SICK RAM620-10x01, RAM630-10x01 Operating Instructions Manual

RAM Security Systems
Operating instructions
RFID Access Management
This work is protected by copyright. Any rights derived from the copyright shall be reserved for SICK AG. Reproduction of this document or parts of this document is only permissible within the limits of the legal determination of Copyright Law. Alteration or abridgment of the document is not permitted without the explicit written approval of SICK AG.
2 Operating instructions | SICK 8018582/2015-11-03 Subject to change without notice
Operating instructions
RFID Access Management
1 About these operating instructions ............................................................................... 6
1.1 Function of this document .................................................................................... 6
1.2 Target group .......................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Information depth ................................................................................................. 7
1.4 Abbreviations used ............................................................................................... 7
1.5 Symbols used ........................................................................................................ 8
2 Safety ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Qualified safety personnel .................................................................................... 9
2.2 Application of the system ...................................................................................10
2.3 Intended use .......................................................................................................10
2.4 General safety notes and protective measures ....................................................11
2.4.1 Safety notes and symbols.................................................................11
2.4.2 General safety notes .........................................................................12
2.4.3 Potential sources of danger .............................................................12
2.5 Protection of the environment ............................................................................14
2.5.1 Power consumption ..........................................................................14
2.5.2 Disposal after final decommissioning ..............................................14
3 System description ...................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Scope of delivery .................................................................................................15
3.2 Specific features .................................................................................................17
3.2.1 An overview of the system components ..........................................17
3.2.2 Operating principle of the management software ..........................20
3.2.3 Notes on the tags ..............................................................................23
3.3 Status indicators .................................................................................................24
3.3.1 RFU62x RFID interrogator .................................................................24
3.3.2 RFU63x RFID interrogator .................................................................25
3.3.3 CDB650 connection module ............................................................26
3.3.4 CMC600 cloning module ..................................................................27
4 Setup and mounting .................................................................................................... 28
4.1 RFU62x configuration device .............................................................................28
4.2 RFID interrogators at the access points ............................................................28
4.2.1 Notes on mounting the RFID interrogators ......................................28
4.2.2 RFU62x RFID interrogator .................................................................30
4.2.3 RFU63x RFID interrogator .................................................................31
4.2.4 Mounting the connection module ....................................................31
5 Electrical installation .................................................................................................. 32
5.1 Connecting the RFU62x configuration device ...................................................32
5.2 Connecting RFU6xx RFID interrogators ..............................................................33
5.2.1 Connecting the power supply/switching output ..............................34
5.2.2 Connection to the network ...............................................................35
5.3 Connecting RFID interrogators via a connection module .................................35
5.3.1 Connecting an RFID interrogator to a connection module .............35
5.3.2 Connecting the power supply/switching output in the
connection module ...........................................................................36
5.3.3 Inserting the cloning module ............................................................37
5.3.4 Connecting the additional switching output of the
connection module ...........................................................................38
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Operating instructions
RFID Access Management
5.4 Connecting the configuration PC to the network .............................................. 38
5.5 SICK connection accessories ............................................................................. 39
6 Commissioning RFID Access Management ............................................................... 40
6.1 Switching on the system .................................................................................... 40
6.2 Installing ECS on the configuration PC .............................................................. 40
6.2.1 Installing ECS .................................................................................... 41
6.2.2 Installing the SOPAS configuration software .................................. 42
6.3 Altering the IP addresses of the RFID interrogators ......................................... 43
6.3.1 Connecting the configuration PC to RFID interrogators ................. 44
6.3.2 Altering the default IP address ........................................................ 46
6.3.3 Displaying devices in the project tree ............................................. 48
6.4 Inserting the microSD card into access point RFID interrogators ................... 49
6.5 Setting the transmitting power of the RFID interrogators at the access
points ................................................................................................................... 51
6.5.1 Loading the device in the project tree ............................................. 51
6.5.2 Setting the device parameters......................................................... 52
6.5.3 Testing RFU transmitting power ....................................................... 52
6.6 Changing the password to log in to devices ...................................................... 53
6.7 Saving the device configuration ........................................................................ 54
6.8 Launching ECS .................................................................................................... 54
6.8.1 Logging in as an Integrator .............................................................. 54
6.8.2 Program overview ............................................................................. 55
6.9 Making central settings ...................................................................................... 56
6.9.1 Information about the tag ................................................................ 57
6.9.2 Information about the time server ................................................... 58
6.9.3 Storing the password for communication with the RFID
interrogators ..................................................................................... 58
6.9.4 Configuring the RFID interrogator indicators .................................. 58
6.9.5 Saving settings .................................................................................. 58
6.10 Recording access points .................................................................................... 59
6.10.1 Recording the configuration device ................................................. 60
6.10.2 Recording RFID interrogators for the access control system ......... 61
6.10.3 The access points in the System Overview ..................................... 63
6.10.4 Modifying an access point ............................................................... 64
6.11 Creating access profiles ..................................................................................... 65
6.12 Creating a participant with access profiles ....................................................... 68
6.13 Assigning tags to participants ............................................................................ 71
6.14 Participants and registered tags in the System Overview ................................ 73
6.15 Testing access control ........................................................................................ 73
4 Operating instructions | SICK 8018582/2015-11-03
7 Working with RFID Access Management ................................................................... 74
7.1 Modifying an access profile ............................................................................... 75
7.2 Editing access authorizations ............................................................................ 75
7.2.1 Sorting/filtering the participant list ................................................. 75
7.2.2 Adding participants ........................................................................... 77
7.2.3 Deleting participants who leave the company ................................ 77
7.2.4 Deactivating a lost tag ...................................................................... 78
7.2.5 Displaying the access authorization for a tag ................................. 80
7.2.6 Modifying the access authorization of a participant ...................... 81
7.2.7 Checking the access authorization validity ..................................... 82
7.3 Reading the update status of the access points .............................................. 83
Operating instructions
RFID Access Management
7.4 Viewing access logs ............................................................................................85
7.4.1 Opening the list of access logs .........................................................85
7.4.2 Filtering the list of access logs .........................................................86
7.4.3 Closing the access control display ...................................................87
7.5 Managing RFID Access Management ................................................................88
7.5.1 Performing a data backup/restoring the database ........................88
7.5.2 Changing passwords for user roles ..................................................89
7.5.3 Changing the user language .............................................................90
7.5.4 Defining the access of the Information Security Officer to
access logs using the four eyes principle ........................................91
8 Maintenance and repairs ............................................................................................ 92
8.1 Maintenance tasks .............................................................................................92
8.2 Replacing components .......................................................................................92
8.2.1 Replacing the RFU62x configuration device ...................................92
8.2.2 Replacing the RFID interrogator at the access point ......................93
9 Fault diagnosis ............................................................................................................. 95
9.1 Response to faults ..............................................................................................95
9.2 Fault situations ....................................................................................................95
9.3 SICK support........................................................................................................96
9.4 Fault indication on the RFID interrogator ..........................................................96
9.5 System logs in RFID Access Management ........................................................97
9.6 Fault diagnosis in SOPAS ....................................................................................98
10 Technical data .............................................................................................................. 99
10.1 Data sheets .........................................................................................................99
10.1.1 RFID Access Management................................................................99
10.1.2 RFU63x RFID interrogator data sheet ........................................... 100
10.1.3 RFU62x RFID interrogator data sheet ........................................... 101
10.1.4 CDB650 connection module data sheet ...................................... 102
10.1.5 CMC600-101 cloning module data sheet .................................... 102
10.1.6 Configuration PC system requirements ........................................ 103
10.2 Dimensional drawings ..................................................................................... 104
10.2.1 RFU63x dimensional drawing ........................................................ 104
10.2.2 RFU62x dimensional drawing ........................................................ 105
10.2.3 CDB620 connection box dimensional drawing ............................ 106
11 Annex .......................................................................................................................... 107
11.1 List of tables ..................................................................................................... 107
11.2 List of figures .................................................................................................... 108
11.3 Keywords index ................................................................................................ 109
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Chapter 1 Operating instructions
About these operating instructions
RFID Access Management

1 About these operating instructions

Please read this chapter carefully before you begin working with this documentation and RFID Access Management (RAM for short).

1.1 Function of this document

These operating instructions are designed to give technical personnel instructions on the safe mounting, configuration, electrical installation, commissioning, operation, and maintenance of RFID Access Management.

1.2 Target group

These operating instructions are intended for people who plan, mount, connect, commission, operate, and maintain the access control systems.
Activities Target group
Mounting, electrical installation, maintenance, and replacement of system components
Commissioning and configuration Qualified personnel, such as service technicians
Tab. 1: Target group
Qualified personnel, such as service technicians or industrial electricians
or engineers
6 Operating instructions | SICK 8018582/2015-11-03 Subject to change without notice
Operating instructions Chapter 1
About these operating instructions
RFID Access Management

1.3 Information depth

These operating instructions contain information on the following topics:
System description
Setup and mounting
Electrical installation
Commissioning and operation
Maintenance and repairs
Fault diagnosis and troubleshooting
Technical data and dimensioned drawings
When planning and using RFID systems, technical skills are required that are not covered by this document.
The official and legal regulations for operating the RFMS Access Management must always be complied with.
The IP addresses are assigned using the SICK SOPAS configuration software.
Please also refer to the information concerning RFID and building security that is available on the Internet at
There, you can find sample applications and a list of frequently asked questions about RFID and building security.

1.4 Abbreviations used

Entry Exit Configuration Software = System components for managing the access rights of persons and vehicles and for assigning tags.
Entry Exit Management Software = System components for communication between RFID Access Management and the RFID interrogators at the access points
Light Emitting Diode
Radio Frequency Identification = Identification of objects by means of electromagnetic waves
Radio Frequency Unit = Writer and reader for RFID system
RFID Access Management = System for managing access rights based on RFID
SICK OPEN PORTAL for APPLICATION and SYSTEMS Engineering Tool = SICK configuration software
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Chapter 1 Operating instructions
About these operating instructions
RFID Access Management

1.5 Symbols used

1. / 2. ...
Recommendations are designed to assist you in the decision-making process with respect to the use of a certain function or technical measure.
Notes provide information about the features of a device, application tips, or other information that may come in useful.
Instructions that must be carried out in the described order are referred to as step-by-step instructions and are indicated by numbered lists. Carefully read and follow the instructions for action.
Instructions for taking action are indicated by an arrow. Carefully read and follow the instructions for action.
8 Operating instructions | SICK 8018582/2015-11-03 Subject to change without notice
Operating instructions Chapter 2
RFID Access Management

2 Safety

This chapter concerns your own safety and the safety of the system operator.
Please read this chapter carefully before you begin working with RFID Access

2.1 Qualified safety personnel

RFID Access Management must only be mounted, commissioned, and maintained by properly qualified personnel.
The following qualifications are necessary for the various tasks:
Activities Qualification
Mounting and maintenance
Electrical installation and replacement
Commissioning, operation, and configuration
Practical technical training
Knowledge of the current safety regulations in the
Practical electrical training
Knowledge of current electrical safety regulations
Knowledge of device control and operation in the
particular application concerned (e.g., logistics gate (lock))
Knowledge of the mechanical and electrical parameters
of the access control that relate to operation and use
Knowledge of the software and hardware environment
in the particular application
Basic knowledge of the Windows operating system
Basic knowledge of data transmission
Basic knowledge of the design and setup (addressing)
of Ethernet connections when connecting the RFID interrogators to the Ethernet
Basic knowledge of how to use an HTML browser
(e.g., Internet Explorer) to access the online help
Tab. 2: Qualified safety personnel
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Chapter 2 Operating instructions
RFID Access Management

2.2 Application of the system

RFID Access Management is a system for the flexible management and configuration of access rights in an access control system based on RFID.
Rights are assigned and revoked quickly and conveniently directly at the PC with the aid of Entry Exit Configuration Software. The tabletop RFU62x RFID interrogator allows tags to be managed with ease.
The permissions are passed on to the RFID interrogators of the access points via Ethernet and saved there. RFID interrogators from the RFU6xx device families can be used as readers.

2.3 Intended use

RFID Access Management may only be used as described in section 2.2 Application of the system. It may only be used by qualified personnel in the environment in which it was
mounted and initially commissioned by qualified safety personnel in accordance with these operating instructions.
The equipment may only be operated in an industrial environment.
RFID Access Management must not be used in an explosion-protected environment.
If used in any other way or if alterations are made to the system or the devices are opened – including in the context of mounting and installation – this will void any warranty claims directed to SICK AG.
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Operating instructions Chapter 2
RFID Access Management

2.4 General safety notes and protective measures

2.4.1 Safety notes and symbols
The following safety and hazard symbols are used for your own safety, for the safety of third parties, and for the safety of the system. You must therefore observe these symbols at all times.
Denotes an immediate hazard that may result in severe to fatal injuries.
The symbol shown on the left-hand side of the note refers to the type of hazard in question (the example here shows a risk of injury resulting from electrical current).
Denotes a potentially dangerous situation that may result in severe to fatal injuries.
The symbol shown on the left-hand side of the note refers to the type of hazard in question (the example here shows a risk of injury resulting from falling components).
Caution note
Denotes a potentially dangerous situation that may result in minor personal injury or possible material damage.
The symbol shown on the left-hand side of the note refers to the type of hazard in question (the example here shows a risk of damage to the eye by laser beams).
Denotes a potential risk of damage or functional impairment to the device or the devices connected to it.
This symbol includes a reference to supplementary technical documentation.
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Chapter 2 Operating instructions
RFID Access Management
2.4.2 General safety notes
General, recognized safety-related rules and regulations were taken into account in the design and manufacture of the system. Risks for the user resulting from the system cannot however be completely ruled out. The safety notes below must therefore be strictly observed.
Safety notes
Observe the following to ensure the safe use of the system as intended.
The notes in these operating instructions (e.g., regarding use, mounting, installation,
and commissioning) must be observed.
All official and statutory regulations governing the operation of the system must be
complied with.
National and international legal specifications apply to the installation and use of the
system, to its commissioning, and to recurring technical inspections, in particular:
The work safety regulations and safety regulations.
Any other relevant safety regulations.
The manufacturer and user of the system are responsible for coordinating and
complying with all applicable safety specifications and regulations in cooperation with the relevant authorities.
The checks must be carried out by qualified safety personnel or specially qualified and
authorized personnel, and must be recorded and documented to ensure that the tests can be reconstructed and retraced at any time.
These operating instructions must be made available to the operator of the system.
The system operator has to be instructed by qualified safety personnel and has to read the operating instructions.
RFID Access Management is intended solely for use in industrial environments. Radio interference may result when used in residential areas.
2.4.3 Potential sources of danger
RFID Access Management has been designed and implemented in a way that allows for safe operation. Potential hazards are virtually eliminated. However, a certain level of risk will always remain.
Awareness of potential sources of danger in the system will help you to work in a safer manner and thus prevent accidents.
To avoid risks, please also observe the special warnings in each of the individual chapters.
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