Sick RFH620 Users Manual

RFH620 Interrogator
Radio Frequency Interrogator (13.56 MHz)
Operating Instructions
Software Versions
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator
Operating Instructions
Software Versions
Software/Tool Function Version
Interrogator RFH620 SICK firmware From v 1.00
Device Description RFH620
SOPAS-ET Configuration software From v 2.20
Device-specific software module for SOPAS-ET confi­guration software
From v 1.00
Copyright © 2009 SICK AG Waldkirch Auto Ident, Reute Plant Nimburger Strasse 11 79276 Reute Germany
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Latest manual version
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Operating Instructions
RFH620 Interrogator
Table of contents
Figures and Tables............................................................................................................ 5
Abbreviations used ........................................................................................... 5
Tables................................................................................................................. 7
Figures ............................................................................................................... 8
1 Notes on this document................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Purpose of this document ................................................................................ 9
1.2 Target group ......................................................................................................9
1.3 Depth of information......................................................................................... 9
1.4 Used symbols ..................................................................................................10
2 For your safety.................................................................................................................11
2.1 Authorised users .............................................................................................11
2.2 Intended use ...................................................................................................12
2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures.................................13
2.4 Quick stop and quick restart ..........................................................................14
2.5 Environmental information.............................................................................14
3 Quick-Start .......................................................................................................................15
3.1 Preparing the interrogator for the quick start ...............................................15
3.2 Establishing connection with the interrogator ..............................................15
3.3 Performing the reading...................................................................................16
4 Product description.........................................................................................................19
4.1 Device versions ...............................................................................................19
4.2 Mounting and mode of operation of the interrogator...................................19
4.3 Scope of delivery.............................................................................................22
4.4 System requirements......................................................................................22
4.5 Product features and functions (overview) ...................................................22
4.6 Functions of the interrogator..........................................................................24
4.7 Control elements and indicators....................................................................27
5 Installation .......................................................................................................................31
5.1 Overview of installation sequence.................................................................31
5.2 Installation preparations ................................................................................31
5.3 Installation location ........................................................................................33
5.4 Installation of the interrogator .......................................................................33
5.5 Installing external components......................................................................33
5.6 Dismantling the interrogator ..........................................................................34
6 Electrical installation ......................................................................................................35
6.1 Overview of installation sequence.................................................................35
6.2 Electrical installation preparations ................................................................35
6.3 Electric connections and cables ....................................................................36
6.4 Performing electrical installation ...................................................................39
6.5 Pin assignment and wire colours of the assembled cables.........................45
7 Commissioning and configuration ...............................................................................49
7.1 Overview of the start-up procedure ...............................................................49
7.2 SOPAS-ET configuration software ..................................................................49
7.3 Establishing communication with the interrogator .......................................50
7.4 Initial commissioning ......................................................................................52
7.5 Default setting.................................................................................................55
8 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................57
8.1 Maintenance during operation.......................................................................57
8.2 Cleaning the housing ......................................................................................57
8.3 Checking the incremental encoder................................................................57
8.4 Replacing an interrogator...............................................................................57
9 Troubleshooting...............................................................................................................59
9.1 Overview of errors and malfunctions which could occur..............................59
9.2 Detailed malfunction analysis........................................................................59
9.3 Status protocol ................................................................................................60
9.4 SICK support....................................................................................................60
8013105/0000/2009-05-12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 3
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator
10 Technical data................................................................................................................. 61
10.1 Interrogator´s data sheet RFH620. .............................................................. 61
10.2 Interrogator´s dimensional drawings RFH620............................................. 63
11 Appendix .......................................................................................................................... 65
11.1 Overview of the Appendixes........................................................................... 65
11.2 Configuring the interrogator with command strings .................................... 65
11.3 Dimensional drawing accessories................................................................. 66
11.4 Supplementary documentation ..................................................................... 67
11.5 EC Declaration of Conformity......................................................................... 68
11.6 FCC authorisation ........................................................................................... 69
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions Chapter
RFH620 Interrogator
Figures and Tables
Figures and Tables
Abbreviations used
AM Amplitude Modulation
CAN Controlled Area Network. Field bus protocol on the basis of the CAN bus
CDB Connection Device Basic
CDM Connection Device Modular
CMC Connection Module Cloning
CMD Connection Module Display
CMF Connection Module Field bus
CMP Connection Module Power
DSFID Data Storage Format IDentifier
DSP Digital Signal Processor
EOF End Of Frame
ETX End Of Text
FCC Federal Communications Commission
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language (page description language in the internet)
IC Integrated Circuit
ID IDentification
IP Internet Protocol
ISO/IEC International
ITF Interrogator Talks First
LED Light Emitting Diode. Light emitting diode
LSB Least Significant Bit
MAC Medium Access Control
MSB Most Significant Bit
MTTF Mean Time To Failure
MTTR Mean Time To Repair
PC Personal Computer
PID Process ID
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory. Programmable read only memory
RAM Random Access Memory. Random access memory
RF Radio Frequency
RFID Radio Frequency IDentification
ROM Read Only Memory. Read only memory (non-volatile)
RSSI Received Signal Strength
RTF Rich Text Format (standardised document format with format description)
SD Secure Digital
SOF Start Of Frame
SOPAS-ET SICK Open Portal for Application and Systems Engineering Tool (PC software for Windows for confi-
guring the interrogator)
PLC Progammable Logic Controller
STX Start Of Text
Organisation for Standardisation / International Electrotechnical Commission
8013105/0000/2009-05-12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 5
Chapter Operating Instructions
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Figures and Tables
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator
TID Tag IDentifier
UID Unique IDentification code
Operating Instructions Chapter
RFH620 Interrogator
Figures and Tables
Tab. 1-1: Target group of this document ...........................................................................9
Tab. 2-1: Required qualification for commissioning the interrogator .......................... 11
Tab. 4-1: Variants of the interrogator RFH620 .............................................................. 19
Tab. 4-2: RFH620 interrogator´s scope of delivery ...................................................... 22
Tab. 4-3: Overview of the product features and functions of the interrogator............. 23
Tab. 4-4: Configurable functions of the interrogator......................................................26
Tab. 4-5: LED indications ................................................................................................. 27
Tab. 4-6: Meaning of the LEDs during activation of buttons .........................................28
Tab. 6-1: Electric connections to the interrogator with a fixed cable and connector
(standard version) ............................................................................................36
Tab. 6-2: Electric connections to the interrogator with connector unit
(Ethernet version) ............................................................................................ 36
Tab. 6-3: Standard version: Pin assignment on the 15-pole D-Sub-HD
cable connector ...............................................................................................37
Tab. 6-4: Ethernet version: Pin assignment to the 4-pole M12 socket .......................38
Tab. 6-5: Ethernet version: Pin assignment on the 12-pole M12 plug ........................ 38
Tab. 6-6: Recommended maximum cable lengths, depending
on the selected data transfer rate .................................................................. 40
Tab. 6-7: Ratings for the switching inputs .....................................................................43
Tab. 6-8: Ratings for the switching outputs ................................................................... 44
Tab. 6-9: Pin assignment on the 4-pole M12 plug and the 6-pole RJ45 plug ............. 45
Tab. 6-10: Pin assignment on the 12-pole M12 socket and the 15-pole
D-Sub-HD plug .................................................................................................. 45
Tab. 6-11: Pin assignment on the 12-pole M12 socket and wire colours
at the open end ................................................................................................46
Tab. 6-12: Pin assignment on the 15-pole D-Sub-HD socket and wire colours
at the open end ................................................................................................47
Tab. 7-1: Default setting for the SOPAS-ET configuration software (excerpt) .............50
Tab. 7-2: Connection between PC with SOPAS-ET configuration software
and the interrogator .........................................................................................50
Tab. 10-1: Technical specifications of the interrogator RFH620..................................... 62
Tab. 11-1: Supplementary documentation ....................................................................... 67
8013105/0000/2009-05-12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 7
Chapter Operating Instructions
Figures and Tables
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator
Fig. 3-1: Register tab Quickstart .................................................................................... 16
Fig. 3-2: Advanced settings on the Transponder Communication register tab .......... 16
Fig. 3-3: Register tab tag access ................................................................................... 17
Fig. 4-1: Device view of the interrogator RFH620 (standard version) .........................20
Fig. 4-2: Device view RFH620 (Ethernet version) ......................................................... 21
Fig. 4-3: Standard version: Electric connections to the interrogator
with connection cable....................................................................................... 24
Fig. 4-4: Standard version: Electric connections to the interrogator
with connection cable by using a CDF600 bus connection module ............. 24
Fig. 4-5: Ethernet version: Electrical connections to the interrogator
with plug connector unit................................................................................... 25
Fig. 4-6: Micro SD memory card for storing the parameter set ................................... 29
Fig. 5-1: Example: Fixing the interrogator with bracket no. 2048551 ........................ 32
Fig. 6-1: Direction of rotation of the connector unit...................................................... 39
Fig. 6-2: Wiring the serial host data interfaces (RS-232 and RS-422 respectively)
on the 15-pole D-Sub-HD plug ........................................................................ 40
Fig. 6-3: Function of the Ethernet interface .................................................................. 42
Fig. 6-4: Wiring "sensor 1" switching input on the 15-pole D-Sub-HD plug ................ 42
Fig. 6-5: Wiring "sensor 2" switching input on the 15-pole D-Sub-HD plug ................ 43
Fig. 6-6: Possible wiring of "result 1" switching output on the 15-pole
D-Sub-HD plug .................................................................................................. 44
Fig. 7-1: Configuration with SOPAS-ET and storage of the parameter set .................. 52
Fig. 10-1: Standard version: Dimensions of the interrogator (RFH620-1000001) ...... 63
Fig. 10-2: Ethernet version: Dimensions of the interrogator (RFH620-1001201) ....... 64
Fig. 11-1: Dimensions of the fixing bracket no. 2048551 ............................................ 66
Fig. 11-2: EC Declaration of Conformity for the interrogator
(page 1, scaled down version) ........................................................................ 68
Operating Instructions Chapter 1
RFH620 Interrogator
Notes on this document

1 Notes on this document

1.1 Purpose of this document

This document provides instructions for technical staff on the installation and operation of the radio frequency interrogator of series RFH620 in the following versions:
With the cable and connector (standard version)
With connector unit (Ethernet version)
A summary of all device versions is shown in chapter 4.1 Device versions, page 19.
This document contains information for:
Electrical installation
Commissioning and configuration
Maintenance and replacement of the interrogator
A step-by-step approach is taken for all tasks.
Important To simplify, the radio frequency interrogator RFH620 is described in these operating instruc-
tions as an interrogator or RFH620.
The description "interrogator" and "writing/reading device" are interchangeable. The de­scription "interrogator" is used in these instructions. The description "transponder" and "tag" are interchangeable. The description "transponder" is used in these instructions.

1.2 Target group

The target group of this document is persons assigned the following tasks:
Tasks Target group
Installation, electrical installation, maintenance, device replacement
Commissioning and configuration Trained staff, e.g., technicians or engineers
Tab. 1-1: Target group of this document
Qualified staff, e.g., service technicians and factory electri­cians

1.3 Depth of information

This document contains all the information required for the installation, electrical installati­on and commissioning of the interrogator at the installation location.
Configuration of the interrogator for application-specific reading conditions and the com- missioning is carried out using the SOPAS-ET configuration software on a Windows SOPAS-ET configuration software contains an online help system to facilitate configuration.
PC. The
Important Further information about the design of the interrogator as well as the RFID technology is
available at SICK AG, Auto Ident division. On the Internet at
8013105/0000/2009-05-12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 9
Chapter 1 Operating Instructions
Notes on this document
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator

1.4 Used symbols

To gain easier access, some information in this documentation is emphasised as follows:
Notice indicates a potential risk of damage or impair on the functionality of the interrogator or other devices.
> Carefully read and follow the notice details!
Warning notice!
A warning notice indicates real or potential danger. This should protect you against acci­dents.
The safety symbol next to the warning notice indicates why there is a risk of accident, e. g., due to electricity. The warning levels (DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION) indicate the serious­ness of the risk.
> Carefully read and follow the warning notices!
Reference Italic script denotes a reference to further information.
Important This important note informs you about specific features.
Explanation An explanation provides background knowledge of technical nature.
Recommendation A recommendation helps you to carry out tasks correctly.
TIP A tip explains setting options in the SOPAS-ET configuration software.
ROJECT This type of script denotes a term in the user interface in the SOPAS-ET configuration soft-
ware. A symbol indicates a button in the user interface of the SOPAS-ET configuration software.
There is a procedure which needs to be carried out. This symbol indicates standard opera­ting procedures, which contain only one operational step or operational steps in warning no­tices that do not have to be followed in any particular order. Operational instructions comprising several steps are denoted using consecutive numbers.
This symbol denotes a section, in which the operation steps with the SOPAS-ET configurati­on software are described.
This symbol indicates supplementary technical documentation.
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
RFH620 Interrogator
For your safety

2 For your safety

This chapter deals with your safety and that of the system operator.
> Read this chapter carefully before using the interrogator.

2.1 Authorised users

For correct and safe functioning, the interrogator must be installed, operated and main­tained by sufficiently qualified staff.
Important Repairs to the interrogator should only be carried out by qualified and authorised SICK AG
service staff.
> The operating instructions should be made available to the end user.
> The end user should be briefed and urged to read the operating instructions by the
The following qualifications are required for different activities:
Tasks Qualification
Installation, maintenance • Practical technical training
• Knowledge of current health and safety regulations at the work­place
• Basic knowledge of HF technology
Electrical installation, device replacement
Start-up and configuration • Basic knowledge of the Windows
Operation of the device in each operational area
• Practical electrical training
• Knowledge of current electrical safety regulations
• Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each operati­onal area (e. g. conveyor system)
• Basic knowledge of HF technology
operating system in use
• Basic knowledge of designing and setting up (addressing) Ethernet connections for connecting the interrogator to the Ethernet
• Basic knowledge of working with an HTML browser (e. g. Internet Explorer
• Basic knowledge of data transfer
• Basic knowledge of RFID technology
• Basic knowledge of HF technology
• Knowledge of start-up and operation of the device in each operati­onal area (e. g. conveyor system)
• Knowledge of the software and hardware environment in each operational area (e. g. conveyor system)
) for using the online help
Tab. 2-1: Required qualification for commissioning the interrogator
8013105/0000/2009-05-12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 11
Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
For your safety
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator

2.2 Intended use

The interrogator RFH620 is an ISO/IEC-15693 compatible transponder printer/reader unit for the close-up range (operating range of up to 16 cm), e. g., in a conveyor system.
The intended use of the interrogator results from the following description of the function:
The interrogator is installed in a holder in a reading station.
The interrogator transfers the reading data via the host interface to a superordinate host computer for further processing.
The interrogator is configured/operated using the SOPAS-ET configuration software that runs on a standard client PC provided by the customer. In this connection, commu­nication takes place via RS-232 or Ethernet.
The Interrogator controls (locally), e. g., switches in the conveyor system via the digital switching outputs.
Important Any warranty claims against SICK AG shall be deemed invalid in case changes are made to
the interrogator, e. g., opening the housing, this includes modifications during installation and electrical installation or changes to the SICK software.
> The interrogator is only to be operated in ambient air temperature limit.

2.2.1 CE authorisation

The interrogator RFH620 fulfils the requirements of CE authorisation.

2.2.2 FCC authorisation

The interrogator RFH620 is in accordance with part 15 of FCC guidelines.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference, and
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cau­se undesired operation.
Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compli­ance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.
Operating Instructions Chapter 2
RFH620 Interrogator
For your safety

2.3 General safety precautions and protection measures

> Read the general safety precautions thoroughly and observe them during all operations
on the interrogator. Also observe the warning notices in each chapter of this document before the standard operating procedures.
Electrical installation work
Risk of injuries due to electrical current!
The optional power supply module CMP400/CMP490 is connected to the power supply (100 ... 250 V AC/50 ... 60 Hz) in the connection module CDM420.
> Observe current safety regulations when working with electrical equipment.
Important > Electrical installation must be performed by qualified staff only.
> Connect or release current linkages only under de-energised conditions.
> Wire cross sections and their correct shields have to be selected and implemented ac-
cording to valid engineering standards.
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Chapter 2 Operating Instructions
For your safety
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator

2.4 Quick stop and quick restart

The interrogator can be switched on or off using the main switch for connection modules CDB620 or CDM420 respectively.

2.4.1 Switching off the interrogator

> Switch off the power supply to the interrogator (via the connection module)
- or -
Unplug the 15-pole D-Sub-HD connector of the interrogator´s connection cable from the connection module.
When the interrogator is switched off, the following data are lost:
Application-specific parameter sets in the interrogator that were only saved temporarily in the device
The last reading result of the interrogator
Daily operating hours counter of the interrogator

2.4.2 Switching the interrogator back on

> Switch the power supply to the interrogator (via the connection module) back on
- or -
Re-connect the 15-pole D-Sub-HD connector of the interrogator´s connection cable to the connection module.
The interrogator starts up using the most recent permanently saved configuration. The daily operating hours counter is reset.

2.5 Environmental information

The interrogator has been constructed with minimum environmental pollution in mind. Ex­cluding the housing, the interrogator does not contain any materials made of silicone.

2.5.1 Energy requirement

The interrogator serial RFH620 consumes the following energy:
Typical 5 W in 10 ... 30 V DC (in unwired switching outputs)

2.5.2 Dispose of the device after decommissioning

Currently, SICK AG will not accept the return of any devices which can no longer be operated or repaired.
> Inoperable or irreparable devices must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly
manner and in accordance with valid country-specific waste disposal guidelines.
The design of the interrogator allows for its separation as recyclable secondary raw materi­als and hazardous waste (electronic scrap).
Operating Instructions Chapter 3
RFH620 Interrogator

3 Quick-Start

3.1 Preparing the interrogator for the quick start

The interrogator can be operated quickly and easily using the supplied SOPAS-ET configura­tion software.
Among others, the software offers the following options:
Fast connection with the interrogator
Easy access to the transponder data and display of the reading results on two clear re-
gister tabs of the configuration software
System requirements for using the SOPAS-ET configuration software
See chapter 7.2.2 System requirements for the SOPAS-ET configuration software, page 49
Additional accessories required (not in the scope of delivery)
Connection module CDB620 or CDM420
For the Ethernet version of the interrogator: Connection cable for data and function in­terfaces (see ordering designations of the product information "Interrogator RFH620")
3-wire RS-232 data cable (null modem cable), no. 2014054 for the connection of the PC with the connection module
- or -
To connect an Ethernet version of the interrogator to the PC's Ethernet interface
(For corresponding cable, see ordering designations of the product information "Inter­rogator RFH620" Nr. 8013102)
Establish an electric connection to the interrogator
1. Connect the interrogator to connection module CDB620/CDM420.
2. Switch on the power supply for CDB620/CDM420.
3. Switch on the PC for the configuration and install and start the supplied SOPAS-ET con­figuration software.
4. Connect the PC to the interrogator.
To achieve this, connect the PC using a 3-wire RS-232 data cable (null modem cable) to the "Aux“ connection in CDB620/CDM420.
- or -
In Ethernet version, connect the PC to the interrogator's Ethernet interface.
For detailed instructions, see chapter 5 Installation, page 31 and chapter 6 Electrical in-
stallation, page 35.

3.2 Establishing connection with the interrogator

> Communicate with the interrogator according to the selected data interface (RS-232 or
Ethernet) (see chapter 7.3 Establishing communication with the interrogator,
page 50).
TIP To establish a connection quickly and easily via the Ethernet, the SOPAS-ET configuration
software has a
8013105/0000/2009-05-12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 15
Chapter 3 Operating Instructions
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator

3.3 Performing the reading

An inventory of all transponders within the reading range of the interrogator is determined via the register tab
QUICKSTART of the SOPAS-ET configuration software:
Fig. 3-1: Register tab Quickstart
Determining the transponder inventory
1. Ensure that the relevant transponder types on the register tab T
Fig. 3-2: Advanced settings on the Tag Prozessing register tab
2. Carry out test reading with transponder.
To this end, hold the transponder in the reading area of the interrogator and trigger the reading by clicking on
The unique ID, manufacturer and IC type of the detected transponder are registered.
The signal-to-noise ratio (RSSI: Received Signal Strength Indication) is displayed in the display field RSSI respectively.
3. In order to end the reading process, click on
Operating Instructions Chapter 3
RFH620 Interrogator
Optimising the reading conditions
If no transponder is displayed or if you wish to increase the RSSI value, the reading can be repeated by taking the following measures:
1. Correct or optimise the parameter values, where necessary, via the SOPAS-ET configu­ration software.
2. In order to optimise the RSSI value, reduce the distance between the interrogator and the transponder.
Reading/writing the user data of the transponder
The user data of a transponder can be read/written via the register tab
SOPAS-ET configuration software:
Important When accessing, the transponder must be located in the reading area of the interrogator.
> Select a transponder from the list on the register tab
The register tab
The user data of the transponder are read and displayed.
Fig. 3-3: Register tab Tag access
> In order to change the user data of the transponder, overwrite corresponding values
block by block and transmit them to the transponder by clicking on
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Chapter 3 Operating Instructions
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator
Operating Instructions Chapter 4
RFH620 Interrogator
Product description

4 Product description

This chapter describes the design, the features and the functions of the interrogator RFH620.
> For installation, electrical installation and start-up assistance as well as for the applica-
tion-specific configuration of the interrogator using the SOPAS-ET configuration soft­ware, please read this chapter prior to carrying out any of the tasks.

4.1 Device versions

Among others, the interrogator RFH620 is available in the following versions:
Order no. Type Version Connection (design)
1044838 RFH620-1000001 Standard version Cable with plug
1044839 RFH620-1001201 Ethernet version Connector unit on the
Tab. 4-1: Variants of the interrogator RFH620
Important The following are available depending on the connection (design):
Standard version (cable with plug)
– RS-232, RS-422/485, CAN, two digital switching inputs, two digital switching out-
puts, power supply
Ethernet version (revolving connector unit)
– Connector 1: Ethernet
– Connector 2: RS-232, RS-422/485, CAN, one digital switching input, power supply

4.2 Mounting and mode of operation of the interrogator

The interrogator RFH620 is an ISO/IEC-15693 compatible transponder writing/reading de­vice with integrated antenna for the close-up range. All the components are located in a housing suitable for the industry. Depending on the version, the electric connection of the interrogator takes place via a cable with a connector or a revolving connector unit with two connections.
The interrogator RFH620 is an intelligent sensor for automatic and non-contact detection of RFID transponders. In principle, the transponder can be detected on any location of still or moving objects in a conveyor system. The reading range expands through the combinati­on of many devices.
8013105/0000/2009-05-12 © SICK AG · Division Auto Ident · Germany · All rights reserved 19
Chapter 4 Operating Instructions
Product description
Radio Frequency RFH620 Interrogator

4.2.1 Device view RFH620 (standard version)

1 Blind hole thread M6 for fastening
2 Cover for Micro-SD card slot
3 Type plate
6 Cable with plug
7 Button for function selection/activation
8 Micro SD memory card (optional)
4 LEDs for status indicator
5 Antenna
Fig. 4-1: Device view of the interrogator RFH620 (standard version)
Operating Instructions Chapter 4
RFH620 Interrogator
Product description

4.2.2 Device view RFH620 Ethernet version

1 Blind hole thread M6 for fastening
2 Cover for Micro-SD card slot
3 Type plate
4 LEDs for status indicator
5 Antenna
Fig. 4-2: Device view RFH620 (Ethernet version)
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6 Revolving connector unit
7 Button for function selection/activation
8 Micro SD memory card (optional)
9 4-pole M12 jack (Ethernet connection)
bl 12-pole M12 plug
+ 49 hidden pages