This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes
in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and
label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Prescribed Usage
Note the following:
This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only
in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or
recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage,
positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
publication may be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the
information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Postfach 48 48
3.1 Removing / fitting the housing cover............................................................................................29
3.2 Connecting up cables ..................................................................................................................31
3.3 Mounting without an adapter (wall mounting only) ......................................................................34
3.4 Mounting with mounting plate ......................................................................................................37
3.4.1 Fitting the mounting plate to a wall ..............................................................................................37
3.4.2 Screwing the cover plate for the cable feedthrough to the mounting plate .................................38
3.4.3 Fitting the mounting plate to an S7-300 standard rail..................................................................40
3.4.4 Fitting the mounting plate to a DIN rail ........................................................................................41
3.4.5 Fitting the mounting plate to a mast.............................................................................................42
3.4.6 Fitting/removing the SCALANCE W786 to/from a mounting plate ..............................................43
4 Connecting up ......................................................................................................................................... 45
4.1 Lightning protection, power supply, and grounding .....................................................................45
4.2 Suitable cables and antennas for the SCALANCE W786 ...........................................................47
4.3 Connecting the cables .................................................................................................................49
4.4 Connectors for the power supply of the SCALANCE W786 ........................................................53
4.5 Connecting a power supply adapter ............................................................................................55
4.6 Connection for Industrial Ethernet ...............................................................................................58
4.7 Connectors for external antennas................................................................................................59
4.8 Inserting / removing the C-PLUG.................................................................................................60
5.4.1 IP settings.................................................................................................................................... 72
5.4.2 System name .............................................................................................................................. 73
5.4.3 Country code............................................................................................................................... 74
5.4.4 Wireless settings in access point mode ...................................................................................... 75
5.4.5 Wireless settings in client mode.................................................................................................. 76
5.4.6 Adopt MAC Address settings (only for clients or access points in client mode)......................... 76
5.4.7 Channel settings (in access point mode only) ............................................................................ 79
5.4.8 Closing the Basic Wizard ............................................................................................................ 81
A Appendix................................................................................................................................................ 231
A.1 Private MIB variables of the SCALANCE W78x / W74x............................................................231
A.2 Designing and calculating wireless systems (for example RCoax) ...........................................234
1.1 Information on the Operating Instructions SCALANCE W786-xPRO
Validity of the Operating Instructions
These Operating Instructions cover the following products:
These Operating Instructions apply to the following software version:
Purpose of the Operating Instructions
● SCALANCE W786-xPRO firmware as of Version 3.3
These Operating Instructions do not apply to the SCALANCE W786-2HPW.
These operating instructions are intended to provide you with the information you require to
install, commission and operate the SCALANCE W786-xPRO correctly. They explain how to
configure the SCALANCE W786-xPRO and how to integrate the SCALANCE W786-xPRO in
a WLAN network.
Orientation in the documentation
Apart from the operating instructions you are currently reading, the following documentation
is also available from SIMATIC NET on the topic of Industrial Wireless LANs:
This document is supplied with the device on paper and contains a concise summary of
the most important information required to use the following products:
The document contains all the information for the setup, commissioning and operation of
these devices.
● System manual Wireless LAN Basics
Apart from the description of the physical basics and a presentation of the main IEEE
standards, this also contains information on data security and a description of the
industrial applications of wireless LAN.
You should read this manual if you want to set up WLAN networks with a more complex
structure (not simply a connection between two devices).
● System manual RCoax
This system manual contains both an explanation of the technical basis of leaky feeder
cables as well as a description of the SIMATIC NET RCoax components and their
functionality. The installation / commissioning and connection of RCoax components is
● Manual Gateway IWLAN/PB LINK PNIO for Industrial Ethernet
The user documentation for the IWLAN/PB LINK PNIO. This device is a gateway
between IWLAN and PROFIBUS.
The information in the manuals for the SCALANCE W-700 product family often applies to
more than one product variant. In such situations, the designations of the products are
shortened to avoid having to list all the type designations. The following table shows how the
abbreviations relate to the product variants.
This configuration does not require a server and the SCALANCE W78x does not have a
connection to a wired Ethernet. Within its transmission range, the SCALANCE W78x
forwards data from one WLAN node to another.
The wireless network has a unique name. All the devices exchanging data within this
network must be configured with this name.
Figure 2-1 Standalone configuration of a SCALANCE W78x. The gray area indicates the wireless
In ad hoc mode, nodes communicate with each other directly (connection 4) without
involving a SCALANCE W78x. The nodes access common resources (files or even devices,
for example printers) of the server (connections 1 to 3 in the figure). This is, of course, only
possible when the nodes are within the wireless range of the server or within each other's
If one (or more) SCALANCE W78x access points have access to wired Ethernet, the
following applications are possible:
● A single SCALANCE W78x as gateway:
A wireless network can be connected with a wired network over a SCALANCE W78x.
● Span of wireless coverage for the wireless network with several SCALANCE W78x
access points:
The SCALANCE W78x access points are all configured with the same unique SSID
(network name). All nodes that want to communicate over this network must also be
configured with this SSID.
If a mobile station moves from the coverage range (cell) of one SCALANCE W78x to the
coverage range (cell) of another SCALANCE W78x, the wireless connection is
maintained (this is called roaming).
Figure 2-3 Wireless connection of a mobile station over two cells (roaming)
If neighboring SCALANCE W78x access points use the same frequency channel, the
response times are longer due to the collisions that occur. If the configuration shown in the
figure is implemented as a single-channel system, computers A and B cannot communicate
at the same time with the SCALANCE W78x access points in their cells.
If neighboring SCALANCE W78x access points are set up for different frequencies, this
leads to a considerable improvement in performance. As a result, neighboring cells each
have their own medium available and the delays resulting from time-offset transmission no
longer occur.
Channel spacing should be as large as possible; a practical value would be 25 MHz (five
channels). Even in a multichannel configuration, all SCALANCE W78x access points can be
configured with the same network name.
Figure 2-4 Multichannel configuration on channels 1 and 7 with four SCALANCE W78x access
WDS allows direct connections between SCALANCE W78x devices and or between
SCALANCE W78x and other WDS-compliant devices. These are used to create a wireless
backbone or to connect an individual SCALANCE W78x to a network that cannot be
connected directly to the cable infrastructure due to its location.
Two alternative configurations are possible. The WDS partner can be configured both using
its name and its MAC address.
Figure 2-5 Implementation of WDS with four SCALANCE W78x access points
RWLAN allows a redundant, wireless connection between two SCALANCE W78x devices
with at least two WLAN interfaces. This is used to set up a redundant wireless backbone that
cannot be implemented as a wired network due to its location but nevertheless has high
demands in terms of availability.
Two alternative configurations are possible. The RWLAN partner can be configured both
using its name and its MAC address.
Figure 2-6 Implementing RWLAN with two SCALANCE W78x devices with at least two WLAN
interfaces. As an alternative, data transfer is possible over one of the two wireless
The SCALANCE W786 is equipped with an Ethernet port and up to three wireless LAN ports.
This makes the device suitable for the following applications:
● The SCALANCE W786 forwards data within its transmission range from one node to
another without a connection to wired Ethernet being necessary.
● The SCALANCE W786 can be used as a gateway from a wired to a wireless network.
● The SCALANCE W786 can be used as a wireless bridge between two networks.
● The SCALANCE W786 can be used as a bridge between two cells operating at different
With a SCALANCE W786 with more than one WLAN port, you can also implement a
redundant wireless connection to a SCALANCE W78x with at least two WLAN ports.
Properties of the SCALANCE W786
● The Ethernet interface supports 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps, both in full and half duplex as
well as autocrossing and autopolarity.
● Operating the wireless interface in the frequency bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz.
● The wireless interface is compatible with the standards IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11h,
IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11g. In the 802.11a, 802.11h and 802.11g mode, the gross
transmission rate is up to 54 Mbps. In turbo mode, the transmission rate is up to 108
Mbps (not permitted in all countries and modes).
● As an expansion of the 802.11a mode, it is also possible to operated according to the
IEEE 802.11h standard. In 802.11h mode, the procedures Transmit Power Control (TPC)
and Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) are used in the range 5.25 - 5.35 and 5.47 -
5.75 GHz. In some countries, this allows the frequency subband of 5.47 - 5.725 GHz to
be used outdoors even with a higher transmit power.
TPC is a technique of controlling the transmit power by reducing it to the strength actually
required. With dynamic frequency selection (DFS), the access point searches for primary
users (for example radar) on a randomly selected channel before starting communication.
If signals are found on the channel, this channel is disabled for 30 minutes and the
availability check is repeated on another channel.
● Support of the authentication standards WPA, WPA-PSK, WPA2, WPA2-PSK and
IEEE 802.1x and the encryption methods WEP, AES and TKIP.
● Suitable for inclusion of a RADIUS server for authentication.
● Device-related and application-related monitoring of the wireless connection.
● The interoperability of the devices with Wi-Fi devices of other vendors was tested
In client mode, you can use a SCALANCE W786-xPRO with the functionality of a
(2) There are two internal antennas per WLAN port. The antenna used is always the one that
provides the best possible data transmission (diversity).
Requirements for installation and operation
A PG/PC with a network attachment must be available to configure the SCALANCE W786. If
no DHCP server is available, a PC on which the Primary Setup Tool (PST) is installed is
necessary for the initial assignment of an IP address to the SCALANCE W786. For the other
configuration settings, a computer with Telnet or an Internet browser is necessary.
Yellow/green PRESET function completed successfully.
Red An error occurred during operation with the SCALANCE W786. F
Flashing red Ready to load firmware. The device was either stopped with the reset
Access Point Mode:
The WLAN interface is initialized and ready for operation.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 3rd port is not available in client
Access Point Mode:
The channels are being scanned.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 3rd port is not available in client
Access Point Mode:
With 802.11h, the channel is scanned for one minute for primary users
before the channel can be used for data traffic.
Client Mode:
The LED is always off because the 3rd port is not available in client
button or there is incorrect firmware on the device.
If the LED for the WLAN port is not green when the device starts up, although it is activated,
the port is not ready for operation (interface not initialized).
The main reason for this is usually that during commissioning of the SCALANCE W78x
products, a waiting time of up to 15 minutes can occur when the ambient temperature is
below zero. The device is ready for operation at the specified ambient temperature as soon
as the LED for the WLAN interface is lit green.
The C-PLUG is used to transfer the configuration of the old device to the new device when a
device is replaced. When the new device starts up with the C-PLUG, it then continues
automatically with exactly the same configuration as the old device. One exception to this
can be the IP configuration if it is set over DHCP and the DHCP server has not been
reconfigured accordingly.
Reconfiguration is necessary if you use WDS or redundancy with devices with more than
one WLAN interface and use the MAC addresses and not the sysNames. These functions
are then based on the MAC address that inevitably changes if a device is replaced.
In terms of the C-PLUG, the SCALANCE W-700 devices work in two modes:
• Without C-PLUG
The device stores the configuration in internal memory. This mode is active when no CPLUG is inserted.
• With C-PLUG
The configuration stored on the C-PLUG is displayed over the user interfaces. In this
mode, the internal memory is neither read nor written. If changes are made to the
configuration, the device stores the configuration directly on the C-PLUG. This mode is
active when no C-PLUG is inserted. As soon as the device is started with a C-PLUG
inserted, the SCALANCE W-700 starts up with the configuration data on the C-PLUG.
The reset button is located below the housing cover beside the sockets for external
Figure 2-8 Position of the reset button with the housing cover removed
The reset button has the following functions:
● Restart of the device
To restart the device, press the reset button.
● Loading new firmware
If the normal procedure with the Load & Save menu of Web Based Management was
completed successfully, the reset button can be used to load new firmware. This situation
can occur if there was a power outage during the normal firmware update.
● Restoring the default parameters (factory defaults)
● Adopting the configuration data from the PRESET PLUG.
With regard to the question of whether electromagnetic fields (for example in association
with industrial wireless LANs) can put human health at risk, we refer to a publication of
BITKOM (German Association for information Technology, Telecommunication and New
Media e. V.), dated December 2003:
"The same health guidelines apply to WLAN devices as to all other radio applications. These
regulations are based on the protection concept of ICNIRP
or the corresponding
recommendation of the European Council.
The independent German radiation protection commission (SSK) was commissioned by the
federal German ministry of the environment to investigate the possible dangers - thermal and
non-thermal - resulting from electromagnetic fields and came to the following conclusions
'The German Commission on Radiological Protection concludes that according to the latest
scientific literature no new scientific research is available with respect to proven health
hazards which would throw doubt upon the scientific evaluation which serves as the basis for
the ICNIRP safety concepts and the recommendations of the EU commission.'
The SSK also concludes that below the current limit values, these is also no scientific
suspicion of health risks.
This assessment agrees with those of other national and international scientific commissions
and of the WHO (
Accordingly and in view of the fact that WLAN devices are significantly below the
scientifically established limit values, there are no health risks from the electromagnetic fields
of WLAN products.
International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
'Limit Values and Precautionary Measures to Protect the General Public from
Electromagnetic Fields' Recommendation of the Radiation Protection Commission (SSK)
with scientific justification, Issue 29, 2001."
You will find further information on this topic under the following URL:
Follow the steps below to remove the housing cover:
1. Remove the sealing caps from the housing cover (position A in the figure above)
2. Loosen the screws in the cover (position B in the figure above).
These screws remain in the cover after they have been loosened (prevents them being
lost). Never attempt to remove these screws from the housing cover using force,
otherwise the housing cover will be damaged!
3. Remove the housing cover with the captive screws (position C in the figure above).
Fitting the housing cover
Fitting the housing cover is carried out in the reverse order. Tightening torque for the cover
screws 1.8 Nm.