Index ....... .................... .................. ..................... .................. .................... ........................129
Safety Notes
Special attention must be paid to warnings and notes highlighted from the rest of the text
by grey boxes.
WARNING: relates to a caution symbol on the product, and means
that failure to observe the necessary precautions can result in
death, serious injury, and/or considerable material damage.
: means that failure to observe the necessary
precautions can result in death, serious injury, and/or considerable
material damage.
CAUTION: means that f ai lure to observe the necessary precautions can
result in considerable material damage.
means important information about the product or that part of the operating
Safety marking symbols
In manual On ProductDescription
(Label on product: yellow background.) Caution: refer to
accompanying documents (manual) for details.
Earth (ground) Terminal
Protective Conductor Terminal
Pointek CLS 200
This symbol is used when there is no corresponding caution symbol on the product.
• Pointek CLS 200 is to be used only in the manner outlined in this instruction manual,
otherwise protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
• Pointek CLS 200 is available in two models: the analog model, and the digital model
with integral local display. Part I of the manual only discusses the analog model.
Please see Part II, page 27 onwards, for information on the digital model
Pointek CLS 200 is a versatile capacitance switch with a high level of chemical resistance;
ideal for level detection of interfaces, solids, liquids, slurries, and foam, and for simple
pump control.
The switch responds to the presence of any material with a dielectric constant of 1.5 or
more by detecting a change in capacitance, which is registered as a change in oscillating
frequency. It can be set to detect before contact or on contact with the probe. The design
allows the instrument to operate independently of the tank wall or pipe, so it does not
require an external reference electrode for level detection in a non-conductive vessel
such as concrete or plastic.
The power supply is galvanically isolated and accepts a wide range of voltages
(12- 250 V AC/DC). The stainless steel and PPS
provide a high level of chemical resistance, and a temperature rating up to 125
on the process wetted portion of the probe.
Modular design and construction provide a wide choice of configurations, including rod,
cable, and sanitary versions. When used with a SensGuard protection cover, the sensor
is protected from shearing, impact, and abrasion, in tough primary processes.
• For more detailed instructions on setting the dip switches and potentiometers,
please see
The difference in capacitance between a covered probe and an uncovered probe (for
example, between a probe in water and a probe in air), is used to detect level, and to
protect the process from a level that is either too high or too low.
The trip point is set by potentiometer P1. This determines how large the difference in
capacitance needs to be before the output is switched. Dip switch 5 allows you to adjust
the sensitivity. The sensitive electronics can be set to detect the change in capacitance
either as the level approaches the antenna tip, or when the probe is covered.
Operation: Pointek CLS 200 analog model
Alarm Signalling
Relay and Solid-state Switch
The relay and solid-state switch are interlinked: when the change in capacitance is
greater than the setting at the trip point, the output switches. (For a diagram illustrating
the relay and solid-state switch contacts, see page 20.)
Operating Principles
from page 19 onwards.
on page 94.
RelayRed LEDSolid-state switchAlarm state
Alarm settings
The alarm can be set to protect the process from a level that is either too high or too low.
•high alarm:alarm ON/switch open when level is higher than the set point
(probe becomes covered
•low alarm:alarm ON/switch open when level is below the set point (probe
becomes uncovered)
The setting is selected by turning dip switch 3 on or off.
Fault Signalling
The Failsafe function puts the process into a safe mode of operation in the event of a fault
or failure (such as a loss of power). When the Pointek CLS 200 analog model responds to
a failure, the output switches according to the Failsafe setting
•Failsafe High
•Failsafe Low
Note: The following examples assume that the pump should be turned off in the event
of a failure. If this is not the case in your process, please see the relay diagram on
page 20, and make the appropriate connections to suit your application.
Failsafe High is used in applications where Pointek CLS 20 0 is set to turn off a pump when
the level becomes too high (probe covered, or level too close to probe). When Failsafe
High is selected, the device will respond to a failure (regardless of the true level) as if it
were a high level alarm (alarm ON/solid-state switch open). The pump will stop,
preventing an overfill.
Failsafe Low is used in applications where CLS 200 is set to turn off a pump when the
level becomes too low (probe uncovered). When Failsafe Low is selected, CLS 200 will
respond to a failure (regardless of the true level) as if it were a low level (alarm ON/solidstate switch open). The pump will stop, preventing the pump from running dry.
Appendix E: Installation, Pointek CLS 200, analog and digital models
Wiring: P ointek CLS 200 analog model
WARNING: All field wiring must hav e in s ulation suitable for at le as t
250 V.
•Use shielded twisted pair cable, wire gauge 20 AWG to 14 AWG (0.5 mm2 to
2.0 mm2).
•Maximum working voltage between adjacent relay contacts is 250 V.
•Relay contact terminals are for use with equipment which has no accessible live
parts and wiring which has insulation suitable for at least 250 V.
1.Loosen the lid clip and remove the lid to access the connectors and electronics. (For
quick reference, the diagram on the next page can also be found on the underside of
the lid, together with a guide to switch function).
2.Strip the cable jacket for approximately 70 mm (2.75") from the end of the cable, and
thread the wires through the gland.
3.Connect the wires to the terminals (polarity is not important).
4.Ground the instrument according to local regulations.
5.Tighten the gland to form a good seal.
6.If you wish to carry out a function test, follow the test procedures on page 18.
Note: Switch and potentiometer settings are for illustration purposes only.
block (not
7ML19985AR02Pointek CLS 200 (analog) – INSTRUCTION MANUALPage I – 15
Relay Output Connection
The relay is shown in a de-energized state.
K2 contact ratings:
32 1
Wiring: analog
Solid-state Switch
•8 A at 250 V AC
•5 A at 30 V DC
Solid-state switch to customer's control or instrumentation device.
The switch is shown in de-energized state.
K3 contact ratings:
•250 V AC, 100 mA max., non-polarized (max. 2 VA)
•300 V DC, 100 mA max, non-polarized (max. 2 VA)
Diode Protection
When driving an external relay with either the solid-state switch and/or relay outputs
using DC power, protection diodes must be connected in the correct polarity across the
relay coil to prevent possible switch/relay damage resulting from inductive spikes
generated by the relay coil.
Optically-isolated switch
(customer-supplied): we suggest
Phoenix DEK-OE-5DC/48DC/100 or
(See Power Connection below)
Power Connection
Nominal24 VDC48 V DC
V DC22 to 26 V46 to 50 V
R120 Ω234 Ω
Wiring: analog
12 to 250 V AC/DC
7ML19985AR02Pointek CLS 200 (analog) – INSTRUCTION MANUALPage I – 17
Functionality Test
To test the basic functionality of the probe and potentiometers:
Wiring: analog
switches shown in
OFF position
switch bank
1122334 5
trip point
1.Ensure green power light L3 is on.
2.Turn the delay potentiometer P1 and the trip point potentiometer P2 fully counterclockwise (minimum delay and minimum sensitivity respectively).
3.Set dip switches S1 to S4 OFF (full potentiometer control activated).
4.Set switch S5 ON (high sensitivity).
Test Procedures
Test the sensitivity of the sensor:
•Slowly turn the trip point potentiometer P2 clockwise until the yellow sensor status
light L1 glows. Shortly afterwards, the red output status light L3 will glow. This
concludes the sensitivity test.
Test the delay:
1.Turn the trip point potentiometer P2 fully counterclockwise (minimum sensitivity).
2.Turn the delay potentiometer P1 about 1/8 turn clockwise (delay set point).
3.Slowly turn the trip point potentiometer P2 clockwise until the yellow sensor status
light L1 glows. After an appropriate delay the red output status light L3 will glow.
This concludes the delay test.
Test the switch function:
1.Turn the delay potentiometer P1 and trip point potentiometer P2 fully counter clockwise (minimum delay and sensitivity respectively).
2.Slowly turn the trip point potentiometer P2 clockwise until the yellow sensor status
light glows.
3.Slightly turn the trip point potentiometer P2 counterclockwise until the yellow sensor
status light just stops glowing. Grasp the probe with your hand. The yellow sensor
status light L1 will glow, indicating switch function. After an appropriate delay the
red output status light L3 will glow. This concludes the switch function test.
Use the delay function to slow the response, and compensate for turbulence or false
•Delay potentiometer P1 can be adjusted to set a delay time from 1 to 60 seconds.
•Two separate delay settings are controlled by S1 and S2:
- for alarm activation (alarm ON)
- for alarm de-activation (alarm OFF)
•When switches are OFF (open) the delay is enabled.
•The position of Failsafe switch S3 determines how S1 and S2 function.
S3-ON High alarm/
overfill protection
Low alarm/dry run
When S3 is set to ON, it inverts the relay function, and the functioning of S1 and S2.
S1-ON disables delay of alarm de-activation (alarm OFF)
S2-ON disables delay of alarm activation (alarm ON)
S1-ON disables delay of alarm activation (alarm ON)
S2-ON disables delay of alarm de-activation (alarm OFF)
7ML19985AR02Pointek CLS 200 (analog) – INSTRUCTION MANUALPage I – 21
Operation: analog
Sensitivity setting (high or low): S5
S5-ON High sensitivityUse this setting for measuring dry solids or non-
conductive liquids.
S5-OFF Low sensitivityUse this setting for measuring conductive liquids, or
viscous conductive solids that can build up on the sensor.
Test settings: S4
•When S4 is set to ON, it inverts the signal, allowing you to test the delay settings
from P1, or to verify that S1 and S2 are in the correct position.
S4-ON Enable testObserve the response of the output status and sensor
status LEDs to verify the delay interval set by
potentiometer P1.
S4-OFF Normal operation
WARNING: It is essential to check settings during the process itself,
and confirm that they are correct, before regular operation
Initial setup can be carried out prior to mounting into the process, but it is extremely
important to calibrate the unit and adjust the sensitivity on the product itself.
For a simple application, set Pointek CLS 200 to Low alarm/no delays:
•turn P1 fully counter-clockwise (no delay interval)
•set dip switches S1, S2 and S5 to ON, S3 and S4 to OFF
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• default setting
• for dry solids or non-conductive liquids
Start Up
After Pointek CLS200 is properly mounted and the switch bank is set up, apply power to
the unit. The green LED (L3) glows, indicating the unit is powered and operational.
Setpoint Adjustment.
1122334 5
delay: alarm activation
delay: alarm deactivation
test delay settings
sensitivity (High or
Switches shown in OFF position.
Low gain)
Use the potentiometers P1 and P2 to adjust the alarm setpoints. Follow the setup
procedure for the application that most closely describes your operation:
ApplicationMaterialSetup conditionsS5
•dry solids
• low viscosity liquids
• hygroscopic / wet solids
• high viscosity and high
conductivity liquids
• liquid A / liquid B
• foam / liquid
sensor uncovered;
min. 100 mm (4") free space all around
sensor immersed then uncovered; but
retaining max. possible material buildup
immerse sensor in whichever material
has lowest dielectric constant
Operation: analog
When S3 is set to ON, it inverts the relay function, and the functioning of S1 and S2.
7ML19985AR02Pointek CLS 200 (analog) – INSTRUCTION MANUALPage I – 23
General applications (Failsafe Low, no delay)
•Ensure that L3 (green) is lit.
•Turn the trip point and delay potentiometers P1 and P2 fully counterclockwise (to
•Set dip switches S1 to S4 to OFF, and S5 to ON (high sensitivity)
1.With sensor uncovered and a minimum 100 mm (4") free space all around, turn the
trip point potentiometer P2 clockwise until L1 (yellow) glows.
2.Turn P2 back (counterclockwise) until L1 stops glowing.
Demanding applications (Failsafe Low, no delay, sensitivity adjusted for viscous, con-
ductive material)
•Ensure that L3 (green) is lit.
Operation: analog
•Turn the delay potentiometer P1 fully counterclockwise (to minimum).
•Turn trip point potentiometer P2 fully clockwise (to maximum).
•Set dip switches S1 to S4 to OFF (full potentiometer control).
•Set S5 to OFF (low sensitivity).
1.Adjust the material level of the process so that the sensor is immersed: L1 (yellow)
should glow. If L1 does not glow, reset S5 to ON (high sensitivity) The appropriate
position of S5 depends on the dielectric properties of the material).
2.Adjust the material level of the process so that the sensor is uncovered, but retains
as much buildup of material as possible on the sensor.
3.Adjust trip point P2 counterclockwise until L1 stops glowing. To get the true feel for
the correct position, adjust P2 clockwise then counterclockwise several times to
ensure that L1 stops glowing. (This adjustment is very sensitive, and we recommend
repeating this exercise to finetune P2, until a very small adjustment causes L1 to
stop glowing.)
Interface detection (Failsafe Low, no delay, sensitivity adjusted to detect an inter-
•Turn trip point potentiometer P2 fully clockwise (to maximum).
•Set dip switches S1 to S4 to OFF (full potentiometer control).
•Set S5 to OFF (low sensitivity).
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1.Immerse the sensor in the material that has the lowest dielectric constant. L1 (yellow) should glow. If not, reset S5 to ON (high sensitivity).
2.Adjust P2 counterclockwise until L1 stops glowing.
3.Immerse the sensor in the material that has the highest dielectric constant. L1
should glow.
Delay alarm output
If you want to slow the Pointek CLS 200 response, to compensate for turbulence or false
readings, set a delay interval using potentiometer P1, and set S1 and/or S2 to OFF, to
enable the delay for either alarm activation, alarm de-activation, or both.
If an immediate alarm output is critical, set the appropriate switch to ON, to disable the
The functioning of S1 and S2 depends on the alarm setting:
Operation: analog
High alarm/
overfill protection
Low alarm/
dry run protection
To test the delay function, follow the test procedure on page 18.
S1-ON disables delay of alarm de-activation (alarm OFF)
S2-ON disables delay of alarm activation (alarm ON)
S1-ON disables delay of alarm activation (alarm ON)
S2-ON disables delay of alarm de-activation (alarm OFF)
After completing the setup, replace the lid and secure the lid clip. Pointek CLS 200 (analog
model) is now ready to operate.
7ML19985AR02Pointek CLS 200 (analog) – INSTRUCTION MANUALPage I – 25
Troubleshooting: Pointek CLS 200 analog
No Alarm Response L3 (green) off.Check power supply voltage.