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Shuttle C o m p u t e r H a n d e l s G m b H
Fr it z- St ras sma nn-S tr . 5
25 337 El msh or n | Ge r ma n y
Te l. +4 9 ( 0 ) 412 1 -4 7 6 8 6 0
Fa x + 4 9 ( 0) 41 21- 47 69 00
sa les @sh ut t le .eu
© 2018 by Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH (Germany). All information subject to change without notice
. Pictures for illustration purposes only.
VESA mount accessory PV04 for
DH110SE and other models of the XPC
slim series
The PV04 VESA75/100 w allmount allows m any Shuttle 1.3l models of the
XPC slim series to be instal led o n to walls or just affixed on the re ar
side of a monito r which is particu larl y interesting for the indust ry
segment, company buildings and public institutions.
VESA mount (two black metal brackets,
ca. 120 x 57.5 x 9 mm)
Four thumbscrews M3 x 5 mm (screws
together VESA mount and PC)
Four screws M4 x 10 mm (to fix the VESA
mount to the external device)
Quick installation guide
Supports 75 x 75 mm and 100 x 100 mm
Compat ible with Shuttle XPC slim
Also suitable as a spare part for t he
following models that already include a
VESA mount as standard: DX30, DL10J,
DS61, DS81(L), DH110, DH170, DQ170,
DH270, DH310, DH370, DS47, DS407(T),
DS437(T), DS57Ux, DS67Ux, DS77Ux,
Shuttle XPC accessory
Images for illustration purp oses only.
w w w . s h u t t l e . eu
Shuttle C o m p u t e r H a n d e l s G m b H
Fr it z- St ras sma nn-S tr . 5
25 337 El msh or n | Ge r ma n y
Te l. +4 9 ( 0 ) 412 1 -4 7 6 8 6 0
Fa x + 4 9 ( 0) 41 21- 47 69 00
sa les @sh ut t le .eu
© 2018 by Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH (Germany). All information subject to change without notice
. Pictures for illustration purposes only.
XPC accessory PV04 – Installation Guide
(1) Due to safety reasons, please
turn off your computer
completely first and unplug it
from the power supply.
(2) Use four screws to fasten the
VESA mount brackets on the
rear of a suitable monitor.
(3) Position the XPC slim
between the metal brackets of
the VESA mount. Check that it is
properly aligned with the screw
holes, then affix the PC with the
present thumbscrews on each