MS DOS® is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation; MS Windows® is a
registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation; MS Windows NT® is a registered
trademark of the Microsoft Corporation; MS Windows 95® is a registered trademark
of the Microsoft Corporation; MS Windows 98® is a registered trademark of the
Microsoft Corporation; MS Remote Access Service® is a registered trademark of the
Microsoft Corporation; Netware is a registered trademark of the Novell Corporation.
Right of Ownership
No part of this software may be copied, changed, transferred in any shape or form,
into other languages without the express prior written consent of Siemens AG.
Note regarding the copyright
RVS-COM Lite is a software program developed by RVS Datentechnik GmbH and
protected by copyright. This program may only be used in accordance with the
regulations of the attached licence agreement.
You may not use, copy or transfer this documentation, in whole or part, except as
expressly provided for in the licence agreement. Violations to this agreement will
lead to civil action and prosecution.
RVS, RVS-COM and Softmodem are registered trademarks of RVS Datentechnik
GmbH in Germany and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT,
Outlook, NetMeeting, the Windows logo and the Internet Explorer logo are
registered trademarks or trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the US and/or
other countries. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or
trademarks of their respective holders.
Copyright © 1988-1999 by RVS Datentechnik GmbH, Munich
RVS Datentechnik GmbH
Hainbuchenstrasse 2
D-80935 Munich / Germany
Phone: +49 (89) 3 54 98 - 0
Fax: +49 (89) 3 54 98 - 499
Internet (WWW):
E-Mail (Vertrieb):
Mailbox (Modem): +49 (89) 3 51 62 94
Mailbox (ISDN X.75 T.70NL): +49 (89) 35 71 60 55
Mailbox (ISDN Eurofiletransfer): +49 (89) 35 71 60 56
Please direct your support queries for RVS-COM Lite solely to the manufacturer of
the communications device with which RVS-COM Lite was shipped.
RVS Datentechnik cannot answer any support or hotline calls for RVS-COM Lite.
Note regarding the manual
The software and manual are made with the greatest possible care. Siemens AG
accepts no liability for errors that may be contained in the manual or may result from
using the manual.
Siemens AG reserves the right to make alternations to this manual without prior
Siemens AG accepts no responsibility for loss or damages caused as a result of
use of the software.