11.2 The Wink command ....................................................61
11.3 Debug information ....................................................... 62
Index .................................................................................... 63
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Contents 17 Dec 2009
Revision history
Date Doc. No. Change Section Pages
12.2009 CM110754en_02 Validity "2.2 and later"
V2.36 07.2006 CM110754en_01 "Revision history", and
"Reference to trade
names and product
names" added.
New note 2.1.1
Correction 3.2
New "View restriction"
feature added
Amendment and
addition to "Wiring test"
Minor changes to text
(nomenclature) with no
effect on content
V2.35 12.2005 CM110754en First edition
Reference to trade names and
product names
The following trade names and product names are registered
BACnet American National Standard (ANSI/ASHRAE 135-
Echelon Corporation, San Jose, USA
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Revision history 17 Dec 2009
1 About this manual
1.1 Target readers
This user guide is intended for those responsible for the HVAC plant
in a building, and for other qualified staff, including service
engineers. It is assumed that the users of the manual will have all
the knowledge and skills needed to carry out the required tasks.
1.2 Contents
The manual starts with a description of the display and control panel
of the PXM20 (BACnet/LonTalk) and PXM20-E (BACnet/Ethernet/IP)
operator unit and presents the procedures for navigation and for
editing values, which are always the same. The second part of the
manual leads you step by step through the various activities involved
in commissioning and maintaining the plant.
As there may be significant differences between one plant and
another, and between the read and write access of one user and
another, it follows that it is not possible to provide a description
which is generally applicable to every individual case.
"Favorite" objects, for example, are special objects containing
important values, which can be accessed with a short-cut operation.
The question of exactly which objects and which values these are, is
determined in the engineering phase according to the individual
needs of the plant operator.
Important For this reason, the descriptions in this manual are intended as
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies About this manual 17 Dec 2009
examples, designed to clarify the basic operating principles of the
PXM20 operator unit.
1.3 Printing conventions
1.3.1 Text
Bold text is used for text exactly as it appears in the display, e.g.
1.3.2 Keys
Keys are shown as follows:
Key names that appear on the key itself are shown in angular
brackets < > This convention is used for the <
– > and < + > keys. Example: Press the <?> key.
the <
The OK key and ESC key are referred to without brackets; their
name is marked on the unit housing. Example: Press the ESC key
or: Acknowledge withOK.
The "direct access" keys are referred to as such. Their function is
described neither on the keys themselves nor on the housing.
Example: Use the direct access key to go to the next value.
The same applies to the Page Up and Page Down keys.
Example: Go to the next dialog box using the Page Down key.
1.3.3 Notes
ImportantThe symbol shown here acts as a warning in cases where an action
Important Particular attention should be paid to text marked with this symbol.
may result in permanent loss of data.
A note qualifies an immediately preceding statement or statements.
? > key (Info), and
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies About this manual 17 Dec 2009
2 Display and control
2.1 Housing
Figure 2-1 Housing
1. Display panel (Section 2.2)
2. Direct access keys (Section
3. Alarm LED (Section 2.1.1)
4. Page Up & Page Down keys (Section
5. OK key, <+> and <–> editing keys (Section
6. ESC key (Section
7. <?> key (Section
2.1.1 Alarm LED
When an alarm is tripped in the system, the alarm LED lights up or
flashes, provided a user is logged in. As soon as all alarms have
been acknowledged, the LED stops flashing and remains on
continuously. For further information on alarm signals refer to
Section 7.
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
When the view restriction option is On, the red Alarm LED lights up
in the event of an alarm even if you are not logged in.
The LED does not flash in response to an event.
2.1.2 Audible signal
If the Buzzer is set to On under Settings (see Section 3), then any
alarm requiring acknowledgement and/or a reset will be additionally
accompanied by an audible signal. Alarms which do not require
acknowledgement or reset are not accompanied by an audible alarm
2.1.3 Keys Direct access keys
An arrowhead symbol at the end of a line indicates that, for that line,
you can use the associated direct access key to carry out a number
of actions:
The direct access keys have a dual function.
Direct access to the view at the next level down.
Refer to Section 5 for detailed instructions on navigating in the
Editing a value
our user access rights determine whether you can edit values, or
only read them. Refer to Section 6 for detailed instructions on
editing values in Page Up and Page Down
If there are several pages in one display, use the Page Up and
Page Down keys to change to the next or previous page. You can
also use Page Up and Page Down in addition to the <+> and <–
>keys, to edit numerical values.
In pop-ups and dialog boxes, the symbols for Page Up and
Page Down are used to indicate that there is too much text to display
at once. Scroll up and down with these keys to display the whole
the PXM20.
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009 The OK key and the edit keys <+> and <–>
As soon as you access a value with the direct access key, the value
concerned begins to flash, indicating that it can be edited with the
<+> and <–> keys. Confirm each change by pressing OK. In addition
to the <+> and <–>keys you can use Page Up and Page Down to
edit numerical values.
The step-by-step procedure for editing is described in Section 6 ESC key
By pressing the ESC key you can cancel any current process at any
time (e.g. the editing of a value), change over to the dialog box of the
next higher level or close a pop-up window. .
Holding down ESC for more than 2 seconds ("Long ESC") closes all
the active pop-up windows.
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009 The info key <?>
Pressing the <?> key once takes you into "Info" mode. A question
mark at the end of a line indicates that you can display information
associated with this line. To do this, press the associated direct
access key.
Figure 2-2
Figure 2-3 Example: "Setpoint for cooling"
Pressing the <?> key again displays a dialog box with general
information about the associated window.
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
Title bar
Line of text
2.2 Display
All the elements of a plant are shown in the display, with values or
information which you can read or overwrite, depending on your user
access rights. Figure 2-4 shows the layout of the display. The next
section describes
The keys used for navigation and editing are outside the display
panel, and set into the housing itself. These keys are also described
below in more detail.
the areas of the display and the symbols used.
Operator field
Figure 2-4 Layout of the display
2.2.1 Title bar
The current level within the tree structure is shown at the top left of
the display panel; this is marked with an arrow . The current page
and the total number of pages is shown on the right. The title bar is
separated from the rest of the display with a horizontal line.
The example above shows page 1 of 2 of the dialog box for the Air handling unit.
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
Text lines
2.2.2 Operator field
Below the title bar is the operator field, which may contain either
several lines of alphanumerical text, or a graph.
A maximum of six lines of text can be displayed in the operator field.
If there are more than this, the remaining lines appear on the next
An ellipsis (…) indicates that the text is too long to fit on the line.
To see the rest of the information, use the <?> key followed by the
direct access key.
Each line comprises the following elements from left to right:
Values, alarms, events, entries, functions, hierarchical elements
An arrowhead symbol, for values which you can edit.
Trends and heating curves are displayed in graph form.
Figure 2-5 Trends graph
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
The button-field contains other functions or dialog boxes to which
you can gain access by pressing the associated direct access key.
Buttons are identified by upper case text in a box.
Dialog box
A "pop-up" is a dialog box used to display an alarm or an event. The
ALARM VIEWER button provides direct access to the list of active
Figure 2-6 Pop-up
After a given action, a dialog box will appear, with a prompt which
must be acknowledged before the required action is carried out or
cancelled. Dialog boxes containing the relevant information are also
displayed when you press the <?> key.
Figure 2-7 Dialog box with confirmation prompt
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
2.2.3 Symbols
The following is a list of all the symbols used in the display, and their
meanings. The same symbol may represent different entries, or
have a different meaning, depending on the context.
Symbols Navigation Description
Symbols Description
Arrowhead. Values on this line can be accessed with the direct
access key directly to the right of the line.
This line contains additional information about the highlighted object.
The information appears when you press the Info key <?>. Refer
also to Section
Page n of total n pages.
Scroll up to display more information
Scroll down to display more information
Hierarchical element
Favorites. These are defined in the engineering phase and contain
frequently interrogated elements with simple operator access.
Group object (room automation)
Command control
Power control
Operating parameters
Value object
Interface variable
Calendar / Calendar entry
1. Time schedules
2. Set date and time
User-defined system settings
Alarming & functions
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
Symbols Description
Daylight savings
Global objects. Contain data which is globally available (within a
given site, across automation stations)
Edit user
Add new users
Delete user
Change password
Device (Primary Server)
Device (Backup Server)
Wiring test (service engineers only)
Debug information (service engineers only)
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
Alarms & Events
1. Alarm overview
2. Alarm and event history:
Alarm for "Off Normal" or fault state; flashing indicates
unacknowledged alarm
Acknowledged alarm state
Alarm for "Normal" state; flashing indicates unacknowledged state.
Normal state not reset
System event
Acknowledged alarm or event in Alarm & event history
Reset alarm or event in Alarm & event history
Work in progress
Override (manually overwritten value)
Life safety
Plant security
Override active
Out of service
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Display and control elements 17 Dec 2009
3 Settings
1. You can only carry out the settings described below if the
appropriate rights have been assigned to you. These rights are
allocated either in the engineering phase, or later by the system
2. To be able to carry out settings and modifications, you must be
in a site (see Section 4).
Figure 3-1 Site overview
Open Alarming & functions for the current site.
This is where you will find all the entries which you use to modify
settings in the system using your PXM20 operator unit.
Figure 3-2 Alarming & functions
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Settings 17 Dec 2009
3.1 System
3.1.1 Set time & date (system time)
You can only make time settings if a primary server has been
defined in the network.
The system time is always applicable to one site. To change the
system time, proceed as follows:
1. Open Alarming & functions > Set date & time for the current
2. Set the required time using the direct access key adjacent to the
numerical time display.
3. Save the new settings.
3.1.2 Daylight savings
This option is used to define the requirements for an automatic
daylight savings time change.
1. Open Alarming & functions for the current site.
2. Select Set daylight savings
You can start by accepting or rejecting the current automatic
summer time change.
3. You then define on what date and at what time summer time is to
begin and end. The basic settings are the last Sunday in March
at 0200 hours for the start of summer time and the last Sunday in
October at 0300 hours for the end of summer time.
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Settings 17 Dec 2009
3.2 PXM20 operator unit
The procedure for defining or modifying settings in the PXM20 is
always the same. It is therefore described here once only. The same
procedure applies to Sections 3.2.1… 3.2.17.
1. Open Alarming & functions > Settings for the current site.
2. Select the required entry; the value will start flashing.
3. Configure the value as required.
4. Always save the new settings and restart the PXM20 operator
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Settings 17 Dec 2009
3.2.1 Language
Select the language here. The basic setting is English.
3.2.2 IP settings (PXM20-E only)
These settings must be carried out only by (or by arrangement with)
your system administrator or network administrator.
Figure 3-3 Settings Figure 3-4 IP settings
Set your network parameters here.
UDP port
Foreign device
If the dynamic IP configuration in your network is set up via DHCP
(Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), then the settings for the IP
address, subnet mask and default gateway are provided by the
DHCP server. These settings cannot be modified.
If the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway settings are
entered manually, they are not checked for consistency.
BACnet communicates via UDP (User Datagram Protocol) and IP
(Internet Protocol). The default UDP port for BACnet is BAC0. A port
other than the default UDP port can be set by means of the edit
Figure 3-5 Setting the UDP port
The BBMD (BACnet Broadcast Management Device) function is
required for BACnet communications between the different IP
segments (separated by IP routers). The PXM20-E from another IP
segment can register itself with BBMD as a foreign device. This
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Settings 17 Dec 2009
function can be enabled here. The same dialog box is also used to
enter the IP address of the device with BBMD functionality.
Figure 3-6 Foreign device enabled
3.2.3 View restriction
PXM20/PXM20-E units are delivered with the default setting View
restriction = Off (Figure 3-7). This means that all sites and devices
are visible. Use this menu to configure the site and devices that y
need to see.
1. Log into the site for which you want to configure a restricted view.
If the setting is View restriction = On, you will be able to see
this site only
2. Set View restriction =On (Figure 3-8)
Figure 3-7 Default setting a the new
operator unit: View restriction = Off
Figure 3-8 View restriction = On
3. The devices associated for that site are displayed. They are all
set to Hidden.
4. Select the devices you want to be able see for your work, and set
them to Visible (Figure 3-9).
Siemens PXM20 / PXM20-E operator unit CM110754en_02
Building Technologies Settings 17 Dec 2009
It is recommended that the Prima
ry Device also be set to Visible.
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