SICK OLS10 Operating Instructions Manual

Line guidance sensors
Described product
Legal information
This work is protected by copyright. Any rights derived from the copyright shall be reserved for SICK AG. Reproduction of this document or parts of this document is only permissible within the limits of the legal determination of Copyright Law. Any modifica‐ tion, abridgment or translation of this document is prohibited without the express writ‐ ten permission of SICK AG.
The trademarks stated in this document are the property of their respective owner.
© SICK AG. All rights reserved.
Original document
This document is an original document of SICK AG.
O PE R AT I NG IN S TR U CT I ON S | OLS10 8022017.10HG/2018-07-18 | SICK
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1 About this document........................................................................ 5
1.1 Information on the operating instructions.............................................. 5
1.2 Scope......................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Explanation of symbols............................................................................ 5
1.4 Further information................................................................................... 6
1.5 Customer service...................................................................................... 6
2 Safety information............................................................................ 7
2.1 Intended use............................................................................................. 7
2.2 Improper use............................................................................................. 7
2.3 Notes on UL approval............................................................................... 7
2.4 Limitation of liability................................................................................. 7
2.5 Requirements for skilled persons and operating personnel.................. 8
2.6 Hazard warnings and operational safety................................................. 8
2.7 Repairs...................................................................................................... 9
3 Product description........................................................................... 10
3.1 Product identification............................................................................... 10
3.2 Product features....................................................................................... 12
4 Transport and storage....................................................................... 13
4.1 Transport................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Transport inspection................................................................................. 13
4.3 Storage...................................................................................................... 13
5 Mounting............................................................................................. 14
5.1 Preparation for mounting......................................................................... 14
5.2 Mounting the sensor................................................................................ 14
6 Electrical installation........................................................................ 17
6.1 Safety......................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Pin assignment of the connections......................................................... 19
6.3 Connecting the supply voltage................................................................. 20
6.4 CAN connection........................................................................................ 20
7 Commissioning.................................................................................. 21
7.1 Overview of commissioning steps........................................................... 21
7.2 Commissioning the sensor for the first time.......................................... 21
7.3 First step to commissioning with CANopen............................................ 21
8 Operation............................................................................................ 23
8.1 Operating the sensor................................................................................ 23
8.2 Operation via TCP/IP................................................................................ 25
8.3 Operation via CANopen............................................................................ 27
8.4 General notes on operation..................................................................... 31
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9 Maintenance...................................................................................... 33
9.1 Cleaning..................................................................................................... 33
9.2 Maintenance............................................................................................. 33
9.3 Repairs...................................................................................................... 33
10 Decommissioning............................................................................. 34
10.1 Decommissioning..................................................................................... 34
11 Troubleshooting................................................................................. 35
11.1 Possible error indicators.......................................................................... 35
11.2 Faults caused by the network connection.............................................. 35
12 Technical data.................................................................................... 37
12.1 Optics / Features...................................................................................... 37
12.2 Supply........................................................................................................ 37
12.3 Interfaces.................................................................................................. 37
12.4 Outputs...................................................................................................... 37
12.5 Ambient conditions................................................................................... 38
12.6 Structural design...................................................................................... 38
13 Accessories........................................................................................ 39
13.1 Connectivity............................................................................................... 39
13.2 Mounting systems..................................................................................... 40
14 Licenses.............................................................................................. 43
14.1 lwIP............................................................................................................ 43
14.2 tinf.............................................................................................................. 43
14.3 jQuery........................................................................................................ 44
14.4 Flot............................................................................................................. 44
15 Menu structure................................................................................... 45
16 Annex.................................................................................................. 46
16.1 EU declaration of conformity.................................................................... 46
O PE R AT I NG IN S TR U CT I ON S | OLS10 8022017.10HG/2018-07-18 | SICK
Subject to change without notice
1 About this document
1.1 Information on the operating instructions
These operating instructions provide important information on how to use sensors from SICK AG.
Prerequisites for safe work are:
Compliance with all safety notes and handling instructions supplied.
Compliance with local work safety regulations and general safety regulations for sensor applications.
The operating instructions are intended to be used by qualified personnel and electrical specialists.
Read these operating instructions carefully before starting any work on the sensor, in order to familiarize yourself with the sensor and its functions.
The instructions constitute an integral part of the product and are to be stored in the immediate vicinity of the sensor so they remain accessible to staff at all times. If the sensor is passed on to a third party, these operating instructions should be handed over with it.
These operating instructions do not provide information on operating the machine in which the sensor is integrated. For information about this, refer to the operating instruc‐ tions of the particular machine.
1.2 Scope
These operating instructions explain how to incorporate a sensor into a customer sys‐ tem. Instructions are given in stages for all actions required.
These instructions apply to all available device variants of the sensor.
Available device variants are listed on the online product page.
Commissioning is described using one particular device variant as an example.
Simplified device designation in the document
In the following, the sensor is referred to in simplified form as “OLS10”.
1.3 Explanation of symbols
Warnings and important information in this document are labeled with symbols. The warnings are introduced by signal words that indicate the extent of the danger. These warnings must be observed at all times and care must be taken to avoid accidents, per‐ sonal injury, and material damage.
… indicates a situation of imminent danger, which will lead to a fatality or serious injuries if not prevented.
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… indicates a potentially dangerous situation, which may lead to a fatality or serious injuries if not prevented.
… indicates a potentially dangerous situation, which may lead to minor/slight injuries if not prevented.
… indicates a potentially harmful situation, which may lead to material damage if not prevented.
… highlights useful tips and recommendations as well as information for efficient and trouble-free operation.
1.4 Further information
All the documentation available for the sensor can be found on the online product page at:
The following information is available for download from this page:
Type-specific online data sheets for device variants, containing technical data and dimensional drawings
EU declaration of conformity for the product family
Dimensional drawings and 3D CAD dimension models in various electronic for‐ mats
These operating instructions, available in English and German, and in other lan‐ guages if necessary
Other publications related to the sensors described here
Publications dealing with accessories
EDS device description file
1.5 Customer service
If you require any technical information, our customer service department will be happy to help. To find your representative, see the final page of this document.
Before calling, make a note of all type label data such as type code etc. to ensure faster processing.
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Subject to change without notice
2 Safety information
2.1 Intended use
The OLS10 line guidance sensor is an opto-electronic sensor intended for detecting luminescent guide tracks as well as reading out 1D codes when they are driven over by automated guided vehicles.
SICK AG assumes no liability for losses or damage arising from the use of the product, either directly or indirectly. This applies in particular to use of the product that does not conform to its intended purpose and is not described in this documentation.
NOTICE Radio interference may occur when the sensor is used in residential areas.
Only use the device in industrial environments (EN 61000-6-4).
2.2 Improper use
The sensor does not constitute a safety-relevant device according to the EC Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC).
The sensor must not be used in explosion-hazardous areas.
Any other use that is not described as intended use is prohibited.
Any use of accessories not specifically approved by SICK AG is at your own risk.
NOTICE Danger due to improper use!
Any improper use can result in dangerous situations.
Therefore, take note of the following information:
The sensor should be used only in line with intended use specifications.
All information in these operating instructions must be strictly complied with.
2.3 Notes on UL approval
The device must be supplied by a Class 2 source of supply.
UL Environmental Rating: Enclosure type 1
2.4 Limitation of liability
Applicable standards and regulations, the latest state of technological development, and our many years of knowledge and experience have all been taken into account when assembling the data and information contained in these operating instructions. The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage caused by:
Failing to observe the operating instructions
Improper use
Use by untrained personnel
Unauthorized conversions
Technical modifications
Use of unauthorized spare parts, consumables, and accessories
With special variants, where optional extras have been ordered, or owing to the latest technical changes, the actual scope of delivery may vary from the features and illustra‐ tions shown here.
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Subject to change without notice
2.5 Requirements for skilled persons and operating personnel
WARNING Risk of injury due to insufficient training.
Improper handling of the sensor may result in considerable personal injury and material damage.
All work must only ever be carried out by the stipulated persons.
The operating instructions state the following qualification requirements for the various areas of work:
Instructed personnel have been briefed by the operating entity about the tasks assigned to them and about potential dangers arising from improper action.
Skilled personnel have the specialist training, skills, and experience, as well as knowledge of the relevant regulations, to be able to perform tasks assigned to them and to detect and avoid any potential dangers independently.
Electricians have the specialist training, skills, and experience, as well as knowl‐ edge of the relevant standards and provisions to be able to carry out work on elec‐ trical systems and to detect and avoid any potential dangers independently. In Ger‐ many, electricians must meet the specifications of the BGV A3 Work Safety Regu‐ lations (e.g., Master Electrician). Other relevant regulations applicable in other countries must be observed.
The following qualifications are required for various activities:
Activities Qualification
Mounting, maintenance
Basic practical technical training
Knowledge of the current safety regulations in the workplace
Electrical installation, device replacement
Practical electrical training
Knowledge of current electrical safety regulations
Knowledge of the operation and control of the devices in their particular application
Commissioning, configura‐ tion
Basic knowledge of the design and setup of the described connections and interfaces
Basic knowledge of data transmission
Knowledge of the operation and control of the devices in their particular application
Operation of the devices in their particular application
Knowledge of the operation and control of the devices in their particular application
Knowledge of the software and hardware environment in the application
2.6 Hazard warnings and operational safety
Please observe the safety notes and the warnings listed here and in other chapters of these operating instructions to reduce the possibility of risks to health and avoid dan‐ gerous situations.
The OLS10 is equipped with LED illumination. The sensor meets the criteria of risk group 1 according to IEC 62471:2006. No special measures are required (e.g., eye pro‐ tection).
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2.7 Repairs
Repair work on the sensor may only be performed by qualified and authorized person‐ nel from SICK AG. Interruptions or modifications to the sensor on the part of the cus‐ tomer will invalidate any warranty claims against SICK AG.
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3 Product description
3.1 Product identification
3.1.1 Type label
3 5
Figure 1: Type label
Type designation
ID no.
MAC address
Serial number
Machine readable code
3.1.2 Operating and status indicators
46 (1.81)
40.2 (1.58)
4 (0.16)
5.2 (0.20)
67 (2.64)
27 (1.06)
71.6 (2.82)
69.3 (2.73)
4 (0.16)
Figure 2: Device view
Center of the optical axis
Fixing hole
M12 male connector, 12-pin/M12 female connector, 4-pin, rotatable
Display and control unit
Function indicator (green) “ON”
Function indicator (yellow) “Q”
Function indicator (green) “Link”
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Function indicator (yellow) “Act”
Function indicators (LEDs)
Table 1: Function indicators (LEDs)
Function indicator Description
Act Data transfer display
Yellow LED: Data transfer
LED off: No data transfer
Link Ethernet connection display
Green LED: Ethernet connection available
LED off: No Ethernet connection available
Q Switching output display
Yellow LED: Output high
LED off: Output low
LED flashing (10 Hz): Overcurrent/short-circuit protection has triggered
ON Operating status display
Green LED: Normal operation/Supply voltage on
LED off: No operation
Symbols on the control panel
The following three symbols may appear on the control panel: RUN, MEN and SET.
Table 2: Symbols on the control panel
Symbol Description
RUN RUN lights up: Sensor is in RUN operational status. The value of
the detected code is displayed.
MEN MEN lights up: The current position in the menu structure is dis‐
SET SET lights up: Lowest menu level has been reached. Sensor set‐
tings and values can be changed here.
Table 3: Pushbuttons
Pushbutton Description
Select operating menu, parameter, or option.
Reduce value.
Select operating menu, parameter, or option.
Increase value.
Short press:
- switch to the next-lowest menu level
- save parameter change
- confirm selection
Long press (> 2 sec.):
- entry to the operating menu.
Short press: Exit parameters without saving. Switch to the next-highest menu level.
Long press: Exit parameters without saving. Switch to the default display.
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3.2 Product features
The OLS10 line guidance sensor is an opto-electronic sensor which detects the line center point of up to three luminescent tracks. To do so, the sensor stimulates the guide track(s) with blue light and detects the remitted light using a receiver array.
This track is typically conventional adhesive tape or a colorful luminescence track. It is not necessary to teach in the sensor.
For additional information on the adhesive tape and bar code labels recommended by SICK, see (accessories link).
In addition, the sensor reads 1D codes in “interleaved 2/5” format attached perpendic‐ ular to the track.
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4 Transport and storage
4.1 Transport
Improper transport
Substantial material damage may result in the event of improper transport.
For this reason:
The device should be transported only by trained specialist staff.
The utmost care and attention is required at all times during unloading and trans‐ portation on company premises.
Note the symbols on the packaging.
Do not remove packaging until immediately before starting installation work.
4.2 Transport inspection
Immediately upon receipt at the receiving work station, check the delivery for complete‐ ness and for any damage that may have occurred in transit. In the case of transit dam‐ age that is visible externally, proceed as follows:
Do not accept the delivery or only do so conditionally.
Note the scope of damage on the transport documents or on the transport com‐ pany’s delivery note.
File a complaint.
Complaints regarding defects should be filed as soon as these are detected. Damage claims are only valid before the applicable complaint deadlines.
4.3 Storage
Store the device under the following conditions:
Recommendation: Use the original packaging.
Do not store outdoors.
Store in a dry area that is protected from dust.
To allow any residual dampness to evaporate, do not package in airtight contain‐ ers.
Do not expose to any aggressive substances.
Protect from sunlight.
Avoid mechanical shocks.
Storage temperature: see "Ambient conditions", page 38.
Relative humidity: see "Ambient conditions", page 38.
For storage periods of longer than 3 months, check the general condition of all components and packaging on a regular basis.
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5 Mounting
5.1 Preparation for mounting
1 Select the mounting site for the OLS10 in accordance with the following chapter
"Mounting requirements", page 14.
2 Mount the OLS10 using the fixing holes.
"Operating and status indicators", page 10 "Mounting systems", page 40
5.1.1 Mounting requirements
NOTICE Radio interference may occur when the sensor is used in residential areas.
Only use the device in industrial environments (EN 61000-6-4).
Typical space requirements for sensor, see "Structural design", page 38.
Comply with technical parameters such as the permitted ambient conditions for the operation of the sensor (e.g., temperature range, EM interference), see "Ambi‐
ent conditions", page 38.
Protect the sensor from direct sunlight.
Only affix the sensor using accessories supplied for this purpose -> there are no screw connections on the sensor.
The light spot must cover the possible area of the three tracks. The center of the light spot is marked with a notch on the upper side of the housing.
Sensing distance: 100 mm The sensing distance is the distance from the front sensor edge (housing edge) to the track or the ground.
5.1.2 Scope of delivery
The following are included with delivery:
OLS10 Optical Line Guidance Sensor
Blind plug for M12 Ethernet connection
1 quick-start guide
Accessories (e.g., cables, fastening adapters) are only supplied if ordered separately.
Mounting the sensor
Arrangement over guide track
The OLS10 must be aligned orthogonally to the guide track with its light spot. The sens‐ ing range is 100 mm.
The sensor should be attached vertically over the guide track.
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Table 4: Mounting
Figure 3: Arrangement over guide track
The code can be arranged directly on the track or next to the track. If it is arranged next to the track (field of view +/-50 mm), it is detected as an additional track.
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