Sharp DIGITAL CAMERA User Manual

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Wiinnddoowwss™™ aanndd MMAACC™™))
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Copyright © 2000, 2006 Integrated Design Tools, Inc.
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
Software Release
Document Revision
October 2006
Products Information
North America
1804 Miccosukee Commons, suite 208 TALLAHASSE FL 32308 USA P: (+1) (850) 222-5939 F: (+1) (850) 222-4591
via Pennella, 94 I- 38057 - Pergine Valsugana (TN) ITALY P: (+39) 0461- 53 21 12 F: (+39) 0461- 53 21 04
Copyright © Integrated Design Tools, Inc.
The information in this manual is for information purposes only and is subject to change without notice. Integrated Design Tools, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind with regards to the information contained in this manual, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Integrated Design Tools, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein nor for incidental or consequential damages from the furnishing of this information. No part of this manual may be copied, reproduced, recorded, transmitted or translated without the express written permission of Integrated Design Tools, Inc.
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
Table of Contents
1. PRECAUTIONS...........................................................................................5
1.1. CLEANING THE SENSOR ......................................................................................5
1.2. LASER................................................................................................................5
1.3. CHECK CABLING .................................................................................................5
2. WARRANTY................................................................................................6
3. SYSTEM OVERVIEW..................................................................................7
3.1. INTRODUCTION TO THE SHARPVISION™ CAMERA...............................................7
3.2. NOTE ON CROSS-PLATFORM MANUAL ..................................................................8
3.3. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT ...........................................................................9
4. INSTALLING THE SHARPVISION™ CAMERA .......................................10
4.1. MINIMUM COMPUTER REQUIREMENTS................................................................10
4.2. PACKAGE CONTENTS ........................................................................................10
4.3. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION.................................................................................11
4.4. HARDWARE INSTALLATION ................................................................................12
4.5. CAMERA LENS ADAPTER....................................................................................13
5. SHARPVISION™ STAND-ALONE PROGRAM........................................14
5.1. OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................14
5.2. SHARPVISION™ MENU STRUCTURE .................................................................15
5.3. FILE MENU .......................................................................................................15
5.4. SAVE IMAGES ...................................................................................................16
5.5. CAMERA MENU.................................................................................................17
5.6. CAMERA CONTROL...........................................................................................18
5.6.1. Set a region of interest (ROI)....................................................................................20
5.7. RECORD SETTINGS...........................................................................................21
5.8. VIEW MENU......................................................................................................23
5.9. HELP MENU......................................................................................................23
6. APPENDIX A - TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................24
7. APPENDIX B – PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ........................................25
7.1. CAMERA SPECIFICATIONS.................................................................................25
7.2. SPECTRAL SENSITIVITY.....................................................................................26
7.3. LENSES AND MOUNTS .......................................................................................26
7.4. TRIGGER CONNECTOR ......................................................................................27
7.5. CABLES............................................................................................................28
8. APPENDIX C - IMAGE FORMATS ...........................................................29
8.1. FORMATS OVERVIEW ........................................................................................29
8.1.1. TIFF Format..............................................................................................................29
8.1.2. Bitmap Format ..........................................................................................................29
8.1.3. PNG Format..............................................................................................................30
8.1.4. AVI Format................................................................................................................30
8.1.5. MOV Format .............................................................................................................30
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
8.1.6. BLD Format...............................................................................................................30
8.1.7. MPEG Format...........................................................................................................30
8.1.8. Multi-page Raw Format (MRF).................................................................................31
8.1.9. Multi-page Compressed Format (MCF)....................................................................32
8.1.10. Note on 16 bit grayscale formats..........................................................................33
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
11.. PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss

1.1. Cleaning the sensor

IDT recommends that the sensor NOT be manipulated in any fashion. Clean the optical
surfaces with filtered, compressed air and glass cleaner or distilled water. Use a cotton swab or lens paper. Do not use alcohol or other solvents as these may damage the optical coating and cements.

1.2. Laser

Do not focus a laser beam on the sensor directly or by reflection, it can cause permanent damage to the sensor. Any laser powerful enough to produce localized heating at the surface of the sensor will cause damage, even if the camera power is off. Laser-damaged sensors
are NOT covered by the warranty.

1.3. Check cabling

Ensure that all cable connections are properly secured and that there is not excessive strain on the cabling.
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
22.. WWaarrrraannttyy
IDT, Inc. provides warrants to the original purchaser that, from the date of delivery, the hardware components of the sharpVISION Digital Camera (the “Product”) will be in good working condition for a period of one (1) year on all parts. Should any of the components of this Product fail to be in good working order at any time during this warranty period, IDT, Inc. will either repair or replace those components at its factory at no additional cost. This warranty does not include service to repair damage to the Product caused by accident, disaster, misuse, abuse, or non-IDT modification of the Product. All service shipments to IDT must be sent pre-paid. Warranty service may be obtained by contacting IDT in writing during the warranty period.
Integrated Design Tools, Inc. 1804 Miccosukee Commons, suite 208 TALLAHASSE FL 32308 - USA Attn.: Service Department T: (850) 222-5939 F: (850) 222-4591
Note: It is requested that the product be returned to INTEGRATED DESIGN TOOLS, Incorporated for
warranty service in its original packaging.
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
33.. SSyysstteemm OOvveerrvviieeww

3.1. Introduction to the sharpVISION™ Camera

The sharpVISION digital cameras are high-resolution, high-performance cameras to be used in industrial and scientific applications that include machine vision, microscopy and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The sharpVISION cameras are built around the scientific grade SONY ICX sensors. The ICX are progressive scan, CCD interline solid-state sensors with a square pixel array. Progressive scan allows all pixel signals to be output in about 1/12 sec. This chip features an electronic shutter with variable charge-storage time, which makes it possible to realize full frame still-image without a mechanical shutter. High sensitivity and low dark current are achieved through the adoption of HAD (Hole Accumulation Diode) sensors, while low noise electronics provide highly linear and stable digital data at fast frame rates (12 frames/sec).
The sharpVISION camera is available in two models:
Non-cooled sharpVISION 1500-EX (Sony ICX285AL CCD).
Cooled sharpVISION 1500-EX (Sony ICX285AL CCD).
The main features are:
Binning 1x1, 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4.
Framing rate 12-40 frames/sec.
Up to 100 frames per second in ROI.
External trigger capability.
Synchronization signal.
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
Controlled exposure from 35 μsec up to 15 minutes in increments of 1μsec.
Fast inter-frame time (200 ns) for Particle Image Velocimetry applications.
12 bit digitizer (8 and 12 image bit depth).
These features make the sharpVISION digital cameras suitable for different applications:
X-Ray Imaging.
Motion Analysis.
Biological Analysis.
Particle Image Velocimetry.
The sharpVISION cameras contain an IEEE-1394 (FireWire, iLINK™) interface, which offers true plug-and-play capabilities at a high-speed data transfer rate. The cameras are provided with a software package that includes a Windows application, an ActiveX control, a TWAIN driver and a software development kit which includes the complete Visual C++ source code of a working example of an image acquisition sample program to help you integrate camera controls into custom applications, using the API supplied by IDT.

3.2. Note on cross-platform manual

The cross-platform manual provides instructions on using the sharpVISION digital camera on the Windows and MAC OS/X platforms. The Windows and MAC icons below denote differences in setup, procedures and commands between Windows and MAC users.
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera

3.3. Software Development Kit

Upon the installation of the sharpVISION software package several options are available to the user. These options are easily accessed via the Program menu under the Windows Start button. The programs and associated files are organized under the IDT/sharpVISION folder. This folder includes the example programs and the associated documentation. The software components included in the sharpVISION Software Development Kit are listed below.
Component Windows MAC
sharpVISION™ stand-alone image acquisition application Yes Yes SDK modules with example source code in C++. Yes Yes ActiveX Control Yes No TWAIN driver Yes No Plug-in for LabVIEW™ Yes No Plug-in for MATLAB™ Yes Yes
The sharpVISION™ SDK modules provide an API interface to develop applications to operate the camera and access all the camera capabilities using a programming language such as C++ and Java. A C/C++ header file is included in the SDK (sharpAPI.h file in the Include sub-directory). A Visual Basic module is also included in the SDK (sharpAPI.bas file in the Include sub-directory).
Most compiled languages can call functions; you will need to write your own header/import/unit equivalent based on the C header file.
The sharpVISION driver is a DLL that resides in the system32 directory. A Visual C++ 6.0 stub library is provided (SharpDrv.lib in the Lib sub-directory); if you are using Visual C++, link to SharpDrv.lib. Most other compilers can create a stub library for DLLs. The sharpVISION DLL uses Windows standard calling conventions (_stdcall).
The MAC sharpVISION driver is a Framework that resides in the /Library/Frameworks directory. If you are using Apple Project Builder 2.1 or XCode, add the sharpVISION.framework to the project.
For a more detailed description of the SDK please refer to the sharpVISION SDK Reference.
sharpVISION User Manual
sharpVISION™ Digital Camera
44.. IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee sshhaarrppVVIISSIIOONN™™ ccaammeerraa
This section specifies the minimum recommended computer requirements and gives the procedures needed to install the Camera Head, Camera Cable, Power Supply, I/O Cable, and software.

4.1. Minimum computer requirements

Operating System Processor
RAM IEEE 1394 (fire-wire) Hard Drive
Additional equipment
Windows 2000, Windows XP MAC OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) or higher Pentium III or equivalent with 500
MHz processor. 256 MB 256 MB OHCI compliant IEEE 1394 card OHCI compliant IEEE 1394 card 40GB or greater hard drive
(recommended). Capable of 1024 x 768 or greater
resolution (24/32 bit colors). CDR drive (recommended). CDR drive (recommended).
G3 MAC OS X compatible
40GB or greater hard drive (recommended).
Capable of 1024 x 768 or greater resolution. (24/32 bit colors).

4.2. Package contents

Before beginning the installation process, check that the following items are present in the sharpVISIONpackage. If you are missing any of the items listed below, please contact IDT, Inc. or your sales representative.
 Camera.  I/O IEEE-1394 Cable.  Trigger cable.  CD-ROM of sharpVISION™ software and documentation.  sharpVISION™ Quick Start Guide.
sharpVISION User Manual
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