(*) Functionalityguaranteed in the range – 40°C to +85°C;
Timing and Electrical Specifications are guaranteed in the range
December 1994
This isadvanced information on anew productnow in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice.
ST5080APIAFE is a combined PCM CODEC/FILTERdeviceoptimizedfor ISDNTerminalsand Digital Telephone applications. This device is A-law
and Mu-law selectableand offersa numberof programmable functions accessed through a serial
control channel.
Depending on mode selected, channel control is
provided by means of a separate serial channel
control MICROWIRE compatible or multiplexed
with the PCM voice data channel in a GCI compatible format requiring only 4 digital interface
pins. When separate serial control interface is selected, PCM interface is compatible with Combo I
and Combo II families of devices such as
PIAFE is built using SGS-THOMSON’s advanced
Transmitsection of PIAFEconsistsof an amplifier
with switchable high impedance inputs followed
by a programmable gain amplifier, an active RC
antialiasingpre-filter to provide attenuationof high
frequency noise, an 8th order switched capacitor
band pass transmit filter and an A-law/Mu-law selectablecompandigencoder.
Receive section consist of an A-law/Mu-law selectable expanding decoder which reconstructs
the analog sampled data signal, a 3400 Hz low
pass filter with sin X/X correction followed by two
separate programmable attenuation blocks and
two power amplifiers: One can be used to drive
an earpiece, and the other to drive a 50 Ω loudspeaker.
Programmable functions on PIAFE include a
Ring/Tone generator which provides one or two
tones and can be directed to earpiece or to loudspeaker or alternatively a piezo transducer up to
A separate programmable gain amplifier allows
gain control of the signal injected. Ring/Tone generator provides sinewave or squarewave signal
with precise frequencies which may be also directed to the input of the Transmit amplifier for
DTMFtone generation.
An auxiliary analog input (EAIN) is also provided
to enable for example the output of an external
band limited Ring signal to the Loudspeaker.
Transmit signal may be fed back into the receive
ampifier with a programmableattenuation to providea sidetone circuitry.
A switchable anti-accoustic feed-back system
cancelsthe larsen effect in speech monitoringapplication.
Two additional pins are provided for insertion of
an external Handfree function in the Loudspeaker
receive path.
An output latch controlled by register programmingpermitsexternal device control.
1,2HFI, HFOHands free I/Os:
6,7LS-,LS+Receive analog loudspeaker amplifier complementary outputs,
These two pins can be used to insert an external Handfree
circuit such as the TEA 7540 in the receive path. HFO is an
output which provides the signal issued from output of the
receive low pass filterwhile HFI is a high impendance input
which is connected directly to one ofthe inputs of the
Loudspeaker amplifier.
Receive analog earpiece amplifier complementary outputs,
capable of driving load impedances between 100and 400 Ω or
a piezoup to 150nF. These outputs can drive directly earpiece
transductor. The signal at this output can drive be the summ of:
- Receive Speech signal from D
- Internal Tone Generator,
- Sidetone signal.
Positive power supply input for the digital section.
+5 V + 10%.
intended for driving a Loudspeaker: 80 mW on 50Ω load
impedance can be provided at low distorsion meeting
Alternatively this stage can drive a piezo transducer up to
600nF. The signal at these outputs can be the sum of:
- Receive Speech signal from D
- Internal Tone generator,
- External input signal from EAIN input.
PIN FUNCTIONS (continued)
9MSMode Select: This input selects COMBO I/II interface mode
11N.C.No Connected.
15FSFrame Sync input: This signal is a 8kHz clock which defines
16MCLKMaster Clock Input: This signalis used by the switched
17LOOpen drain output:
18N.C.No Connected.
21MIC2+Alternative positive high impedance input to transmit pre-
22MIC1+Positive high impedance input to transmit pre-amplifier for
23MIC1-Negative high impedance input to transmit pre-amplifier for
24N.C.No connected.
26MIC2-Alternative negative high impedance input to transmit pre-
27GNDAAnalog Ground: All analog signals are referenced to this pin.
28EAINExternal Auxiliary input: This input can be used to provide
with separate MICROWIRE Control interface when tied high
and GCImode when tied low.
Transmit Data ouput: Data is shifted out on this pin during the
assigned transmit time slots. Elsewhere D
output is in the high
impendance state. In COMBO I/II mode, voice data byte is
shifted out from TRISTATE output D
at the MCLK frequency
on the rising edge of MCLK. In GCI mode, voice data byte and
control bytes are shifted out from OPEN-DRAIN output D
half the MCLK. An external pull up resistor isneeded.
Receive data input: Data is shifted induring the assigned
Received time slots. In the COMBO I/IImode, voice data byte
is shifted in at the MCLK frequency on the falling edges of
MCLK. In the GCI mode, PCM data byte and contol byte are
shifted in at halfthe MCLK frequency on the receive rising
edges of MCLK. There is one period delay between transmit
rising edge and receive rising edge of MCLK.
the start of the transmit and receive frames. Eitherof three
formats may be used for this signal: non delayed timing mode,
delayed timing and GCI compatible timing mode.
capacitor filters and the encoder/decoder sequencing logic.
Values must be 512 kHz, 1.536 MHz, 2.048 MHz or 2.56 MHz
selected by means of ControlRegister CRO. MCLK is used
also to shift-in and out data. In GCI mode, 2.56 MHz and 512
kHz are not allowed.
a logic1 writteninto DO (CR1) appears at LO pin as a logic 0
a logic0 writteninto DO puts LO pin in high impedance.
microphone symetricalconnection.
microphone symetricalconnection.
Positive power supply input for the analog section.
+5 V + 10% . V
and V
must be directly connected
GND and GNDA must be connectedtogether close to the
alternate signals to the Loudspeaker in placeof Internal Ring
generator. Input signal shouldbe voice band limited.
Following pin definitions are used only when COMBO I/II mode with separate MICROWIRE compatible serial control port is selected. (MS input set equal one)
PIN FUNCTIONS (continued)
12COControl data Output: Serial control/status information is shifted
13CIControl data Input: Serial Control information is shifted into the
19CCLKControl Clock input: This clock shifts serial control information
20CS-Chip Select input: When this pin is low, control information is
Followingpin definitions are used only when the GCI mode is selected. (MS input set equal zero)
out from the PIAFE on this pin when CS- is low on the falling
odges of CCLK.
PIAFE on this pin when CS- is low on the rising edges of CCLK.
into CI and out from CO when the CS- input is low, depending
on the current instruction. CCLK may be asynchronous with the
other system clocks.
written into and out from the PIAFE via CI and CO pins.
PIN FUNCTIONS (continued)
19,13,12,20A0,A1,A2,A3These pins select the address of PIAFE on GCI interface and
must be hardwired to either V
C4,C5,C6,C7 bits of the first address byte respectively.
or GND. A0,A1,A2,A3 refer to
Power on initialization:
When power is first applied, power on reset
cicuitryinitializes PIAFE and puts it into the power
down state. Gain Control Registersfor the various
programmable gain amplifiersand programmable
switches are initialized as indicated in the Control
Registerdescription section.All CODEC functions
are disabled. Digital Interface is configured in GCI
modeor in COMBOI/II mode dependingon Mode
Selectpin connection.
The desired selection for all programmable functions may be intialized prior to a power up command using Monitor channel in GCI mode or MICROWIREport in COMBOI/II mode.
Power up/downcontrol:
Following power-on initialization, power up and
powerdown controlmay be accomplishedby writing any of the controlinstructions listed in Table 1
into PIAFE with ”P” bit set to 0 for power up or 1
for powerdown.
Normally, it is recommended that all programmable functions be initially programmed while the
device is powered down. Power state control can
then be included with the last programming instruction or in a separatesingle byte instruction.
Any of the programmable registers may also be
modified while ST5080A is powered up or down
by setting ”P” bit as indicated. When power up or
down control is entered as a single byte instruction, bit 1 must be setto a 0.
When a power up command is given, all de-activated circuits are activated, but output D
will re-
main in the high impedancestate on B time slots
until the second Fspulse after power up,even ifa
B channelis selected.
Power downstate:
Following a period of activity, power down state
may be reentered by writing a power down instruction.
ControlRegistersremain in theircurrent state and
canbe changed either by MICROWIRE control interface or GCI control channel depending on
In addition to the power down instruction, detection of loss MCLK (no transition detected) automaticallyenters the device in ”reset” power down
state with D
output in the high impedance state
and L0in high impedance state.
Transmit analog interface is designed in two
stages to enablegains up to 35 dB tobe realized.
Stage 1 is a lownoise differentialamplifier providing 20 dB gain. A microphone may be capacitevely connected to MIC1+, MIC1- inputs,
while the MIC2+ MIC2– inputs may be used to
capacitively connect a second microphone (for
digital handsfree operation) or an auxiliary audio
circuitsuch as TEA 7540 Hands-free circuit. MIC1
or MIC2 source is selected with bit 7 of register
Following the first stage is a programmable gain
amplifier which provides from 0 to 15 dB of additional gain in 1 dB step. The total transmit gain
should be adjusted so that, at reference point A,
see Block Diagram description, the internal 0
dBmO voltage is 0.739 V (overload level is 1.06
Vrms). Second stage amplifier can be programmed with bits 4 to 7 of CR5. To temporarily
mute the transmit input, bitTE (6of CR4) maybe
set low. In this case, the analog transmit signal is
grounded and the sidetone path is alsodisabled.
An active RC prefilter then precedes the 8th order
band pass switched capacitor filter. A/D converter
has a compressing characteristic according to
CCITT A or mu255 coding laws, which must be
selected by setting bits MA, IA in register CR0. A
precisionon chip voltagereferenceensures accurateand highly stable transmissionlevels.
Anyoffset voltagearising in the gain-setamplifier,
the filters or the comparatoris cancelled by an internalautozero circuit.
Each encode cycle begins immediatly at the beginningof theselected Transmittime slot. The total signal delay referenced to the start of the time
slotis approximatively195 µs (due to the transmit
filter) plus 123 µs (due to encoding delay), which
totals 320 µs. Voice data isshifted out on D
during the selected time slot on the transmit rising
adgesof MCLK.
Voice Data is shifted into the decoder’s Receive
voice data Register via the D
pin during the se-
lected time slot on the8 receive edges of MCLK.
The decoder consists of an expanding DAC with
either A or MU255 law decoding characteristic
which is selected by the same control instruction
used to select the Encode law during intitialization. Following the Decoder is a 3400 Hz 6th order low pass switchedcapacitor filter withintegral
SinX/X correctionfor the8 kHzsample and hold.
0 dBmO voltage at this (B) reference point (see
Block Diagram description) is 0.49 Vrms. A transcient suppressing circuitry ensure interference
noisesuppressionat power up.
The analog speech signal output can be routed
either to earpiece(V
outputs) or to loudspeaker (LS+, LS- outputs) by setting bits SL and
SE(1 and 0 of CR4).
Total signal delay is approximatively190 µs (filter
plus decoding delay) plus 62.5 µs (1/2 frame)
whichgives approximatively252 µs.
Differential outputs V
are intendedto di-
rectly drive an earpiece. Precedingthe outputs is
a programmableattenuationamplifier,which must
be set by writing to bits 4 to 7 in register CR6. Attenuations in the range 0 to -15 dB relative to the
maximum level in 1 dB step can be programmed.
The input of this programmable amplifier is the
summ of several signals which can be selected
by writing to registerCR4.:
- Receive speech signal which has been decodedand filtered,
- Internally generated tone signal, (Tone amplitude is programmed with bits 4 to 7 ofregister
- Sidetonesignal, the amplitude of which is programmedwith bits 0 to 3 of registerCR5
outputsarecapableof drivingoutput
power level up to 14mW into differentially connectedloadimpedancebetween100 and 400Ω.
Differential outputs LS+,LS- are intended to directlydrive a Loudspeaker.Precedingthe outputs
is a programmable attenuation amplifier, which
must be set by writing to bits 0 to 3 in register
CR6. Attenuationsin the range 0 to -30 dB relative to the maximum level in 2.0 dB step can be
programmed.The input of this programmable amplifier can be the summ of signals which can be
selectedby writing to register CR4:
- Receive speech signal which has been decodedand filtered,
- Internally generated tone signal, (Tone amplitude is programmed with bits 4 to 7 ofregister
- EAIN input which may be an alternate Ring
signal or any voice frequency band limited
signal. (An external decoupling capacitor of
about0.1µF is necessary).
Receive voice signal may be directed to output
HFO by means of bit HFE in Register CR4. After
processing,signal must be re-entered through input HFI to Loudspeakeramplifierinput. (An external decoupling capacitor of about 0.1µF is necessary).
LS+and LS- outputsare capable of driving output
power level up to 80 mW into 50 Ω differentially
connectedload impedanceat low distortion meeting PCM channel specifications. When the signal
source is a Ring squarewave signal, power levels
up to approximatively200 mW can bedelivered.
Anti-acoustic feed-back for loudspeaker to handset microphone loop with squelch effect: on chip
switchable anti-larsen for loudspeaker to handset
microphone feedback is implemented. A 12dB
depth gain control on both transmit and receive
path is provided to keep constant the loop gain.
On the transmit path the 12dB gain control is provided starting from the CR5 transmit gain definition; at the same time, on the receive path the
12dB gain control is provided starting from CR6
receive gain definition.
Digitaland Control Interface:
PIAFE provides a choice of either of two types of
DigitalInterfacefor both control data and PCM.
For compatibility with systemswhichuse time slot
oriented PCM busses with a separate Control Interface, as used on COMBO I/II families of devices, PIAFE functions are described in next section.
Alternatively,for systems in which PCM and control data are multiplexed together using GCI interface scheme, PIAFE functions are described in
the section following the next one.
PIAFE will automatically switch to one of these
two types of interface by sensing the MS pin.
Due to Line Transceiverclock recovery circuitry, a
low jitter may be provided on F
clocks. F
and MCLK must be always in phase.
and MCLK
For ST5421S Transceiver, as an example,
maximun value of jitter amplitude is a step of 65
ns at each GCI frame (125µs). So, the maximum
jitteramplitude is 130 ns pk-pk.
Digital Interface (Fig. 1)
Frame Sync input determines the beginningof
frame. It may have any duration from a single cycle of MCLK to a squarewave. Two differentrelationships may be established between the Frame
Sync input and the first time slot of frame by settingbit 3 in register CR0. Non delayed data mode
is similar to long frame timing on ETC5057/
TS5070 series of devices (COMBO I and
COMBO II respectively): first time slot begins
nominally coincident with the rising edge of F
Alternativeis to use delayed data mode, which is
similar to short framesync timing on COMBO I or
COMBOII, in which F
input must be high at least
a half cycle of MCLK earlier the frame beginning.
A time slot assignment circuit on chip may be
used with both timingmodes, allowing connection
to one of the two B1 and B2 voice data channels.
Two data formats are available: in Format 1, time
slot B1 corresponds to the 8 MCLK cycles following immediately the rising edge of FS, while time
slot B2 corresponds to the 8 MCLK cycles following immediatelytime slot B1.
In Format 2, time slot B1 is identical to Format1.
Time slot B2 appears two bit slots after time slot
B1. This two bits space is left available for insertionof the D channeldata.
Data format is selected by bit FF (2) in register
CR0. Time slot B1 or B2 is selected by bit T0 (0)
in ControlRegister CR1.
Bit EN (2) in control register CR1 enables or disables the voice data transfer on D
and DRas
appropriate. During the assigned time slot, D
Figure1: DigitalInterface Format
Figure2: GCI InterfaceFrame Structure
output shifts data out from the voice data register
on the rising edges of MCLK. Serialvoice data is
shifted into D
input during the same time slot on
the falling edges of MCLK.
is in the high impedance Tristate condition
when in the non selectedtime slots.
Control informationor data is written into or readback from PIAFE via the serial control port consisting of control clock CCLK, serial data input CI
and output CO, and Chip Select input, CS-. All
controlinstructions require 2 bytes as listedin Ta-
ble 1, with the exception of a single byte powerup/downcommand.
To shift control data into ST5080A, CCLK must
be pulsed high 8 times while CS- is low. Data on
CI input is shifted into the serial input register on
the rising edge of each CCLK pulse. After all data
is shifted in, the content of the input shift register
is decoded, and may indicate that a 2nd byte of
control data will follow. This second byte may
either be defined by a second byte-wide CSpulse or may follow the first contiguously,i.e. it is
not mandatory for CS- to return high in between
the first and second control bytes. At the end of
the 2nd control byte, data is loaded into the appropriate programmable register. CS- must return
high at the end of the 2ndbyte.
To read-back status information from PIAFE, the
first byte of the appropriate instruction is strobed
in during the first CS- pulse, as defined in Table
1. CS- must be set low for a further 8 CCLK cycles, during which data is shifted out of the CO
pin on the falling edgesof CCLK.
When CS- is high, CO pin is in the high impedance Tri-state, enabling CO pins of several devices to be multiplexedtogether.
Thus, to summarise, 2 byte READand WRITE instructions may use either two 8-bit wide CSpulses or a single16 bitwide CS-pulse.
Controlchannel access to PCM interface:
It is possible to access the B channel previously
selectedin RegisterCR1.
A byte written into Control Register CR3 will be
automatically transmitted from D
output in the
followingframe in place of the transmit PCMdata.
A byte written into Control Register CR2 will be
automaticallysent through the receivepath to the
In order to implement a continuousdata flow from
the Control MICROWIRE interface to a B channel, it is necessary to send the control byte on
eachPCM frame.
A current byte received on D
input can be read
in the register CR2. In order to implement a continuous data flow from a B channel to MICROWIREinterface,it is necessaryto read register CR2at each PCM frame.
GCI interface is an European standardized interface to connect ISDN dedicated components in
the different configurations of equipment as Terminals,Network Terminations,PBX,etc...
In a Terminal equipment, this interface called
SCIT for Special Circuit Interface for Terminals allows for example connection between:
- ST5421 (SID-GCI) and ST5451 (HDLC/GCI
controller)used for 16 kbit/s D channel packet
framesprocessingand SIDcontrol,
- Peripheral devices connected to a 64 kbit/s B
channel and ST5451 used for GCI peripheral
ST5080A may be assignedto one of the B channels present on the GCI interface and is monitored via a control channel which is multiplexed
with the 64 kbit/sVoice Datachannels.
Figure 2 shows the frame structure at the GCI interface.Two 256 kbit/s channel are supported.
a)GCI channel 0: It is structured in four sub-
–B1 channel8 bits per frame
–B2 channel8 bits per frame
–M channel8 bits per frameignored byPIAFE
–SC channel 8 bits per frame ignored by
Only B1 or B2 channelcan be selectedin
PIAFEfor PCM data transfer.
b)GCI channel 1: It is structured also in four
–B1* channel8 bits per frame
–B2* channel8 bits per frame
–M* channel8 bits per frame
–SC* which is structured as follows:
6 bits ignored by PIAFE
A* bit associated with M* channel
E* bit associated with M* channel.
B1* or B2* channelcan be selectedin PIAFE
for PCM data transfer.
M* channeland two associatedbits E* and A*
are used for PIAFE control.
Thus, to summarize, B1, B2, B1* or B2* channel
can be selected to transmit PCM data and M*
channelis used toread/write status/commandperipheral device registers. Protocol for byte exchangeon the M* channel uses E* and A* bits.
Theinterface is physicallyconstitued with 4 wires:
InputData wire:D
OutputData wire:D
Bit Clock:MCLK
Frame Synchronization:F
Data is synchronized by MCLK and FSclock inputs.
insures reinitialization of time slot counter at
each frame beginning. The rising edge or FS is
the reference time for the first GCI channelbit.
Data is transmitted in both directions at half the
MCLK input frequency. Data is transmitted on the
the rising edge of MCLK and is sampled one period after the transmitrising edge, also on a rising
Note: Transmit data may be sampled by far-end
device ie SID ST5421on the falling edge 1.5 periodafter the transmitrisingedge.
Unused channel are high impedance. Data outputs are OPEN-DRAINand need an external pull
up resistor.
ST5080A is automatically set in power down
modewhen GCIclocks are idle. GCI section is reactivatedwhen GCI clocks are detected. PIAFE is
completly reactivated after receiving of a power
up command.
Exchangeprotocol on M* channel
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