The safety inform ation pr esented is a g uidel ine that
Operating machine without safety guards in
tangled with the machine. Failure to do so
GENERAL WARNING. Indicates information
important to the proper operation of the
important to the proper operation of the
prior to performing any maintenance on the
should be followed by all personnel. Anyone
operating or maintaining the equipment should read
and follow all the information in this manual, without
Throughout this manual, you will find the
following safety notices with this accompanying
symbol. This symbol signifies important safety
issues regarding the oper ation and maintenanc e of
the Sharp SX™.
equipment. Failure to observe may result in
damage to the equipment and severe bodily
injury or death.
GENERAL CAUTION. Indicates information
equipment. Failure to observe may result in
damage to the equipment.
The Sharp SX™ is equipped with a polycarbona t e
shield covering the pressure and heated seal bars.
DO NOT operate the unit with the shield removed.
Operating the unit without the safety guards in
place may result in serious bodily injury or
The machine requires regular, periodic
maintenance to ensure reliable service. No
maintenance should be performed unless the
safety precautions for maintenance are thoroug hly
•Follow all instructions in this manual for safe
•Follow all company and industry standard
safety policies regarding this kind of
machinery that ma y exceed thos e liste d in th is
•Keep all safety features, guards, interlocks
and sensors in good working order.
•ALWAYS turn off machine power, ensure that
all mechanical motion has stopped and allow
any heated components to cool down before
removing any machine parts.
place may result in serious bodily injury or
Always remove electrical power from the SX
Prior to operating or servicing the SX, remove
any loose jewelry, make certain clothing and
hair are not loose to interfere with or become
could result in severe bodily injury or death.
The label shown on th e right
or panel guards electrical
to removing any guards
The following label is placed on the Sharp SX™
wherever a removable shield or panel guards the
heated sealing area. Always disconnect electrical
power from the machine prior to removing any
guards and/or panels.
The following label is used where there is the
potential of your hands, long hair, jewelry, etc.
becoming entangled between two rotating parts.
Be sure to secure loose item s before approaching
and operating the machine.
The following label on the Sharp SX™ is located
where there is the potential of injury due to pinch
points or moving parts. Make certain electrical
power is disconnec ted befo re rem oving an y guards
and/or panels or servicing the machine.
The following label is locat ed in the proximity of a
fused circuit. Be certain to replace blown fuses
ONLY with fuses with the same electrical rating.
Always disconnect electrical power before
removing an y guards and/o r panels or s ervic ing the
Sharp SX™.
is placed on the Sharp SX™
wherever a removable s hield
Always disconnect electrical
power from the mac hine pri or
This manual is designed to be used b y Authorized Service Pers onnel only. Sharp
Packaging Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any repairs made on Sharp
Packaging units by anyone other than Authorized Service Technicians.
This manual has been prepared for your use in
servicing the Sharp SX™ Packaging Mac hine and
the Sharp SX™ Packaging Machine with Printer.
Included in the procedures are helpful facts on
service, troubleshooting, specifications and parts
All procedures shoul d be performed by a qualified
service technician.
It is important that you f amiliarize yourself with the
product as much as possible before initiating any
maintenance, troubleshooting or repairs.
sections of this manual before attempting any
service procedures.
As you disassemble your machine to service and
replace parts, keep the following points in mind:
•Do not remove or loosen more parts than
needed. Use comm on sense to k eep your work
to a minimum.
•Mark any wires before disconnecting to make
reassembly easier.
•Use Loctite® Blue or eq uivale nt on al l threaded
fasteners without lock washers.
Within the Component Repair section of this
manual, each repair pr ocedure is broken do wn into
three main categories for each component . These
categories are Testing, Adjustment, and
Replacement and are identified by the following
Accompanying this manual, attached to the inside
front cover, is a Compact Disc containing an
electronic color vers ion of this m anual in Ac robat .pdf
format along with other useful digital content. For
more information vie w the README.TXT file located
on the CD.
Adobe Reader is required to view .pdf files and can
be downloaded free of charge from the following
The digital color version of the manual is also
interactive, allowing the user to simply click onto a
subject within the Table of C ontents to take them to
the specified page.
This manual has been developed to assist in
servicing and maintaining the Sharp SX™ with
Printer model 1108 and the Sharp SX™ model
1109. Although th is manual has been written for
this specific model, the procedures and
techniques for replacing components and
troubleshooting can generally be applied to all
models of the SX™. Major differences in
machine maintenance or component repair will
be noted on a case by case basis. T he parts lists
and assembly drawings located in secti ons 5 and
6 of this manual are specifically for these two
models. If a replacement part is needed for an
older model of machine, please refer to the CD
located in the front of this manual. This CD
contains the parts lists and assembly drawings
for all previous m odels of the Sh ar p SX™ and the
Sharp SX™ with Printer.
The replacement parts lists located on the CD
have been separated by model number for ease
of identifying the parts that are needed. Sim ply
locate the section of the manual that coincides
with the SX™ model you have and proc eed from
Assistance with the SX™ can be obtained by
notifying Sharp Packaging Systems at:
Sharp Packaging Systems
PO Box 124
Sussex, WI 53089, USA
Service: 800-634-6359 (ext. 572)
Parts: 800-634-6359 (ext. 571)
Fax: 262-246-3387
To determine which m odel of t he Shar p SX™ you
have, refer to Figure 1-1. The serial number is
located on a placard or sticker directly below the
roll unwind shaft. The highlighted numbers in
Figures 1-2 and 1-3 coincide with the model of
the machine.
The Sharp SX™ is controlled by a PLC
(Programmable Logic Controller). The PLC
receives input from the operator touchscreen to
control a stepper drive motor and an electric eye
sensor on the bag feeder output end.
The Sharp SX™ is equi pped with a sensor on the
pressure jaw which c a n d et ec t an obs truc ti on. If an
object triggers the sensor , the pressure jaw motor
will reverse, and place the bagger into a fault. A
message appears on the control panel displaying
the jaw fault, allo wing the operator to clear t he seal
area and restart the bagging cycle.
Note: the Sharp SX™ is n ot designed to interface
with automatic infeed units such as counters,
scales, or infeed conveyors.
The Sharp SXTM
obstruction detection sensor. This sensor is
• The Sharp SX™ uses pre-opened Sharp EZ-
• A constant stream of air opens (inflates) the
• Product is loaded into the bag.
• Once the bag is loaded , t h e op erator cycles the
the PLC. To prevent this, the e lectric eye has
been designed to be off center of the bag,
however, in som e cases the bags m ay have to
be repositioned when larger hang holes, vent
holes, etc. are present (see Loading Bag Film).
•When the bag is sealed and seal dwell is
complete, the pressure jaw opens.
•The Printhead is lowered and the bag is
indexed forward at prin tin g s peed unt il th e l abe l
is completed. The Printhead is raised and the
balance of the bag length is index ed forward at
full index speed (bagger speed). (Note: This
step occurs only if model is equipped with an
•As the bags are indexed, the Mat erial Unwind
Shaft will spin allowing the bags to be pulled
from the roll. The Material Unwind Shaft is
comprised of a Roll Tensioner with
compression spring, Cor e Chuc k, and a t orsion
spring. When the roll of bags is loaded onto
the machine, pressure is applied to the Roll
Tensioner which in turn applies press ure to the
roll side plate c reat ing a kind of slip clutch. The
pressure that is ap plied t o t he Rol l Tens ioner is
directly proportional to the type and thickness
of the material being used. As this pressure
increases the amount of tension on the web
also increases. The appropriate amount of
pressure that should be applied to the Roll
Tensioner can be found using trial and error.
•The constant stream of air inflates the bag,
preparing the bag to be loaded.
Figure 1-4. Sharp SX™
The Sharp SX™ has been designed to alert the
operator, via the Touc hscreen, to a situat ion (fault)
that requires immediate attention. These faults
may indicate a serious condition where, if not
corrected, damage to the unit may occur or the
fault may simply alert the o perator that th e unit has
run out of film. The following is a list of possible
faults that may occur duri ng operation. A detailed
list of faults, causes an d solutions can be found in
the Troubleshooting section of this manual.
The machine reverses the drive rollers to separate
the web of bags at the per f or ation. T he b ag ger has
a photo eye that it uses to detect the trai ling edge
of the bag. When the photo eye does not detect
this trailing edge w ithin the allowed time, this fault
is triggered.
The Obstruction Sensing Jaw has detected an
object in the sealing area during the sealing
The Obstruction Sensing Jaw did not close within
the preset time, but there was no obstruction
This fault is triggered when the machine cycle is
initiated and the photo eye is not activated.
This message is activated when the bagger has
cycled the specified number of times set by the
operator under Batch Target.
Batch Target – A predetermined num ber of cycles
that will be completed before the machine will
automatically stop.
The bagger has sent a print signal to the printer
and is waiting for a return signal.
*Note: This f ault w il l on ly oc cur if the Shar p SX™ is
The Sharp SX™ is design ed to use a wide variety
of bag sizes and materials. Sharp EZ-Bags
recommended for opt imum operating performance,
efficiency and safety. System performance
specifications are based on utilizing consistent,
high quality, pre-ope ned bags . Any bag used mus t
meet Sharp Packaging Systems’ manufacturing
tolerances. The following list shows some of the
Sharp EZ-Bags
films available through Sharp
Packaging Systems, Inc.
• Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)
• Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)
• High Molecular Weight, High Density
Polyethylene (HMWHDPE)
•Laminated Oriented Polypropylene
• Polypropylene
• Metallic Films (including conductive films)
• Co-Extruded Films (combination films)
• Other Laminates (any other laminates
laminated with polyethylene)
• Anti-static and Triboelectric films
• VCI corrosion inhibiting films
• Opaque films
Contact Sharp Customer Service (800-634-6359) or
to order Sharp EZ-Bags
regarding film and bag specifications.
and for information
The Sharp SX™ uses thermal transfer ribbon to
print variable information onto the bags as they
pass through the mac hine. The follo wing is a list of
ribbon that is available through Sharp Packaging
Systems, Inc. For ordering inf ormation refer to the
Replacement Parts Order F orm i n the Append ix on
page A-1.
• Standard Direct Wax Ribbon
• Premium Wax Resin Ribbon
*Note: Used only if the Sharp SX™ is equipped
with an imprinter.
Thermal Transfer Ribbons
Sharp thermal transfer ribbons are selected
specifically for use with our printer. Use of ribbons
other than those suppli ed by Sharp, m ay result in a
poor quality printing , especiall y bar-codes and th eir
ability to be succes sfully scanned. This may also
void the print head warranty.
Recommended Sharp ribbons are:
• Black ink, scratch and smudge resistant
• 2000’ (609 meters), 3.5 to 4.5 microns thick
• 1” core, no notch required
• Ink side in
• Back coated ribbons only
Special purpose thermal transfer ribbons, sizes
other than those listed above, such as colored
ribbons, or low temperature release ribbons are
swab if dirty. Do not use any solvents or
cleaning solutions on the s ensing portions of
the electric eye.
•Clean any excess material from the drive
roller and platen roller on the film feed
assembly. Plastic com pounds tend to buildup on the rollers. Clean regular ly with a soft,
lint-free cloth using a rubber platen roller
conditioner/cleaner or isopropyl alcohol.
•Inspect Teflon tape on the seal wire and
replace if damaged or worn.
•Inspect the anvil rubber on the pressure bar
assembly and replace if damaged or worn.
•Inspect all electrical li nes for any sign of wear
or damage. Replace any lines that appear
worn or unsafe.
•If the Sharp SX is equipped with a printer,
the printhead needs to be cleaned with a
soft, lint-fr ee cloth a nd is oprop yl alcoho l. T his
will be explained further on page 2-3 in the
section entitled “Cleaning the Printhead and
Film Feed Rollers.”
• Check all electrical connections.
• Check entire machine for loose bolts or nuts.
• Inspect all drive belts for excessive wear and
•Grease the four pressure bar linear guide
bearings using lithium grease (JIS Type 2).*
•Apply a light film of grease to the pressure
bar rack and pinion gearing using lithium
grease (JIS Type 2).*
* Note: The recommended lubrication interval for
the linear guide bearings based on total travel is
approximately 500,000 cycles. Sharp Packaging
Systems suggests greasing the bearings at this
frequency or once a year, whichever comes first.
Both the linear guide be arin gs and th e pr ess ur e bar
gear rack and pinion gear can be lubricated with
the same frequency.
•Clean the foam element located on the
cooling fan on the rear of the machine with
water, wring out, and reinstall.
of the machine with any liquid while
components can cause shorts,
the machine prior to performing any
Do not attempt to clean the machine
injury or death.
This machine requires regular, periodic
cleaning to ensure reliable service. Shift and
daily cleaning can be performed by the
operator with a minimum of training.
Regular cleaning is important for the proper
operation and performance of the machine.
During operation there wil l be a normal buildup
of dirt, dust, and lubricants on various parts of
the machine. If using the Sharp SX™ with
Printer, ink rubbed off of printed film can also
build up.
The machine and areas directly adjacent to it
should be kept clean of debris as these can
create safety hazar ds for the operator and the
Disconnect electrical power cords from
maintenance on machine.
Do not spray the electrical components
power is applied. Liquids on electrical
damaging the components and causing
personal injury or death.
Avoid hot surfaces. Do not service the
machine until the heated surfaces have
cooled after disconnecting power.
while it is running. Cleaning the
machine while it is running can damage
the machine and cause severe personal
No cleaning should be performed unless these
safety precautions are thoroughly understood and
are adhered to without exception.
Clean machine surfaces during each pause in
production – NEVER while the machine is running.
Remove contaminants a nd debr is, and use a c lean,
soft lint-free cloth to wipe down the machine.
•Inspect the machine to determine if there has
been an accumulation of dust or other
contamination. Clean if necessary.
power cord before cleaning or removing any
•NEVER defeat an y saf et y d evic e or i nterlock on
the machine.
•DO NOT use steel wool on machine surfaces.
Particles of steel wool m ay break off and cause
rusting or contaminate lubricated surfaces.
•DO NOT allow wrenches, fittings or other
metallic objects to lie on machine surfaces
during production.
•DO NOT use chlorine, am monia, alkalis, acids,
or cleaning solutions that will damage m etallic
machine surfaces, cause corrosion or
contaminate containers.
Do not pour isopropyl alcohol or any
cleaning solution directly onto the
the machine.
Cradle Latch
Figure 2-1. Opening the Printhead Cradle
Figure 2-2. Cleaning the Printhead
*Note: This section is specifically for t he Model
with Printer . If your model does not have
a printer, only follow st eps 5 and 6 for clean ing
the film feed drive roller.
Always remove electrical power from the
1. With power removed from the machine,
2. Gently slide the ribbon to the side to
3. Moiste n a soft, lint-free cloth with is opropyl
4. Slide the ribbon into its original position.
prior to performing any maintenance
release the cradle latch to grant access to
the printhead and the rubber rollers on the
film feed assembly. Also, open the
printhead cradle cover (Figure 2-1).
expose the printhead.
alcohol and gentl y wipe the surf ace of the
printhead to clean dust and residue from
the surface, as shown in Figure 2-2.
printhead or rollers. Liquids may short
electrical components, causing damage to
Make approximately ten tur ns on t he ribbo n
rewind hub to take up slack and wrinkles,
ensuring it is completel y flat over the rib bon
rollers and printhead.
5. Rem oisten the lint-free cloth with isopropyl
alcohol and rub back and forth along film
feed drive roller as shown in Figure 2-3.
Clean roller until residue is removed. Be
careful not to damage rubber coating on
roller, as this will affect machine
6. Manually rotate film feed drive roller, and
repeat procedure in step 5. Continue
wiping and rotating until the entire surface
of the drive roller is clean.
7. Repe at steps 5 and 6 on the platen roller,
again being careful to not damage the
rubber surface.
Drive Roller
8. When both rollers are clean, thread bag
film through the machine, and close the
printhead cradle cover. Turn the cradle
latch to the locked position.
Set Screw and Jam Nut
Flush for Initial Adjustment
The pinch roller adjustment is used to control
excess “traveling” of the film to either side of the
pinch roller. This traveling is due to uneven
pressure distributed by the pinch roller onto the
drive roller. This pressure is created by slidespring mechanisms on each end of the pinch ro ller.
Under normal usage, the pinch roller should not
come out of adjustment. Before changing the
factory settings on the pinch roller, be sure to check
the unwind for proper web tension and alignment.
If changing the roll setting does not prevent
traveling, follow these steps to adjust the pinch
roller tension.
1. O pen the printhead cradle cover to expose the
printhead components and pinch roller.
2. Confirm the preset adjustment of the pinch
roller. The top of the set s crew should be flush
with the top of the hex jam nut. If either side is
not flush, turn the j am nut counter-clockwise to
unlock the set scr ew. Adjust the set screw to
the proper height, an d retighten the jam nut to
lock into place. Clos e cradle cover, and cycle
machine to check for traveling issues.
3. If the pinch roller adjustment springs are set
correctly and the film still travels, release the
jam nut and turn the set screw opposite the
side the media is pulling towards down in 1/4
turn increments. Loc k the jam nut, and check
for traveling. Continue this process until the
bag film feeds out ev enly and does n ot walk to
either side.
The Sharp SX has three belts, one whic h drives
the pressure jaw and two that drive the film feed
drive roller. To ensure proper operation of the
machine, these belts ne ed t o be c hecked for proper
tension to avoid slip.
Always remove electrical power from the
1. With machine power disconnected, remove
2. Locate the pressure jaw drive belt (Figure 2-
prior to performing any maintenance
the left side frame guard. Remove the two
screws on the rear face plate, the t wo screws
on the front face plate, and the two s crews on
the middle unwind plate (Figure 2-6).
7). Depress the center of the belt to
determine if the tension is appropriate. The
belt should deflect approximately 1/8” when
depressed with one finger at the center of the
longest belt span.*
3. If the belt deflects more than 1/8 loosen the
four motor mounting screws and apply
downward pressure to the pressure bar drive
motor. When m otor is in desired position for
proper belt tension, tighten four screws and
verify the belt deflects the recommended
amount. Repeat until belt is correctly
4. Locate the film feed motor drive belt (Figur e 2-
7). Repeat the process in step two to check
for correct tension. This belt should deflect
approximately 3/32” at proper tension. If too
tight or too loose, repea t step thr ee o n the f ilm
feed drive motor.
*Note: Belt tension shou ld be just e nough to ensure
a positive interference between belt and sprocket
teeth without allowing th em to jum p. If too t ight , t he
load may cause undue stress on the shafts and
shorten belt life. If too loose, the belt will not
engage the sprocket pr operly and the drive w ill slip
under normal loads. For a mor e de tai led method of
determining proper belt tension, contact Sharp
Packaging Systems customer service or consult
the belt manufacturer.
5. Rele ase the cradle latch and open the c radle.
Remove the pulley cover to expose the drive
roller belt.
6. Chec k the film feed drive roller belt for tension
(Figure 2-9). This belt should deflect
approximately 1/16” using one finger to push
on the center of the belt span. If adjustment is
needed, loosen the idler screw and slide to
increase tension. Retighten screw and check
7. Reinstall frame guard and pulley guard that
were removed earlier. Clos e cradle and lock
into position.
The Sharp SX with Printer utilizes seven drive
belts during operation: one to drive the pressure
jaw, two to drive film feed roller s, one for the plat en
roller, one for the printhead lift cams, and two to
drive the printer ribbon rewind hub.
Always remove electrical power from the
prior to performing any maintenance
1. Foll ow steps 1 through 6 o n pages 2-6 and 2-7
to check for proper tensio n of the pressure bar
drive belt and the two film feed drive belts.
2. Check the platen roller drive belt for tension
(Figure 2-10). This belt should deflect
approximately 1/16” using one finger to push
on the center of the belt span.
3. If belt tension is incorrect, loosen the idler
screw and slide idler t o add or rem ove tension.
Tighten screw and check belt. Repeat as
4. Repl ac e t he pu lley guard by reinstall ing th e t wo
mounting screws.
5. Rem ove the four screws that hold the outside
cradle cover (Figure 2-11). Slide the cover off
to expose the ribbon r ewind hub drive and the
printhead lift drive.
6. Chec k the tension on the ribbon rewind motor
drive belt (Figure 2-12) using the same
procedure for the film feed drive belt. This belt
should deflect about 1/16”.
Printhead Lift Drive Belt
7. If belt does not have proper tension, loosen
four motor mounting screws and apply
pressure to motor towards the rear of the
machine. Retighten motor screws and check
for tension. Repeat as necessary.
8. Check the tension on the printhead lift drive
belt (Figure 2-12). This belt should deflect
1/16”. If incorrect, fol low method in step seven
to achieve proper tension.
9. Repl ace outsid e cradle c over, and reinstal l four
screws removed in step 5.
10. Close the printhead cradle and turn the latch
counter-clockwise to lock into position.
11. Open the top cradle cover by lifting on the
recessed plastic handle.
12. Locate the slip clutch belt between the left
printhead plate and the outer plate on the
hinged side of the cradle (Figure 2-13). At
proper tension, this belt should deflect about
13. To add or remove tension to this belt, loosen
the two screws on the idler plate and slide it
forward or backward to ad d or remove tension.
Tighten the screws, and rec heck belt. Repeat
as necessary.
14. Once all belt tensio ns have been check ed and
properly set, replace the side frame guard.
The Sharp SX
technology to precisely control the movement of
various mechanical systems. This section will
describe how to service the two TM4500 stepper
drive units. These units control the Pressure Jaw
and Film Feed motors.
Always remove electrical power from the
prior to performing any maintenance
1. Remove the four screws holding the Load
Plate, set screws and Load Plate aside (Figure
2. Locate the two identical stepper drives inside
the Sharp SX
drive is on the left and the Film F eed drive is on
the right (Figure 3-2).
3. Loc ate the fuse on th e defective u nit (Figure 3-
4. Set your Digital Volt/Ohm Meter (DVOM) to test
for continuity.
5. With the red probe, make contact with the
metal on one side of the fuse and with the
black probe make c ontact with the ot her side of
the fuse (Figure 3-3).
6. If your DVOM indicates that there is no
continuity, replace the fuse.
Note: A blown fuse can be an indication of a
larger problem. If you continue to blow fuses,
test the stepper motors and power
10. If the LED is blinking, use the following
information to diagnose the problem.
•Is the LED blinking once?
This error code indicates t hat there is an open
or sporadic connection in one of the motor
wires. Check the wiring and ensure that the
connector screws are tight.
•Is the LED blinking twice?
This error code indica tes th at ther e is a s hort in
one of the motor lines . This can either occur in
the windings of the motor or be caused by
loose wiring.
1. Disconnect the motor from the drive at the
white 2x3 pin plug.
2. Check the motor and wiring for shorts.
Figure 3-8. TM4500 Configuration
Figure 3-6. Load Plate Screws
Figure 3-7. TM4500 Drive locations
11. Refer to section on testing transformers to test
incoming voltage.
The TM4500 Stepper Drives are controlled by the
Aromat PLC and should be left at the factory
default settings. T he following steps will guide you
through resetting the drives to factory defaults.
1. Remove the four screws from the Load Plate
and set aside (Figure 3-6).
2. There are two identical TM4500 drives, the
Pressure Jaw motor controller is on t he lef t and
the Film Feed motor controller is on the right
(Figure 3-7).
3. Set Jumpers JP1, JP2 and JP3 so that the
jumpers covers pins 1 and 2 (Figure 3-8 A)
4. Adjust Kick Current POT (potentiometer) so
that arrow points to 100 (Figure 3-8 B).
5. Set jumper JP4 so that the jumper covers pins
2 and 3 (Figure 3-8 C).
6. Reattach Load Plate to front of machine with
screws and locking washers.
Always remove electrical power from the
1. Remove the four screws holding the Load
2. Loc ate the TM45 00 Steppe r Drive tha t requires
3. Unscrew all connections from the green
4. Slide drive out of grey DIN rail holder. The
5. Remove new drive from static bag.
prior to performing any maintenance
Plate, set screws and Load Plate aside (Figure
replacement. The Pressure Jaw motor
controller is on the lef t and the Fi lm Feed motor
controller is on the right (Figure 3-10).
connection blocks TB1 and TB2 (Figure 3-11).
drive is held in the DIN rail holder by friction
and requires considerable force to remove.
Brace the machine with one hand while firm ly
pulling the drive toward you with the other
6. Set jumpers JP1, JP2 and JP3 so that the
jumper covers pins 1 and 2 (Figure 3-12 A).
7. Set the POT so that the arrow points to 100
(Figure 3-12 B).
8. Set jumper JP4 so that the jumper c overs pins
2 and 3 (Figure 3-12 C).
9. O rientate drive so T B2 is on your left and slide
new drive into DIN rail holder. This will take
considerable force. Brace the machine with
one hand wile firml y pushing the new drive into
the DIN rail holder.
10. Reconnect all wires as they were con nected to
the previous drive (Figure 3-13).
11. Reattach Load Plate t o front of machine using
screws and locking washers.
A blown fuse can be an indic ation of a larger issue
with the electronics in t he Sharp SX
LARGER AMPERAGE FUSE. If you continue to
blow fuses, troubleshoot other components to
discover problem.
Always remove electrical power from the
prior to performing any maintenance
1. Remove Frame Cover Screws; there are six
screws to remove (Figure 3-18).
2. Loc ate the defective fus e. The 10 Amp system
fuse is on the left and the 5 amp stepper driv e
fuse is on the right.
3. Pivot fuse holder to gain access to the Fuse
Access Door (Figure 3-19).
4. Open Fuse Access Door and remove fuse
(Figure 3-20).
5. Replace with a 5x20mm fuse of the same
6. Close ac cess door and pivot fuse holder back
into its home position.
7. Repl ace Frame Cover with sc rews and locking
The Sharp SX
power supply for all sensors, relays and control
components. This section will explain how to
troubleshoot and if necessary, replace the power
The symptoms of a non-functioning Power Supply
are easy to spot. The “Bag Open Cage Fan” and
“Cabinet Cooling Fan” are not powered by the 24
VDC power supply. If when powering up a
machine, the fans can be heard running, but the
rest of the system is unresponsive, The Power
Supply is most likely defective. If a machine is
completely unresponsive, refer to the section on
checking and replacing fuses.
1. Plug machine in but do not turn on.
2. Remove any bags in the machine web path
and remove bag roll.
3. Rem ove the two rear screws a nd the two front
screws from the Motor Cov er (Figure 3-21 and
Figure 3-22).
4. Remove Motor Cover and set aside.
5. Loc ate the 24 VDC Po wer Sup ply.
Note: The Power Supply location changes
depending on your version of the Sharp SXBagger. The wiring however is exactly the