M29F160BT, M29F160BB
See Figure 1, Logic Diagram, and Table 1, Sign al
Names, for a brief overview of the signals connected to this device.
Address Inputs (A0-A19). The Address Inputs
select the cells i n the memory array to a ccess during Bus Read operations. During Bus Write operations they control the commands sent to the
Command Interface of the internal state machine.
Data Inputs/Outputs (DQ0-DQ7). The Data Inputs/Outputs output the data stored at the selected
address during a Bus Read operation. During Bus
Write operations they represent the commands
sent to the Command Interface of the internal state
Data Inputs/Outputs (DQ8-DQ14). The Data Inputs/Outputs output the data stored at the selected
address during a Bus Read operation when BYTE
is High, VIH. When BYTE is Low, VIL, these pins
are not used and are high impedance. During Bus
Write operations the Command Register does not
use these bits. When reading t he Status Register
these bits should be ignored.
Data Input/Output or Address Input (DQ15A-1).
is High, VIH, this pin behaves as a
Data Input/Output pin (as DQ8-DQ14). When
is Low, VIL, this pin behaves as an address
pin; DQ15A–1 Low will select the LSB of the Word
on the other addresses, DQ15A–1 High will select
the MSB. Throughout the text consider references
to the Data Input/Output to include this pin when
is High and ref erences to the Address In-
puts to include this pin when BYTE
is Low except
when stated explicitly otherwise.
Chip Enable (E
). The Chip Enable, E, activates
the memory, allowing Bus Read and Bus Write operations to be performed. When Chip Enable is
High, V
, all other pins are ignored.
Output Enable (G
). The Output Enable, G, con-
trols the Bus Read operation of the memory.
Write Enable (W
). The Write Enable, W, controls
the Bus Write operation of the memory’s Command Interf a c e .
Reset/Bloc k Tempor ary U nprot ect (RP
). The Re-
set/Block Temporary Unprotect pin can be used to
apply a Hardware Reset to the memory or to temporarily unprotect all blocks that have been protected.
A Hardware Reset is achieved by holding Reset/
Block Temporary Unprotect Low, V
, for at least
. After Reset/Block Temporary Unprotect
goes High, V
, the memory will be ready for Bus
Read and Bus Write operations after t
, whichever occurs last. See the Ready/Busy
Output section, Table 17 and Figure 10, Reset/
Temporary Unprotect AC Characteristics for more
Holding RP
at VID will temporarily unprotect the
protected blocks in the memory. Program and
Erase operations on all blocks will be possible.
The transition from V
to VID must be slower than
Ready/Busy Output (RB
). The Ready/Busy pin
is an open-drain output that can be used to identify
when the memory array can be read. Ready/Busy
is high-impedance during Read mode, Auto Select
mode and Erase Suspend mode.
After a Hardware Reset, Bus Read and Bus Write
operations cannot begin until Ready/Busy becomes high-impedance. See Tabl e 17 and Figure
10, Reset/Temporary Unprotect AC Characteristics.
During Program or Erase operations Ready/Busy
is Low, V
. Ready/Busy will remain Low during
Read/Reset commands or Hardw are Resets until
the memory is ready to enter Read mode.
The use of an open-drain output allows the Ready/
Busy pins from several memories to be connected
to a single pull-up resistor. A Low will then indicate
that one, or more, of the memories is busy.
Byte/Word Or ga nizat ion Select (BYTE
). The Byte/
Word Organization Select pin is used to switch between the 8-bit and 16-bit Bus modes of the memory. When Byte/Word Organi z ation S elect is Low,
, the memory is in 8-bi t mode, w hen it is High,
, the memory is in 16-bit mode.
Supply Voltage. The VCC Supply Voltage
supplies the power for all operations (Read, Program, Erase etc.).
The Command Interface is disabled when the V
Supply Voltage is less than the L ockout Voltage,
. This prevents Bus Write operations from accidentally damaging the data during power up,
power down and power surges. If the Program/
Erase Controller is programming or erasing during
this time then the operation aborts and the memory contents being altered will be invalid.
A 0.1µF capacitor should be connected between
the V
Supply Voltage pin and the VSS Ground
pin to decouple the current surges from the power
supply. The PCB track widths must be sufficient to
carry the currents required during program and
erase operations, I
Vss Ground. The V
Ground is the reference
for all voltage measurements.