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Network Installation Manual
Publication No. 201000
October 2001
The information contained herein is based on the experience and knowledge rela-
ting to the subject matter gained by Triacon prior to publication.
No patent license is granted by this information.
Triacon reserves the right to changethis information without notice, and makes no
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The Network ID Camera is classified as a Medical Device and fulfills EN 60950.
Accordingto European SafetyR egulations for MedicalEquipments, the followingconditions
must be fulfilled:
-if the camera is operated within a distance of 1.5 m from the patient,it must be connected to the equipotential equalization device (E
vided by the customer.
The purpose of the E
nected to the same ground potential.
-if the camera is connected to a Medical Equipment according to
EN 60601-1 ( e.g. safety ground or data connections) the safety standard
EN 60601-1-1 has to be met and documented.
D is to ensure that all medical and other equipments are con-
D). E2D with cable must be pro-
1.2 Patient data
The Network ID camera is able to receive patient data from a patient booking system. This
can be achieved in two ways depending on how the booking system works.
1.2.2Direct mode
This mode is used when each camera can be connected to its own terminal of the booking
system.When a patientarrivestothe examinationroom and thatis registeredat the terminal
ofthe booking systemthebooking system immediatelysends the patient datato the camera
which immediately displays it. This means that no user interaction is necessary on the camera to make the camera ready for marking.
1.2.3Download mode
This mode is used when all cameras are connected t o the central computer of the booking
system through one serial channel or if there are no terminals in each room. In download
mode a complete patient list is sent to each camera and operator has to bring up this list on
the camera to select the patient when the patient arrives at the examination room. In this
case all cameras are connected in parallel to one serial channel on the host computer.
Except forpatientdata, time and date of the booking is also sent which the Network ID Camerausesto sort the booking list.Whentheuser brings up the booking listthe patient nearest
in time is pointed out. This means that the user only needs a few keystrokes to select the
patient. To allow a camera to only store patients intended for a specific room each patient
data record is associated with a camera name and the camera may reject all patients not
intended for a specific room. Note that it is possible for more then one camera to have the
same name for example if there are many rooms that do the same examination and the patients are taken to the room that gets available first. Patients can be sent to the booking list
at any time and any number of times. Duplicates are thrown away and when the booking list
becomes full the patient with the oldest booking time is removed from the list.
1.2.4Physical connection
There are two ways to physically connect the camera to a booking system. Any of the connections can be used with any of the protocols above. Just remember that if the direct pro-
Triacon AB Sweden1October 2001
Publication no. 201000NIC2-1 · Network ID Camera
tocol is used cameras can not be connected in parallel as they would in that case bring up
the same patient at the same time and that is not very functional.
One isthrougha RS232 interface. Thisis the normal way to use whenusingthe direct mode
as one camera is connected to one host computer. Note that communication is one-directional,from the host to the camera,whichmeans that it is possibletoconnect more then one
camera to one host using RS232 but as the driving capacity of RS232 is limited, which affects both maximum cable length and number of cameras, this is not recommend.
The other is through a RS422 interface.This is the normal way to use when using the download mode. It allows longer cables (up to hundreds of meters depending on which sender is
used) and it allows may cameras to be connected in parallel. It can of cause also be used
with the direct protocol for example if the cable distance is too long for RS232.
1.3 X-ray d ata
The Network ID Camera is able to receive and exposure data, like kV and mAs, from a Xray unit. When the X-ray unit makes an exposure, exposure data is sent to the Network ID
Camera and when the film later is marked by Network ID Camera the exposure data is printed on the film together with patient data.
NetworkID Camera can be connectedas usual to a bookingsystem for downloadingpatient
data. One camera is needed for each X-ray unit.
The sequence of operation is that when the patient arrives for the research patient data is
entered into the camera the usual way (manually or through booking system). After an exposure is made the exposure data is immediately sent from the X-ray unit to Network ID
Camera. The cassette should immediatelyafterthe exposure be brought to the camera and
marked. The cameraonly stores data from the latestexposure.If Network ID Camera would
store data from many exposures to allow many cassettes to be marked afterwards there is
a bigriskof exchanging cassettes so therearemany reason to force an immediatemarking.
Topreventa cassette tobemarked when there isno exposure data NetworkID Camera can
be configured to not allow marking if exposure data is not available. When a m arking is
made the exposure data is immediately erased to prevent two cassettes to be marked with
the same data by mistake.
October 20012Triacon AB Sweden
NIC2-1 · Network ID CameraPublication no. 201000
2.The Protocols
2.1 Patient data
Four protocols are available. Two protocols were created for the Network ID Camera with
the intention of giving a flexible protocol which can handle language dependent information
and can transfer more data then just the name and patient ID. Two other protocols were implementedto be compatible with the KODAK X-OMATIC IdentificationCamera Model 2010
that was sold in the Nordic countries between 1990 and 1993. We do not recommend that
new software are written for these protocols.
The protocols in the camera are called;
DIRECTThe Network ID Camera direct mode
DOWNLThe Network ID Camera download
2010 BA protocol compatible with the
KODAK X-OMATIC Identification
Camera Model 2010 used when the
camera is connected to a transmitter
box called MNT10.
2010 DA protocol compatible with the
KODAK X-OMATIC Identification
Camera Model 2010 used when the
camera is connected without the
All protocols accept national characters according to ISO8859-1 standard, please r efer to
appendix A.
2.1.2Network ID Camera Download protocol
The protocol:
Groupis the name of the lab where the camera(s) are located. This may be used to
select which camera(s) should store which patients. If this field is left blank
(the trailing ; must be included) the camera will accept the patient data regardless of the name of the camera. This can be used as a broadcast to all
Dateis the booked date for the research. Date format is YYMMDD or DDMMYY
depending on which country the camera is configured for. The same format
is used as when displaying the date information in the main window of the
Timeisthe booked time for theresearch.Time format isHHMM.Thedate and time
information is used to sort the list and to be able to point out "best guess"
when opening the window with the list of patients.
Triacon AB Sweden3October 2001
Publication no. 201000NIC2-1 · Network ID Camera
Field list This is described below as it is the same format as for direct communication.
At least one name field must be included in the field list and for countries using patient ID a patient ID field must also be included. See field list specification below for more details
CR,LFThese two characters terminates the block. To make the protocol as compat-
ible as possible the camera will accept, CR only, LF only and any sequence
of CR and LF.
Trailing and leading spaces in all fields in the field list are removed so if the programming
languageused for the sendersoftwarehas problems sendingvariable length textstrings(as
some COBOL dialects do), just pad with spaces and the camera will remove them. Just
make sure that the total length including leading and trailing '#' does not exceed 128 characters.
2.1.3Direct protocol
This protocol is used when one camera is connected to one terminal. When the patient data
is sent from the computer the patient data window is immediately opened w ith the data
#window;field list#CR,LF
Windowis a single digit telling which cassette window should be used. Currently two
are defined. '1' is the standard C1 window, '2' is the narrow C1N window. If '*'
is used instead of a digit the window currently selected by the operator is
Field list This is described below as it is the same format as for download
CR,LFThese two characters terminates the block. To make the protocol as compat-
ible as possible the camera will accept, CR only, LF only and any sequence
of CR and LF.
The following string may be sent to the camera to close the window when the examination
has finished.
Trailing and leading spaces in the patient ID and name fields and fields in the field list are
removed so if your program has problems sending variable length text strings(as some COBOL dialects do), just pad with spaces and the camera will remove them. Just make sure
that the total length including leading and trailing '#' does not exceed 128 characters.
2.1.4Field List
The field list contains the information that will be displayed in the different fields of the window.
The field is in the following format:
nr is the two-digit field number, text is any text that fits into the field. If the field is t oo long
the camera will just truncate the text to make it fit. If more then one field should be transferred more fields can be transferred by separating them with ';'.
There are also three special fields used by the download protocol:
October 20014Triacon AB Sweden
NIC2-1 · Network ID CameraPublication no. 201000
PIDis the patient ID of the patient. It should be in the format defined in the
country where the camera is used. If the patient ID is invalid it will be displayedas a spare patientID (underlined) numberwhen appearing on the
display. The patient ID field is mandatory for countries using patient ID
when using the download protocol.
Nameis the nameof thepatient. This field is always mandatory when usingthe
download protocol.
In the Nn: field 'n' represents a number from 1 to 9. This is used if more then one name
field is defined in the window. When the patient name is displayed in the booking list of
the camera all Nn fields are merged together with a comma in between. The N1 field
will be displayed in t he first name field of the window, N2 in the second and so on.
The field number here is not the field number presented in the left column of the exposure window set-up. Instead there is a translation table setting the correspondence between the field number in the message and the field number of the exposure window.
This is because we want the user be able to change the configuration of the camera
without having to change the program in the host computer.
From the programmers point of view, he or she can select numbers sequentially from 0
and upwards for his information and the person w ho configures the camera then sets
where that data will be displayed. This way the programmer must not know how the
camera is configured. If there is no information for a field it can be completely omitted.
It is legaltosend informationfor field 1 and 3 for one patient and 1 and 2 for some other
patient.Just watch out so thatthetotal length of theprotocolis not longer then128characters.
Asafeatureto make it easier to send data from programsthrougha printer driver which
is page oriented CR/LF is allowed before any semicolon. This way it is possible to send
data from a MS-WINDOWS® program by defining a printer of type generic and design
areport withf ields put ondifferent linesand then sendthe data tothe camera byprinting
such a report.
2.1.5Protocols compatible with the KODAK X-OMATIC Identification Camera,
Model 2010
Because of compatibility reasons the protocol of the KODAK X-OMATIC Identification
Camera Model 2010 is also included in the Network ID Camera. KODAK X-OMATIC
Identification Camera, Model 2010 was sold in the Nordic countries between 1990 and
1993.We stronglyrecommend that no new software is writtenforany of these protocol.
Two versions of this protocol are available.
2010 BA protocol compatible with the KODAK X-OMATIC Identifica-
tion Camera Model 2010 used when the camera is connected
to a transmitter box called MNT10.
This protocol includes the STX, "2" and ETX characters of the
description below.
2010 DA protocol compatible with the KODAK X-OMATIC Identifica-
tion Camera Model 2010 used when the camera is connected
without MNT10.
This protocolexcludes the STX, "2" and ETX characters of the
description below.
Triacon AB Sweden5October 2001
Publication no. 201000NIC2-1 · Network ID Camera
If a field contains more characters then needed, the field should be padded with
National characters like ÅÄÖ can be sent either as 7-bit ANSI code or as 8 bit ISO 88591 or the code page 850 code which DOS uses. Please refer to appendix A.
62 .. 7260 .. 70Patient ID (11 to 14 char, no check)
7371CR0x0dCarriage return
75ETX0x03End of text
Below follow some examples of all of the protocols.
Example download protocol
Let'ssay that you like to send the patient ID "950822-1234"the patient name "Eric Johnsson"and one line of text"Broken leg" to thecameraand any window shouldbeused. The
following string should be sent to the camera.
#LAB1;960824;1200;I:950822-1234;N:Erik Johnsson;1:Broken leg#CR,LF
In next example a patient ID and data for two name fields are sent and also text for two
other fields.
#LAB1:960824;1215;I:950822-1234;N1:Eric;N2:Johnsson;1:150 ml contrast;2:Car-
Example direct protocol
Let's say that you like to send the patient ID "950822-1234" the patient "Eric Johnson"
and one line of freetext"Broken leg" to the camera and any window should be used. The
following string should be sent to the camera.
Example of protocol compatible with the KODAK X-OMATIC IDENTIFICATION CAMERA, MODEL 2010
In the 2010 camera the field lengths, and hence the record length, are fixed and to show
this the period character is used to show the space character below:
Eric Johnson............................
Triacon AB Sweden7October 2001
Publication no. 201000NIC2-1 · Network ID Camera
2.2 X-ray data
NetworkID Cam era has eight built in software selectablecommunicationprotocol for receiving X-ray data.
MMAT3000Receiving data from Siemens Mammomat® 3000.
MMAT300Receiving data from Siemens Mammomat® 300.
PLANMEDReceiving data from PLANMED Models Classic and Sophie.
SENOGRAPHReceiving data from GE Medical System Senographe Models DMR, DMRV2
and Senix.
SENO800TReceiving data from GE M edical System Senographe 800T.
I-IMAGINGReceiving data f rom INSTRUMENTARIUM Models Alfa, Diamond and P er-
LORADReceiving data from LORAD Model IV.
GXDPIs a General X-ray Data Protocol.
14 different exposure data are sent from the Mammomat® and each and one of them can
be individually placed on the picture, more about that below. The following data's are available.
kV0 to 99kV2
mAs0 to 999 mAs3
Exp.time0 to 99999 ms5
Magnification0.00 to 9.994
Force0 to 99 Kg2
Thickness0 to 999 mm3
GridNo grid/Grid*7
Angle-180 to +180 degree4
Dose0.0 -99.9, 100 - 999 mGy4
OptionNot used6
*The texts displayed here may be changed in Network ID Camera. The data is sent as 0
or 1 from the Mammomat® and translated by Network ID Camera to the appropriate texts.
October 20018Triacon AB Sweden
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