Congratulations. You have chosen a quality instrument manufactured
by Hermann Sewerin GmbH.
Our equipment will provide you with the highest standards of performance, safety and efciency. They correspond with the national and international guide-lines.
Please read and understand the following operating instructions before
using the equipment; they will help you to use the instrument quickly and
competently. If you have any queries we are available to offer advice
and assistance at any time.
Hermann Sewerin GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 3
33334 Gütersloh, Germany
Tel.: +49 5241 934-0
Fax: +49 5241 934-444
17, rue Ampère – BP 211
67727 HOERDT CEDEX, France
Tél. : +33 3 88 68 15 15
Fax : +33 3 88 68 11 77
Centro de Negocios “Eisenhower”
Avenida Sur del Aeropuerto
de Barajas 28, Of. 2.1 y 2.2
28042 Madrid, España
Tel.: +34 91 74807-57
Fax: +34 91 74807-58
7.6 Declaration of conformity ........................................................58
7.7 Advice on disposal ..................................................................59
7.8 Terminology and abbreviations ...............................................60
8 Index .......................................................................................61
1 General information
1.1 Warranty
To ensure proper functioning and safety, it is required to observe
the following notes.
Hermann Sewerin GmbH is not liable for damage caused by failure
to comply with these notes. The guarantee and liability conditions
of the sales and delivery conditions of Hermann Sewerin GmbH
are not extended by the following notes.
z This product may only be taken into operation after reading
thoroughly the accompanying operating instructions.
z This product may only be taken into operation by sufciently
qualied staff who is familiar with the legal requirements (in
Germany: TRGI).
z This product may only be used as set forth in these operating
z This product is exclusively destined for industrial and com-
mercial applications.
z Repairs may only be performed by qualied experts or appro-
priately trained staff.
z Modications and conversions may only be carried out with prior
written consent of Hermann Sewerin GmbH. The manufacturer
is not liable for damage resulting from arbitrary modications
of the product.
z Only accessories manufactured by Hermann Sewerin GmbH
may be used in conjunction with the product.
z Only spare parts which are approved by Hermann Sewerin
GmbH may be used for repairs.
z Only approved or recommended battery types may be used.
z Technical changes within the scope of further development
1 General information
Apart from the notes and instructions included in these operating
instructions, adhere also strictly to all generally valid safety and
accident prevention rules!
1 General information
1.2 Application purpose
MiniLec 4 is an electronic instrument for measuring the pressure
and the ow rate of low-pressure gas installations.
Apart from performing measurements, the instrument also permits
to store and record measurement data.
These operating instructions describe the functionalities of rmware version 2.XXX.
Subject to changes!
The descriptions always refer to the default settings
of the instrument.
1.3 Intended usage
The instrument can be used for the following purposes:
z Serviceability determinations (i. e. tests of working order) ac-
cording to DVGW worksheets G 600 (TRGI 2008) and G 624
[DGWV: German Technical and Scientic Association for Gas
and Water].
z Main tests according to DVGW worksheets G 600 (TRGI 2008)
and G 624.
z Preliminary tests according to DVGW worksheets G 600 (TRGI
2008) and G 624.
z Regulator inspections according to DVGW worksheets G 459-2
and G 495.
1.4 General safety instructions
z The MiniLec 4 instrument is constructed in accordance with the
European Ex protection standards CENELEC and ATEX 100a.
z The instrument may only be used with the following gasses:
– Air
– Natural gas
– Methane (CH4)
– Propane (C3H8)
– Butane (C4H10)
– Town gas (TGas)
– Hydrogen (H2)
The instrument is prepared ex works for detecting
methane (CH4) as test gas. Measurements with air
or natural gas are also carried out with this setting.
It is not required to change the type of gas.
1 General information
z It is required to use supply tubes with hydrophobic lters to
protect the ow rate sensor (applies to Test of working order
[i. e. serviceability determinations] and Main test).
z The maximum operating pressure must not be exceeded:
– Test mode Test of working order: max. 200 mbar
– Test mode Main test: max. 200 mbar
– Test mode Preliminary test: max. 2 bar
– Test mode Regulator inspection max. 200 mbar
z The permissible operating temperature is -10 °C to +40 °C.
z The permissible storage temperature is -20 °C to +70 °C.
z The permissible humidity is 0% RH to 90% RH, non-condens-
z The permissible ambient pressure is 860 hPa to 1100 hPa.
2 Equipment
2 Equipment
The instrument can be delivered in two versions:
z Version HP (full equipment),
suitable for Preliminary test, Main test, Test of working order
(serviceability determinations) and Regulator inspection
z Version LP (basic equipment),
suitable for Main test, Test of working order and Regulator
2.1 Connections
Only members of staff who are familiar with the legal
requirements (in Germany: TRGI) are permitted to
connect and operate the instrument.
The instrument can be connected to the gas installation with the
help of three quick-release connections (see illustration in the
z Inlet for Main test, Test of working order and Regulator inspec-
z Inlet for Preliminary test (not available for the LP version)
z Outlet for Test of working order.
The quick-release connections allow only are designed in such a way that they allow only to connect tubes which are suitable for the appropriate
test mode.
2.2 Visual and audible signals
MiniLec 4 is equipped with two signalling instruments:
z red signal light on top of the instrument
z buzzer at the front panel of the instrument.
These signalling instruments cannot be switched off.
Every touch of a key is conrmed by an audible signal:
z very long toneindicates an error message
z long toneswitching off, menu changez short toneswitchingon, conrming the selection,
navigation within a menu
2 Equipment
2 Equipment
2.3 Infrared interface
The instrument is provided with an infrared interface (IrDA 1.0)
which can be used to transmit the readings to a PC or other instruments (e. g. printer, pocket PC, organizer). It is located on
the outer surface of the instrument, below the red signal light.
To ensure an optimum data transmission, you need to align
the MiniLec 4 instrument with the relevant interface of the PC,
printer, etc.
The following illustration shows how the instruments are properly
Receiving instrument
3 Operation
3 Operation
The operation of the instrument is divided into two sections:
z Measuring mode (see section 3.1)
Measurements are carried out in the measuring mode. The User
menu can be used to change the test mode, to store measurement data and to call up protocols.
z Extended settings (see section 3.2)
The extended settings permit to change default measurement
settings and further instrument settings (such as “Adjustment”,
“System”, “Hardware”, etc.). It is not possible to carry out a
measurement when the extended settings are opened.
3.1 Measuring mode
3.1.1 General information regarding the measuring mode Switching on the device
The instrument is switched off.
z Press the key for approx. three seconds.
The instrument is switched on. The two following start displays
Start display
Indication of:
- Instrument type (MiniLec)
- Firmware version (V3.000)
- Installed sensors
(10 l/h, 200 mbar, 2.00 bar)
15.05.2008 10:10
City Council
Frank Smith
Leakage Delivery
Indication of:
- Date (15.05.2008)
- Time (10:10)
- User data (example)
3 Operation
The instrument enters the pre-set test mode.
The following display data depend on the testing mode.
Test of working order
The test mode to be enabled immediately after the
start-up can be changed in the extended settings
(see section 3.2). As default, the mode Test of
working order is set.
Working order
0...10 l/h
0..200 mbar
WO < 1.0 l/h
LWO5.0 l/h<
NWO5.0 l/h
Measuring range
Indication of the test mode,
including information on the sensors’ measurement range
Indication of the measuring
specications, corresponding to
the selected test mode
0.0 mbar
Measuring data
Indication of measurement values
Main test
Main test
0..200 mbar
3 Operation
Measuring range
Indication of the test mode,
including information on the sensors’ measurement range
Meas.time 10 min
dp< 0.1 mbar
Preliminary test
Pre test
0..2.00 bar
Meas.time 10 min
Indication of the measuring
specications, corresponding to
the selected test mode
Measuring data
Indication of measurement values
Measuring range
Indication of the test mode,
including information on the sensors’ measurement range
Indication of the measuring
specications, corresponding to
the selected test mode
While these displays are indicated, no entry is possible. If the
display Measuring data appears, the instrument has entered
the Measuring mode.
Measuring data
Indication of measurement values
3 Operation
Zero point User menu
The measuring mode permits to use the following functions:
z Zero point correction
z Selection of the test mode
z Start meas. resp. Store
z Protocols.
These functions can be called up via the User menu:
z Press the or key for approx. two seconds.
The User menu appears:
Working order
Main test
Pre test
Regulator ins
Start meas.
If the measurement time for the test of working order is zero, the
user menu displays the menu item Store instead of the menu
item Start meas..
The functions of the User menu are described in the chapters
3.1.2 to 3.1.8.
To change between the menu items:
z You can move up or down in the menu by pressing the appro-
priate or arrow key.
z Conrm the selection by pressing the key.
If the selection is not conrmed, the display returns to the measuring mode after a couple of seconds.
3.1.2 Setting the zero point
Before the measurements are started, the instrument can be
adjusted to the ambient conditions by setting the zero point. At
that time, no tubes should be attached to the instrument. If the
zero point is incorrectly set, other values than zero are indicated
on the display after switching on the instrument.
The zero point must be set for every individual test
Perform the following steps to set the zero point of the instrument:
z Press the or key for approx. two seconds.
z Use the or keys to select the menu item.
z Conrm the selection with the key.
The instrument returns to the Measuring mode. The display
shows zero.
3 Operation
3 Operation
3.1.3 Test of working order
Test of working order (i. e. serviceability determinations) may only be carried out by sufciently qualied
members of staff who are familiar with the prevailing
national regulations (in Germany, for example: TRGI).
All relevant safety procedures and accident preven-
tion regulations have to be taken into account.
Test of working order are carried out to determine and evaluate
the operational safety of low-pressure gas installations. A built-in
ow rate sensor is used to measure the amount of gas which is
streaming into the gas installation over a dened period of time
(leakage rate). Preparations
There are different ways to install the instrument in the supply
system (see section 7.4):
– Flow measuring principle (at the location of the gas meter)
– Measuring principle of the return ow (at an arbitrary place of
the pipe)
– Check of non-metered pipes
– etc.
z Switch the instrument on.
z Connect the instrument to the supply system. Use the corre-
sponding quick-release connections for this which are installed
on the instrument.
z Apply the required testing pressure.
z Check whether a W for the testing mode Test of working order
is visible in the upper left section of the display. If necessary,
adjust the testing mode Working order (see section
12 Execution
3 Operation
The device is in measuring
z Press the or key for approx. two seconds to access the
User menu.
z Use the or key to select the menu item Store resp. Start
z Conrm with key.
With Store: The measurement is stored immediately.
With Start meas.:
22.0 mbar
The menu item Start meas. only appears if a mea-
surement time greater than 0 minutes is specied.
For tests of the working order, the measurement
time is pre-set ex works to zero minutes. The menu
item Store is indicated in the User menu instead of
Start meas..
22.0 mbar
The measurement is started.
The measured values and the
remaining measurement time
are indicated.
The end of measurement is indicated by an audible signal.
15.05.2008 13:22
1.0 l/h 22 mbar
Result LWO
N .: 0003
The appropriate protocol is indicatedon the display for approx.
30 seconds. The measurement
is stored.
3 Operation
z Conrm the displayed protocol with the key. The Client/
Meter no. menu appears.
z If necessary use the or key to select the menu item Client no..
Enter a Client no. (max. 6 digits).
z If necessary use the or key to select the menu item Meter
no.. Enter a Meter no. (max. 8 digits).
z Use the or key to select the menu item Continue. The
device will return to measuring mode.
The appropriate protocol can be called up in the User menu via
the menu item Protocols (see section 3.1.8). Analysis of working order
Depending on the relevant country, there may be different national
regulations for determining the serviceability. According to TRGI,
the degree of serviceability is categorized as follows:
Leakage rate of gas < 1.0 l/h
unrestricted serviceability (result WO)
=> Device can continue to be operated
Leakage rate of gas ≥ 1.0 l/h and < 5.0 l/h
reduced serviceability (result LWO)
=> Proper working order must be established within 4 weeks
Leakage rate of gas ≥ 5.0 l/h
no serviceability (result NWO)
=> Device must be decommissioned immediately
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