M24256-B, M24128-B
Up to eight memory devices can be connected on
a single I2C bus. Each one is given a unique 3-bit
code on its Chip Enable inputs. When the Device
Select Codeis received onthe SDA bus, the memory only responds if the Chip Select Code is the
same as the pattern applied to its Chip Enable
The 8thbit is the RW bit. This is set to ‘1’ for read
and ‘0’ for write operations. If a match occurs on
the Device Select Code, the corresponding memory gives an acknowledgment onthe SDA bus during the 9thbit time. If the memory does not match
the Device SelectCode, itdeselects itself fromthe
bus, and goes into stand-by mode.
There are two modes both for read and write.
These are summarized in Table 6 and described
later. A communication between the master and
the slave is ended with a STOP condition.
Each data byte in the memory has a 16-bit (two
byte wide)address. The MostSignificantByte (Table 4) issent first, followed by the Least significant
Byte (Table 5). Bits b15 to b0 form the address of
the byte in memory. Bit b15 is treated as a Don’t
Care bit on the M24256-B memory. Bits b15 and
b14 aretreated as Don’t Carebits on the M24128B memory.
Write Operations
Following a START condition the master sends a
Device Select Code with the RW bit set to ’0’, as
shown inTable 6.The memoryacknowledges this,
and waits for two address bytes. The memory re-
sponds to each address bytewith an acknowledge
bit, and then waits for the data byte.
Writing to the memory may be inhibited if the WC
input pin is taken high. Any write command with
WC=1 (during a period of time from the START
condition until the end of the two address bytes)
will not modify the memory contents, and the accompanying data bytes will
be acknowledged,
as shown in Figure 5.
Byte Write
In the Byte Write mode, after the Device Select
Code and the address bytes, the master sends
one data byte. If the addressed location is write
protected by the WC pin, the memory replies with
a NoAck, and the location is not modified. If, instead, the WC pinhas been held at0, asshown in
Figure 6, the memory replies with an Ack. The
master terminates the transfer by generating a
STOP condition.
Page Write
The Page Write mode allows up to 64 bytes to be
written in a single write cycle, provided that they
are all located in the same ’row’ in the memory:
Table 3. Device Select Code
Note: 1. The most significant bit, b7, is sent first.
Device Type Identifier Chip Enable RW
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Device Select Code 1 0 1 0 E2 E1 E0 RW
Table 4. Most Significant Byte
Note: 1. b15 is treated as Don’t Care on the M24256-B series.
b15 and b14 are Don’t Care on the M24128-B series.
Table 5. Least Significant Byte
b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8
b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Table 6. Operating Modes
Note: 1. X = V
or V
Mode RW bit
Data Bytes Initial Sequence
Current Address Read 1 X 1 START, Device Select, RW = ‘1’
Random Address Read
START, Device Select, RW = ‘0’, Address
1 X reSTART, Device Select, RW = ‘1’
Sequential Read 1 X ≥ 1 Similar to Current or Random Address Read
Byte Write 0 V
1 START,Device Select, RW = ‘0’
Page Write 0 V
≤ 64 START, Device Select, RW = ‘0’