Cerberus PACE
Operating terminals / Call s tations
Control Products and Systems
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Issued by:
Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
Building Technologies Division
International Headquarters
Theilerstrasse 1a
CH-6300 Zug
Tel. +41 58 724-2424
Edition: 2018-07-19
Document ID: A6V10430571_en--_b
© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2018
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Table of contents
1 About this document ................................................................................... 5
1.1 Applicable documents ..................................................................................... 8
1.2 Technical terms and abbreviations ................................................................. 8
1.3 Revision history ............................................................................................... 9
2 Safety ....................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Safety instructions ......................................................................................... 10
2.2 Safety regulations for the method of operation ............................................. 11
2.3 System owner ................................................................................................ 13
2.4 Function test / system acceptance / maintenance ........................................ 13
2.5 Standards and directives complied with ........................................................ 14
2.5.1 Information technology equipment (ITE) ....................................... 14
2.6 Cyber security disclaimer .............................................................................. 15
3 Operating conditions ................................................................................. 16
3.1 Operating condition indicators ....................................................................... 16
4 Operating elements in the system ............................................................. 17
4.1 Call stations ................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Operating terminals ....................................................................................... 20
5 Access levels ............................................................................................ 21
6 Fire brigade call station (AT) PT2002-A1................................................... 22
6.1 Fire brigade call station operating functions ................................................. 23
6.2 Fire brigade call station operation ................................................................. 23
7 Desk call station (19 buttons) PT2001-A1 ................................................. 25
7.1 Desk call station operating functions ............................................................ 26
7.2 Desk call station operation ............................................................................ 26
8 Key switch for desk call station PTO2002/3-A1 ......................................... 28
8.1 Key switch operating functions ...................................................................... 28
8.2 Key switch operation ..................................................................................... 28
9 System status indicator (19") PT2004-A1 .................................................. 29
9.1 Operating functions PT2004-A1 .................................................................... 29
9.2 Operation PT2004-A1 ................................................................................... 29
10 System status display (door) PT2007-A1 .................................................. 30
10.1 Operating functions PT2007-A1 .................................................................... 30
10.2 Operation PT2007-A1 ................................................................................... 30
11 Alarm control panel (19") PT2005-A1 ........................................................ 31
11.1 Operating functions PT2005-A1 .................................................................... 31
11.2 Operation PT2005-A1 ................................................................................... 31
12 Remote control panel PT2006-A1 ............................................................. 33
12.1 Operating functions PT2006-A1 .................................................................... 33
12.2 Operation PT2006-A1 ................................................................................... 34
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13 Function test .............................................................................................. 35
13.1 Testing the indicating elements ..................................................................... 35
14 System acceptance on site ........................................................................ 36
15 Maintenance .............................................................................................. 37
Glossary .............................................................................................................. 40
Index .................................................................................................................. 41
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About this document
Retention and availabi lity
This docu ment m ust be av ailab le in a usab le forma t through out the entire l ife
cycle of the prod uct. Keep t he docume nt for r eference and ensur e that it can
be acc ess ed by t arget grou ps.
Should you re quire an other
Support C enter, ph one +49 89 9221
This docu ment des crib es th e operati on of a
announc ement sy stem on t he
(VACIE) and th e add itiona l operat ing e lements of the v oice al
The reader sho uld lear n ab out and under stand the ope rating el ements and t he ke y
functions in th e sys tem as a who le. This k nowl edge wi ll mean th at they c an
respond adequa tely in an e merge ncy and w ill be abl e to oper ate oth er sy stem
The inform ation co ntaine d in this doc ument is val id for
interference in a domest ic environ ment i n which c ase the user may b e requir ed to
copy of this document, please c ontact the Custo mer
voice alarm control and indicat ing eq uipme nt
' system is a Class A product which may c ause ra dio
voice alarm and
arm system.
Building Technologies
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Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:
Target group Activity Qualification
System owner ● According to EN 50110-1,
'nominated person with the overall
responsibility to ensure the safe
operation of the electrical
installation by setting rules and
organisation or framework.'
IT security officers ● Support companies when it comes
to assessing the security of
products, solutions, and services,
and defining and implementing
Commissioning personnel ● Configures the product at the place
of installation according to
customer-specific requirements.
● Checks the product operability and
releases the product for use by the
● Searches for and corrects
Operating personnel ● Carries out procedures to correctly
operate the product.
● 'This person can be the owner,
employer, proprietor or a delegated
● 'Some of these duties can be
delegated to others as required. For
large or complex electrical
installations or networks, the duties
can be delegated for parts of the
installations or the network.'
● Are technical experts in all aspects
of IT security.
● Has obtained suitable specialist
training for the function and for the
● Has attended the training courses
for commissioning personnel.
● No particular basic training is
● Has been instructed by the
commissioning personnel.
Maintenance personnel ● Carries out all maintenance work.
● Checks that the products are in
perfect working order.
● Searches for and corrects
Source language and reference document
● The source/original language of this document is German (de).
● The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized.
Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows:
ID code Examples
ID_languageCOUNTRY_ modification index
-- = multilingual or international
● Has obtained suitable specialist
training for the function and for the
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Date format
The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information
and tips for an easier way of
The date format in the document corresponds to the recommendation of
international standard ISO 8601 (format YYYY-MM-DD).
Conventions for text marking
Special markups are shown in this document as follows:
⊳ Requirement for a behavior instruction
Behavior instruction with at least two operation sequences
– Version, option, or detailed information for a behavior instruction
⇨ Intermediate result of a behavior instruction
⇨ End result of a behavior instruction
● Numbered lists and behavior instructions with an operation
[➙ X] Reference to a page number
'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically
<Key> Identification of keys
> Relation sign and for identification between steps in a sequence,
e.g., 'Menu bar' > 'Help' > 'Help topics'
↑ Text Identification of a glossary entry
Supplementary information and tips
Building Technologies
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1.1 Applicable documents
You will find more information on the Cerberus PACE system and its components
in the following documents:
Title Document ID
IT security policies
Cerberus PACE – IT security policies* A6V11439692
System documentation
Cerberus PACE – planning* A6V11244536
'PACE-Design' – configuration* A6V10429097
Cerberus PACE – mounting / installation A6V10430579
Cerberus PACE – operation A6V10430571
Data sheets
System data sheet A6V11243351
19" cabinets A6V10429243
Digital audio matrix A6V10430497
Power amplifier A6V10430515
Operating terminals A6V10430526
Call stations A6V10430544
Power supply and batteries A6V10430553
Accessories and options A6V10430563
Environmental declaration
Cerberus PACE – environmental declaration A6V11444004
*You can obtain these documents from the product support platform via the
following link: https://psp.sbt.siemens.com/.
Download center
κ Enter the document ID in the search field.
1.2 Technical terms and abbreviations
You will find details of technical terms and abbreviations in the 'Glossary' chapter.
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1.3 Revision history
The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, be
The reference document's version applies to all languages into which the reference
document is translated.
version 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document is already this version.
The table below shows this document's revision history:
Version Edition date Brief description
b 2018-07-19 New: Target group 'IT security officers', chapter 'Function test / system
acceptance / maintenance [➙ 13]', 'Information technology equipment (ITE)
[➙ 14]', 'System acceptance on site [➙ 36]'
Updated: Chapter 'Function test [➙ 35]', 'Testing the indicating elements [➙ 35]',
'Maintenance [➙ 37]', 'Fire brigade call station operating functions [➙ 23]', 'Fire
brigade call station operation [➙ 23]', 'Operating functions PT2004-A1 [➙ 29]',
'System status display (door) PT2007-A1 [➙ 30]', 'Operation PT2005-A1 [➙ 31]'
a 2018-06-08 First edition
Building Technologies
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Safety instructions
The safety notic es must be obser ved in ord er to protec t peo ple and
The safety notic es in th is doc ument c ontai n the fo llowing e lements:
Nature and or igin of the da nger
Conseq uences if the dang er oc curs
Measures or proh ibiti ons fo r dang er avoi danc e
This is th e symbo l for da nger . It war ns of
Follow a ll meas ures id entifi ed by t his sy mbol t o avo id i njury or d eath.
Additional da nger sy mbols
These symbo ls indicat e ge neral da ngers, th e type of danger or poss ible
The signal word c lassif ies the d anger as de fined in the follow ing tab le:
'DANGER' ident ifies a d ang erous s ituati on, which
'WARNING' ident ifies a dangerous sit uation , which
if you do not av oid t his situat ion.
'CAUTION' ide ntifies a dan gerous s ituat ion, wh ich cou ld resu lt in
moderately seri ous in jury
' iden tifies a poss ibly har mful situ ation or
' does not r elate t o pos sib le bod ily inj ury.
and prohibitions, examples of which are sh own in the
will result direc tly in d eath or
may resu lt in dea th or ser ious
possible da mage to prop erty
Signal word
if you do not avoid this situation.
slight to
if you do not avoid this situation.
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How risk of injury is pr esented
Information a bout th e risk of in jury is s hown as fol lows:
Nature an d orig in of the danger
Conseq uences if the dang er oc curs
Measures / proh ibiti ons for danger av oida nce
How possi ble dama ge to prop erty is present ed
Information a bout pos si ble damage t o proper ty is s ho wn as fo llows:
Nature an d orig in of the danger
Measures / proh ibiti ons for danger av oida nce
Safety reg ulations for the m ethod of ope ration
National standards, regulati ons and legisl ation
Siemens prod ucts ar e dev elop ed and produce d in com pliance w ith the relev ant
safety standar ds or l egis lati on concer nin g the p lanni ng, mou nting, insta llat ion,
operation or d isposa l of the pr oduct apply at t he pl ace of operati on, the n thes e
must also be tak en i nto ac
Work on elec trical insta llat ions may only be carr ied o ut by qu alifi ed
electric ians or by instr ucte d per sons
superv ision of a qual ified elec trician, in acc ordanc e wit h the el ectrot ech nica l
Wherever poss ible dis con nec t products fro m the p ower supply w hen carr yin g
out commis si oning, maint enanc e or r epair wor k o n the m.
Label t he con necti on ter mi nals w ith ext erna l voltag e us ing a
Route ma ins con necti ons t o prod ucts s eparat ely and f use the m with t heir ow n,
Fit an easi ly acc ess ible dis connec ting device in acc ordance w ith IE C
outsid e the i nstal latio n.
Produce eart hing as s tated in local safety r egul ations .
the danger occurs
international safety standards. Should additio nal nat iona l or local
count together with the safety regula tions i n the pro duct
working under the gui dance and
free areas to prevent them being switched ba ck on aga in by m istake.
Building Technologies
External voltage' sign.
marked fuse.
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Safety regulations for the method of operatio n
Noncompliance w ith th e fol lowi ng saf ety re gulat ions
Compli ance w ith the follo wing r egul ations is re quired.
Specialis t elec tric al e ngine ering k now ledge is requ ired for ins ta llat ion.
Only an ex pert is per mitt ed to carr y out insta llation wor k.
Incorrect insta llati on ca n
Mounting, instal lation, commissioning a nd mainten ance
If you req uire too ls such as a ladder, these must be saf e and must be int ended
When s tarting t he fire c ontr ol pane
Ensure t hat al l points lis ted in the 'Test ing the pr oduc t opera bility' s ecti on below
You may o nly set co ntro ls to norm al funct ion whe n the pr oduct oper abi lity has
been complet ely tes ted and the
Testing th e produc t op erabili ty
Prevent the re mote tr ans mis sion from trigger ing err one ously.
If testing bui lding ins tal latio ns or ac tivat ing dev ices fr om th ird
you must c oll abora te with the
The activa tion of fire c ontro l instal lations f or test purpo ses mus t not c ause
injury to any one or da mage to the b uilding insta llations . The f ollow ing
instructions mus t be obs erved:
Use the corr ect pote ntial fo r activati on; this is
Only c heck c ontro ls up t o the i nterface (relay w ith bl ocking o ption).
Make sur e that only the co ntrols to be tested are ac tiv ated.
Inform peopl e befor e tes ting the alarm d evices and a llow for p ossib le p
Inform peo ple ab out any n ois e or mist wh ich may be pr oduced .
Before test ing the r emote tr ansmiss ion, inform th e corres pondin g alarm and
fault signal receiv ing s tatio ns.
Modifications to the sys tem design and the pr oducts
malfunction ing an d safety r is ks. Wr itten confir mation mus t be obta ined fro m
Siemens and the corr espon ding safety bodies for modif ications or add itions.
take safety devices out of operation u nbekn own to a
l ensure that unstable condit ions c annot
system has been handed over t o the cus tomer .
generall y the p otentia l of th e
e system and to individual products may lead t o faults,
to persons and damage to property
-party companies,
people appointed.
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defined by S iemens. On ly u se produc ts s pec ified or r ec ommend ed by
Only us e fus es wit h the s pec ified fus e ch aracter ist ics.
Wrong bat tery ty pes a nd im proper b attery c hang ing lea d to a risk of exp los io
Only us e the s ame b attery t ype or an equiv alen t batter y type r ecomm ended by
Batter ies m ust be dis posed of in a n env ironment ally fr iend ly ma nner. Obs erve
nationa l gui delin es an d reg ulatio ns.
Disregard of the saf ety r egulations
correctly when used proper ly. Siem ens d isclai ms a ll lia bility for damage or inj uries
caused by the incorrec t applica tion of t he instr uct ions or t he disr egar d of da nger
warnings cont ained in t he d
Persona l injur ies or da mage to property caus ed by improper use and i ncorr ect
Persona l injur ies or da mage to property cause d by dis regardi ng saf ety
Persona l injur y or da mage t o proper ty caus ed by po or mainten ance or lack of
commiss ioni ng pers onnel and th e operat ing pers onne l
have th e necess ary k nowled ge relat ing to t he pos itio n of operat ing ter minals a nd
Lack of orie ntatio n in the eve nt of an a larm
Delayed meas ures to preve nt damag e
As the sy stem owner , you must ensur e that th e memb ers of the oper ating
personn el are aw are of the posit ion of all oper ating t er minals a nd ca ll stati ons
Function test / system acc eptance / maintenance
Failure t o fol low instr uctio ns a nd rec ommen datio ns
Restricted al arms or no al ar ms, and pers onal in jury in the case of evacu ation.
Read and follo w the i nstruc tions and rec ommend ation s prov ided in th e
chapters referr ed to below.
Failure to follow the i nst
wellbeing of peo ple at al l or to its ful l potenti al, espec ial ly in the ev ent that an
ts must comply with the technica l speci ficat ions
livered, Siemens products are tested to ensur e they fu nctio n
ocumentation. This applies in particu lar to the fo llowing
1, the system owner must also ens ure that t he
ructions and recommendations found i n the c hapter s
in the system not being able to help protect t he lives a nd
System owner
documentation or on the product
see 'Target groups [➙ 6]'
Cerberus PACE system.
[➙ 37]
Building Technologies
➙ 35]', 'System acceptance on site [➙
]', and 'Maintenance
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