sewerin SeCorrPhon AC 06 Operating Instructions Manual

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Congratulations. You have chosen a quality instrument manufactured by Hermann Sewerin GmbH.
Our equipment will provide you with the highest standards of perfor-
mance, safety and efciency. They correspond with the national and
Please read and understand the following operating instructions before using the equipment; they will help you to use the instrument quickly and competently. If you have any queries we are available to offer advice and assistance at any time.
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Illustration SeCorrPhon AC 06

Menu key
glass key/
ON/OFF key
Light key
Central screen
Arrow keys
Enter key
pipe data start continue

Illustration RT 06

Operating Instructions
01.06.2007 – V 1.X – 105723 – en-us
SeCorrPhon AC 06

Warranty & Used symbols

To ensure reliable operation and safety, it is required to pay attention to
the following notes. Hermann Sewerin GmbH is not liable for damage caused by failure to
comply with these notes. The guarantee and liability conditions of the sales
and delivery conditions of Hermann Sewerin GmbH are not extended by the following notes.
This product may only be taken into operation after reading thoroughly
the accompanying operating instructions.
This product may only be used for intended applications.
This product is destined for industrial and commercial applications.
Repairs may only be performed by the manufacturer or appropriately trained staff.
The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting from arbitrary modi­cations of the product.
Only spare parts may be used which are approved by Hermann Sewerin GmbH.
Only approved battery types may be used.
Technical changes within the scope of further development reserved.
Used symbols:
This symbol is used to indicate dangers which may
either result in hazards for the operators or in severe
damage – or even destruction – of the product.
This symbol is used to call attention to information
and tips which may be helpful and which are exceed­ing the basic operating procedures.

Contents Page

1 Functional description ............................................................1
1.1 Use ............................................................................................1
1.2 How electroacoustic water leak detection works .......................1
1.3 How acoustic pipeline detection works .....................................1
1.4 How correlation works ...............................................................2
2 Starting up ............................................................................... 3
2.1 Starting up for the rst time .......................................................3
2.2 Switching on and off for electroacoustic water leak detection ........4
2.3 Switching on for correlation .......................................................5
2.3.1 Channel allocation ..................................................................6
2.3.2 Radio transmitter RT 06 .........................................................7
3 Controls ...................................................................................8
3.1 ON/OFF key/Magnifying-glass key ...........................................8
3.2 Rotary regulator ........................................................................9
3.3 Enter key .................................................................................10
3.4 Microphone key/Menu key ...................................................... 10
3.5 Left/right arrow keys ................................................................10
3.6 Up/down arrow keys ................................................................ 11
3.7 Light key ..................................................................................11
3.8 Adjusting the contrast ............................................................. 11
4 Electroacoustic water leak detection ..................................12
4.1 Display ....................................................................................12
4.1.1 Analog display ......................................................................12
4.1.2 Digital display .......................................................................12
4.1.3 Small digital display ..............................................................12
4.1.4 Loudspeaker symbol ............................................................12
4.2 Menu ....................................................................................... 13
4.2.1 Filter ..................................................................................... 13
4.2.2 Hearing protection ................................................................14
4.2.3 “MAX” mode ........................................................................15
4.2.4 Default values ......................................................................15
4.2.5 Measuring mode ..................................................................15
4.3 Probe overview .......................................................................16
4.3.1 Ground microphone BO-4 ....................................................16
4.3.2 Ground microphone 3P-4 .....................................................16
Contents Page
4.3.3 Carrying rod H-4 ...................................................................16
4.3.4 Test rod T-4 ..........................................................................17
4.3.5 Piezo microphone EM 30 .....................................................17
4.4 Preliminary detection ...............................................................18
4.5 Locating leaks ......................................................................... 21
5 Performing a correlation measurement ..............................23
5.1 Entering pipe data ..................................................................23
5.2 Starting a measurement ..........................................................24
5.3 Analyzing results .....................................................................25
5.3.1 Filtering ................................................................................26
5.3.2 Cursor ..................................................................................26
5.3.3 Zoom ....................................................................................27
5.4 Continuing a measurement .....................................................28
6 Measuring the sound velocity .............................................29
6.1 General ...................................................................................29
6.2 Performing a measurement .....................................................29
7 Charging equipment ............................................................. 31
7.1 Battery condition .....................................................................32
7.2 Charging / battery maintenance ................................................33
8 Menu (in correlator mode) ....................................................34
8.1 Menu structure ........................................................................ 34
8.2 Listening ..................................................................................35
8.3 File ..........................................................................................35
8.3.1 Saving .................................................................................. 35
8.3.2 Opening ................................................................................36
8.3.3 Deleting ................................................................................37
8.4 Filtering ...................................................................................37
8.4.1 Automatic ltering .................................................................37
8.4.2 Manual ltering .....................................................................37
8.4.3 Setup ....................................................................................40 Frequency analysis ........................................................... 40 Filter limits .........................................................................40 Filter basis .........................................................................41 Filtering method ................................................................41
Contents Page
8.5 Measuring method ..................................................................41
8.6 Measuring parameters ............................................................ 41
8.6.1 Noise suppression ................................................................41
8.6.2 Measuring time .....................................................................43
8.6.3 Summation / Averaging ..........................................................43
8.6.4 Mode of curve ......................................................................43
8.6.5 Type of correlation ................................................................ 44
8.6.6 Sampling frequency .............................................................44
8.6.7 Table ..................................................................................... 45
8.6.8 Default values ......................................................................46
8.7 Components ............................................................................46
8.8 Setup .......................................................................................47
8.8.1 Date, time .............................................................................47
8.8.2 Language ............................................................................. 47
8.8.3 Radio / cable .......................................................................... 48
8.8.4 System ................................................................................. 48
8.8.5 Name ....................................................................................48
8.8.6 Service ................................................................................. 48
9 Options for optimizing measurement results .....................49
9.1 Changing the number of averaging procedures ......................49
9.2 Using lters .............................................................................49
9.3 Automatic ltering ....................................................................50
9.4 Checking the microphone connection .....................................50
9.5 Using accessories ...................................................................50
9.6 Changing location ...................................................................50
9.7 Saving time .............................................................................50
10 Communication with the PC ................................................51
10.1 Requirements ..........................................................................51
10.2 Installing the software and establishing a connection .............51
11 Technical information ...........................................................53
12 Accessories ...........................................................................54
12.1 Accessories for electroacoustic water leak detection .............. 55
13 Error messages .....................................................................56
Contents Page
14 Hints on Disposal ..................................................................58
Appendix ..............................................................................................59
EC Declaration of Conformity ................................................................59
Index ......................................................................................................60

1 Functional descriptionFunctional description

1 Functional description

1.1 Use

The SeCorrPhon AC 06 is used for electroacoustic water leak detection and acoustic pipeline location. It can also detect leaks in underground pressure line systems by correlation.
To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance re­quirements, a separation distance of at least 20 cm must be maintained between the antenna of the transmitter RT 06 and all persons. The antenna used for this transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

1.2 How electroacoustic water leak detection works

The SeCorrPhon AC 06 is used to detect water leaks by electroacoustic means. The device is used in conjunction with various microphones which are listed in section “Accessories”.
When pressure pipelines leak, water gushes out of the crack into the ground.
The consequences:
The pipe material begins to vibrate at the leakage point. These vibrations are transmitted by the pipe and can even be felt at distant contact points, e.g. ttings. The SeCorrPhon AC 06 makes this structure-borne sound audible.
The water jet and the pipe in the vicinity of the leak also cause the ground to vibrate. These vibrations are transmitted through the ground to the earth’s surface where they manifest themselves as ground noise.
The human ear continues to play a crucial role in electroacoustic leak detection. With the right training, it can compare the type and sound of different noises and distinguish between the noise of a leak and background noise.
1 Functional descriptionFunctional description
1.3 How acoustic pipeline detection works
Plastic pipes cannot be located by conventional electromagnetic means because they are not electroconductive.
The acoustic method of locating pipes applies a different principle: Pipes transmit mechanical vibrations better than the surrounding
ground. When the pipe is caused to vibrate appropriately, these vibrations are transmitted along the pipe and then through the ground to the earth’s surface. Here they can be picked up using a ground microphone and the corresponding receiver with headphones according to the water leak detection principle.
Just like with water leak detection, the pipeline is usually wherever the greatest intensity is detected. Fiber cement pipes and metal pipes can also be located in this way.
If you want to locate pipes by acoustic means, follow the operating instructions for the vibration detector (e.g. COMBIPHON). To locate the pipe, proceed as you would when detecting a water leak. The SeCorrPhon AC 06 offers an extra mode to help you locate the pipeline (see section 3.4).

1.4 How correlation works

Sensitive microphones record the noise from leaks at accessible ttings and transmit them by radio to the correlator.
The SeCorrPhon AC 06 then calculates the position of the leak using Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT = mathematical calculation rule).
Additional functions allow you to, for example, improve the leak display, enter several sections of pipe or measure the sound velocity.
Radio transmitter RT 06 can automatically measure the input level of the microphone and optimally adjust its amplier modulation accordingly. Features such as the microphone used, the battery
condition and the amplier setting are transmitted to the correlator
by radio data where they are analyzed. This ensures optimal results in all situations with maximum ease of use (switch on by plugging in the microphone).
Note: These operating instructions refer to the SeCorrPhon AC 06. They explain the functions of software
version 1.X. The manufacturer reserves the right to make technical changes..

2 Starting upStarting up

2 Starting up
2.1 Starting up for the rst time
The batteries of the AC 06 and RT 06 must be fully charged once before starting up for the rst time.
If the batteries are only partially charged, their ca­pacity and consequently their operating time may be reduced.
Safety measures
Do not use the headphones at a high volume.
Hearing specialists warn against using head­phones at a high volume constantly or for a pro­longed period.
Set the volume so that you only hear the sounds at a moderate level.
Disable the headphones as soon as you realize
that interference noise may occur (footsteps, vehicles etc.).
Disable the headphones when the microphone
is in motion.
Please note that it is more difcult to pick up sounds in trafc.
2 Starting upStarting up

2.2 Switching on and off for electroacoustic water leak detectionSwitching on and off for electroacoustic water leak detection

If you switch the device on as follows, you will be in what is known as AQUAPHON mode. Certain functions are only possible in this mode.
Place a probe in the appropri­ate input
The software version will ap­pear in the display
The condition of the batteries
will appear in the display
Th e type of probe that is
plugged in is recognized au­tomatically
Remove the probe to switch off the systemstem
Type of microphone Display
Ground microphone BO-4 and 3P-4 BO-4 / 3P-4
Test rod T-4 T-4
Piezo microphone EM 30 M 01
2 Starting upStarting up

2.3 Switching on for correlation

If you switch the device on as follows, you will be in what is known as correlator mode. Certain functions are only possible in this mode, others are not available.
Attach the two piezo micro­phones to accessible ttings. When the round magnet is
screwed onto the piezo micro­phone, remove the very se­curely attached round magnet protector if necessary.
Insert the two microphone con­nection cables into the sockets of the RT 06 radio transmitters
(1). If you are only using one RT 06, you must connect one
microphone directly to the
input (2) of the AC 06. LED 1 on the RT 06 should
light up green.
Connect the headphones to the input (3) of the AC 06.
Switch on the AC 06 by hold­ing down the ON key.
The main screen displaying
the software version number and the battery capacity will
briey appear.
Next the main screen (see inside cover). From here you can go to the menu (menu key) or perform one of the functions.
To switch the appliance off, hold down the ON key until it responds.
2 Starting upStarting up

2.3.1 Channel allocation

Channel 1 Channel 2
Denotes „Battery empty“ message
RT 06-1 RT 06-2
Display Left Right
Model with one radio channel
Direct microphone
connection to the
AC 06
Orange radio
transmitter 22
Model with two ra­dio channels
Blue radio
transmitter 1
Orange radio
transmitter 2
Only one radio transmitter in use
(e.g. if faulty):
Version 1
(blue radio transmitter in use)
Blue radio
transmitter 1
Direct microphone
connection to the
AC 06
Version 2 (orange radio transmitter in use)
Direct microphone
connection to the
AC 06
Orange radio
transmitter 2
The noise intensity of the two
microphone channels is dis­played to the left and right of the correlation function during the correlation measurement.
A microphone can also be connected directly to an AC 06 model with two radio transmitters, e.g. if
one of the radio transmitters is faulty (see section
2 Starting upStarting up

2.3.2 Radio transmitter RT 06

Radio transmitter RT 06 can be operated with various sen-
sors, EM30 microphones and the HA hydrophone. It is rec­ommended to use active lter ZF01 if you want to lter out
interference noise or if you only want to transmit a certain acoustic frequency range to correlator AC 06.
Always connect the sensor to the measuring point rst (connect microphone to slide gate, hydrants
etc.) before switching on the RT 06 by plugging the
sensor into the socket (2).
This ensures that the automatic amplication in the
RT 06 is set quickly and correctly.
The RT 06 is switched on by plugging the sensor into the socket (2).
Always press the lter key (4) for plastic piping. The right LED (5) lights up to indicate the switch. At this setting only the lower
frequencies (low pass) are transmitted to the correlator by radio.
This often increases the quality of the correlation measurement. Every time the RT 06 is switched on all frequencies are transmit­ted and the left LED (6) lights up.
The carrying knob attached to the top of the aerial is ideal for
The LED (1) indicates the status of the RT 06: Operation: green Undervoltage: ashing red Charging: 1 x ashing green Buffering: 2 x ashing green Not charging: red (because temperature below 0 °C)

3 Controls

3 Controls

3.1 ON / OFF key / Magnifying-glass key

In correlator mode this key is the ON/OFF key.
To switch on and off, hold the key down until the AC 06 responds.
Pressing the key briey stops
the current function (e.g. ongo­ing correlation). If you are in the menu, you can move up
a level by briey pressing the
ON key.
If you stop a correlation, you can enlarge the image (corre­lation function). Press any key to return to the normal view.
In AQUAPHON mode this key is the magnifying-glass key.
The magnifying-glass key sets the basic amplication.
10 = high noise amplication
100 = average noise ampli-
1000 = low noise amplication
Basic amplication is useful for adapting to extreme situations. The higher the basic amplica­tion, the louder the noise in the headphones.
3 Controls
The scale for the analog display
is also set. Change the basic
amplication when the analog
display is constantly in the bot­tom/top range.
If the basic amplication is too
high, the analog display scale
will ash.

3.2 Rotary regulator

The rotary regulator serves the following functions in correlator
Turning the regulator moves
the selection or the cursor to the left/right or up/down.
In input fields with numeric values (e.g. for entering the pipe length), you can change the value directly by turning the knob.
Pressing the rotary regula­tor switches the direction of movement between up/down and left/right. Pressing the rotary regulator has the same effect as the Enter key.
In AQUAPHON mode the enter key is only used to set the volume and for activation/deactivation.
3 Controls

3.3 Enter key

Pressing the Enter key per­forms the function that is cur­rently selected. Selecting the “cancel” function in the menu takes you back to the main screen.

3.4 Microphone key / Menu key

In correlator mode this key is the menu key.
Pressing the menu key brings up the menu.
In AQUAPHON mode this key is the microphone key.
Pressing the microphone key activates the AC 06. Press­ing it again deactivates the
AC 06.

3.5 Left / right arrow keys

Pressing the ar row keys takes you through the func­tions to the left and right. You can also make a selection in some menus.
When you are in a menu, you
can move up a level with the “left” arrow key, albeit only when no left or right cursor movement is possible at the respective position.
3 Controls

3.6 Up / down arrow keys

Pressing the ar row keys takes you up and down within the menus. You can also make a selection in some menus.

3.7 Light key

Pressing the light key illumi-
nates the display. The light
remains on for a short time before going off automatically. (see section 8.8.4).

3.8 Adjusting the contrast

The display contrast is auto­matically controlled according to the temperature.
You can adjust the contrast manually by holding down the light key and then pressing the arrow key up or down.

4 Electroacoustic water leak detectionElectroacoustic water leak detection

4 Electroacoustic water leak detection

4.1 Display

The display contains the following display elements:

4.1.1 Analog display

The analog display shows the current measurement value. (See also section 3.1).

4.1.2 Digital display

The digital display (new) - depending on the rmware language -
displays the smallest measured value during a single measure­ment.
In “MAX“ mode, the digital display always shows the highest measured value.

4.1.3 Small digital display

The small digital display (old) always shows the previously meas­ured value for comparison purposes.

4.1.4 Loudspeaker symbol

The loudspeaker symbol shows that the headphones of the AC 06 are activated.
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