Every person involved with installation and maintenance of this device have to:
z Be qualified
z Follow the instructions of this manual
This device has left out premises in absolutely perfect condition. In order to
maintain this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is necessary for the user
to follow the safety instructions and warning notes written in this manual.
Important! The manufacturer will not accept liability for any resulting
damages caused by the non-observance of this manual or
any unauthorized modification to the device.
z Please consider that damages caused by manual modifications to the
devise are not subject to warranty.
z Never let the power-cord come into contact with other cables! Handle the
power-cord and all connections with the mains with particular caution!
z Make sure that the available voltage is not higher than stated on the rear
z Always plug in the power plug least. Make sure that the power-switch is set
to off-position before you connect the device to the mains. The power-plug
has to be accessed after installing the device.
z Make sure that the power-cord is never crimped or damaged by sharp edges.
Check the device and the power-cord from time to time.
z Always disconnect from the mains, when the devise is not in use or before
cleaning it. Only handle the power-cord by the plug. Never pull out the plug
by tugging the power-cord.
z It is essential to connect the yellow/green conductor to earth.
CAUTION! Be careful with your operations. With a high voltage you
can suffer a dangerous electric shock when touching the