
Your ROLMphone telephone ha s a sep ara te line key for every
extension t hat ap pears on your phon e. You use the li ne keys t o a nswer
and place calls.
Multiple Line Appearances
Your phone may have multiple extensions, each of which is assigned
a separate li ne key. Thes e line keys can be of diffe re nt types. You wil l
have at least one li ne key, called the pri ma ry line key, which
correspon ds to y our exte nsion . The stat us li ght that t urns on when you
pick up your handset is next to your primary line key.
You may also have other lines on your phone. You can use both the
primary line and these other li nes to make calls.
Your lines may also appear as li nes (call ed mult iple li ne appear ances)
on other people’ s phones. Each pers on with an appeara nce of the line
on his or her phone has equal acc ess to the line. Also, a ca ll can be
placed on hold at one phone and then retriev ed at another phone on
which that same line appears. (See “Hold” on page 2-14.)
If you have a multiple line appearance on your phon e, you will need to
know how to tell if that line is in use. Your phone tells you about the
status of a line th rough the l ine key ’s st atus light. (See “Status L igh ts”
on page 1-13.)
Key Pad
Use the key pad on your phone just as you would any standard
telephone key pad for dialing telephone numbers. You can also use
your key pad to acc ess syst em feature s ava ilabl e to your te lephon e for
which you do not have feature keys. (See “Feature Access Codes” on
page 1-12.)
1-8ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User G uide
The display at the top of the RP240E and RP 400 provides cal l
information such as the extension calling you and, if your system is
configure d to do so , the caller’s name. I t also lets you scroll through
messages and notifications waiting in your mailbox and provides
information you’ll find us eful as you set up and use Siemens feature s.
Some features work differentl y on dis play phones from th e way they
do on non-display phones. The feature descriptions in Chapters 2
through 7 expla in these differ ences.
The RP400 has a two- line display with up to 30 characte rs per line. The
RP240E has a two-line display with up to 24 characters per li ne and
displays the same informat ion as the RP400. However, because the
RP240E’s di spl ay is smaller, it may truncate or rear range some
On Version 6.3 and higher, the elaps ed time of an incoming or
outgoing external call is displayed.
1. Introduction
System Features
Each phone in your s ystem is set up ind ividually at the
communicati ons server t o have speci fic tele phony feature s. Therefor e,
you may find that some fea tures included in thi s guide are not availabl e
on your phone.
Feature Keys
Feature keys give you access to system features such as Hold,
Transfer, Mailbox, Preview, and Program. Press the key labeled with
the fea ture name to gain access t o the feature . You can al so dial feat ure
access codes to gain access to features. (See “Feature Access Codes”
on page 1-12.)
The labels us ed in this guide to indic ate feature names on keys
are the defaults that come with your system. However, your
system ad minis trator can conf igure them diff erent ly to suit
your company’s requirements.
Intro du c tio n1-9
Class of Service
Some of the phones in your system may be set up to use one class of
service (the primary) during normal business hou rs and then
automatically change to a more limited one (the secondary) during
non-business hours. If so, the features you can use may vary,
depending on the cla ss of service in eff ect at the time.
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
A personal identification number (PIN) enables you to use another
phone within your comp any to ga in acc ess to the featur es of yo ur own
phone. You may al so need a PIN to be able to dial an outside number.
Ask your system admini strator whether you have be en assigned a PIN.
Also see “External Calls” on page 2-8, “PIN Authorization Features”
on page 7-11, and “Forced Authorizati on” on page 7-14.
Hold, Transfer, Connect
All ROLMphone 120/ 240/ 400 se ries phones have Hol d, Tra nsfer , and
Connect keys at the bottom of the facepla te.
disconnecting the other party. (See “Hold” on page 2-14.)
your company’s operator. (See “Transfer” on page 2-19.)
The Transfer key also places any call you have in progress on
tempor ary h ol d
second party. (See “Feature Access Codes” on pag e 1-12. )
Finally, you can press the Transfer key to establish a conference call
including yourself, a party you ha ve placed on consultation hold, and
a party you have dialed subsequently. (See “Consul tation” on page
key lets you temporarily hang up a line without
key lets you transfer a call to anot her e xtension or to
and can be used to dial a feature access code or a
This temporary hold las ts only un til you hang up or reconnect to th e call, or
for a predetermined length of ti me. If you press the Transfer key while on a
call and then hang up, the call immediately rings back on your telep hone.
1-10ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User Gui de
1. Introduction
key lets you
•reconnect with a call placed on consultation hold
•reconnect with a trans ferred call before the transfer is complete
•alternate be tween two parties, when you have one of them on
consult ation hold
(See “Connect ” on page 2-21.)
Other Frequently Used Keys
Callback (CALLBCK) Key:
complete calls to extensions that are busy, ringing, or in Do Not
Disturb mode. (See “Callback Request” on page 3-5 for more
information.) It also lets you return calls to parties tha t have left you
reminder mes sages and to the Ph oneMail
Mailbox” on page 2-22.)
Clear Key:
The Clear key can be used to remove or cancel infor mation
shown on a phone ’s dis play wh en it i s in pro gram mode . It can a lso be
used to dro p th e las t part y from a co nferenc e call an d the se con d part y
from a consult ation call.
The Callback key can help you
system. (See “Using Your
Mailbox Key:
The Mailbox key lets you receive several kinds of
messages: reminder messages , PhoneMail notifications , an d
notifica tions.
You can display a reminder message, PhoneMail notific ation, or
ROLMfax notifi ca tion by pre ssing t he Mail box k ey. T he Mail box key
also let s you leave reminder messages at other exte nsions. (Se e “Using
Your Mailbox” on page 2-22 for more information.)
Previ ew Key :
The Preview key displays information associated with
any line configured on the phone. (See “Preview” on page 2-17 for
more information.)
Progra m Ke y:
The Program key is used to set up se veral features,
such as Repertory Dialing, Station Speed Dialing, and Variable
Repertory D ialing ( R - ) Ke y s :
You can set up repdial keys for onetouch dialing of an extension, an outside telephone number, or a
feature access code, which makes the key act like a feature key.
You use the Program key to set up these keys for dialing. (See
“Repertory Dialing (Repdial)” on page 3-24 for further instructions.)
Time Key:
On a display phone, pressing th e Ti me k ey dis plays the
current day, date, and time.
Feature Access Codes
Since a set of features has already been assigned to your phone’s
feature keys , you may fin d tha t your phone does n ot have fe ature keys
for some of the feature s described in thi s guide. However , you can still
use any of t hese featu res that is avail able on you r system and permitted
by your class of servi ce by dialing that feat ure’s access code , if it has
Throughout the r emainder of this guide, the steps des cribed for using
each o f the s yste m fe at ure s i ncl ude the f eatu r e ke y you pr ess to ac cess
a feature and the feature co de you c an dia l if you do not have that
feature key. If you need to know a particular feature a ccess code in a
hurry, see Appendix A, “Feature Access Codes” which lists these
codes alphabetically.
You must have a dial tone before entering a feature access
code. If you do not have a dial tone, press the Tra nsfer key to
get one.
The fea tu re access co d es li s t ed in th is guide ar e th e de f au l ts
that come with your syst em . Howe ver, your system
administ rator can configure them differently to suit your
company’s requirements.
1-12ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User Gui de
Status Lights
The red status lights next to line keys tell you what is happ ening on
those lines .
A line key status li ght may turn on ste adily, blin k, or flash at diffe rent
rates to signal the status of that line.
Table 1-1.Line Key Status Light Flash Rates
Flash RateLine Status
On steadyIn use
Flashing (faster)On hold
1. Introduction
Flickering (fastest)Forwarded
Spea ker
All ROLMphone 120/240/400 series phones have a speaker that you
can use for receiving calls or listening to the PhoneMail system. On
ROLMphone models that only have a speaker and not a microphone
(the RP120 and RP240 Basic models), you must pick up your ha ndset
to speak to the othe r party. For more information about using your
speaker, see “Usi ng Your S peaker” on page 2-11.
Speakerphone (RP240, RP240E, and RP400)
The RP240, RP240 E, and RP400 mo dels (excep t for the RP24 0 Basic)
have a two-way speakerp hone, consisting of a speaker and a
microphone. You can use either the hands et or the speakerphone to
make or receive calls.
During a con versation, you can us e your s peaker phon e instead of your
handset by press ing the Speaker key and hang ing up the handset. If you
want to switch back to using your handset, pick it up. For more
information, see “Using Your Speakerphone (RP240, RP240E, and
RP400)” on page 2-12.
Voice Volume Keys
Use the Volume Up (▲) and Volume Down (▼) keys to adjust the
voice volume of your phone. While on a call, press ▲ to raise the
volume of the voice you are hearing, or press ▼ to lower the volume
of the voice you are hear ing. Press either key until you reac h the
desired voice level. When you hang up or switch to another call, the
voice volume returns to the defaul t level.
1-14ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User Gui de
Soun ds
Your phone makes different s ounds to let you know what’s going on.
Rings occur on a l ine tha t you are not using and i ndic ate t hat you h ave
an incoming call. Tones occur while you are using your phone and
provide information about calls and features.
RingsSingl e (repeated)Inte rnal call
Double ( repeated)External call
1. Introduction
Triple (repeated)
Note: This ring
cadence is compo sed of
3 short rings.
Long (repeated)
Note: For release 6.4
and above, this ring
cadence is made up of 2
short rings, followed by
1 long ring (repeated).
Single beepUsed in co nnection with
Triple beepDSS call
ContinuousEmergency call
Intercom call or hunt group
DSS extensions and intercom features.
Tone sBroken dial tone, inter-
Roll ove r (m u t e d or in
bursts )
rupted every 1/2 sec .
Broken dial tone, interrupted every 1 1/2 sec.
An incoming call i s pending
while th e pho ne i s alr ea dy i n
Your phone is in Do Not
Disturb or Forwarding
A reminder message or PhoneM ail or ROL M fa x no tification is waiting.
Busy toneThe party you called is on
the phone.
Busy tone that cha nges
to a very fas t bus y ton e
Dial toneYou can make a call or
Fast busy toneInvalid call
Tones (cont.)Intrusion t one followed
by a ringing-beep tone
Long tone, followed by
an intrusion t one
repeated every 8 se cs.
1-sec. tone after di alingThere is a short queue for an
Ringing (ringback)
You cannot queue for the
party you calle d.
invoke a feature.
The party you called is on
the pho ne, b ut ha s r ec eiv e d a
call w aiting indication. Stay
on the phone until the par ty
Busy override and speaker
call intrusion reminder
outgoing trunk.
The pho ne you called is
Short tone ever y 20 sec.Internal call waiting
Single (conference)
A ne w party has been added
to a conference.
Steady high toneA technician is testing your
3 short tones (conf irma-
tion tone)
3 short tones followed
by dial tone
30-sec. tone after dial-
2 short tones every 20
A feature has been success-
fully activated .
Addit ional input, s uch as a
PIN, is required.
There is a long queue for an
outgoing trunk.
External call waiting
1-16ROLMphone 120/240/400 Series User Gui de
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