Shure SW6000-CDA User Manual

SW6000 Conference Management Software, Version 6.7.8
Customized Displays
CDA Conference Display Application
@2018 Shure Incorp or ate d
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual

Table of Contents

Table of Contents ..................................................... 2
1 Introduction .................................................... 3
Licensing ............................................... 3
2 CDA Configuration>CDA Screen
Configuration>Custom Screens ........................ 4
Purpose ................................................. 4
CDA Screen Definition ............................ 4
3 XML description .............................................. 5
Syntax ................................................... 5
Screen ........................................................ 5
Controls ..................................................... 5
Comments ................................................. 5
Help ........................................................... 5
4 Screen Elements.............................................. 6
Screen Margin ....................................... 6
Grid definition ....................................... 6
Grid definition example ............................. 7
Row and column priorities ..................... 8
Priority example ........................................ 8
Placement of Controls............................ 9
Controls Definition ................................ 9
Control parameters ................................... 9
5 Formatted and list controls ........................... 10
ItemSize .............................................. 10
ItemFormat ......................................... 10
Field names ............................................. 10
Field options ............................................ 10
VerticalContentAlignment ................... 13
6 List definition ................................................ 14
ColumnCount, ColumnPadding ............. 14
AlternationCount ................................. 14
ShowHeader, HeaderFormat,
HeaderTextId ....................................... 14
ListViewType ....................................... 14
AutoScroll ........................................... 15
SortDescriptor ..................................... 15
Filter option ............................................. 15
Order option ............................................ 16
GroupBy option ....................................... 16
GroupHeaderFormat ............................ 16
ItemsToSkip......................................... 17
MaxItemsBefore .................................. 17
7 Simple controls ............................................. 18
HorizontalLine, VerticalLine .................. 18
Image .................................................. 18
MessageViewer ................................... 19
MicrophoneList .................................... 19
RemainingRequestTime ....................... 19
Conference Variables ........................... 20
Text ..................................................... 21
Content properties .................................. 21
View properties ....................................... 21
Layout properties .................................... 21
Manual Clock ....................................... 21
8 Skin colors and styles ..................................... 22
9 Advanced objects’ properties ........................ 23
2D position properties ......................... 23
3D position properties ......................... 23
Mimic item-level properties ................. 24
Chart control-level properties .............. 24
Chart item-level properties .................. 24
10 Data tables .................................................... 25
Supported controls .............................. 25
ItemFormat fields ................................ 27
HeaderFormat fields ............................ 32
Default value notes .............................. 32
11 Customized displays, examples ...................... 33
Agenda ................................................ 33
Agenda and Speakers .............................. 33
Agenda and Speakers with Picture.......... 34
Agenda, Speakers and Mimic .................. 35
Agenda, Speakers and Mimic with lines .. 36
Long Description, Speakers ..................... 37
Long Description, Speakers, Group Time 38
Short Description, Speakers .................... 39
Speakers .............................................. 40
Speakers, Requests and Group ............... 40
Speech Time Display ................................ 41
Sub-title for croma key ............................ 42
Voting.................................................. 44
Voting, List and Pie .................................. 44
Voting, List and Individual ....................... 45
Voting, Individual .................................... 46
Conference Variables ........................... 47
@2018 Shure Incorp or ate d User Manual SW6000 CDA Customized ver 6.7.8.docx
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual

1 Introduction

The CDA Conference Displ a y Application is an application in the SW6000 suite of applications designed to show various displays for a large audience like:
Microphones (Speakers and speak request lists)
Microphone mimic diagram (Speakers and speak request)
Voting results (in list form, graphically, pie chart, mimic and individually)
Logged in participants
The presentation is normally done by feeding the VGA signal from the PC running the CDA
application to a large screen projector placed inside the meeting room or hall.
The CDA application has when used in the meeting no user i n t erface. Setup of the displays on the CDA applications is done in the CAA application and the selection of the display to show is done in the CUA application.
This manual describes the options for making customized CDA screens.


The CDA application is not included in SW6000 Software (basic), but is licensed separately.
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual
2 CDA Configuration>CDA Screen
Configuration>Custom Screens


The purpose of this screen is to allow client-side customizations. The editing is simple, not using special tools. The definition is essentially a small text file.

CDA Screen Definition

The ‘CDA Custom Screen’ window is opened by clicking the [Edit] – ‘Custom Screens’ button in the CAA/CDA Screen Configuration window.
Figure 2.2-A
Name Screen name. The name is shown in CAA and CUA Screen Definition Window for typing or pasting screen definitions. The screen definitions
are defined as XML elements. Refer to the next chapters for details
‘Slider’ Slider to the left of the ‘Screen Definition’ window to adjust the font size
in the ‘Screen Defi nition’ window
CDA Screen Content Elements Dropdown window for selecting controls to be inserted in the
Screen Definiti on window
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual

3 XML description


A screen definition consi st of three types of elements:
Screen D efinition


The main element in the screen definition is Screen. It has the following attributes:
Name – sc r een n ame
Margin – margin in pixels, default is 1/18 of the screen size
ShowGridLines – a development flag for showing cell divisors (False/True), defaults to
RowSizes – row sizes definition string, defaults to “*”
ColumnSizes – columns sizes definition string, defaults to “*”
Attributes for the RowSizes and ColumnSizes are described in chapter ‘5.2 Grid Definition’. All parameters are optional.
Syntax Example
<Screen Name="Agenda" RowSizes="1,*,*" ColumnSizes="*,0.5,*" ShowGridLines="true" Margin="10" >
.. Controls
.. </Screen>


The Controls are defined as XML elements inside Screen. Attributes for the controls are described in Table 1.


Comments can be placed in the Screen Definition. A comment will not be executed but is useful when creating screens.
Syntax Example
This is a comment


A help function is available for all controls. When the help function is invoked the CDA screen will show the valid properties for the control.
Syntax Example
<ConferenceVariable Help=""/>
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual
a=1/18 total

4 Screen Elements

Screen Margin

From the available CDA screen space a margin is subtracted. The margin thickness is by default 1/18 of the screen height.
The rectangle within that margin is divided into a grid, where the elements should be placed.
Refer to section ‘4 Syntax’ for setting the margin.

Grid definition

The main unit of grid layout is a unit, retrieved by dividing the grid size (height or width) by a certain number. The defaults number is 16 for both dimensions. The actual values depend on the CDA in question (defined in the CAA, Setup/Equipment/Meeting Displays, ‘Grid Units’) and not on the meeting. The unit indirectly defines the font size used throughout the application.
This grid is then divided into a number of logical elements (rows and columns).
RowSizes – row sizes definition string, defaults to “*”
ColumnSizes – columns sizes definition string, defaults to “*”
The rows and columns sizes can be defined as:
Absolute in pixels – e.g. 300 pixels (syntax: “300px”). Should not be used, unless really needed.
Absolute in units – e.g. 2 units (syntax: “2”). The font size is so one text line fits well into one unit.
Relative – the space left is divided into parts. E.g. if two rows shall have their heights in ratio 1:2, one needs t o d efine them as “1*” (or just “*”) and “2*”.
Auto-fit – the row or column takes as little space as it can (syntax: “Fit”). If this is a column definition, all such columns will have the same width. Not recommended for rows.
If the definition is omitted, it is assumed that only one row/column is needed, with definition “*”.
The visual elements (controls) are then placed in this grid.
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual
10 units
Real row
7 8 9
16 units
Real row
0 1 1 2 2
4 5 6
7 4 8 9 10
28 units
Real row
0 1 1 2 2
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 4 12
<Screen Name="VotingPieChart"
RowSizes="1/7,1/9,1/3,1/2,1/8,*,1" ColumnSizes="*,*">
<VoteConclusion Row="7" Column="2"/>
18 units
11 units
9 units

Grid definition example

To define a logical grid with 5 rows, of which first and last take up 1 unit, second – 2 units, and the other two take up the available room and have 1:2 ratio, the following definition is used: “1,2,1*,2*,1”.
This definition translates into the following sizes, if we take 10, 16 and 28 row units:
The same structure is valid for columns as well. This example produces a simplified Voting Pie Chart page using primary standard settings.
<CurrentTime Row="1" ColumnSpan="0"/> <CurrentConference Row="3" ColumnSpan="0"/> <CurrentAgendaItem Row="4" ColumnSpan="0"/> <VoteResultTable Row="6" RowSpan="2" ItemSize="Auto"/> <VoteResultPieChart Row="6" Column="2"/>
Note the row priorities. This screen looks as following with different row units.
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual
Type and size
Minimum size
1 unit
1 9 Disappear
2 units
2 6 1 unit with priority 5, then disappear
1 part
4 3 Disappear
1 unit
1 2 Disappear
2 parts
5 (default)
None (never adjusted)
1 unit
1 9 Disappear
Grid units:
17 units
16 units
15 units
14 units
13 units
12 units
5 units
4 units
Element 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Element 2
2 2 2 1 0 0 0
Element 3
4.33 4 4 4 0 0 0
Element 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Element 5
8.67 8 8 8 8 5 4
Element 6
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Adjusted priority
9 9 6 5 3 2

Row and column priorities

Each logical element (row or column) has a priority, 1 or larger. Lower number means higher priority, 1 is top priority. If no priority is defined, it defaults to 1.
Each logical grid element also has a minimum size. It is the unit size for unit elements, and minimum size (default 5) for relative (“star”) elements. The pixel and fit types are ignored (minimum size 0).
When the number of grid units goes down, and there is not enough space for the minimum size of all defined logic al elements, the lower-pri ority elements get adjusted, until the screen can fit the required information, or there is nothing more to adjust. None of the top-priority definitions are ever adjusted. If several rows have the same priority, they are adjusted simultaneously.
For each adjusted element an alternative definition is used, if it exists. An unlimited number of alternatives can be defined; each should have a higher priority than the definition it replaces. The default alternative is to have height 0. Note, that the rows are not removed, so the controls are not moved around – they just get shrank or disappear.

Priority example

Example “1/9, 2/6-1/5, *(4)/3, 1/2, 2*, 1/9” defines the following elements:
And here is what happens when the number of units is decreasing.
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual

Placement of Controls

Each cell in this logical grid has two coordinates: row and column. Each coordinate is an integer number 1 to Max.
Each control is placed in the space, occupied by crossing of a number of rows with a number of columns. This rectangle is identified by the left-top cell and the number of rows and columns. By default, the control is 1 row high and 1 column wide.
Row – row of the top part of the control, mandatory
Column – column of the left p art of the control, optional, defaults to 1
RowSpan – how many rows the control takes, optional, defaults to 1
ColumnSpan – how many columns the control takes, optional, defaults to 1; can be 0
meaning “all columns to the right”
Syntax Example
<Screen Name="Agenda" RowSizes="1,*,*" ColumnSizes="*,0.5,*" ShowGridLines="true" Margin="10" >
<Agenda" Row="2" RowSpan="2" Column="1" ColumnSpan="0" /> .. </Screen>

Controls Definition

A complete list of supported controls is given in Table 1.

Control parameters

Some controls require parameters. In this case, each parameter has a name and a value, and these name-value pairs are given in the control definition. Possible parameters are described in Table 1.
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual

5 Formatted and list controls

Most of the controls are either formatted controls or list controls. The former controls only show one data item (or nothing), the latter — potentially many items.
Both kinds of controls share a number of properties:




ItemSize property makes an item larger. It can have one of these values:
Normal (default) – the height of items is one row unit size.
Large – the height of items (not list header) is row unit size multiplied 2
Auto (for lists) – Large is used if all list items can fit with this font, otherwise – Normal.
Auto (for n on-lists) – the height of the control is regulated by its row; the text adjusts to
the row height.
Value – Used for defining the height of an item. The value ‘1’ is one row unit siz e.
On the image below Speakers list’s ItemSize is set to Large, while group list keeps the default.
Figure 2. Normal-size and large-size lists
ItemFormat makes up the definition of how the item is presented. Item format consists of any number of field definitions. Each field in ItemFormat value becomes a single item (column for lists) in the data representation.
Each field has the following format:
‘[‘ – opened square bracket
Field name
‘,’ Options (optional set of comma-separated name-value pairs)
‘]’ – closed square bracket

Field names

The field names depend on which control is being customized. Table 2 gives all available fields.

Field options

The following options are available:
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual
[Text,Width=ItemFit] [Text][GroupName,Align=Left]
By default, all same fields in the same list have the same width, which is just enough to show the largest item in that column. This behavior can be modified by assigning the following values to Width option:
ItemFit – this field would take up just the space needed to show this very item, not the whole column. As a result, the field width is variable – different on different lines.
ColumnFit (default for most fields) – this field would take up the space needed to show all items on all visible rows in this column.
Rest – this field would take up all the space available after all other fields. Although it is technically possible to have more than one field with Rest option, it hardly makes sense. If there are any variable fields in this list definition, the Rest fields may not be of the same size.
Rest & WidthMultiplier – the Rest property can be combined with WidthMultiplier. This property adjusts the relative size of the columns which are specified with the Rest property.
ItemFormat="[VotingState][Text,Width=Rest, WidthMultiplier=3][Result,Width=Rest]"
Note that if there is only one field in the definition, its default Width is set to Rest, unless explicitly overwritten.
Usually there is a default alignment for each field. It can be changed by using Align option. Possible values a r e Left, Right and Center. For main texts default is Left, for the other fields – Center.
If some additional text needs to be shown in t h e field along (or even in s t ea d) of the field value, Format option comes handy. Use ‘{0}’ as a value placeholder (see also .NET formatting links in section 0 to adjust the presentation of the value).
For some controls and fields, one could build a string using ‘{PropertyName}’ in the Format option. Same .NET formatting options are applied as mentioned above. Property names often,
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual
but not always correspond to ItemFormat fields defined ‘Table 1. Supported controls’ and ‘Table
2. ItemFormat fields’. They are also shown on the CDA screen in case of a mistyped property. The format should not use characters ‘{‘, and ‘}’ for other purposes than described above.
Square brackets and commas should be preceded by a backslash (‘\[‘, ‘\]’, ‘\,’).
Example 1
<DelegateList Row="2" ItemFormat="[Text][GroupName, Format=-({0})-]"/>.
Figure 3. ItemFormat example
Example 2
<ConferenceVariable Row="3" ItemFormat="[Expression, Format=Logged on {DelegatesLoggedIn} of {DelegatesOnList}]"/>
In more advanced scenarios, Format option can be used to set ItemFormat attribute for an embedded control.
Example 3
Showing a percentage directly on a voting bar:
<VoteResultBarChart ItemFormat="[Bar, Format=[PercentOfSum]]"/>
This option tells the CDA, what to do in case there is more text in the field than there is screen space. It can have one of t h e following values:
OneLineNoScroll – the text is limited to one line, no scrolling occurs; default for most fields
OneLineScroll – the text is limited to one line and begins to scroll, if it can’t fit that one line; default for important fields like participant names or meeting title
MultiLine – the text is wrapped on as many lines as necessary to show the complete text
<CurrentAgendaItem Row="1" Level="1" ItemFormat="[LongDescription, Overflow=MultiLine]" />
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual

HorizontalContentAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment

These properties regulate how the list data area as a whole is placed inside its cell. For lists HorizontalContentAlignment only has effect when ColumnCount is not 1 (see Figure 4). For non-lists HorizontalContentAlignment only affects Text control.
Figure 4. Horizontal alignment in a multi-column list
For horizontal alignment of the data fields use [Space] field and Align option. VerticalContentAlignment aligns the whole list to the Top (default), Center or Bottom of the cell.
For non-lists, VerticalContentAlignment aligns the text inside the field (default is Center).
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual

6 List definition

Many of the controls are lists (these are marked in Table 1). Most lists support the following parameters:



ColumnCount, ColumnP a dding

The lists are designed as multi-column lists. The number of columns is given by ColumnCount property. The space in between the columns is defined by ColumnPadding, relative to row unit height.
Figure 5. List with 2 col umns ColumnPadding=1
AlternationCount can be 1 or 2. If it is set to 2, every second line of the list gets another background, based on AlternatingBackgroundColor.
Generally, this parameter shouldn’t be changed.

ShowHeader, HeaderFormat, HeaderTextId

A list can display a header text, if ShowHeader is true (it is the default for most lists). HeaderFormat defines in the same was as ItemFormat, what is shown in the header. See Table
3. The header is displayed with no background and a brush based on HeaderForegroundColor color
as foreground. The header text, if shown, is fetched from the label database for the current language with text
ID HeaderTextId. Generally, HeaderTextId shouldn’t be changed.


There are three kinds of lists defined: Continuous, Pages, and Horizontal (from 6.1). Continuous is more applicable to lists with items of different vertical sizes (e.g. Agenda), the others – with
SW6000 Conference Management Software User Manual
identical vertical sizes. Horizontal (from 6.1) places its items on a single line. Generally, this attribute shouldn’t be changed.


Tells the list, whether it shall scroll automatically, or not scroll at all. The scrolling speed / delay is predefined. It is usually set to True (except for Agenda and CurrentAgendaList lists) and, generally, shouldn’t be changed.


Each list can be filtered, sorted and grouped by desired property name. It is possible to add multiple sorting properties. SortDescriptor can be used on all lists.
Each field in sorting definition has the following format:
‘[‘ – opened square bracket
Property name to sort by
Optionally and multiply
o ‘,’ – comma o Option name (Filter, Order, GroupBy) o For Filter and Order
‘=’ – equal sign Option value (one or multiple in a square-bracket list)
‘]’ – closed square bracket
Often, but not always, the property names correspond to fields defined in ‘Table 1. Supported controls’ and ‘Table 2. ItemFormat fields’. They are also shown on the CD A sc r een in case of a mistyped property.
<QueueList SortDescriptor="[MicrophoneState, Filter=Reply] [GroupShortName, Filter=[RP,GP,BP,LP]] [Text]" />

Filter option

One can specify a single value (Filter=Speak) or several values, placed inside square brackets and separated by commas (Filter=[Speak, Reply, Request]). If multiple values are given, value ‘*’ gives all the not yet put values (e.g. Filter=[Speak, *]). In this case, the items are grouped in the order of Filter definition.
If the filtered property type is an enumeration, value names can be used. For numbers, the
numbers can be specified. For strings, regular expression syntax
is used (do not use com mas
unless in square brackets; the expression must match the whole string). For filtering of Agenda items by level the values can be separated by semicolon or a dash.
<Agenda SortDescriptor="[Level, Filter=1;4-6,Order=Original]"
Her is the agenda filtered to show agenda Level 1 and Level 4 to Level 6.
See for regular expression syntax. For instance, “[aA].*” matches for all strings, that start with a small or capital A. ‘^’ is implicitly added to the beginning of the expression, and ‘$’ – to the end.
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