Intelligent Data Transfer Device for Connection to PLCs and
Modbus Networks
Operator’s Manual
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For the purposes of this manua l and product labels, "qualif ied
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(a) is trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear,
ground, and tag circuits and equipment in accordance
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(b) is trained in the proper care and use of protective gear
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ACCESS, ISGS, Isolated Multi-Drop, S7-I/O, SBwin, SAMMS-LV, SAAMS-MV,SEAbus,SIEServe, Static Trip III,
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SIEMENS is a registered trademark of Siemens AG. ACCESS, WinPM, Static Trip III, SAMMS, SEAbus, ISGS, and Isolated
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iiSiemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
1 Introduction
1.1Product Overview
The Panel-Tec DTU3005 is an intelligent, multiplefunction data transfer unit that enables communications between Siemens communicating power
meters, trip units, and protective relays, and PLCs or
Modbus networks. The device is designed for the
harsh industrial environment and is suited for use in
switchgear. The device is shown below in Figure 1.1.
The device is powered from an external power supply.
Three ports allow for connection to the Siemens
ACCESS devices and selected protective relays, a PLC
or a Modbus RTU or ASCII master system, and a
passthrough, which allows direct communications
with port 1 or port 2 from port 3. Status lights indicate
proper operation, and DIP switches allow access to
programming and diagnostic modes.
The DTU3005 device supports a wide variety of PLCs
and Siemens ACCESS devices. Appendix A lists the
PLCs and protocols supported by the DTU3005.
Appendix B lists the supported Siemens ACCESS
devices and protective relays.
1.2Software Overview
The DTU3005 Editor software is a MS-DOS based program for configuring the DTU3005 device. It provides
for uploadin g and d ownlo ad ing co nfig urat ion s via the
computer’s serial port. You can edit and save configurations in project files on your computer’s hard drive.
Chapters 2 through 8 discuss installing and using the
editor software to configure your DTU3005 device.
Device Features:
•Com pact size (8" x 6" x 1")
•Port 1 and Port 3 Features
•Transfer data directly to one of 25 PLCs su pported
•Baud rates up to 187,500
•Addressable Modbus RTU slave capability
•(Port 3) Passthrough Port for connection to
•MS-DOS based (also runs under Microsoft Windows)
•Menu driven
•Mouse supported (but not required)
The following are possible hardware configurations
using the DTU3005 to connect to Siemens ACCESS
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 1
1 Introduction
1.4.1PLC to SEAbus
The basic configuration is a PLC att ached to port 1 of
the DTU3005, and the Siemens ACCESS devices
attached to port 2. This is shown bel ow in Figure 1.2.
Port 3 can be configured as a pa s sthr o ug h t o the SEA bus devices. This allows a personal computer running
Siemens WinPM™ or other supervisory software to
connect directly to the SEAbus devices at the same
time as the PLC. This is shown in Figure 1.3. An addi-
tional DTU3005 device can be attached to port 3. Up to
32 DTU3005 devices can be daisy chained together,
each connected to up to 32 Siemens devices. This is
shown in Figure 1.4.
Supported PLC
Supported PLC
Acting as a
master transferring
data to PLC.
1 2 3
Acting as a
master transferring
data to PLC.
Up to 32
ACCESS Devices
Figure 1.2 PLC to SEAbus Application
Up to 32
ACCESS Devices
Figure 1.3 PLC to SEAbus with Passthrough
Figure 1.4 Daisy Chained DTU3005 Units
2Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
1.4.2Modbus Master to SEAbus
The DTU3005 unit can be configured as a Modbus
(RTU) slave. In this configuration, a Modbus master
device (usually a SCADA system) is connected to port
1. The Modbus master uses the DTU3005 to monitor
and/or control Siemens ACCESS devices. A typical
Modbus application is shown below in Figure 1.5. The
passthroug h port (port 3) can be used to co nnect to a
supervisory computer running WinPM software. It can
also be used to connect to a second, independent
Modbus Master device. This is shown in Figure 1.6.
Up to 32 DTU3005B units can be daisy ch ained using a
cable connected to port 1 of the three units. Each
DTU3005B device should have a different Modbus
device number. A daisy chained configuration is
shown in Figure 1.7.
Supervisory Software
on Modbus Master
Independent Modbus Networks
Supervisory Software
on Modbus Master
Acting as a Modbus
(RTU) slave. Data
is requested by
supervisory software.
1 Introduction
Supervisory Software
on Modbus Master
1 2 3
Acting as a Modbus
(RTU) slave. Data
is requested by
supervisory software.
1 2 3
Acting as a Modbus
(RTU) slave. Data
is requested by
supervisory software.
Up to 32
ACCESS Devices
Figure 1.5 Modbus Master to SEAbus
Up to 32
ACCESS Devices
Figure 1.6 Two Independent Modbus Master Devices
to SEAbus
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 3
1 Introduction
Multi-Drop Modbus Master to SEAbus
By using a Siemens Isolated Multi-Drop Converter,
you can conne ct your Modbus Mast er device to four
DTU3005 devices. Each DTU3005 can connect to up to
32 Siemens ACCESS devices, as well as be daisy
chained to up to 32 additional DTU3005 devices. An
example configuration is shown below in Figure 1.8.
Figure 1.8 Multi-Drop Conf iguration
Figure 1.7 Connection to Modbus Master using a
Multidrop Cable
4Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
1.4.3SEAbus Port Expander
The DTU3005 can be used as a SEAbus port expander
for ACCESS devices, allowing two personal computers running WinPM (or other supervisory software) to
communicate with up to 32 ACCESS devices. This
configuration is shown below in Figure 1.9.
1 Introduction
Figure 1.9 SEAbus Port Expander
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 5
2 Installing the Software
2 Installing the Software
The DTU3005 Editor software can be installed from
the DOS prompt onto a P C running Microsoft® Windows version 3.1, 95, or 98. The PC processor must be
less than 300 MHz (or have a utility program installed
to slow down the processor speed) for the Editor software to work properly.
Note: The DTU3005 Editor software does not work in
a Windows NT environment.
If you are running Windows 3.1, double click the MSDOS Prompt icon in the Main window of Program
Manager. For Windows 95/98, select MS-DOS Prompt
from the Start menu. To install the Editor software,
insert the installation diskette into your computer and
follow the steps listed below. The computer screen,
showing the computer prompts and user responses,
is shown be low.
1.Change the cur ren t drive at the DOS pro mpt to the
diskette drive. Type A: (or B: if that is your 3½"
diskette drive), and then press Enter.
2. At the A:\> prompt, type install, and then
press Enter. The installation p ro mp ts y ou t o select
which Editor software to install, as shown in the
example screen below. Type 1 and press Enter to
install the SEAbus Device Editor, or type 2 and
press Enter to install the VDEW Device Editor.
3. The program asks on which drive you want to
install the Editor software. For most computers,
this will be drive C. Type c and press Enter.
4. The installation program then asks to which subdirectory you want to install the DTU3005 Editor
software. This is where the program and configuration files will be placed. The suggested directory name is DTU3005B. Type the directory name
at the prompt and press Enter.
5. You will now verify your drive and directory
choices. The installation program repeats your
entries and asks if the information is cor rect . Enter
Y if it is correct, and N if it is incorrect or you have
changed your mind. Then press Enter.
6Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
6. The installation program copies and unpacks the
editor program files onto your hard drive and
2 Installing the Software
returns you to the DOS prompt as shown in the
example screen below.
7.If you are running Windows, type exit to close
the DOS window.
7Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
3 Starting the Software
3 Starting the Software
To start the DTU3005 Editor software, follow these
1.If you are running Windows 3.1, double click the
MS-DOS Prompt icon in the Main window of Program Manager. For Windows 95/98, select MS-DOS Prompt from the Start menu.
2. At the DOS prompt, which is usually C:\> (or
C:\WINDOWS> if you are running a DOS prompt
from Windows) type CD \DTU3005B, where
DTU3005B is the directory where the Editor software is installed. Press Enter.
3. At t he new DOS prom pt (which is C:\DTU3005B>
if you installed the program to the suggested
directory), type DTU3005 and then press Enter.
4. T he DTU3005 E ditor software starts . An information screen appears as shown below.
5. Press Enter or Esc to close this information
screen and start using the program.
3.1Menu Navigation
Navigation of the program menus and dialog boxes
can be performed with either the keyboard or a
mouse. The Editor software uses the standard menu
and dialog box user interface used by many other
DOS and Windows programs. The mouse can be used
to make menu selections, highlight and select items in
a dialog box, and perform commands by clicking on
dialog box buttons. Keyboard equivalents to mouse
actions are described in Table 3.1 below. Informatio na l
messages are displayed on the bottom line of the
screen to give you help with keyboard navigation.
Note: To use a mouse in DOS, be sure the mouse
driver is loaded before starting the Editor
software. This is usually done automatically
from a command in the CONFIG.SYS or
AUTOEXEC.BAT startup files, or if you are
running the program from Windows, by
Windows itself. For information on how to
8Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
load a mouse driver, refer to the instructions included with your mouse.
Table 3.1 Keyboard Shortcuts for Menu Navigation
Arrow keysMoves the highlight in the direction of
EnterPerforms the highlighted command.
EscCancels a function, closes the menu or
Tab and
Letter keysThe colored letter in each menu item
SpacebarSelects or deselects a highlighted item.
Alt + QQuits the program.
the arrow.
dialog box, and returns you to the previous menu or dialog box.
The Tab key moves forward one item at
a time within a dialog box. Shift+Tab
moves backward one item at a time.
indicates which key performs that command.
3 Starting the Software
3.2Main Menu
The main menu is located on the top line of the
screen. In addition to the menu selections, the name
of the current project and the time of day is displayed
on the top l ine. There a re five mai n menu select ions.
They are
•≡, or the Program Information menu. Selecting it
displays the program information screen.
•The Project menu enables you to create, load,
save, view and print project files. It also allows
you to switch to a DOS prompt or quit the program. Its operation is described below in
Section 3.3 and Section 3.4.
•The Edit menu enables you to configure projects
and is available only when a project is open.
Chapters 4, 5, and 6 describe the process of configuring the different project types.
•The Transfer menu uploads and downloads
project files to the DTU3005 unit. These procedures are described in Chapter 7.
•The Options menu allows you to change settings
on where the program finds its project files, and
which COM and LPT ports to use. Its operation is
described in Chapter 8.
3.3Using the Project Menu
When you first start the DTU3005 Editor software, and
no project file is lo aded, t he fo llowing menu selections
are available in the Project menu (see example screen
•Open, allows you to open any saved project file.
•New, allows you to create a new project file.
•Dos Shell, allows you to switch to MS-DOS wi thout closing the DTU3005 Editor software. To
return to the program, type exit and then press
the Enter key at the DOS prompt.
•Quit, allows you to exit the DTU3005 Editor software.
3.4Starting a New Project
Projects contain the configuration information to be
downloaded to the DTU3005 device. To create a new
1.S el e ct t he Project menu with the mouse, or use
the arrow keys to highlight Project and displ ay the
Project menu:
2. Select New with the mouse, use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F3, or use the arrow keys to highlight
New and press Enter. The New Project dialog box
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 9
Note: All menus and dialog box selections are
accessible from the keyboard or by using
the mouse. From this point the manual will
only say “select this” or “highlight this.”
Refer to Section 3.1 for menu navigation
instructions and keyboard shortcuts.
3 Starting the Software
3. Type in a name for th e project up to eight letters
and numbers in the Project Name: field an d pr ess
Enter. The Project Type: field will then be highlighted. Press the spacebar to display the project
types, which are:
•PLCs to Devices—allows a PLC to control
and/or monitor up to 32 supported Siemens
devices. See Chapter 4 for configuring this
project type.
•Modbus Master to Devices—allows a Modbus speaking host system, personal computer running SCADA software, or PLC to read
and write regist er s in up to 32 sup ported Siemens devices. See Chapter 5 for configuring
this project type.
•SEAbus Port Expan der—allows two Siemens
ACCESS supervisory computers to connect
up to 32 Siemens ACCESS devices. See
Chapter 6 for configuring this project type.
10Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
3 Starting the Software
4. To select a project type, highlight the type and
either press Enter or click the left mouse button.
Then highlight the Ok button on the dialog box
and either press Enter or click the left mouse button.
5. When the screen refreshes, the Project menu is
displayed with additional menu options now available. These options apply to the open project file
that is active (i.e., the project name appears in the
top line of the screen).
•Close—allows you to close a project file.
(More than one project file can be open at any
•View—allows you to view a project informa-
tion screen which shows the project file
name, project file type, th e sel ectio ns f or each
of the DTU3005’s ports, and the number of
•Save—allows you to save the current project
•Save As—allows you to save the project file
under a different file name.
•Switch To —allows you to s witch between the
opened project files. (Multiple project files
can be open at the same time.)
•Print—allows you to print the project file’s
configuration information.
6. Select Save, or use the keyboard shortcut F10 to
save your new project. You are now ready to configure your project.
Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc. 11
4 Creating Project Files—PLC to Devices
4 Creating Project Files—PLC to
This chapter covers configuration of the DTU3005 for PLC
communications with Siemens devices. Once you have created a PLC to Devices project (see Chapter 3), follow the
directions in this chapter to configure the project file. Then
see Chapter 7 for directions on downloading the project to
the DTU3005. See also Appendix D for wiring diagr ams for
your particular PLC, as required.
4.1Application Description
The PLC to Devices application allows a PLC to control and
monitor up to 32 SEAbus devices or Siemens protective
relays. In this application, the DTU3005B initiates all communications with both the PLC and the Siemens devices.
The DTU3005B uses an internal transfer table to transfer
data to the PLC. The transfer table contains a block of
selected real-time data parameters obtained from a device.
The DTU3005B unit acts as a master to the PLC, and continuously transfers the table data to the selected block of
registers on the PLC. A delay option is provided for each
device’s table entry to prevent unnecessarily slowing down
the scan time of the PLC as well as to give some device
data transfers higher priority than others.
No ladder logic is required on the PLC to use the basic feature of this application, which allows a limited amount of
information to be transferred between the PLC and the
devices. Ladder logic programming is required to use the
command block function. The command block is used to
send commands to the devices, such as operating or
releasing relays, or resetting energy counters. See
Section 4.11 for information on configuring this feature on
the DTU3005B. The format of the command registers for
each device are described in Appendix E.
The DTU3005B can automatically update diagnostic information in the PLC. It allows the PLC to determine when a
device is not communicating. See Section 4.10 for information on enabling and configuring this feature. The format and
content of the diagnostic registers are described in detail in
Appendix F.
4.2Configuring the Project File
Once you have created or opened the project file, select
Edit from the main menu to display the following menu
•Port 1 (PLC)—allows you to select the model and configure the communications settings for the PLC connected to port 1.
•Port 2 (Devices)—allows you to co nfigure communications settings for SEAbus devices or Siemens Protective relays connected to port 2.
12Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc.
•Port 3 (Passthrough)—allows you to select whether
port 3 is used as a passthrough to the devices or the
•Diagnostics—allows you to indicate if you want the
DTU3005 to write communications diagnostic information to the PLC.
4 Creating Project Files—PLC to Devices
•Device Command Registers—allows you to indicate
which PLC registers will be u sed for dev ice co mmands.
•Device Defaults—allows you to set the default data
registers for more than one device of a certain type,
e.g., set the defaults for all 4720 power meters or all
S7-I/O units. The data registers can still be customized
for each device, as required. See Section 4.7.2 for
more information.
•Device List—allows you to indicate which SEAbus
devices or Siemens protective relays are connected to
port 2 and which PLC registers they are communicating with.
If the Device Protocol for port 2 is set to VDEW (see
Section 4.4), then two additional menu items are available:
Global Command Registers and Device Text to Values
Table. See Section 4.8 and Section 4.9 for instructions on
using these menu items.
4.3PLC Setup—P ort 1
You must have a PLC to Devices project file open to configure port 1 using the instructions in this section. Select Port1 (PLC) from the Edit menu, and the Port 1 PLC Configura-
tion screen appears.
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