SEW MOVITRAC LTP-B Operating Instruction

Drive Technology \ Drive Automation \ System Integration \ Services
Operating Instructions
Standard Inverters
Edition 09/2016 22872051/EN

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 General information.................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 About this documentation ...............................................................................................8
1.2 Structure of the safety notes ...........................................................................................8
1.2.1 Meaning of signal words ................................................................................ 8
1.2.2 Structure of section-related safety notes........................................................ 8
1.2.3 Structure of embedded safety notes .............................................................. 8
1.3 Rights to claim under limited warranty ............................................................................9
1.4 Content of the documentation.........................................................................................9
1.5 Exclusion of liability.........................................................................................................9
1.6 Product names and trademarks......................................................................................9
1.7 Copyright notice ..............................................................................................................9
2 Safety notes ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.1 Preliminary information .................................................................................................10
2.2 Operator's duties...........................................................................................................10
2.3 Target group .................................................................................................................10
2.4 Designated use .............................................................................................................11
2.4.1 Hoist applications ......................................................................................... 11
2.5 Functional safety technology ........................................................................................12
2.6 Transport.......................................................................................................................12
2.7 Installation/assembly.....................................................................................................12
2.7.1 Restrictions of use........................................................................................ 13
2.8 Electrical connection .....................................................................................................13
2.8.1 Required preventive measure ...................................................................... 13
2.8.2 Stationary application................................................................................... 13
2.9 Protective separation ....................................................................................................14
2.10 Startup/operation ..........................................................................................................14
3 Device structure ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.1 Nameplate.....................................................................................................................15
3.2 Type designation...........................................................................................................15
3.3 Device structure of the standard inverter ......................................................................16
4 Installation............................................................................................................................... 19
4.1 General information ......................................................................................................19
4.2 Permitted tightening torques .........................................................................................20
4.3 Mechanical installation..................................................................................................21
4.4 Electrical installation .....................................................................................................23
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3.3.1 Inverters with degree of protection IP20/NEMA 1 ........................................ 16
3.3.2 Inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X...................................... 17
3.3.3 Inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K.................................... 18
4.3.1 IP20 housing: Installation and installation space ......................................... 21
4.3.2 IP55/IP66 housing: Installation and control cabinet dimensions .................. 22
4.4.1 Before installation......................................................................................... 23
4.4.2 Line contactors............................................................................................. 24
4.4.3 Mains fuses .................................................................................................. 25
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4.4.4 Operation on an IT system........................................................................... 26
4.4.5 Operation on a TN system with an RCD switch (IP20) ................................27
4.4.6 Permitted voltage supply systems................................................................ 27
4.4.7 Help card...................................................................................................... 27
4.4.8 Removing the terminal cover ....................................................................... 28
4.4.9 Cable gland plate ......................................................................................... 30
4.4.10 Connecting and installing the braking resistor ............................................. 31
4.4.11 Motor temperature protection TF, TH, KTY84, PT1000 ............................... 32
4.4.12 Multi-motor drive/group drive ....................................................................... 33
4.4.13 Motor cables and fusing ............................................................................... 33
4.4.14 Connecting AC brakemotors ........................................................................ 33
4.4.15 UL-compliant installation .............................................................................. 34
4.4.16 Information regarding UL ............................................................................. 37
4.4.17 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ...........................................................38
4.4.18 Overview of signal terminals ........................................................................44
4.4.19 Communication socket RJ45 ....................................................................... 47
4.4.20 24V backup mode ....................................................................................... 48
4.4.21 DC link connection .......................................................................................49
4.5 Wiring diagram..............................................................................................................49
4.5.1 Brake control ................................................................................................ 51
5 Startup ..................................................................................................................................... 52
5.1 User interface................................................................................................................52
5.1.1 Keypads .......................................................................................................52
5.1.2 Resetting parameters to default settings...................................................... 54
5.1.3 Key combinations......................................................................................... 54
5.1.4 Software LT Shell......................................................................................... 55
5.1.5 MOVITOOLS® MotionStudio engineering software...................................... 57
5.2 Automatic measuring procedure "Auto tune" ...............................................................59
5.3 Startup for motors .........................................................................................................59
5.3.1 Startup for asynchronous motors with V/f control ........................................ 60
5.3.2 Startup for asynchronous motors with VFC speed control........................... 60
5.3.3 Startup for asynchronous motors with VFC torque control .......................... 61
5.3.4 Startup of synchronous motors without encoder feedback (PMVC control).......
5.3.5 Startup with LSPM motors from SEW‑EURODRIVE ................................... 63
5.3.6 Startup with preset motors from SEW‑EURODRIVE ...................................64
5.4 Startup of control...........................................................................................................65
5.4.1 Terminal mode (factory setting) P1-12 = 0................................................... 65
5.4.2 Keypad mode (P1-12 = 1 or 2)..................................................................... 66
5.4.3 PID controller mode (P1-12 = 3) .................................................................. 66
5.4.4 Master-slave mode (P1-12 = 4).................................................................... 68
5.4.5 Fieldbus mode (P1-12 = 5, 6 or 7) ............................................................... 69
5.4.6 MultiMotion mode (P1-12 = 8)...................................................................... 69
5.5 Hoist function ................................................................................................................70
5.5.1 General information...................................................................................... 71
5.5.2 Startup for hoist function .............................................................................. 71
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5.5.3 Hoisting mode ..............................................................................................72
5.5.4 Troubleshooting and optimizing the hoist function ....................................... 73
5.6 Fire mode/emergency mode .........................................................................................74
5.7 Operation at 87 Hz characteristic..................................................................................75
5.8 Motor potentiometer function – crane application.........................................................75
5.8.1 Motor potentiometer operation ..................................................................... 76
5.8.2 Terminal assignment.................................................................................... 77
5.8.3 Parameter settings ....................................................................................... 77
5.9 Examples of analog input scaling and offset setting.....................................................78
5.9.1 Example 1: Analog input scaling .................................................................. 78
5.9.2 Example 2: Analog input offset .................................................................... 79
5.9.3 Example 3: Analog input scaling and offset ................................................. 80
5.10 Fans and pumps ...........................................................................................................81
5.11 Motor potentiometer......................................................................................................81
5.12 3-wire control ................................................................................................................82
5.12.1 Control signal source 3-wire control............................................................. 82
6 Operation................................................................................................................................. 83
6.1 Inverter status ...............................................................................................................83
6.2 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................86
6.3 Error history ..................................................................................................................86
6.4 Error codes ...................................................................................................................87
7 Fieldbus mode ........................................................................................................................ 92
7.1 General information ......................................................................................................92
7.2 Connecting a gateway or controller (SBusMOVILINK®)..............................................96
7.3 Modbus RTU.................................................................................................................99
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7.4 CANopen ....................................................................................................................103
6.1.1 Static inverter status..................................................................................... 83
6.1.2 Operating state of the inverter...................................................................... 84
6.1.3 Status displays of the parameter module..................................................... 85
6.1.4 Fault reset ....................................................................................................85
7.1.1 Structure and settings of process data words .............................................. 92
7.1.2 Communication example.............................................................................. 94
7.1.3 Parameter settings for the inverter............................................................... 94
7.1.4 Connecting the signal terminals at the inverter ............................................ 95
7.1.5 Establishing a CANopen/SBus network ....................................................... 95
7.2.1 Specification................................................................................................. 96
7.2.2 Electrical installation..................................................................................... 96
7.2.3 Startup at gateway ....................................................................................... 97
7.2.4 Startup at a CCU.......................................................................................... 98
7.2.5 MOVI‑PLC® motion protocol (P1-12 = 8)...................................................... 98
7.3.1 Specification................................................................................................. 99
7.3.2 Electrical installation..................................................................................... 99
7.3.3 Register allocation of the process data words ........................................... 100
7.3.4 Data flow example...................................................................................... 101
7.4.1 Specification............................................................................................... 103
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7.4.2 Electrical installation................................................................................... 103
7.4.3 COB IDs and functions in the inverter........................................................ 103
7.4.4 Supported transmission modes.................................................................. 104
7.4.5 Default allocation plan of process data objects (PDO)............................... 104
7.4.6 Data flow example...................................................................................... 105
7.4.7 Table of CANopen-specific objects ............................................................ 106
7.4.8 Table of manufacturer-specific objects ...................................................... 108
7.4.9 Emergency code objects............................................................................ 108
8 Service................................................................................................................................... 109
8.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE.................................................................109
8.2 Extended storage........................................................................................................109
8.3 Waste disposal............................................................................................................110
9 Parameters ............................................................................................................................ 111
9.1 Overview of parameters..............................................................................................111
9.1.1 Parameters for realtime monitoring (read only).......................................... 111
9.1.2 Parameter register ..................................................................................... 116
9.2 Explanation of the parameters ....................................................................................122
9.2.1 Parameter group 1: Basic parameters (level 1) ......................................... 122
9.2.2 Parameter group 1: Servo-specific parameters (level 1)............................ 130
9.2.3 Parameter group 2: Extended parameter setting (level 2) ......................... 132
9.2.4 Parameter group 3: PID controller (level 2)................................................ 142
9.2.5 Parameter group 4: Motor control (level 2) ................................................ 145
9.2.6 Parameter group 5: Fieldbus communication (level 2)............................... 151
9.2.7 Parameter group 6: Extended parameters (level 3) ................................... 155
9.2.8 Parameter group 7: Motor control parameters (level 3) ............................. 161
9.2.9 Parameter group 8: Application-specific parameters (only LTX) (level 3).. 164
9.2.10 Parameter group 9: Digital inputs defined by the user (level 3) ................. 166
10 Technical data....................................................................................................................... 173
10.1 Markings .....................................................................................................................173
10.2 Ambient conditions......................................................................................................174
10.3 Technical data.............................................................................................................175
10.3.1 1-phase system AC 200 – 240V ............................................................... 175
10.3.2 3-phase system AC 200 – 240V ............................................................... 176
10.3.3 3-phase system AC 380 – 480V ............................................................... 180
10.3.4 3-phase system AC 500 – 600V ............................................................... 184
10.4 Input voltage ranges ...................................................................................................187
10.5 Overload capacity .......................................................................................................187
10.6 Housing variants and dimensions...............................................................................188
10.6.1 Housing variants ........................................................................................ 188
10.6.2 Dimensions ................................................................................................ 189
10.6.3 Dimensions ................................................................................................ 190
10.7 Protection function ......................................................................................................192
11 Functional safety (STO) ....................................................................................................... 193
11.1 Integrated safety technology.......................................................................................193
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11.1.1 Safe condition ............................................................................................ 193
11.1.2 Safety concept ........................................................................................... 193
11.1.3 Restrictions ................................................................................................ 196
11.2 Safety conditions.........................................................................................................197
11.2.1 Storage requirements................................................................................. 197
11.2.2 Installation requirements ............................................................................ 197
11.2.3 Requirements on the external safety controller.......................................... 199
11.2.4 Requirements for safety relays .................................................................. 200
11.2.5 Requirements on startup............................................................................ 200
11.2.6 Requirements on operation........................................................................ 200
11.3 Connection variants ....................................................................................................202
11.3.1 General information.................................................................................... 202
11.3.2 Disconnection of a single drive .................................................................. 203
11.4 Safety characteristics..................................................................................................206
11.5 Signal terminal block for STO safety contact..............................................................206
12 Declaration of conformity .................................................................................................... 207
Index ...................................................................................................................................... 208
13 Address list ........................................................................................................................... 214
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
General information

About this documentation

1 General information

1.1 About this documentation
This documentation is an integral part of the product. The documentation is written for all employees who assemble, install, start up, and service this product.
Make sure this documentation is accessible and legible. Ensure that persons respons­ible for the machinery and its operation as well as persons who work on the product independently have read through the documentation carefully and understood it. If you are unclear about any of the information in this documentation or require further in­formation, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.

1.2 Structure of the safety notes

1.2.1 Meaning of signal words

The following table shows the grading and meaning of the signal words for safety notes.
Signal word Meaning Consequences if disregarded
DANGER Imminent hazard Severe or fatal injuries. WARNING Possible dangerous situation Severe or fatal injuries. CAUTION Possible dangerous situation Minor injuries
NOTICE Possible damage to property Damage to the drive system or its
INFORMATION Useful information or tip: Simplifies
handling of the drive system.

1.2.2 Structure of section-related safety notes

Section-related safety notes do not apply to a specific action but to several actions pertaining to one subject. The hazard symbols used either indicate a general hazard or a specific hazard.
This is the formal structure of a safety note for a specific section:
Type and source of hazard. Possible consequence(s) if disregarded.
Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.

1.2.3 Structure of embedded safety notes

Embedded safety notes are directly integrated into the instructions just before the de­scription of the dangerous action.
This is the formal structure of an embedded safety note:
 SIGNAL WORD Type and source of hazard. Possible consequence(s) if disreg-
arded. Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
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1.3 Rights to claim under limited warranty
Read the information in this documentation. This is essential for fault-free operation and fulfillment of any rights to claim under limited warranty. Read the documentation before you start working with the product.

1.4 Content of the documentation

The current version of the operating instructions is the original.
This document contains additional safety-relevant information and conditions for use in safety-related applications.

1.5 Exclusion of liability

Read the information in this documentation, otherwise safe operation is impossible. You must comply with the information contained in this documentation to achieve the specified product characteristics and performance features. SEW‑EURODRIVE as­sumes no liability for injury to persons or damage to equipment or property resulting from non-observance of these operating instructions. In such cases, SEW‑EURODRIVE assumes no liability for defects.
General information

Rights to claim under limited warranty


1.6 Product names and trademarks

The brands and product names in this documentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective titleholders.

1.7 Copyright notice

©2016SEW‑EURODRIVE. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, modifica­tion, distribution or any other use of the whole or any part of this documentation is strictly prohibited.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Safety notes

Preliminary information

2 Safety notes

2.1 Preliminary information
The following general safety notes have the purpose to avoid injury and damage to property. They primarily apply to the use of products described in this documentation. If you use additional components also observe the relevant warning and safety notes.

2.2 Operator's duties

Make sure that the basic safety notes are read and observed. Make sure that persons responsible for the machinery and its operation as well as persons who work on the device independently have read through the documentation carefully and understood it. If you are unclear about any of the information in this documentation, or if you re­quire further information, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.
The operator must ensure that the following works are only performed by qualified per­sonnel:
Setup and assembly
Installation and connection
Maintenance and repair
Waste disposal Make sure persons working on the product adhere to the following regulations, re-
quirements, documents and information:
National and regional safety and accident prevention regulations
Warning and safety signs on the product
All other relevant project planning documents, installation and startup instructions, wiring diagrams and schematics
Do not assemble, install or operate damaged products
All specific specifications and requirements for the system
Make sure that systems with the product installed are equipped with additional moni­toring and protection devices. Observe the applicable safety regulations and legisla­tion governing technical equipment and accident prevention regulations.

2.3 Target group

Specialist for mechanical work
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Any mechanical work may only be performed by adequately qualified personnel. Qual­ified personnel in the context of this documentation are persons familiar with the design, mechanical installation, troubleshooting and maintenance of the product, who possess the following qualifications:
Qualification in the field of mechanics according to applicable national regulation.
They are familiar with this documentation
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Safety notes

Designated use

Specialist for elec­trotechnical work
Instructed persons All work in the areas of transportation, storage, operation and waste disposal must be
Any electronic work may only be performed by adequately skilled persons (electric­ally). Qualified electricians in the context of this documentation are persons familiar with electrical installation, startup, troubleshooting and servicing of the product who possess the following qualifications:
Qualification in the field of electrical engineering according to applicable national regulation.
They are familiar with this documentation
In addition to that, these persons must be familiar with the valid safety regulations and laws, as well as with the requirements of the standards, directives and laws specified in this documentation. The above mentioned persons must have the authorization ex­pressly issued by the company to operate, program, configure, label and ground devices, systems and circuits in accordance with the standards of safety technology.
carried out by persons who are trained appropriately. The purpose of the instruction is that the persons are capable of performing the required tasks and work steps in a safe and correct manner.
2.4 Designated use
The product is intended for installation in electrical plants or machines. In case of installation in electrical systems or machines, startup of the product is pro-
hibited until it is determined that the machine meets the requirements stipulated in the local laws and directives. For Europe, Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC as well as the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU apply. Observe EN 60204-1 (Safety of machinery - elec­trical equipment of machines). The product meets the requirements stipulated in the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
The standards given in the declaration of conformity apply to the product. The systems can be mobile or stationary. The motors must be suitable for operation
with inverters. Do not connect any other loads to the product. Never connect capacit­ive loads to the product.
The product can be used to operate the following motors in industrial and commercial systems:
AC asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotor
Permanent-field AC synchronous motors
Technical data and information on the connection conditions are provided on the nameplate and in chapter "Technical data" in the documentation. Always comply with the data and conditions.
Unintended or improper use of the product may result in severe injury to persons and damage to property.

2.4.1 Hoist applications

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To avoid danger of fatal injury by falling hoists, observe the following points when us­ing the product in lifting applications:
Use mechanical protection devices.
Perform a hoist startup.
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Safety notes

Functional safety technology

2.5 Functional safety technology
The product must not perform any safety functions without a higher-level safety sys­tem, unless explicitly allowed by the documentation.

2.6 Transport

Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship­ping company immediately about any damage. If the product is damaged, it must not be assembled, installed or started up.
Observe the following notes when transporting the device:
Ensure that the product is not subject to mechanical impact during transportation.
Before transportation, cover the connections with the supplied protection caps.
Only place the product on the cooling fins or on the side without connectors during transportation.
Always use lifting eyes if available.
If necessary, use suitable, sufficiently dimensioned handling equipment. Observe the information on climatic conditions in chapter "Technical data" of the docu-

2.7 Installation/assembly

Ensure that the product is installed and cooled according to the regulations in the doc­umentation.
Protect the product from excessive mechanical strain. The product and its mounted components must not protrude into the path of persons or vehicles. Ensure that com­ponents are not deformed and that insulation spaces are maintained, particularly dur­ing transportation. Electric components must not be mechanically damaged or des­troyed.
Observe the notes in the chapter "Mechanical installation" of the documentation.
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2.7.1 Restrictions of use

The following applications are prohibited unless explicitly permitted:
Use in potentially explosive areas
Use in areas exposed to harmful oils, acids, gases, vapors, dust, and radiation
Operation in applications with impermissibly high mechanical vibration and shock loads in excess of the regulations stipulated in EN61800-5-1
Operation at installation altitudes above 4000 m above sea level
The product can be used at altitudes above 1000 m asl up to 4000m asl under the fol­lowing conditions:
Taking the reduced continuous rated current into consideration, see chapter "Technical data" of the documentation.
Above 2000 m asl, the air and creeping distances are only sufficient for over­voltage class II according to EN60664. If the installation requires overvoltage cat­egory III according to EN60664 you have to reduce the overvoltages on the sys­tem side from category III to II using additional external overvoltage protection.
If a protective electrical separation is required, then implement this outside the product at altitudes of more than 2000m above sea level (protective separation in accordance with EN61800‑5‑1 and EN60204‑1)
Safety notes

Electrical connection

2.8 Electrical connection
Make yourself familiar with the applicable national accident prevention guidelines be­fore you work on the product.
Perform electrical installation according to the pertinent regulations (e.g. cable cross sections, fusing, protective conductor connection). The documentation at hand con­tains additional information.
Make sure that all required covers are installed correctly after electrical installation. Make sure that preventive measures and protection devices comply with the applic-
able regulations (e.g. EN60204-1 or EN61800-5-1).

2.8.1 Required preventive measure

Make sure that the product is correctly attached to the ground connection.

2.8.2 Stationary application

Necessary preventive measure for the product is:
Type of energy transfer Preventive measure
Direct power supply
Ground connection
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Safety notes

Protective separation

2.9 Protective separation
The product meets all requirements for protective separation of power and electronics connections in accordance with EN 61800-5-1. To ensure protective separation, all connected circuits must also meet the requirements for protective separation.

2.10 Startup/operation

Observe the safety notes in the chapters "Startup" and "Operation" in the documenta­tion.
Make sure that the present transport protection is removed. Do not deactivate monitoring and protection devices of the machine or system even
for a test run. Make sure the connection boxes are closed and screwed before connecting the sup-
ply voltage. Depending on the degree of protection, products may have live, uninsulated, and
sometimes moving or rotating parts, as well as hot surfaces during operation. Additional preventive measures may be required for applications with increased haz-
ard potential. You have to check the protection devices after each modification. When in doubt, switch off the product whenever changes occur in relation to normal
operation. Possible changes are e.g. increased temperatures, noise, or oscillation. De­termine the cause. Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE if necessary.
When the device is switched on, dangerous voltages are present at all power connec­tions as well as at any connected cables and terminals. This also applies even when the product is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.
Do not separate the connection to the product during operation. This may result in dangerous electric arcs damaging the product. If you disconnect the product from the voltage supply, do not touch any live compon-
ents or power connections because capacitors might still be charged. Observe the fol­lowing minimum switch-off time:
10 minutes. Observe the corresponding information signs on the product. The fact that the operation LED and other display elements are no longer illuminated
does not indicate that the product has been disconnected from the supply system and no longer carries any voltage.
Mechanical blocking or internal safety functions of the product can cause a motor standstill. Eliminating the cause of the problem or performing a reset may result in the drive re-starting automatically. If, for safety reasons, this is not permitted for the drive­controlled machine, first disconnect the product from the supply system and then start troubleshooting.
Risk of burns: The surface temperature of the product can exceed 60°C during opera­tion.
Do not touch the product during operation. Let the product cool down before touching it.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

3 Device structure

3.1 Nameplate
The following figure shows an example of a nameplate.
Device structure



3.2 Type designation

Product name Version Recommended motor
power Connection voltage
Interference suppression on the input
Connection type
Quadrants Design
Example: MCLTP-B 0015-2B1-4-00 (60 Hz)
MOVITRAC® LTP-B Version status of the device series
0015 = 1.5kW
2 = 200 – 240V
5 = 380 – 480V 6 = 500 – 600V 0 = Class 0
A = Class C2 B = Class C1 1 = 1-phase
3 = 3-phase 4 = 4-quadrant operation
00 = Standard IP20 housing 10 = IP66/NEMA-4X housing 10 = IP55/NEMA-12K housing
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Country-specific variant
(60 Hz)
60Hz design
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Device structure
L1/L-DC L2/N L3
[4] [5]

Device structure of the standard inverter

3.3 Device structure of the standard inverter

3.3.1 Inverters with degree of protection IP20/NEMA 1

The following inverters have the housing shown below:
Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
230V 400 V 575V
0.75 – 5.5kW
0.75 – 11kW
0.75 – 15kW
[1] Connecting terminal strip PE, -DC, L1/L, L2/N, L3
[2] Auxiliary card with terminal assignment and basic parameters [3] Keypad with a 6-digit 7-segment display [4] Control terminal strip (pluggable) [5] RJ45 communication socket [6] Option card slot [7] Connecting terminal strip PE, +, BR, U, V, W [8] Relay terminal strip (pluggable)
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

3.3.2 Inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X

[7] [7]
The following inverters have the housing shown below:
Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
Device structure
Device structure of the standard inverter
230V 400 V 575V
[1] Full text display/6-digit 7-segment display [2] Keypad [3] Control terminal strip (pluggable)
0.75 – 4kW
0.75 – 7.5kW
0.75 – 11kW
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[4] Relay terminal strip (pluggable) [5] Connecting terminal strip PE, L1/L, L2/N, L3, -DC, +, BR, U, V, W [6] RJ45 communication socket [7] Option card slot
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Device structure
[5] [6]
[5] [6]
[4] [4]
Device structure of the standard inverter

3.3.3 Inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K

The following inverters have the housing shown below:
Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
230V 400 V 575V
5.5 – 75kW 11 – 160kW 15 – 110kW
[1] Full text display/6-digit 7-segment display [2] Keypad [3] Control terminal strip (pluggable) [4] Option card slot [5] Relay terminal strip (pluggable) [6] RJ45 communication socket [7] Connecting terminal strip PE, L1/L, L2/N, L3, -DC, +, BR, U, V, W
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

4 Installation

L1/L-DC L2/N L3
L1/L-DC L2/N L3
L1/L-DC L2/N L3
4.1 General information
Carefully check the inverter for damage before the installation.
Store the inverter in its original packaging until it is used. The storage location must be clean and dry with an ambient temperature between ‑40°C and +60°C.
Install the inverter in a suitable housing on a level, vertical, non-flammable, and vi­bration-free surface. If a certain IP degree of protection is required, observe EN60529.
Keep flammable materials away from the inverter.
Prevent the ingress of conductive or flammable foreign objects.
The relative humidity must be kept below 95% (condensation is not permitted).
Protect the IP55/IP66 inverter from direct sunlight. Use a cover when using the in­verter outdoors.
Inverters can be installed next to each other. Ensure sufficient ventilation space between the individual devices. If the inverter is to be installed above another in­verter or another device that dissipates heat, then there must be a vertical min­imum clearance of 150mm. To enable self-cooling, the control cabinet must either be cooled through forced ventilation, or dimensioned accordingly. See chapter "IP20 housing: Installation and installation space"(→221).
The permitted ambient temperatures are defined in chapter "Ambient conditions"(→2174).
The mounting rail installation is only possible for the following inverters with degree of protection IP20.
– 230V: 0.75 – 2.2kW – 400V: 0.75 – 4kW – 575V: 0.75 – 5.5kW The mounting rail must have the dimensions 35 × 15mm or 35 × 7.5mm and be
designed according to EN50022.
Install the frequency inverter only as depicted in the following figure:

General information

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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

Permitted tightening torques

4.2 Permitted tightening torques
Tightening torque in Nm for inverter
Power of the inverter
0.75 – 2.2kW 3 – 5.5kW (IP20)
3 – 4kW (IP66)
5.5kW (IP66)
7.5 – 11kW 15 – 18.5kW 22 – 45kW 55 – 75kW
0.75 – 4kW
5.5 – 11kW (IP20)
5.5 – 7.5kW (IP66) 11kW (IP66)
15 – 22kW 30 – 37kW
Control terminals Power terminals
Nominal line voltage 230V
1 1 (IP20) 1 (IP66) 4 (IP66)
0.8 4
15 20 20
Nominal line voltage 400V
1 (IP20) 1 (IP66) 4 (IP66)
0.8 4
15 45 – 90kW 110 – 160kW
0.75 – 5.5kW
7.5 – 15kW (IP20)
7.5 – 11kW (IP66) 15kW (IP66)
18.5 – 30kW 37 – 45kW 55 – 110kW
Nominal line voltage 575V
1 1 (IP20) 1 (IP66) 4 (IP66)
15 20
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
4.3 Mechanical installation
L1/L-DC L2/N L3

4.3.1 IP20 housing: Installation and installation space

Inverters with degree of protection IP20 must be installed in a control cabinet. Observe the following requirements:
The control cabinet must be made of a heat conductive material unless it has forced cooling.
When using a control cabinet with ventilation openings, the openings must be provided above and underneath the inverter to allow for unobstructed circulation of air. The air must be supplied underneath the inverter and dissipated above it.
If the inverter is operated in environments with particles of dirt (such as dust), vent­ilation openings either have to be equipped with a suitable particle filter or forced cooling has to be used. The filter has to be serviced and cleaned.
In environments with a high level of humidity, salt or chemicals, a suitable en­closed control cabinet (without ventilation openings) must be used.
The inverters with degree of protection IP20 can be installed right next to each other without clearance.

Mechanical installation

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Power of the inverter A in mm Air flow rate per in-
230V: 0.75 kW, 1.5 kW
60 > 45m3/h
400V: 0.75kW, 1.5kW, 2.2kW 575V: 0.75 – 5.5kW 230V: 2.2kW
All other power ranges
100 > 45m3/h 100 > 80m3/h
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Mechanical installation

4.3.2 IP55/IP66 housing: Installation and control cabinet dimensions

Inverters with degree of protection IP55/IP66 can be used indoors. In control cabinets or in field, the following minimum distances must not be underrun.
Power of the inverter A in mm B in mm
0.75 – 4kW
5.5 – 75kW
400 V
0.75 – 7.5kW 11 – 160kW
0.75 – 11kW 15 – 110kW
100 200
100 200
100 200
10 10
10 10
10 10
If the IP55/IP66 inverter is installed in a control cabinet, a sufficient control cabinet ventilation must be ensured.
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4.4 Electrical installation
Electric shock due to charged capacitors. Dangerous voltage levels may still be present inside the device and at the terminals up to 10minutes after disconnection from the power supply.
Severe or fatal injuries.
Wait 10minutes after you have de-energized the inverter and have switched off the line voltage and the DC24V voltage. Do not start working on the device until you have made sure that it is de-energized.
Danger of fatal injury due to falling hoist. Severe or fatal injuries.
The inverter is not designed for use as a safety device in lifting applications. Use monitoring systems or mechanical protection devices to ensure safety.

Electrical installation


4.4.1 Before installation

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The inverters may only be installed by electrical specialists in compliance with the applicable directives and regulations.
The grounding cable must be designed for the maximum fault current of the voltage source that is usually limited by fuses or motor protection switches.
The inverter has the degree of protection IP20. For a higher IP degree of protec­tion, a suitable enclosure or the IP55/NEMA 12K or the IP66/NEMA 4X variant has to be used.
Make sure the devices are properly grounded. Adhere to the wiring diagram in chapter "Connecting the inverter and motor"(→249).
Make sure that supply voltage, frequency, and number of phases (single- or three­phase) correspond with the nominal values of the inverter on delivery.
A disconnecting switch or similar disconnecting element must be installed between voltage supply and inverter.
Never connect the power supply to the output terminals U, V or W of the inverter.
Do not install contactors between inverter and motor. Adhere to a minimum clear­ance of 100 mm at points where control cables and electric power lines are in­stalled close to each other, and an angle of 90°for crossing cables.
The cables are only protected by slow-blow high-power fuses or motor circuit breaker. You find more information in section "Permitted voltage supply systems"(→227).
It is recommended that you use a 4-core PVC-insulated and shielded cable as the power cable. Route this cable according to the applicable national regulations of the industry sector as well as the rules and standards. Conductor end sleeves are required for connecting the power cables to the inverter.
Make sure that shieldings and sheaths of power cables are designed according to the wiring diagram in section "Connecting inverter and motor"(→249).
The grounding terminal of each inverter must be connected individually and dir- ectly to the ground busbar (mass) of the installation site (via filter, if available).
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
$ 30 s
Electrical installation
Do not loop the ground connections of the inverter from one inverter to the other. Neither route the ground connections to the inverters from other inverters.
The impedance of the ground circuit must comply with the local safety regulations of the industry sector.
Make sure that all terminals are tightened with the respective tightening torques, see chapter "Technical data"(→2173).
To comply with UL regulations, all earth connections must be designed with UL lis­ted crimping cable lugs.
Unlike direct operation in the supply system, inverters on the motor generate suitable fast-switching output voltages (PWM). In the case of motors wound for operation with adjustable-speed drives, no further preventive actions are necessary. If, however, the insulation quality is unknown, contact the manufacturer of the motor because prevent­ive actions may be necessary.
Make sure that the earth connections are properly connected. The inverter can gen­erate leakage currents > 3.5 mA. The grounding cable must be sufficiently dimen­sioned to carry the maximum fault current of the voltage source that is usually limited by fuses or miniature circuit breakers. Sufficiently rated fuses or miniature circuit breakers must be integrated into the inverter's mains supply in accordance with local laws and/or regulations.

4.4.2 Line contactors

Use only line contactors in utilization category AC-3 (EN60947-4-1). Make sure to wait at least 30seconds between 2 switching cycles.
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4.4.3 Mains fuses

Fuse types:
Line protection types in operation classes gL, gG:
Power circuit breaker with characteristic B:
Residual current device
No protection against electric shock if an incorrect type of residual current device is used.
Severe or fatal injuries.
Use only universal current sensitive residual current devices of type B for invert-
Electrical installation
– Rated fusing voltage ≥ rated line voltage – The nominal fusing current must be designed for at least 100% of the inverter
nominal input current depending on the inverter utilization.
– Nominal circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal line voltage – The nominal currents of the power circuit breakers must be 10% higher than
the nominal inverter current.
Inverters generate a DC current component in the leakage current and can signi­ficantly reduce the sensitivity of an residual current device of type A. A type A re­sidual current device is this not permitted as protection device.
If the use of a residual current device is not mandatory according to the standards, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends not to use a residual current device.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Electrical installation

4.4.4 Operation on an IT system

IP20 devices can be operated on the IT system as described below. Please contact SEW‑EURODRIVE for all other devices.
For operation on the IT system, the connection of the overvoltage protection and the EMC filter to PE has to be separated. Screw out the EMC and VAR screw on the side of the device.
Danger of electric shock. Dangerous voltage levels may still be present inside the in­verter and at the terminals up to 10minutes after disconnection from the power sup­ply.
Severe or fatal injuries.
Disconnect the inverter from the power supply at least 10 minutes before you
screw out the EMC and VAR screw.
EMC screw
VAR screw
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using earth-leakage monitors with pulse code meas­urement in voltage supply systems with a non-grounded star point (IT systems). Use of such devices prevents the insulation monitor mis-tripping due to the earth capacit­ance of the inverter.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B

4.4.5 Operation on a TN system with an RCD switch (IP20)

IP20 inverters with integrated EMC filter (such as MOVITRAC®LT xxxx xAx-x-00 or MOVITRAC®LT xxxx xBx-x-00) have a higher leakage current than devices without EMC filter. The EMC filter may cause errors when operated with a RCCB. Deactivate the EMC filter to reduce the leakage current. To do so, screw out the EMC and VAR screw on the side of the device. See figure in chapter "Operation on an IT system"(→226).

4.4.6 Permitted voltage supply systems

Voltage supply systems with grounded star point Inverters with all degrees of protection are intended for operation on TN and TT
systems with directly grounded star point.
Voltage supply systems with non-grounded star point Operation on voltage supply systems with non-grounded star point (for example IT
systems) is only permitted for inverters with degree of protection IP20. See chapter "Operation on an IT system"(→226).
Voltage systems with grounded outer conductor On voltage supply systems, the inverters with all degrees of protection may only
be operated with a maximum phase-to-ground AC voltage of 300V.
Electrical installation

4.4.7 Help card

The help card contains an overview of the terminal assignment and additionally an overview of the basic parameters of parameter group1.
In the IP55/IP66 housing, the help card is attached behind the removable front cover. In the IP20 housing, the help card is inserted in a slot above the display.
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Electrical installation

4.4.8 Removing the terminal cover

To access the terminals of inverters with degree of protection IP55/IP66, remove the front cover of the frequency inverter. Only use cross-head or slot screwdrivers to open the terminal cover.
The connection terminals can be accessed when the screws on the front of the product are removed as shown below.
The front cover is attached by proceeding in reverse order.
Inverters with degree of protection IP66/NEMA 4X
The following inverters have the housing shown below:
Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
230V 400 V 575V
0.75 – 4kW
0.75 – 7.5kW
0.75 – 11kW
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Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Inverters with degree of protection IP55/NEMA 12K
[1] [2] [3] [4]
The following inverters have the housing shown below:
Nominal line voltage Power of the inverter
Electrical installation
230V 400 V 575V
5.5 – 75kW 11 – 160kW 15 – 110kW
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230V: 5.5 – 11kW
400V: 11 – 22kW
575V: 15 – 30kW
230V: 15 – 18.5kW
400V: 30 – 37kW
230V: 22 – 45kW
400V: 45 – 90kW
575V: 55 – 110kW
230V: 55 – 75kW
400V: 110 – 160kW
575V: 37 – 45kW
Operating Instructions – MOVITRAC® LTP-B
Electrical installation

4.4.9 Cable gland plate

A suitable cable gland system is required to maintain the respective IP/NEMA degree of protection. Cable entry holes have to be drilled that correspond to this system.
Drilling cable entry holes may lead to particles entering the inverter. Possible damage to property.
Be careful when drilling the hole to prevent particles from entering the inverter. Remove all particles at and in the inverter.
Some guide sizes are listed below:
Recommended hole sizes and hole types for the cable gland.
Power of the inverter Hole size Imperial Metrical
230V: 0.75 – 4kW 400V: 0.75 – 7.5kW 575V: 0.75 – 11kW
Hole sizes for flexible electrical installation ducts
Power of the inverter Hole size Commercial size Metrical
230V: 0.75 – 4kW 400V: 0.75 – 7.5kW 575V: 0.75 – 11kW
An IP degree of protection is only ensured when the cables are installed with a bush­ing or sleeve for a flexible electrical installation duct approved by UL.
When installing electrical installation ducts, the insertion holes of the duct must have standard openings for the required sizes according to NEC specifications.
Not intended for rigid electrical installation ducts.
25mm PG16 M25
35mm 1in M25
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