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© 2018 by Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH (Germany). All information subject to change without notice
. Pictures for illustration purposes only.
Vertical stand PS02
for Shuttle 1.3-litre Shuttle XPC slim PCs
The Shuttle XPC slim-PCs of the 1.3 litres class can be
used for horizontal operation by default. With this
optional stand (accessory PS02), it can also be placed
Two stand components (metal, black)
Four Screws
Compat ible with the following Shuttle
XPC slim PCs:
DX30, DL10J, DS61, DS81(L), DH110(S E),
DH170, DQ170, DH270, DH310(S),
DH370, DH02Ux
The stand PS02 is already provided wit h
these models:
DS57Ux, DS67Ux, DS77Ux, NC02Ux,
These models can be upgraded with
PS02, since t he supplied stand cannot
be tightened by screws:
DS47, DS407(T), DS437(T)
Install the vertical stand PS02 with four screws.
On the Shuttle XPC slim PC models DS61, DS81(L), DH110(SE), DH170, DQ170, DH270, DH310(S), DH370 the
cooling vents should preferably be facing up.
Shuttle XPC Accessory
Images for illustration purp oses only.