Network ID Camera
Installation Instructions
NIC2-2 Quick Installation Guide (with DICOM)
for MAMMOMAT 300/3000 or
Print No.: SP00-000.812.05.01.02 Doc. Gen. Date: 10.05
Replaces: n.a.
© Siemens AG 2005
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Quick Installation Guide
For Siemens Mammomat 300/3000 or compatible
Network ID Camera
Publications no. 201105 October 2005

NIC2-2 · Quick Installaion Guide Publication no. 201105
1 General 1
2 Prerequisite 1
3 Unpacking 1
4 Installation 1
5Setup 3
6 Hospital name and protocol settings 3
6.1 Enter Setup Mode 3
6.2 Mammomat 3000 3
6.3 Mammomat 300 4
6.4 Set Time and Date 5
7 Edit the standard Setup 5
7.1 Set marking position 5
7.2 Patient Birhdate/ID 6
7.2.1 B-date field 6
7.2.2 Change B-date field to PID-field 6
7.2.3 PID-field 6
7.3 Move a field 7
7.4 Add a field 7
7.5 Delete a field 7
Triacon AB Sweden i October 2005

Publication no. 201105 NIC2-2 · Quick Installation Guide
8 Installation Test 7
9 Communication problems 9
10 Restore a Setup 9
Octeober 2005 ii Triacon AB Sweden

NIC2-2 · Quick Installaion Guide Publication no. 201105
1. General
This guide describes how to install and customize the Network ID Camera, herein
called NIC. It is assumed that a Siemens specified setup is loaded as ”Customer Default”
If a NIC shall be connected to a Local Network (LAN), a NICLan Module is needed, part no. 11101101 - Refer to the documentations included into the NICLan
Module package.
If a NIC shall be connected to a DICOM server, a DICOM installation kit is required in order to have DICOM software r unning in the NICLan Module , pa rt no.
11101102 - Refer to documentation included in the Triacon DICOM package.
2. Prerequisite
Verify that the following items are available/installed at the mammomat:
Siemens MAT-No. Siemens VBLO-No. Description
66 26 001 44 94 535 Printer connection kit
63 96 704 44 94 543 Isolation kit
65 61 521 44 94 568 ”Triacon” Adapter cable
3. Unpacking
The box contains the NIC, a power cord, a converting cabel (to convert AUX1 from a
RJ12 to a D-Sub 9 connector), an operator’s manual and this document. The keyboard
should be equipped with the country-specific keycaps.
Verify that the correct camera version was delivered concerning the used cassette
type. A standard camera handles all known cassettes with standard C1 or C1N window except Fuji cassettes with telescopic lid. Two versions are currently available:
• Standard
• Fuji - Fuji cassettes with telescopic lid, for example type EC-AWU.
4. Installation
The Network ID Camera is classified as a Medical Device and fulfills
EN 60950.
According to European Safety Regulations for Med ical Equipments, the following
conditions must be fulfilled:
- If the camera is operated within a distance of 1.5 m from the patient, it must be
connected to the equipotential equalization device (E2D).
E2D with cable must be provided by the customer.
The purpose of the E2D is to ensure that all medical and other equipments are
connected to the same ground potential. If, on installation, your Service Provider
connected the camera to the equipotential busbar using the equipotential bonding plug, this connection may not be interrupted, i.e. you ar e not allowed to pul l
off the cable coming from the equipotential busbar (see illustration bellow).
Triacon AB Sweden 1 October 2005