8 Index .......................................................................................62
1 General
1.1 Warranty
The following instructions must be complied with in order for any
warranty to be applicable regarding functionality and safe operation of this equipment. This product must only be commissioned
by qualied professionals who are familiar with the legal requirements (Germany: DVGW).
● Read these operating instructions prior to operating the product.
● Use the product only as intended.
● Repairs and maintenance must only be carried out by special-
ist technicians or other suitably trained personnel. Only spare
parts approved by Hermann Sewerin GmbH may be used when
performing repairs.
● Use only suitable battery types, otherwise the device will not
be explosion-proof.
● Changes or modications to this product may only be carried
out with the approval of Hermann Sewerin GmbH.
● Use only Hermann Sewerin GmbH accessories for the product.
Hermann Sewerin GmbH shall not be liable for damages resulting
from the non-observance of this information. The warranty con-
ditions of the General Terms and Conditions (AGB) of Hermann
Sewerin GmbH are not affected by this information.
In addition to the warnings and other information in these Operating Instructions, always observe the generally applicable safety
and accident prevention regulations.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical changes.
1 General
1 General
1.2 Purpose
The VARIOTEC 460 Tracergas is a portable measuring device
for measuring the concentration of hydrogen in air or nitrogen.
The device is especially suitable for:
● Leak detection in pipes using hydrogen
Both gas and water pipes can be inspected. Water pipes must
not contain water at the time of inspection.
● Leak tests using the tracer gas method (e.g. in lling stations)
● Measuring the hydrogen content in air or nitrogen
All tasks that can be performed with the device are assigned to
applications. For more detailed information please see Section 1.5
on page 5.
The VARIOTEC 460 Tracergas is not a gas warning in-
● Do not use the device to warn against dangerous gas
These operating instructions describe the functions of rmware
version 1.XXX. The manufacturer reserves the right to make
All descriptions refer to the device as delivered (factory settings).
1.3 Intended use
This device is intended for professional residential and commercial
use, in small rms and commercial operations and in industry. The
appropriate specialist knowledge is required to operate the device.
The device is intended for measuring hydrogen H2.
It should not be used for:
● Measuring toxic and corrosive gases
● Monitoring liquids
● Warning against explosive gas concentrations (operator pro-
The device can be used up to a temperature of 40 ºC. However,
high temperatures reduce the lifetime of the rechargeable batteries.
1 General
1 General
1.4 General safety information
● The device has been tested to ensure that it is explosion-proof
in accordance with European standards (CENELEC).
● The device is explosion-proof for tracer gas only up to a maxi-
mum hydrogen content of 5% in air or nitrogen. If the hydrogen
content in air or nitrogen exceeds 5%, the device must be used
in carrying bag TG8.
● SEWERIN recommends always using the device in carrying
bag TG8 in enclosed spaces.
● Do not use this device in oxygen-enriched atmospheres, oth-
erwise it will not be explosion-proof.
● Only probe hoses with a hydrophobic lter may be used.
If the probe has a built-in hydrophobic lter, the hose does not
require any other lters.
● Devices may only be tested with test gases in well ventilated
areas or outdoors. Test gases must be handled in a professional manner.
● Always carry out a device inspection (see Section 5.1 on
page 36) after the device has suffered an impact (for exam-
ple, if dropped accidentally).
● The device complies with the limits of the EMC directive. Always
observe the information in the manuals of (mobile) radio equipment when using the device close to (mobile) radio equipment.
Follow the advice regarding explosion protection (see
Section 2.3 on page 9).
1.5 Allocation of tasks to applications
The device is used in measuring mode in four applications:
● Inspection above ground
● Measuring in bar holes
● House
● Gas measuring
Owing to the high sensitivity in the ppm range, the Inspection above ground and House applications are particularly suitable
for leak detection but less so for reproducible measurements.
The table is designed to help you decide which application to
choose for which activity (in accordance with /1/).
● Poorly accessible
gas pipes
– underground
– laid in oors
● In the ground● Measuring the gas concentration
● In the house
● Freely accessible
● Industrial plants
● Test laboratories
● Pipes
● Gas systems
● Measuring very low gas concen-
– above ground or above the oor
– above possible leakage points
– Determining gas dispersion
(detection limit)
– Locating a probable gas escape
(repair point)
– Preventing possible dangers
● Measuring very low gas concen-
● Locating the source of gas
● Finding leaks at internal connec-
● Leak testing of industrial compo-
● Measuring the gas concentration
● Purging (to demonstrate purity or
absence of gas, e.g. when commissioning/decommissioning gas
1 General
above ground
Measuring in
bar holes
1 General
1.6 Tracer gas method
The tracer gas method can be used for leak detection and for
leakage tests.
The method uses a nitrogen/hydrogen gas mixture (tracer gas)
consisting typically of 5% hydrogen and 95% nitrogen. Gas mixtures containing 10% hydrogen and 90% nitrogen can also be
used, however.
Owing to its physical properties, hydrogen has the ability to pen-
etrate other materials (e.g. screed, concrete). This penetrating
power is used to locate gas leaks in closed systems with a gas
measuring device such as the VARIOTEC 460 Tracergas.
Such closed systems may either already exist (e.g. lling stations)
or may have to be created. In the latter case the pipe sections
to be inspected are closed off with blind anges, for example.
Although pure hydrogen is extremely ammable, tracer gas is
non-combustible, non-corrosive and non-toxic. Hydrogen is ap-
proved as a food additive (E949), making the tracer gas method
suitable for inspecting water pipes.
This section provides only a brief overview of the tracer gas
method. Using the tracer gas method correctly requires
extensive specialist knowledge.
2 Features
2.1 Visual and audible signals
The device features two alarms:
● Signal light on top of device (visual signal)
● Buzzer on side of device (audible signal)
If this symbol appears on the display, the audible
signal can be switched off.
When an audible signal has been switched off it
cannot be switched back on while the concentration
level remains above the alarm threshold.
This symbol appears at the top left of the display as
soon as the audible signal has been switched off. It
disappears automatically if the level falls below the
alarm threshold.
If the measured hydrogen gas concentration exceeds specied
limit values (alarm thresholds) the device gives a warning. It emits
both audible and visual signals.
The device has two alarms:
● ALPPM (adjustable alarm in the ppm range)
● ALEOS (alarm at the end of the measuring range)
2 Features
Alarms are only emitted in the Inspection above ground and
House applications.There are no alarms in the Measuring in bar holes and Gas
measuring applications.
The ALPPM alarm signal cycles between on and off. The ALEOS
alarm signal comprises a continuous tone and a steady light.
There is detailed information on alarms in Section 7.2 on
page 51.
2 Features
Dynamic or constant signal for ALPPM
For the ALPPM alarm there are two options for cycling the audible and visual signals:
● dynamic (dynamic signal)
● constant
With the dynamic signal option the cycle speed is dependent on
the measured gas concentration. The higher the concentration
above the alarm threshold, the shorter the interval between two
signals. This applies up to a concentration of 5 % vol. H2. Above
a concentration of 5 % vol. H2 the cycle speed remains constant.
With the constant signal option the cycle speed is always independent of the measured gas concentration. The interval between
two signals is always constant.
The default setting at delivery is dynamic signal. If the dynamic
signal option is switched off, the device automatically switches
to a constant signal.
See Section 3.3.5 on page 30 for information on how to switch
off the dynamic signal.
2.2 Sensors
The device features two types of sensor:
● Gas-sensitive semiconductor (SC) for hydrogen
● Thermal conductivity sensor (TC)
ApplicationMeasuring range (H2)Sensors
Inspection above
Measuring in bar holes 0.0 % vol. – 100 % vol.TC
House0.0 ppm — 5 % vol.SC, TC
Gas measuring0.0 % vol. – 100 % vol.TC
0.0 ppm — 5 % vol.SC, TC
2.3 Explosion protection
The device is assigned to the following explosion-proof groups:
2 Features
II2G Ex d e ib IIB T4 Gb● Methane CH
For the following atmospheres
● Propane C3H
● Butane C4H
When using
Device without carrying
bag TG8
● Tracer gas with max.
5% H2 in N2
II2G Ex d e ib IIC T4 Gb● Methane CH
● Propane C3H
● Butane C4H
● Hydrogen H
Device with
carrying bag
● Tracer gas
EC type-examination certicate: TÜV 07 ATEX 553353 X
It is essential to observe the following points to ensure that
the device is explosion-proof:
● Only ever open the battery compartment and recharge
the batteries outside of explosive areas.
● Only use the USB port outside of explosive areas.
● Always use the appropriate type of disposable/recharge-
able battery.
● To ensure that the device complies with explosion-proof
group IIC with hydrogen H2 and tracer gas containing
more than 5% H2 in N2, the device must be used in carrying bag TG8.
3 Operation
3 Operation
3.1 General information on operation
3.1.1 Keys and jog dial
The ON/OFF key is the only control on the device that does not
change its function.
When switched on, the device is operated using the jog dial and
function keys to navigate the display.
ON/OFF keyPress● Switches the device on
● Switches the device off
Function keys
F1, F2, F3
Jog dialTurn● Selects functions, settings,
Press● Variable
● As indicated on the display at
the bottom of the screen
● Function keys may also have
no function assigned in some
measurement data, etc.
● Modies values
Press● Opens the next program level
(e.g. menu item, function,
measurement data, selectable
● Applies values
3.1.2 Selecting/exiting menus and menu items
Functions, applications and settings etc. are selected via the main
menu (for short: Menu). This menu has submenus and menu
items. Refer to Section 3.2.1 on page 15 for information on
accessing the main menu.
Selecting submenus/menu items
Submenus and menu items are selected and opened using the jog
dial and/or the function keys (see Section 3.1.1 on page 10).
The name of the selected menu or menu item is always shown
at the top left of the display.
In measuring mode the name of the selected application is in-
dicated by the symbol at the top left of the display. You can nd
detailed information on selecting and switching applications in
Section 3.1.4 on page 13.
Exiting menus/menu items
There are generally two ways to exit open menus/menu items
and return to the next level up:
● Press Esc
● Select Exit from the menu
3.1.3 Switching the device on
Always switch the device on with fresh air.
3 Operation
1. Press the ON/OFF key. The device switches on.
A visual and audible signal conrms that the device has been
switched on. The display and the pump come on.
The start screen appears on the display.
– Device type:
VARIOTEC 460 Tracergas
– User:
Frank Smith
City Council
Leakage Delivery
– Firmware version: V1.000
Fig. 3: Start screen
– Date and time
3 Operation
Fig. 4: Opening screen for In-
2. Make sure the device is actually drawing in fresh air. Change
3. Wait until the reading stops ashing.
Then the opening screen for the selected application appears
(see Section 3.3.4 on page 29).
– Gas type: H
– Application as symbol (top left)
and text:
Inspection above ground
– Measuring range:
0.0 ppm – 5 % vol.
– Alarm threshold:
spection above ground
ALPPM 0.5 ppm
– Symbol for next application that
can be selected via function
key F3: Measuring in bar holes
The device switches to measuring mode. The device warms
up. The reading ashes.
While the device is warming up, the prompt Add fresh air! is
displayed as a reminder.
its location if necessary.
The device is ready for use.
– Current reading: zero when
device is switched on with fresh
Fig. 5: Inspection above ground
measuring mode
3.1.4 Selecting/switching applications
You may only switch applications when the device is drawing in
fresh air.
The current application is indicated by the symbol at the top left
of the display. The symbol at the bottom right shows the next application that can be selected via function key F3. You can specify
which application is activated rst when the device is switched on
in the Settings under System (see Section 3.3.4 on page 29).
● Press Menu. Select the menu item for the application you
want to use.
a) Press function key F3. The device switches to the next ap-
b) Repeat until the symbol for the application you want to use
appears at the top left.
3 Operation
3 Operation
3.1.5 Differences between measuring mode and settings mode
The device is operated in two modes:
● Measuring mode (see Section 3.2 on page 14)
Measurements are taken in measuring mode. All functions
needed to take readings can be accessed from one menu.
● Settings (see Section 3.3 on page 25)
The device settings can be changed in settings mode. Information about the device can also be retrieved. Measurements
cannot be taken in settings mode.
Settings are accessed via the menu in measuring mode. The
settings are access-protected by a PIN code.
3.2 Measuring mode
When switched on (see Section 3.1.3 on page 11) the device
is in measuring mode. In measuring mode, the current measurements are always displayed (see Fig. 5). Depending on the ap-
plication, the measurement will have to be saved or started and
then stopped (see Section 3.2.8 on page 21).
The device only issues alarms in measuring mode. As
soon you access the menu, alarms are no longer triggered.
3 Operation
Zero point
3.2.1 Accessing the menu (measuring mode menu structure)
In measuring mode F1 can be used to access the Menu.
Inspection above ground
Measuring in bar holes
Gas measuring
Start measurement
Device inspection
Device information
Fig. 6: Menu with submenus (menu items)
Once you have started a measurement Start measurement in
the menu becomes Stop measurement. In some applications
this menu item is called Save measurement.
You can nd detailed information on starting, stopping and saving
measurements inSection 3.2.8 on page 21.
3.2.2 Zero point
The zero point only has to be set manually if the displayed fresh
air measurement is not zero after the end of the warm-up period.
The manual zero point setting is not saved. The zero point can be
corrected by adjustment as often as zero point deviations occur
(see Section 5.2 on page 44).
Requirements for correct setting of the zero point
● Device was switched on with fresh air.
● Device continues to draw in fresh air.
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