sewerin Stethophon 04 Operating Instructions Manual

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Measurable success by Sewerin equipment
Congratulations. You have chosen a quality instrument manufactured by Hermann Sewerin GmbH.
Our equipment will provide you with the highest standards of perform­ance, safety and efciency. They correspond with the national and in­ternational guide-lines.
Please read and understand the following operating instructions before using the equipment; they will help you to use the instrument quickly and competently. If you have any queries we are available to offer advice and assistance at any time.
Hermann Sewerin GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 3 33334 Gütersloh, Germany
Tel.: +49 5241 934-0 Fax: +49 5241 934-444
Sewerin USA LLC
2835 Haddoneld Road Pennsauken, NJ 08110-1108 Phone: +1 215-852-8355 Fax: +1 856-662-7070
17, rue Ampère – BP 211 67727 Hoerdt Cedex, France Tél. : +33 3 88 68 15 15 Fax : +33 3 88 68 11 77
Sewerin Ltd
Hertfordshire UK
Phone: +44 1462-634363
Centro de Negocios Eisenhower
Avenida Sur del Aeropuerto de Barajas 24, Ed. 5 Of. 2C 28042 Madrid, España Tel.: +34 91 74807-57 Fax: +34 91 74807-58
Sewerin Sp.z o.o.
ul. Annopol 3 03-236 Warszawa, Polska Tel.: +48 22 519 01 50 Faks: +48 22 519 01 51 Tel. kom.+48 501 879 444 +48 608 01 37 39
Stethophon 04 illustrated – Device structure
Probe tip
z for recording vibrations z removable
Headphone socket
Microphone socket
z for connecting an external microphone
Loudspeaker key
z start/stop measurement z switch off noise
Arrow-up key
z increase volume, lter level, values in normal
Arrow-down key
z reduce volume, lter level, values in normal
Filter key
z change lter level
ON/OFF key
z switch device on/off
z for attaching carrying strap
Measured value (current minimum sound level)
Volume, also: frequency range
z missing segment indicates selected volume /
visible segments indicate bandpass frequency range
Status message, also: menu item /last
measured value /lter level
Filter symbol
z lter level can be changed
Loudspeaker symbol (crossed out)
z ready to measure z noise switched off
Battery symbol
z current battery capacity; the more segments that
are visible, the higher the remaining capacity available
All of the gures (with the exception of zero) in the illustrated displays
are examples. You will generally obtain other values when working with the device.
Status message/ menu item
Abbreviation for See
APF Auto Power Off Section 3.5 BAT Battery Section 3.5 END End Section 5 LDS Loudspeaker Section 5.2 LED Light emitting diode (display illumination) Section 5.2 LOC Lock (lter key) Section 5.2 MIC Microphone (external) Section 4.3.2 PRO Protect (hearing protection threshold value) Section 5.2 RES Reset Section 5.2 SET Setup Section 5.1 VOL Volume (hearing protection) Section 5.2
Display illustration – Description of symbols and abbreviations
Operating Instructions
22.07.2013 – V3.XX – 104854 – en
Stethophon® 04
Symbol explanation
This symbol is used to indicate dangers which may either result in hazards for the operators or in severe damage – or even destruction – of the product.
This symbol is used to call attention to information
and tips which may be helpful and which are exceed­ing the basic operating procedures.
Contents Page
1 Introduction .............................................................................1
2 General ..................................................................................... 2
2.1 Warranty ....................................................................................2
2.2 Intended use .............................................................................3
2.3 Safety information .....................................................................3
3 Useful information about the device .....................................4
3.1 Models ....................................................................................... 4
3.2 Structure .................................................................................... 4
3.3 Modes of operation ...................................................................5
3.4 Reset ......................................................................................... 5
3.5 Listening to noise .....................................................................6
3.5.1 Adjusting the volume ............................................................. 7
3.5.2 Automatic hearing protection .................................................8
3.5.3 Switching off the noise ...........................................................9
3.6 Automatic shut down ................................................................. 9
3.7 Illumination of display .............................................................. 10
4 Measuring .............................................................................. 11
4.1 How to switch the device on (measuring mode) ..................... 11
4.2 How to measure ...................................................................... 11
4.2.1 What you need to know about the noise picked up ..............13
4.2.2 What you need to know about the measured value
displayed ..............................................................................13
4.3 How to inuence the quality of the measurement result .........14
4.3.1 Changing the lter level .......................................................14
4.3.2 Using an external microphone ............................................17
4.3.3 Extending the probe tip ........................................................18
5 Normal settings .....................................................................19
5.1 How to use the normal settings ............................................... 19
5.2 What values can be adjusted? ................................................21
6 Maintenance and servicing ..................................................23
6.1 Overview .................................................................................23
6.2 Simple function test (troubleshooting) ..................................... 23
6.3 Replacing disposable/rechargeable batteries .........................24
Contents Page
7 Appendix ................................................................................ 25
7.1 Technical data .........................................................................25
7.2 Accessories ............................................................................. 26
7.3 EC Declaration of Conformity .................................................. 27
7.4 FCC Compliance Statements .................................................. 28
7.5 Advice on disposal ..................................................................29
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
The Stethophon 04 is an electroacoustic listening device used to detect leaks.
The device's probe tip records the natural vibrations of the object of examination. The Stethophon 04 displays a relative measure- ment according to the internal amplication of the vibrations, and
emits the corresponding noise through the headphones.
Ranges of use:
z Leak detection in the water distribution network
z Inspecting house service connections
z Inspecting and pinpointing damage in compressed air sys-
z Troubleshooting in heating and sanitation facilities in build-
z Bearing inspection on machines
2 General information
2 General
2.1 Warranty
The following instructions must be complied with in order for any
warranty to be applicable regarding functionality and safe opera­tion of this equipment. Hermann Sewerin GmbH accepts no liability for any damages resulting from non-compliance with these instructions. The war­ranty and liability provisions of the terms of sale and delivery of Hermann Sewerin GmbH are not affected by the information given below.
z This product must only be operated after the relevant operating
instructions have been read and understood.
z This product must only be used for its intended purpose.
z This product is designed for use in industrial and commercial
z Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer or by
other suitably trained personnel.
z Changes or modications to this product must not be carried out
without approval from Hermann Sewerin GmbH. The manu­facturer cannot be held responsible for damages if unapproved
modications have been made.
z Only replacement parts that have been approved by
Hermann Sewerin GmbH may be used.
z Only the specied battery types may be used.
z The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical modi-
cations in the course of further development.
Generally applicable safety and accident-prevention regulations must be complied with, in addition to the information provided in this manual.
2 General information
2.2 Intended use
The Stethophon 04 is a sensitive measuring device. It may only be used for listening to sounds.
The device is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. There are
special accessories available for both applications to optimise the measurement results and prevent operating errors. Please contact our sales department for advice.
The manufacturer accepts no responsibility for any damage
or harm caused to persons or property as a result of improper use.
2.3 Safety information
Risk of personal injury (health risk)
z You could injure yourself or others with the tip of the device
probe. Handle the device carefully therefore when transporting it and using it to measure.
z The device has an automatic hearing protection function. How-
ever, only set the volume as loud as is necessary to analyse the noise. Excessive noise can cause permanent damage to hearing!
Risks to the device
z Do not drop the device. This could damage the internal mi-
z Never open the housing (except the battery compartment).
Failure to observe the above instructions will invalidate the warranty.
z Take extra care when handling the device if you use a probe
tip extension. The mechanical stress on the extended probe
tip can produce forces powerful enough to destroy the internal microphone.
z Never lean on the device.
z Never use the probe tip as a lever for manual tasks.
3 Useful information about the device
3 Useful information about the device
3.1 Models
The Stethophon 04 is available with and without a radio mod- ule.
Stethophon 04 with radio module
Devices featuring a radio module feature an SDR sticker (SDR = Sewerin Digital Radio).
The device can be used either with the F5 wireless headphones or with headphones without a radio module (e. g. K3 or S4 head- phones).
Stethophon 04 without radio module
The device can only be used with headphones without a radio module (e. g. K3 or S4 headphones).
Correct recognition of the limit for the automatic hearing protection function is only guaranteed if
SEWERIN's F5, K3 or S4 headphones are used.
3.2 Structure
Illustrations with
z all parts of the Stethophon 04 labelled and
z an explanation of the symbols/abbreviations on the display
are provided on the inside front cover.
+ 26 hidden pages