w w w . s h u t t l e . e u
Shuttle C o m p u t e r H a n d e l s G m b H
Fr it z- St ras sma nn-S tr . 5
25 337 El msh or n | Ge r ma n y
Te l. +4 9 ( 0 ) 412 1 -4 7 6 8 6 0
Fa x + 4 9 ( 0) 41 21- 47 69 00
sa les @sh ut tle .eu
© 2017 by Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH (Germany). All information subject to change without notice
. Pictures for illustration purposes only.
2U rack mount front plate
for two Shuttle XPC slim PCs
This mounting kit includes a high-quality 2U front plate to install
two Shuttle XPC sl im PCs in a 19" server rack. Should only one XP C
be installed, the unused opening can be closed with a cover
plate (2) which is also provided.
1. Front plate 483 x 89 mm (19" x 2U)
1 mm steel, black, powder -coated
2. Cover plate (198.8 x 45.5 mm)
3. 16x screw (M3 x 5 mm)
4. 4x mounting bracket
Shuttle XPC slim Barebon es :
DX30, DS61, DS81(L), DH110(SE), DH170,
DQ170, DH270, DS47, DS407(T), DS437(T),
DS57Ux, DS67Ux, DS77Ux
Shuttle XPC Accessory
Rack Mount Kit
Images for illustration purposes only.
A) Two mounted PCs
B) One mounted PC and additional cover plate
w w w . s h u t t l e . e u
Shuttle C o m p u t e r H a n d e l s G m b H
Fr it z- St ras sma nn-S tr . 5
25 337 El msh or n | Ge r ma n y
Te l. +4 9 ( 0 ) 412 1 -4 7 6 8 6 0
Fa x + 4 9 ( 0) 41 21- 47 69 00
sa les @sh ut tle .eu
© 2017 by Shuttle Computer Handels GmbH (Germany). All information subject to change without notice
. Pictures for illustration purposes only.
Shuttle XPC Accessory PRM01 – Installation Guide
1. Please fix one mounting bracket
on each side of the PC with two
2. Please place the PC behind the
opening of the front plate and affix
the PC with four screws from the