Shure u2 Service Manual

Shure Incorporat ed 222 Hartrey Avenue Evanston IL 60202-3696 U.S.A.
UHF Wireless System
Release Part Number Date Code
Original 25A1022 QE Revision 1 25B1022 SA Revision 2 25C1022 TD Revision 3 25C1022 AG
these pages from the
U2 Service Manual
22 22
these Revised pages into the
U2 Service Manual
E2000 Shure Incorporated Printed in U.S.A. 25–1022–2 (AG)
Service Manual
U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
The Shure Model U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter is a micro­processor controlled microphone-transmitter operating in the 774 to 862 MHz frequency range. This product is intended for use in high­end installed sound, rental, and concert sound applications. Different frequency variations are available in various countries.
Controls and Indicators
1. Grille
2. Programmable Display
3. Battery Fuel Gauge
4. Battery Cover
5. ON/OFF Switch
Figure 1. U2 Transmitter Controls and Indicators
Service Note: Shure recommends that all service procedures be performed by a Factory-Authorized Service Center or that the product be returned directly to Shure Brothers Inc.
Licensing: Operation may require a user license. Frequency or power-output modifications may violate this products approvals. Contact your countrys communications authorities.
6. Antenna
7. Battery Compartment
8. MODE Button
9. SET Button
10. Audio Gain Control
E1999, Shure Incorporated Printed in U.S.A. 25B1022 (AG)
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
Circuit Description
Audio Section
Audio enters L248, an inductor used as an rf choke. The signal is ac-coupled thr ough C201 into a 26 dB user-adjustable gain stage around U201B. This gain stage is ex t ernally accessible to the user. C249, C250, and C209 protect the preamplifier and bias circuits from rf interference. R212 and R241 set up a half-supply bias, and R238 sets the ac input impedance.
The amplif ied audio signal is then passed through a pre-emphasis network before entering the com pr ess ion stage. R230, R202, and C203 set up two corners for the pre-emphasis network . The pre-emphasis boosts the high frequencies befor e tr ansm ission.
This network feeds an NE575 compandor, U203, whic h utilizes an external amplif ier U204B. The compandor perf orm s 2:1 logarithm ic com­pression of the audio signal. Additionally, the pre-emphasis network plays a role in setting the hinge point (0 dB gain) of the compandor.
Transistors Q211 and Q207, along with crystal Y202, form the tone key oscillator circuit. This circuit pr ov ides a stable, cont inuous 32.768 kHz sine wave. Transistor Q201 buffers the tone key signal before it is added to the audio signal.
The tone key signal is used in the receiver to provide audio output only when the tone key signal is present in the trans m itt ed signal; there ­fore, if the tone key or the transmit t er is turned off, the receiver will be muted. The tone key squelch eliminates receiver noise associated with loss of a carrier. Q206 acts as a switch for toggling the tone key ON/ OFF. It is cont rolled by the microprocessor. R286 allows for the tone key amplitude level to be set.
The tone key circuit is powered via U210B. This is a dc am plif ier used to multiply the 3V battery voltage up to 4.5 V (gain = 1.5). As the battery volt age drops, the tone key supply voltage drops, decr easing the amplitude of the oscillator. This is used to detect low battery in the receiver. (This featur e was eliminat ed for JB models. )
The tone key signal, along with the processed audio signal, is then fed to a summing amplifier U204A. R231 and R234 set up a half-supply bias. R207, at the output of the summing amplifier, is used to help pre­vent spurious oscillations from the operational amplifier. Aft er passing ac-coupling capacit or C213, the signal is fed to the rf module.
Rf Section
Processed audio enters an internal potentiometer R227, which is adjusted for 45 kHz deviation (100% modulation) with a -7.2 dBV 1 kHz tone at the output of the front audio stage (pin 1 of U201). (On JB mod­els, R227 is adjusted for 5 kHz deviation with a –67.2 dBV, 1 kHz tone injected into the mic input.) The audio is then fed to the tuning voltage pin of the voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and modulates the carrier directly. The use of a phase locked loop (PLL) frequency-synthesized system eliminates the need for multiplier stages, resulting in a much higher degree of spectral purity. The VCO is shielded to prevent interfer-
Circuit Description 25B1022 (AG)2
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
ence from external rf fields. Regulated 5 Vdc power from the dc/dc con­verter ensures frequency stability even if the battery voltage drops.
The VCO is capable of tuning from 782 to 810 MHz with a 1 to 4 V tuning voltage range. At the output of VCO U206, the rf signal splits into two paths. The output of the VCO is coupled by C207 to the frequency control pin of synthesizer U205.
The synthes iz ers internal circuitry divides the signal as necess ar y to the desired ref erenc e frequency of 125 kHz. The synthesizer contains a quartz-controlled reference oscillat or cir cuit operating from a 4.0 MHz crystal, Y203, that is adjusted by means of trim m er VC201.
The transmit t er out put fr equency is user-selectable in pre-set increments. The size of the increment and the overall frequency range depend on the model (KK, JB, MB , MC, MD, etc.) . Frequency select ion is made via microproc ess or U104, which interfaces with the user through the mode/selec t switches.
The output of the synthesizer is a series of pulses which are integrated by a passive loop filter, R226, C231, R251, C237, R243, and C257, to produce a cont rol voltage signal. The contr ol voltage signal is then connected to the VCO through amplifier U210A which is used to isolate the PLL filter from the audio modulat ion signals.
The VCO output is also coupled to an rf power resistive pad consist­ing of R255, R256, R257, R258, and an LC-matching network containing C270, L202, and C217. The rf power amplifier, a dual gate MESFET, Q203, is fixed tuned, and configured as a common source device. Amplifier stability is obtained through resistive loading on input R237. The output of Q203 contains a low-pass matching network, L207, and LC-type low pass filter, LP201, providing a high degree of spectral purity. The output of the low-pass filter feeds a microwave isolator that reduces the production of reverse third-order intermodulation products.
The transmit t er is capable of delivering +10 dBm (10 mW ), maxi­mum to the 50 helical antenna. During transm it ter power up and fre­quency select ion, the rf power is muted by bringing the base of Q209 high. This pr ov ides approximately 45 dB rf at t enuat ion until the PLL has locked.
The transmitter rf is then unmuted by bringing the base of Q209 low. During transmitt er power off conditions, volt age is first rem oved from the VCO by bringing the base of Q208 high. In this way, the transmit ter carrier signal is not allowed to drift off frequenc y during power on or power off condit ions .
U2 Display Board
The Display Board consists of following circuitry blocks:
Microcontroller Section
The microcont roller section consist s of microcontr oller U104 and the liquid crystal display (LCD). The microcontroller has an on-boar d LCD driver. R104, R105, and R107 supply the microcontroller wit h the LCD drive voltage for a 4- plex drive.
The LCD indicates the UHF frequency group and channel, and also has a batt ery fuel gauge. A 4. 000 MHz oscillator, Y101, pr ovides the
Circuit Description25B1022 (AG) 3
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
operating frequency to the microcont roller. The oscillat or cir cuit inc ludes C102, C103, R106. R108. U105, R113, and C107 form the reset circuit . U105 is the reset IC that resets U104 microcontroller if the 5 Vdc normal operating voltage falls below 3. 5 Vdc. R112 is the pull-up res ist or for the U104 programming voltage pin.
Memory Section
The memory section consists of U101, a non–volatile EEPRAM chip that stores current transmitter settings and has the mapping of the com­patible groups and channels.
Battery Management Section
The battery management section consists of comparator U103. It is used to measure the effective battery voltage, with reference to +5 Vdc, by measuring the time taken to charge capacitor C105 to a reference threshold of 0.1 VDE ± 0.01 Vdc. The battery is checked approximately every five seconds. Comparator U103 alternately charges C105 with +5 Vdc reference and then the battery voltage (DPLUS signal). The micro­controller calculates the battery voltage by comparing the time difference to charge C105, up to a reference threshold of 0.1 Vdc ± 0.01 Vdc, with the +5 Vdc reference voltage and the battery voltage.
User Interface Section
The user interf ace section consists of power, MODE, and SET switches. The LCD provides the user with feedback for all switch operations.
Circuit Description 25B1022 (AG)4
Preliminary Tests
Test Component Locations
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
R227 location for G and later board versions.
R227 location for F and earlier board versions.
Figure 2. Test Component Locations
Preliminary Tests25B1022 (AG) 5
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
Listening Test
Before completely disassembling the transmitter, operate it to deter­mine whether it is functioning normally and try to duplicate the reported malfunction. Refer to the User Guide for operating instructions, trouble­shooting, and specifications.
Review any customer complaint or request, and focus the listening test on any reported problem. The following, more extensive, functional tests require partial disassembly.
Functional Tests
Refer to the Disassembly section to partially disassemble the transmitter for the following functional tests.
Use dc blocks at all rf outputs to protect test equipment.
Use a U4 receiver for the following functional tests.
Test Set-Up
1. Dc voltages are present at most rf test points. Use dc blocks to protect the test equipment, if necessary.
2. Insert two fresh AA batteries into the U2 battery nest.
3. Connect the audio analyzer to the microphone via the microphone test head.
Rf Power
1. Attach a U4 antenna to the spectrum analyzer.
2. Turn the U2 on and hold it very close to the antenna. Move the U2 up and down to maximize power on the spectrum analyzer.
3. Verify that output power is greater than 3 dBm.
Current Drain
1. Apply 3.0 Vdc to the battery terminals.
2. Connect the amp meter between the positive (+) battery lead and the positive (+) battery terminal of the U2 transmitter.
3. Verify that the current drain is less than 110 mA.
Preliminary Tests 25B1022 (AG)6
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
Frequency Response
Values between board versions may vary slightly; the following values are typical values.
1. With the transmitter set to minimum gain, apply 100 mVrms at 1 kHz to its input.
If you have a version with a 6 dB pad (JB model), apply 200 mVrms at 1 kHz.
2. Connect the audio analyzer’s input to the unbalanced output of the U4 receiver.
3. Make sure the receiver volume control is set to maximum.
4. With respect to the 1 kHz level, measure –8.5 dBu ± 2 dB.
5. Change the frequency to 100 Hz and verify that the measure­ment from the U4 unbalanced output is within ± 3.0 dB with respect to the 1 kHz level.
6. Change the frequency to 10 kHz and verify that the measure­ment from the U4 unbalanced output is within ± 1.5 dB with respect to the 1 kHz level.
Preliminary Tests25B1022 (AG) 7
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
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Notes 25B1022 (AG)8
Shure U2 Hand-Held UHF Transmitter
Disassembly and Assembly
Observe precautions when handling this static-sensitive device.
1. Refer to Figure 2 and remove the microphone head from the U2.
2. Remove the retaining ring from inside the top of the case, using a pair of needle-nosed pliers.
3. Remove the screw located beneath the battery cup.
4. Slide the circuit board assembly out by pushing up on the antenna.
5. After complet ing all repairs, slide the circuit boar ds back into the case; then reinstall the retaining ring, sc rew and microphone head.
Figure 3. U2 Transmitter Disassembly and Assembly
Disassembly and Assembly25B1022 (AG) 9
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