This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring to property damage only have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes
in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and
label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Prescribed Usage
Note the following:
This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only in
connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or recommended
by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage, positioning and
assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.
All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this
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Copyright Siemens AG 2004. All rights reserved.
The distribution and duplication of this document or the utiliz ation and transmission of its
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Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Postfach 4848, 90327 Nuremberg, Germany
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft 6AU1900-1AB32-0BA0
Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the
hardware and software described. Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot
guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this publication is reviewed
regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.
Siemens AG 2004
Technical data subject to change
Contents of manual
The accompanying manual describes the SIMOTION CamTool option package.
The document is part of the SIMOTION Engineering System documentation package with
order number: 6AU1900-1AB32-0BA0, Edition 12.2004
The accompanying manual applies to SIMOTION SCOUT in conjunction with the
SIMOTION CamTool option package.
The SIMOTION system was developed in accordance with the ISO 9001 quality guidelines.
Information blocks:
The following is a description of the purpose and use of the product manual.
• Description chapter
• Installation chapter
• Configuration chapter
• Functions chapter
This chapter provides a short overview of the basic functions of the SIMOTION CamTool
and the inclusion in SIMOTION SCOUT.
This chapter describes how the SIMOTION CamTool is installed and which prerequisites
must be satisfied to allow the use of SIMOTION CamTool.
This chapter describes the basic functions of SIMOTION CamTool. It shows you how to
process cams with CamTool.
In this chapter you learn how to create a cam with CamTool.
An overview of the SIMOTION documentation is provided in a separate list of references.
The list of references is supplied on the "SIMOTION SCOUT" CD and is included in each
print copy order of the documentation package.
The list of references can be obtained separately under the following MLFB number:
Order no.: 6AU1900-1AA32-0BA0
Edition 12.2004
SIMOTION documentation consists of 10 documentation packages containing approximately
50 SIMOTION documents and documents on other products (e.g., SINAMICS).
The following documentation packages are available for SIMOTION V3.2:
• SIMOTION Engineering System
• SIMOTION System and Function Descriptions
• SIMOTION Diagnostics
• SIMOTION Programming
• SIMOTION Programming - Reference Lists
• SIMOTION D4xx (incl. SINAMICS S120)
• SIMOTION Supplementary Documentation
• SIMOTION Function Library
If you have any questions, please contact our hotline (worldwide):
• A & D Technical Support: Phone: +49 (180) 50 50 222
• Fax: +49 (180) 50 50 223
• E-mail:
If you have any questions, suggestions, or corrections regarding the documentation, please
fax or e-mail them to the following:
• Fax: +49 (9131) 98 2176
• E-mail:
• Fax form: refer to the reply form at the end of the document
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... iii
The graphical user interface in SIMOTION CamTool allows you to create, edit and optimize
SIMOTION CamTool is fully integrated in SIMOTION SCOUT. This allows you to also use in
SIMOTION CamTool information configured in SIMOTION SCOUT (e.g. axis settings).
Basic functions
SIMOTION CamTool provides the following basic functions:
• Insert and edit cams.
• Modifying the representation of the cam in CamTool
• Converting cams from SIMOTION CamTool to SIMOTION CamEdit.
Cams can be added to a SCOUT project using SIMOTION CamTool. In addition, you can
edit with CamTool a cam created with CamEdit: Cams can also be imported from a text
file or uploaded from a SIMOTION device.
In SIMOTION CamTool, you can show and hide diagrams, change the representation
parameters of the axes and diagrams, and adapt the lines and fonts. You can also
represent auxiliary lines in the diagram.
To edit with SIMOTION CamEdit a cam edited in SIMOTION CamTool, the cam must be
SIMOTION CamTool is an option package for SIMOTION SCOUT.
SIMOTION SCOUT must have been installed on the system on which you want to install
SIMOTION CamTool. For further information, refer to the system prerequisites.
You require administrator rights for the installation.
After the installation, every user (also those without administrator rights) can work with
System requirements
The following table provides a detailed overview of the system requirements for
Table 2-1 SIMOTION CamTool system requirements
Minimum requirement
Programming device or
Operating system
Software required
• Processor: Intel Pentium II or compatible. 400 MHz (WIN NT 4.0, WIN
• Processor: Intel Pentium III or compatible. 500 MHz
(WIN XP Professional)
• 256 MB RAM; 512 MB recommended
• Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
• Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 ≥ Service Pack 6 or
• Microsoft Windows 2000 ≥ Service Pack 3
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional ≥ Service 1
• Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5.0.1
• SIMATIC STEP 7 Version 5.1 ≥ Service Pack 6 or STEP 7 Version 5.2
This chapter describes how you work with SIMOTION CamTool. You learn how
• to customize the display of the working area
• to edit a cam with CamTool
• to save a cam
• to customize the display of the cam
• to download a cam to a SIMOTION device
The following operating instructions primarily describe the operation of
SIMOTION CamTool using the functions in the menu bar.
You can also execute the functions from the context menus. In this case, right-click the
element that you want to edit.
You can also execute the most import functions using the icons in the
SIMOTION CamTool toolbar. Pay attention to the tooltip which is displayed when you
place the mouse pointer on an icon in the toolbar.
3.2.1 Changing the representation using the toolbar
You can show or hide the scaled curve, the V diagram (velocity diagram), the A diagram
(acceleration diagram) and the J diagram (jerk diagram) via icons in the toolbar. You can use
the zoom tool to increase or reduce the size of the display or use the hand tool to move the
Changing the representation using the toolbar
To change the representation of the diagrams via the toolbar
Toolbar icons
1. When the mouse pointer is placed on an icon in the toolbar, a tooltip is displayed.
2. Click the icon of the function that you want to use.
The screen display can be changed using the following functions:
Table 3-1 SIMOTION CamTool toolbar icons
Symbol Explanation / instructions
With this icon, you can activate or deactivate the display of the scaled curve. If you
have not specified a scaling, the icon is shown grayed-out.
If the scaled curve is displayed, you cannot edit the original curves in the diagram
With this icon, you can show or hide the V diagram (velocity diagram).
With this icon, you can show or hide the A diagram (acceleration diagram).
With this icon, you can show or hide the J diagram (jerk diagram).
With this icon, you can activate or deactivate the zoom tool. You can also deactivate
the zoom tool using the ESC key.
You can perform various functions with the activated zoom tool. The function is
dependent on whether the mouse pointer is on the diagram area or on a coordinate
axis and whether the SHIFT key is also pressed:
Zoom tool on the diagram area (zoom in all directions at the same time)
Left-click to increase the size of the display by the factor 2.
Right-click to decrease the size of the display by the factor 2.
Zoom tool on the coordinate axis (zoom in all directions at the same time)
Left-click to increase the size of the display by the factor 2 in the direction of the
coordinate axis on which you are pointing.
Right-click to decrease the size of the display by the factor 2 in the direction of the
coordinate axis on which you are pointing.
Zoom tool with pressed SHIFT key
The mouse pointer is activated as a hand tool while you keep the SHIFT key pressed.
With activated hand tool, you can move the diagram area with drag&drop. All
displayed diagrams are adjusted to the move.
With this icon, you can activate or deactivate the zoom function. You can also
deactivate the zoom function using the ESC key.
Zoom function on the diagram area
With activated zoom function, you can lasso a section of the diagram area that you
want to enlarge with the mouse button pressed.
Zoom function on the coordinate axis
With activated zoom function, you can lasso a section of a coordinate axis that you
want to enlarge with the mouse button pressed. The enlargement is in the direction in
which you lasso the section of the coordinate axis.
With this icon, you can restore the previous zoom setting.
With this icon, you can activate or deactivate the hand tool. You can also deactivate
the hand tool using the ESC key.
With activated hand tool, you can move the diagram area with drag&drop. All
displayed diagrams are adjusted to the move.
With this icon, you can restore the whole display to the normal view.
4. Double-click the cam. The cam is opened with SIMOTION CamTool and displayed.
Segment limits between individual cam segments are marked in the S diagram (distance
Figure 3-4 Open with CamTool a cam created with CamEdit
5. Select the cam segment that you want to edit. Note the displayed segment limits.
6. Delete the cam segment by pressing the DEL key. The cam segment is replaced by an
interpolation curve (transition) by SIMOTION CamTool. If required, fixed points are
inserted in the curve to maintain the corner points of the original curve.
Figure 3-5 Cam segment replaced by SIMOTION CamTool with fixed point and transition
(interpolation polynomial)
7. The cam segment (e.g. fixed point) inserted by SIMOTION CamTool can be edited (e.g.
change position).
8. The interpolation curve (transition) inserted by SIMOTION CamTool can be optimized
(e.g. velocity).
With SIMOTION CamTool, you can edit all cams created with SIMOTION CamEdit.
Figure 3-7 Cam segment replaced by SIMOTION CamTool with fixed point and transition
(interpolation polynomial)
3. Click the menu Cam > Import. The file selection window is displayed.
Navigate under Find in to the text file that contains the cam and select the text file. The
name of the text file is entered under Name.
4. Click OK in the file selection window. The cam is imported.
When you import a cam from a text file and have previously changed the displayed cam,
a window appears. You can accept the changed cam into the project via the window. The
cam is then imported from the text file.
1. The cam imported from a text file is displayed in SIMOTION CamTool. Segment limits
between individual cam segments are marked in the S diagram (distance diagram).
Select the cam segment that you want to edit. Note the displayed segment limits.
2. Delete the cam segment by pressing the DEL key. The cam segment is replaced by an
interpolation curve (transition) by SIMOTION CamTool. If required, fixed points are
inserted in the curve to maintain the corner points of the original curve.
3. The cam segment (e.g. fixed point) inserted by SIMOTION CamTool can be edited (e.g.
change position).
4. The interpolation curve (transition) inserted by SIMOTION CamTool can be optimized
(e.g. velocity).
3.3.5 Upload cam from SIMOTION device
The cam is opened with SIMOTION CamTool.
If you create a cam and the cam has never been previously downloaded to the SIMOTION
device, you must first download the entire configuration with the new cam to the SIMOTION
Only then can you upload the cam currently opened with SIMOTION CamTool from the
SIMOTION device. The upload is only possible in ONLINE status.