Connection with the mains ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Description of the device ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Set Up and Operation ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
Control Modes .............................................................................................................................................................10
One Visiondrape (Built-in progra m s and Full Mod e ) .........................................................................................10
One Visiondrape (Sound -controlled)...................................................................................................................10
Data Cabling ...............................................................................................................................................................12
Control Panel ...............................................................................................................................................................13
Control Mode ..............................................................................................................................................................13
Menu Overview ...........................................................................................................................................................14
Main M e nu O pt i ons ....................................................................................................................................................14
1. Built-in pro gr ams ..................................................................................................................................................14
2. Sound -controll ed Mode .....................................................................................................................................15
3. Man ual Mode (RGB) ...........................................................................................................................................15
4. Software Version ..................................................................................................................................................15
8 channe ls .................................................................................................................................................................16
Replacing the Fuse .....................................................................................................................................................17
No Lig ht .........................................................................................................................................................................18
No Response to DMX..................................................................................................................................................18
Product Specifi ca tion s ....................................................................................................................................................20
Immediately upon receiving this product, carefully unpack the carton and check the contents to ensure
that all parts are present, and have been received in good condition. Notify the dealer immediately and
retain pac k i ng m at e rial for inspect i o n if any parts appear damaged f rom shipping or the c arton itself
shows signs of mishandling. Save the carton and all packing materials. In the event that a fixture must be
returned to the factory, it is i mportant that the fixture be returned in the original factory box and packing.
• IEC power cable (1,5 m)
• Black curtain 2 m x 3 m (LxW)
LED Expected Lifespan
LEDs gradually decline in brightness over time. HE AT is the dominant factor that leads to the acceleration
of this decline. Packaged in cluster s, LEDs exhibi t higher operatin g temper a tures than in ideal or singular
optimum conditions. For th is reas on, when all color LEDs are used at their fullest inten sity, life of the LEDs i s
significantly reduced. If improving the lifespan is of higher priority, place care in providing for lower
operationa l te mperatures. Thi s may in clu d e cli matic-enviro nm ental and the reduction of over al l
projection intensity.
Safety Instructions
Every person involved with the installation, operation and maintenance of this device has to:
Ordercode: 40466
Visiondrape DJ Curtain Set
Before the initial start-up, please make su re that there is no damage cau s e d by transpo rtation.
Should there b e any, co nsult yo ur dealer and do not use the devi ce.
To maintain perfect condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolut ely necessary for th e user to
follow the safety instructions and warning notes contained in this ma nual.
Please consider that damages caused by manual modifications to the d evice are no t subject to
This device contains no user-servic eable parts. Refer servi cing to qualified technicians only.
The manufacturer will not accept liability for any resulting damages caused by the non-observance of
this man u al or any unauthorized modification to the device.
• Never let the power co rd come into contact with other cables! Handle the power cord and all
connections wi th the mains with particular caution!
• Never remove warning or informative labels from the unit.
• Never use anything to cover the ground contact.
• Never pl ace any mate rial over t he LEDs.
• Never look directly into the light source.
• Never leave any cables lying around.
• Do not inse rt objec t s into air vents of the contr oller.
• Do not connect this device to a dimmerpack .
• Do not switch the device on and off in s hort inte rvals, as this will reduce the device’s life.
• Do not touch the device’s housing bare-handed during its operation (housin g becomes very hot).
Allow the fixture to cool for at least 5 minutes before handlin g .
• Do not shake the device. Avoid brute force when installing or operating the device.
• Only use the device indoors, avoid contact with water or other liquids.
• Only operate the fixture after having checked if the housing is firmly closed and all screws are tightly
• Only operate the device after having familiarized with its functions.
• Avoid flames and do not put close to flammable liquids or gases.
• Always keep the case closed while operating.
• Always allow a free air space of at least 50 cm around the unit for ventilation.
• Always disconnect power from the mains, when device is not used or before cleaning! Only handle
the power cord holding it by the plug. Never pull out the plug by tugging the po we r cord.
• Make sure that the device is not exposed to extreme heat, moisture or dust.
• Make sure that the available voltage is not higher than stated on the rear panel.
• Make sure that the power cord is never crimped or damaged. Check the device and the power
cord from time to time.
• If the LEDs are obviously damaged, they need to be replaced.
• If device was dropped or struck, disconnect mains power supply immediately . Have a quali fied
engineer inspect for safety before operatin g.
• If the device h as been e x posed to drastic temperature fluc tu ation (e.g. a f t e r transp ortation), do not
switch it on immediately. The arising condensa tion water mi ght damage your device. Leave the
device switched off until it has reached room temperature.
• If you r Showtec device fails to work properly, discontinue the use immediately. Pack the unit secur ely
(pref e rably in th e or iginal pa cking material), and return it to you r Showtec d ealer for s ervice.
• For adult use only. The fixture must be installed beyond the reach of children. Never leave the unit
running unattended.
• Never attempt to bypass the thermostatic switch or fuses.
• For replacement use fuses of same type and rating only.
Ordercode: 40466
Visiondrape DJ Curtain Set
• The user is responsible for correct posi tioning and operating of the Visiondrape. The manu fa cturer wil l
not accept liability for damages caused by the misuse or incorrec t installation of this device.
• This device falls under protection cla ss I. Therefore it is essential to connect the yellow/green
conductor to earth.
• During the initial st ar t -up some smoke or smell may arise. This is a normal process and does not
necessarily mean that the device is defectiv e.
• Repairs, servi cing and electric conn ection must be carried out by a qualified technician.
• WARRANTY: Till one year after date of purchase.
Operating Determinations
• This device is not designed for permanent operation. Consistent operation breaks will ensure that the
device will serve you for a long time without defects.
• The minimum distance between light output and the i llu min ated surface mu st b e big ger than 1
• The maximum ambient temperature t
• The relative humidity must not exceed 50 % with an ambient temperature of 40° C.
• If this device is operated in any other way than th e on e de s c ribed in this manual , t he product ma y
suffer damages and the warranty becomes void.
• Any other operation may lead to da ng e rs like sho r t -circuit, burns, elect ric shock, c rash, etc .
You endanger your own safety and the safety of others!
= 40°C must never be exceeded.
Please follow the European and national guidelines concerning rigging, trussing and all
othe r safety issues.
Do not attempt the installation yourself !
Always let the installation be carried out by an authorized dealer !
• If the Visiondrape is lowered from the ceiling or high joists, professional tru ssin g systems hav e to be
• Use the textile hook and loop fastener strips (Velcro) or tie-wraps/shock cords to install the
• The controller must never be fixed swinging freely in the room.
• The installation must alway s be secured with a safety attachment, e.g. an appropriate safety net or
safety cable.
• When rigging, derigging or servicing the Visiondrape, always make sure, that the area below the
installation site is secured and that there are not any unauthorize d people around.
Ordercode: 40466
Visiondrape DJ Curtain Set
EU Cable
UK Cable
US Cable
Visiondrape Curtains
Visiondrape DJ Curtain Set – Wentex
The Visiondrape can be m ounted to any kind of truss with hook and loop fasteners (Velcro) and/or tiewraps/shock cords.
Impro per installation can cause serious injuries and/or damage of property!
Connection with the mains
Connect the device to the mains with the power-plug.
Always check if the right color cable is connected to the right place.
Make sure that the device is always properly connected to the earth!
Improper installation can cause serious injuries and/or damage of property!
Ordercode: 40466
Visiondrape DJ Curtain Set
Return Procedure
Returned merchandise must be sent prepaid and in the original packing, call tags will not be issued.
Package must be clearly labeled with a Return Authorization Number (RMA number). Products retu rned
without an RMA number will be refused. Highli te will not accept the returned goods or any responsibility.
Call Highlite 0031-455667723 or mail
Be prepared to provide the model number, serial number and a brief description of the cause for the
retu rn. Be sure to properly pac k fixture, any shippi ng damage resu lting fro m inadequat e packagin g i s the
customer’s responsibility. Highlite reserves the right to use its own discretion to repair or replace
produ c t ( s ). As a sugges t i on, prope r UPS packin g or double-boxing is always a safe method to use.
Note: If you are given an RMA number, please include t he following information on a piece of paper
inside the box:
01) Your na me
02) Your address
03) Your pho ne number
04) A brief description of the symptoms
and reque s t an RMA prior to shi pping the fixtur e .
The client has the obligation to check the delivered goods immedia tely upon delivery for any shortcomings and/or visible defects, or perform this check after our announcement that the goods are at their
disposal. Damage incurred in shipping is the responsibility of the shipper; therefore the damage must be
reported to the carrier upon receipt of merchandise.
It is the customer's responsibility to report and submit clai ms wi th the shipp er in the event that a fixture is
dama g ed due to shipping. Transportation damage has to be reported to us within one day after receipt
of the d elivery.
Any return shipment has to be made post-paid at all times. Return shipments must be accompanied with
a letter de f i ning the re ason for return sh i pm e nt . Non-prepaid return shipments will be refused, unless
agreed otherwise in wri t ing.
Complaints against us must be prepared in writi ng or sent by fax within 10 working days after receipt of
the invoice. After t his period complaints will not be handl ed anymore.
Complaints will only then be considered if the client has so far complied with all parts of the agreement,
regardless of the agreement from which the o bligati on is resulting.
Ordercode: 40466
Visiondrape DJ Curtain Set
Data connector: 5-pin male connector
Description of the device
The Visiondrape DJ Curtain Set is a DJ curtain system with high output and great effects.
Curtain 1
Light source: 176 x 5050 RGB LED
Color mix ing: RGB
Data connector: Speakon cur t ain connec t or
Curtain color: Black
Material: Flame retardant molton
Assembly: Velcro and tie-wraps/shock cords
Dimensions: 2000 x 3000 mm (LxW)
Weight: 3,7 kg
Curtain 2
Light source: 77 x 5050 RGB LED
Color mix ing: RGB
Data connector: Speakon c urtain connector
Curtain color: Black
Material: Flame retardant molton
Assembly: Velcro and tie-wraps/shoc k co rds
Dimensions: 1200 x 2000 mm (LxW)
Weight: 2,8 kg
Input voltage: 100-240V AC 60/50Hz
Power consumption: 70W
Contro l: DMX, Bui lt-in prog rams, Sound-controlled, Manual (RGB)
Program: 30 patte rns with speed control
DMX channels: 8 channels
DMX conn e c t o r: 3-pin XLR IN/OUT
Color: Black
Fuse: F2AL/250V
Dimensions: 245 x 143 x 50 mm (LxWxH)
Weight: 1 kg
Carryin g bag
Dimensions: 580 x 330 x 220 m (LxWxH)
Optional accessories (Wentex):
89300 – 2 x Baseplat e
89310 – 2 x Ba s e plate pin
89330 – 2 x Telescopic upright – 2-way
89342 – 1 x Telescopic drape support
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