Shure V15VXMR User Manual

The V15VxMR
(See illustrations on inside back cover.)
The Micro-Ridge diamond tip and the beryllium stylus cantilever of the V15VxMR combine to achieve the highest trackability and most detailed and accurate playback possible, allowing the listener to hear musical sounds that were previously hidden in the record grooves. The use of these and other design features of the V15VxMR result in the most accurate tracing of a phonograph record groove yet obtained.
The V15VxMR offers all these outstanding features
and benefits:
The highest known trackability at 1 gram for ex-
tended record and tip life
Beryllium MICROWALL/Be
affords superior trackability for accurate sound reproduction
mizes distortion and record wear
-polished Micro-Ridge stylus tip mini-
Ultra-flat frequency response, higher output,
and superior signal-to-noise level from high-effi­ciency magnetic structure
Dynamic Stabilizer/Destaticizer overcomes
record warp, dust, and surface static electricity
Exclusive SIDE-GUARD stylus protection sys-
t e m g u a r d s a g a i n s t a c c i d e n t a l s t y l u s d a m a g e
Trackability is the stylus' ability to stay in contact with
the record groove walls at a given tracking force. The most demanding signals on a record are usually high-level, high-frequency sounds and sharp transients. Mistracking of any signal can cause record groove damage that permanently reduces future reproduction accuracy.
Trackability can be improved by increasing stylus tracking force at the expense of record and stylus tip wear. The V15 achieves high trackability without making these sacrifices.
stylus cantilever
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