sewerin LS300CE, SePem O2 Service Manual

ePem® 0
Measurable success by Sewerin equipment
You settled on a precision instrument. A good choice!
Our equipment stands out for guaranteed safety, optimal output and efficiency.
They correspond with the national and international guidelines.
These operating instructions will help you to handle the instrument quickly and competently.
Please pay close attention to our operating instructions before usage.
In case of further queries our staff is at your disposal at any time.
Hermann Sewerin GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Straße 3 D-33334 Gütersloh
: +49 - (0) - 52 41/9 34-0
FAX :< +49 - (0) - 52 41/9 34-4 44
Components of the SePem 02 system
4 3
Fig. 1: Components of the SePem 02 system (carrying box variant)
1 SePem devices (data loggers) 2 Charging adapter for up to six SePem devices;
optionally available as carrying case or box
3 Power supply unit for charging the devices 4 Connection cable for the data exchange between
SePem software and devices
SePem software for evaluating data on the PC (not shown in fig.)
Before the system is used for the first time ...
Put stickers with device numbers on the SePem devicesPlace SePem devices in the charging adapter
Connect the required cables
Boot the computer and start the program
Save device numbers on the PC with the help of the SePem software
Define a measurement time scheme
Preparing the measurement
Place SePem devices in the charging adapter
Connect the required cables
Boot the computer and start the program
Click on the Assistant button and select item Preparing devices for
Enter the measurement place
Print out a distribution list
Install the SePem devices on the pipes or hydrants as specified on the listCollect the SePem devices after the measurements
Evaluating the measurements
Place SePem devices in the charging adapter
Connect the required cables
Boot the computer and start the program
Read out the devices
Click on the Assistant button and select item Reading measurements
from devices
Print out the measurement data
Call up the history of the measurement place
This overview can be used for the first orientation. All actions are described in detail in the operating instructions.
Commissioning of the SePem 02 system – Brief instructions
103971 - 05.12.2003 - V 1.X
e P e m
0 2
Electronic Measuring and Data Logging System
Operating Instructions
For your safety
This product may only be used after the operating instructions have been read and understood and only by appropriately trained operators.
This product may only be used for its designated purpose, and only in industry and trade.
Repair work may only be carried out by appropriately trained persons.
Changes and modifications to the product may only be carried out with the consent of Hermann Sewerin GmbH. Unauthorised modifications to the product render the warranty null and void.
Only accessories from Hermann Sewerin GmbH may be used with this product.
Only spare parts approved by us may be used for repairs.
Hermann Sewerin GmbH bears no liability for damage attributable to non­compliance with these instructions. The terms of warranty and liability of the conditions of sale and delivery of Hermann Sewerin GmbH are not extended by the above.
We reserve the right to make technical modifications in the interests of further development.
Please comply with general safety rules in addition to these instructions!
This symbol is used to call attention to information and tips which may be helpful and which are exceeding the basic operating procedures. This refers to specific procedures, functions, actions etc., which - if neglected - may lead to errors, troubles or damages as well as to useful advice which may help to
optimise working with the SePem 02 system.
Used Symbols & Notes on the copyright
Used Symbols
This symbol is used to indicate dangers which may either result in hazards for the operators or in severe damage - or even destruction - of the product. If you do not pay attention to these warnings serious injuries or accidents may occur and the component, system and/or the processed product may be damaged or destroyed.
Notes on the copyright
All rights are reserved – including the translation. For this reason, reproduction, copying, propagation, or any other use by a third party of these operating instructions – whether in parts or as a whole – is strictly prohibited without prior written consent by Hermann Sewerin GmbH. This does not apply to the cases explicitly mentioned in §53, 54 UrhG [German copyright law].
These operating instructions are prepared and worked out with utmost care. However, errors cannot be completely ruled out. Hermann Sewerin GmbH cannot be held responsible or made liable in any way for possible errors and their consequences.
These operating instructions include references to products of other manufacturers. Microsoft, Windows and Microsoft Internet Explorer are registered trademarks of Micro-
soft Corporation. Adobe Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. All other used icons, symbols, logos as well as the mentioned product names and company names are trademarks, registered trademarks or property of the respective owners.
Contents Page
1 Introduction................................................................................ 9
2 Safety Instructions.................................................................. 10
2.1 Intended Usage ......................................................................... 10
2.2 Inappropriate Usage ...................................................................11
2.3 Directives and Requirements .....................................................11
2.3.1 EMC Directive .............................................................................11
2.3.2 Low Voltage Directive / Electrical Safety ....................................11
2.4 Application Fields and Requirements for the Site of Operation 12
2.5 Other Safety Instructions ........................................................... 14
3 System Overview .................................................................... 15
3.1 Components of the SePem 02 System .................................... 15
3.1.1 SePem Device ........................................................................... 15
3.1.2 Charging Adapter ....................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Power Supply Unit and Cable .................................................... 20
3.1.4 Accessories ............................................................................... 21
3.1.5 SePem Software ........................................................................ 22
4 Installing and Configuring the Software .............................. 23
4.1 Minimum Requirements ............................................................. 23
4.1.1 Minimum Requirements to the Hardware ................................... 23
4.1.2 System Requirements for the SePem Software ....................... 23
4.2 Notes on the CD-ROM ............................................................... 23
4.3 Installation from CD-ROM .......................................................... 24
4.3.1 Network Installation .................................................................... 27
4.4 De-installing the SePem Software ............................................. 27
4.5 Releasing the Software.............................................................. 28
5 Commissioning ....................................................................... 29
6 Preparing Measurements....................................................... 30
6.1 Preparation - Part 1 .................................................................... 30
6.2 Preparation - Part 2 .................................................................... 31
7 Intended Purpose and Principle of Operation .................... 32
7.1 Noise Sensors ........................................................................... 32
7.1.1 Functionality and Measuring Principle ........................................ 32
7.1.2 Procedures for Recording Data................................................. 34
7.1.3 Problems during the Application of Noise Sensors ................... 34
7.2 Installing SePem Devices at the Measurement Location .......... 35
7.2.1 Installing SePem Devices on Underground Hydrants ............... 37
Contents Page
7.2.2 Installation on the Conduit Pipe ................................................. 39
7.2.3 Installation on Overground Hydrants .......................................... 39
8 Performing Measurements -
The Most Important Steps at a Glance ................................. 40
8.1 Starting the Program .................................................................. 40
8.2.1 Fading In/Out the Help Assistant ............................................... 42
8.2 Calling Up the Help Assistant ..................................................... 42
8.2.2 Installing the Help Assistant Later On ........................................ 43
8.3 Placing SePem Devices ............................................................ 44
8.3.1 Entering the Date of the First Measurement .............................. 45
8.3.2 Setting Up or Modifying a Measurement Time Scheme ............ 46
8.3.3 Entering Project Names and Measurement Places ................... 48
8.3.4 Defining Device Changes .......................................................... 49
8.3.5 Transmitting Settings to the SePem Devices and Printing Out a
Distribution List........................................................................... 50
8.4 Placing SePem Devices ............................................................ 50
8.5 Collecting SePem Devices ........................................................ 51
8.6 Reading Out SePem Devices ................................................... 51
8.7 Showing Stored Measurements ................................................. 52
8.8 Printing Out Measurement Data ................................................. 52
9 Power Supply of the SePem Devices ................................... 53
9.1 Accumulator Operation .............................................................. 53
9.1.1 Charging Devices with the Help of the Plug-In Power Supply ... 54
9.1.2 Charging Inside a Vehicle .......................................................... 54
10 Signal Indication on the Charging Adapter ......................... 55
10.1 Position of the Signal Indicators ................................................ 55
10.2 Preparing the Signal Indicator Query ......................................... 56
10.2.1 Query with Available Power Source ........................................... 56
10.2.2 Query Using a Voltage Generator .............................................. 56
10.3 Operating Principle and Meaning of the Signal Indications ....... 57
10.3.1 Operating Principle .................................................................... 57
10.3.2 Meaning of the Signal Indications .............................................. 58
11 Menus and Functions of the SePem Software.................... 59
11.1 File Menu.................................................................................... 59
11.1.1 Show measurement data ........................................................... 59
11.1.2 Editing measurement places and comments ............................ 84
11.1.3 Repairing the database .............................................................. 86
11.1.4 Importing measurement data ..................................................... 88
11.1.5 Exporting measurement data ..................................................... 89
11.1.6 Printing ....................................................................................... 92
11.1.7 Adjust page settings .................................................................. 96
11.1.8 Exiting the SePem software ....................................................... 96
11.2 The Devices menu ..................................................................... 97
11.2.1 Prepare for measuring ............................................................... 97
11.2.2 Adjust settings ......................................................................... 102
11.2.3 Reading out the devices ........................................................... 111
11.2.4 Start diagnostics ....................................................................... 112
11.3 The Settings menu ................................................................... 115
11.3.1 Program settings ...................................................................... 115
11.3.2 Help assistant........................................................................... 127
11.4 The View menu ........................................................................ 128
11.4.1 Information on the symbol bar ................................................. 128
11.4.2 Information on the status bar ................................................... 129
11.5 The Help menu......................................................................... 130
11.5.1 Calling up the Help menu ......................................................... 130
11.5.2 Establishing direct contact ....................................................... 131
11.5.3 Info about SePem 02............................................................... 133
12 Help and Advice..................................................................... 134
12.1 Frequently Asked Questions.................................................... 134
12.2 How to ... .................................................................................. 138
12.3 If you cannot cure a fault ... ...................................................... 138
13 Maintenance (Replacing Batteries and Accumulators) ... 139
14 Exchanging the Sensor........................................................ 142
Appendix ................................................................................ 143
Technical Data / Features ........................................................ 143
Structure and layout of important SePem files ........................ 144
Example of a distribution list....................................................... 150
Example of a measurement data printout - compact list format ... 152
Example of a measurement data printout - detailed list format .... 154
Declaration of Conformity ........................................................ 156
Abbreviations and glossary...................................................... 157
Software release history .......................................................... 158
Accessories - SePem 02 ........................................................ 159
Contents Page
1 Introduction
The SePem 02 system is designed for detecting leaks and ana-
lyzing water piping networks. The system excels in safety, opti­mum performance and efficiency. Beyond that, it complies with all valid national and international directives.
This manual will help you to work with the SePem 02 system in
no time.
Adhere strictly to all operating and safety instructions!
1 Introduction
2 Safety Instructions
2.1 Intended Usage SePem 02 is a modular system for acquiring and evaluating
measured values. Depending on the installed sensor type, it can be used for a large variety of applications (see chapter 7).
The SePem 02 system may only be used by qualified
staff of water supply companies, skilled workers, master mechanics/electricians and technicians.
The components of the SePem 02 system are constructed in
compliance with all obligatory legal regulations and established safety rules. They correspond to the current state of technology and to the requirements of EU conformity.
Nevertheless, it cannot be completely ruled out that the system components may cause injuries or damage to goods when hand­led improperly or incorrectly (see chapter 2.2).
The appropriate usage depends on the installed type of sensor. Refer to chapter 7 for more information.
Adhere exactly to all safety instructions to avoid injuries or dama­ge to goods.
The local safety and accident prevention specifications, such as VBG 4 and DIN VDE 015, apply to the operation of the system and/or its components.
All functional groups, including the software, correspond to the current state of technology. They can be reliably operated when the system and/or its components are appropriately used.
2 Safety Instructions
2.2 Inappropriate Usage
Every type of usage exceeding or deviating from the usage spe­cified in chapter 2.1 is considered as inappropriate.
The manufacturer cannot be made liable for any injuries or da­mages resulting from inappropriate usage.
2.3 Directives and Requirements
2.3.1 EMC Directive
This product meets the requirements of EU directive 89/336/EEC, “Electromagnetic Compatibility”. According to the CE mark it is rated for the following field of application:
Fields of application: Tested:
Noise immunity Radiated interference:
Residential, commercial EN 61000-6 EN 61000-6 and industrial areas Parts 1 and 2 Parts 3 and 4
The electromagnetic behaviour of the entire system
can be influenced by the characteristics of the used computer system. The certificate of conformity can be found in the appendix of this manual.
2.3.2 Low Voltage Directive / Electrical Safety
This product meets the requirements of EU directive 73/23/EEC, ”Low Voltage Directive”. The delivered power supply units meets the requirements for separating and safety current transformers according to standard EN 60 742 (1995).
2 Safety Instructions
2.4 Application Fields and Requirements for the Site of Operation
The following tables contain information on the requirements which must be fulfilled to permit the operation of
the SePem devices and/or
power supply unit and adapter for recharging the batteries.
SePem devices
Ingress protection of the housing: IP 68 Splash-proof: YES Outdoor operation: YES Underwater operation: up to a water depth of 1 m Permissible water pressure: normal atmosphere Permissible relative humidity: 100 % Power supply: permissible operating
temperature range Alkaline-Mangan battery: - 20 °C ... + 50 °C Lithium Iron Disulphide battery(Li/FeS
):- 30 °C ... + 60 °C Rechargeable NiCd battery: - 20 °C ... + 60 °C Use in aggressive media: NO Other liquids except for water: NO Application in explosion-
hazardous surroundings: NO
2 Safety Instructions
Power supply unit and adapter
Ingress protection of the housing: IP 20 Splash-proof: NO Permissible relative humidity: up to 90 % (without dewing) Permissible operating
temperature range: + 5 °C ... + 40 °C Application in explosion-
hazardous surroundings: NO Power supply/mains supply: 1/N/230 V~ / 50 Hz Protective insulation: Class of insulation 2 Unattended charging
via mains connection: YES Unattended charging via car battery: YES Power supply in vehicle: 12 V: YES, via adapter
24 V: NO
Power supply unit and charging adapter may never get wet or humid. For this reason, always charge devices in dry indoor locations. Power supply unit and charging adapter may be operated outdoors for short periods (e. g. for reading out data), provided that they are sufficiently protected against rain.
2 Safety Instructions
2.5 Other Safety Instructions
Read these operating instructions attentively. Pay attention to the instructions on use included this manual!
Adhere strictly to all valid accident prevention regulations!
Charging Mode
Unattended charging using the mains or the car battery is only permitted with the original SEWERIN plug-in power supply and/ or car connection cable!
Opening the SePem Devices
Only persons who are sufficiently qualified or instructed by SEWERIN may perform repairs, changes and modifications on
SePem components. Otherwise injuries or damages to the de-
vices cannot be ruled out.
Inappropriately performed works and repairs can damage the integral safety and protection functions. In addition, the electro-
magnetic behaviour of the SePem devices may be altered so
that injuries and damages to the devices may occur!
Use only original spare parts and accessories which are appro­ved by SEWERIN!
Replacing Accumulators, Batteries and Sensors
Before replacing accumulators, batteries or sensors, it is abso­lutely required to read chapter 13. If the instructions listed in this
chapter are ignored, injuries and damages to the SePem de-
vices cannot be ruled out.
2 Safety Instructions
3 System Overview
You can find an comprehensive view of the individual system components on the front folding page (fig. 1).
3.1 Components of the SePem 02 System
The basic version of the SePem system includes the following
SePem devices (see chapter 3.1.1)
Carrying case or box with charging adapter for 6 devices (see
chapter 3.1.2)
Power supply unit and cable (see chapter 3.1.3)
CD-ROM with SePem software (see chapters 3.1.5, 4.2, 11)
Accessories, such as:
Voltage generator
Car connection cable
Various adapters for the connection to hydrants
3.1.1 SePem Device SePem devices are data loggers. They are used to detect and
store measuring data in water supply networks ”on the spot”. A
SePem device consists of:
Base unit with measured value memory integrated in the
stainless steel housing (SePem K)
an exchangeable, easily detachable sensor
(e. g. noise sensor SePem G)
Both parts form a compact, robust and waterproof unit.
Thanks to the modular structure of the SePem devices, several
sensor types can be combined with the same base unit (e. g. noise, pressure or temperature sensors).
Six SePem devices form a device set for which a
single charging adapter is rated.
3 System Overview
electrical contact
Guide slot
SePem base unit (SePem K)
Sensor, shown in the illustration: SePem G (for noise measurements)
Fig. 2: Structure of a SePem device
3 System Overview
Compartments for accumulators/batteries
Switch for accumulator/ battery operation
Compartments for accumulators/batteries
Fig. 3: Opened SePem device (top view)
3 System Overview
Each SePem device is supplied with four accumulator cells (for-
ming a set) and is ready to use immediately after charging. As an alternative, also commercially available, non-rechargeable bat­teries may be used.
SePem devices are additionally provided with a charging auto­matism ensuring that the SePem devices after automatically char-
ged after being placed in the charging adapter (provided that the charging adapter is supplied with power).
Note: Make sure that the screw connection between base
unit and sensor is never loosened by mistake.
Otherwise, problems during the acquisition of measurement data may occur or moisture may enter the device.
3 System Overview
3.1.2 Charging Adapter
The charging adapter permits to recharge
and read out up to six
SePem devices at the same time.
Depending on the selected equipment variant, the charging ad-
apter is either integrated into a carrying case or box (see fig. 4
and 5).
The functionality of both equipment types is identical
- in spite of the differing design.
The charging adapter is provided with:
Six slots for holding the SePem devices
Connector socket (12 V =) for the connection to a power source
Interface for the connection of a further charging adapter (not
indicated in fig. 4, due to its position on the rear of the box)
Interface for the data exchange with a personal computer
Signal LEDs for the indication of operating conditions
The Signal LEDs are located:
between the slots for holding the SePem devices (carrying
on a separate indicator panel (carrying case)
SePem devices with inserted batteries cannot be recharged.
3 System Overview
Fig. 4: Charging adapter with six SePem devices in carrying box
Fig. 5: Charging adapter for six devices in carrying case
3 System Overview
3.1.3 Power Supply Unit and Cable
The power supply unit is used to connect the charging adap-
ter to the mains.
The communication cable PC <-> charging adapter is used
to connect the charging adapter to the computer on which the
SePem software is installed. The communication cable charging adapter <-> charging
adapter permits to combine several charging adapters when, for example, more than six SePem devices are to be used.
The car connection cable permits to connect the charging ad-
apter to the cigarette lighter of a vehicle if no other source of power is available.
Fig. 6: Power supply unit with mains cable
3 System Overview
3.1.4 Accessories
Voltage generator
The SePem 02 voltage generator permits to read out signal
LEDs at installation sites with no other available power supply.
The device generates a voltage pulse which is transmitted to the LEDs of the charging adapter. This permits to read out informati-
on on the current state of the SePem devices directly at the mea-
surement place.
Fig. 7: Voltage generator
Transport case
The transport case provides space to carry up to twelve SePem
devices. It is lined with resin foam so that the devices can always be transported with optimum protection.
3 System Overview
Fig. 8: SePem 02 transport case
Information on other accessories and wearing parts can be taken from the appendix.
3.1.5 SePem Software
The SePem 02 software permits to perform the following
Programming the SePem devices
Evaluating measurement data
4 Installing and Configuring the Software
4.1 Minimum Requirements
4.1.1 Minimum Requirements to the Hardware
IBM-compatible personal computer
at least Pentium II processor, 350 MHz
recommended: Pentium III processor, 600 MHz
working memory 128 MB, recommended 256 MB
at least 80 MB free hard-disk space
graphics card with min. resolution of 1024 x of 768 pixels,
256 colours
serial interface at the PC for data transmission
(at least 57.6 kBit/s)
CD-ROM drive
sound card (optional, for the playback of audible measurement signals)
4.1.2 System Requirements for the SePem Software
Microsoft Windows XP, 2000, NT 4.0, ME, 98SE, 98
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or higher
For calling up the assistant:
Windows 2000/ME/XP or Office 2000/XP
For calling up the help file:
Acrobat-Reader, version 4.0 or higher
4.2 Notes on the CD-ROM
Apart from the SePem software, the supplied CD-ROM contains
further software products from SEWERIN together with the cor­responding manuals as PDF files.
The SePem software must be installed and released (see chap-
ters 4.3 and 4.5). The serial number, which is required for this, is included in the scope of delivery.
All other software products can only be installed as demo versi­ons with reduced functionality. If you decide to purchase one of these products, we will forward to you the serial number required for registration.
4 Installing and Configuring the Software
4.3 Installation from CD-ROM The procedure for installing the SePem software is as follows.
Exit all Windows programs.
Place the SEWERIN CD in the CD-ROM drive of your
computer. After a short time, the SEWERIN user dialogue comes up automatically.
4 Installing and Configuring the Software
Fig. 9: SEWERIN user dialogue
4 Installing and Configuring the Software
If the SEWERIN user dialogue does not start up
automatically on your computer, open the start.exe
file in the Windows Explorer. You can find this file in the root directory of the SEWERIN CD ROM. If problems occur during installation, refer to chapter 12 for troubleshooting measures.
Click on SePem 02 Software (marked with NEU!).
Depending on the computer configuration, the following two
windows may appear:
Window File Download > Select option Run this program
from its current location. Confirm with OK.
Window Security Warning >Click on Yes.
In the next window, select the desired language . Confirm your
selection with OK. The window for initializing the installation
appears. (This process may take some time.)
Read the displayed instructions. Click on Next. The license
contract appears.
Read the license contract. Select option I accept the license
agreement. Click on Next. A note on network installation
Read this note. Click on Next. The following window appears:
Fig. 10: Select target directory for SePem software
Fig. 11: Structure of the SePem directory
In the SePem 02 installation folder, all required program files
are stored automatically.
Take over the suggested installation path by clicking on Next.
Click on Browse if you want to install the SePem software on another drive (for example D:, E:) or in another directory. Enter
the desired installation path.
In the next window, you can start the installation. To do so, click
on Next.
Depending on the available computing power of your PC it may take several minutes before the installation really starts. The program will be installed correctly nevertheless.
After finishing installation a corresponding message appears.
Click on Finish. A corresponding message appears on the
Click on Yes to restart the computer immediately. After restarting
the PC, you can use the SePem software right away. The
SePem icon is added to the Windows desktop.
4 Installing and Configuring the Software
The installation wizard suggests the following destination folder:
4 Installing and Configuring the Software
4.3.1 Network Installation Proceed as follows to install the SePem software in a network:
Install the software as described in chapter 4.3.
Read the help text under Start - Programs - Hermann
Sewerin GmbH - SePem 02 - SePem 02 network installation.
Pay attention to the notes and instructions listed there.
4.4 De-installing the SePem Software
Before de-installing the SePem software, make a backup of the SePem 02 Data.mdb database. You
can find this file in the installation directory. This ensures that the saved measurement data is archived.
In the Windows start menu, click on Settings - Control Panel.Double-click on Add/Remove programs. The Add/Remove
programs window is opened.
Click on Change or Remove Programs.Select SePem 02 in the list of installed programs.Click on Remove.
The operating system deletes all SePem program files and
removes the corresponding entries from the Windows registry.
4.5 Releasing the Software
In order to make full use of the SePem software you must re-
lease it by entering the serial number.
You receive the serial number when purchasing the SePem system.
You can only communicate with the SePem devices
if the software is released. Without release you can use only the demo version
of SePem 02 with reduced functionality.
Proceed as follows to release the SePem software: In the Help menu (”?”), click on Program Release. A new
window appears.
4 Installing and Configuring the Software
Fig. 12: Window for releasing the program
Enter your serial number.
Confirm your entry with OK.Close the SePem program and restart it.
The software is now released and can be used without restric­tions.
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