Shure m62v schematic

The “Level-Loc” Audio Level Controller is basically
phone level in to microphone level out or 60 db of voltage gain from Hi Imp. microphone level in to Aux. Output. The input and microphone level output contain matching transformers so either high or low impedance may be selected. In addition, a high impedance Aux. Output is provided capable of driving any high im­pedance amplifier, mixer or tape recorder input re­quiring 1 volt or less. This preamplifier has the addi­tional capability of reducing its gain as the input signal increases, thereby ho/ding the output signal constant. After a predetermined input level is reached (threshold) the output level is “Locked”, that is, it remains constant even if the input signal increases by as much as 100 times (40 db). This reduction in gain, which results in a constant output level, is obtained without introducing significant distortion or transients into the program material. The DISTANCE SELECTOR switch determines the input level at which gain reduction (Level-Lot action) begins. An INPUT LEVEL CONTROL is also provided that:
Can be used as a vernier control to allow fine adjustment of input threshold between the preset threshold levels selected by the DISTANCE SELECTOR switch.
2. Can act as an input attenuator for signals that are higher than normal microphone levels. Such inputs may be: signals from microphones used very close to the mouth, outputs from preampli­fiers, line amplifiers, tuners or tape recorders.
The Audio Level Controller: –
n Reduces blasting or large volume increases
when a speaker or entertainer varies his dis­tance and position from the microphone.
n Upgrades tape-recording systems and the Audio
portion of Video Tape Recorders, by controlling the maximum signal level being fed to the re­corder. This prevents distortion and overloading of the tape recorder which might be caused by “close talking” the microphone, or by very loud vocal or musical passages.
n Permits any number of microphones to be used
in a paging system or conference arrangement, without setting the level for each individual microphone. (For paging systems only low impe­dance microphones with normally open switches should be used.) Any number of these micro­phones may be operated in parallel across the low impedance input of the M62V, the Audio Level Controller will automatically set a fixed maximum paging level that cannot be exceeded.
Input Impedance (below threshold):
High Impedance: 50 K ohms Low Impedance: 300 ohms (for 25 to 600 ohm
Input Levels:
High Impedance: microphone level to 10 volts Low Impedance: microphone level to .2 volt
Output Impedance:
High Impedance Microphone Level: 3.3 K ohms
Minimum recommended load: 5 K ohms
Low Impedance Microphone Level: Less than 50
ohms Minimum recommended load: 25 ohms
Aux. Output: 10 K ohms.
Minimum recommended load: 10 K ohms
Gain Characteristics: [Below threshold, Input Level
control Maximum (10); measured from input to output] :
Hi Imp. Mic. Unity
Lo Imp. Mic.
Frequency Response:
± 2 db 40 to 20,000 Hz
max. (using input level control) max. (using input level control)
Hi Imp. Mic. Lo Imp. Mic. Aux. Output
+20 db
-20 db Unity
+60 db
+80 db
Copyright 1969, Shure Brothers Inc.
27A823 (JI)
Printed in U.S.A.
Maximum Output Noise (high-impedance microphone
output), in db below 1 volt:
300-20,000 Hz
30-20,000 Hz
(Hum and Noise)
Lo Imp. input 150 ohm Termination -103 db
-95 db
Hi Imp. Input 33 K ohm Termination -104 db
-95 db
Distortion (any level of regulation):
3% maximum THD.
Dynamic Characteristics:
Fast attack, moderate re-
covery, fixed. Attack: For a 20 db step increase above threshold,
gain is within 2 db of final value in 500 microseconds.
Recovery: For a 20 db step decrease to threshold,
gain is within 2 db of final value in 700 milliseconds.
Battery Life: Approximately 200 hours. Dimensions: See Figure 5. Net Weight: 2.2 Ibs.
switch above the receptacle. This output is designed to work into a 25 to 600 ohm microphone line or microphone input, or into a high impedance amplifier or tape recorder microphone input. The receptacle
is a male three-pin Cannon type XL-3-14 connector (uses XL-3-11 mate, Shure Part No. 95A38, or XL-3-11 C mate, Shure Part No. 95A176). See Figure 2b for microphone level output receptacle connections.
The receptacle marked AUX. OUTPUT is a phono
pin jack which accepts a standard phono pin plug.
This output is designed to work into a high-impedance
(10 K ohm or greater), high level input of a mixer, preamplifier, amplifier, or tape recorder. This output may be connected to the AUX. INPUT of an M68 Series Mixer, the HIGH-LEVEL INPUT of an M63 Audio Master or the line input (bridging) of an M67 Professional
Microphone Mixer.
The static characteristics of the high-level AUX. OUTPUT are shown in Figure 1b. This output provides a constant 1 volt level (with a 47 K ohm load) when­ever the input level is above threshold. Below thres­hold it provides approximately 60 db of gain over the
Hi-Imp Mic. Level Input.
NOTE: This output is disabled when the MASTER
CONTROL switch is set to “Bypass.”
Input Connections: The Cannon-type receptacle
marked INPUT is designed for either low (25 to 600 ohms) or high impedance (50,000 ohms) inputs. The impedance is selected by a slide switch above the
input receptacle. The unit is not recommended for use
with crystal or ceramic microphones.
The input receptacle is a female Cannon-type XL-3-13 (uses XL-3-12 mate, Shure Part No. 95A55, or XL-3-12C mate, Shure Part No. 95A227). See Figure
2a for low and high impedance connections to re­ceptacle.
Output Connections: The receptacle marked MIC.
OUTPUT is a dual impedance output selected by the
Battery and Auxiliary Power Connections:
The battery to power the M62V is shipped with the
unit but must be installed. Install as follows:
1. Remove Battery Compartment Cover by removing the lower slotted screw holding cover, loosening the upper screw, and sliding the cover down.
2. Snap battery into clips provided.
3. Replace Battery Compartment Cover and tighten screws securely.
Battery Replacement-Use Eveready type 216 or 222, or equivalent 9 V. Battery.
AUX. INPUT POWER: This jack is used as a power input when using the power supply of a Shure M67 or
M68 Series Mixer or M63 Audio Master.
case, the battery should be disconnected. A special
connecting cable is provided to connect the AUX. INPUT POWER jack on the M62V to the Accessory 28 V. D.C. jack on the M68 Mixer or to the Pos. (red) 30 V. D.C. jack on the M67 Mixer or M63 Audio Master.
In order to utilize A.C. current, the use of a 9 volt
D.C. Battery Eliminator is suggested. There is a pro-
vision in the battery compartment cover that will allow
using a 9 V. D.C. Battery Eliminator to power the M62V. The Battery Eliminator cable is to be slipped into the split rubber grommet on the cover of the battery com-
partment. To secure cable, rotate grommet ½ turn.
Connection is to be made using the same battery clips that normally connect to the 9 volt battery.
(Note: If a Shure M68, M67 or M63, or a Battery
Eliminator is to be used, first remove the battery.)
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