Setra SRCM Quick Start Guide

SRCM Quick Start Operation Guide
The following is a brief summary of how to operate the SRCM using the touch­screen interface. The screen has two basic functions. The primary mode of operation displays the Home screen, which shows the end-user pressure values, messages, text, and other data intended for visual pressure verifi cation in the facility. The second mode of operation is the Administrative Menu (Menu) screen, which permits setup, confi guration, and changes to how the SRCM operates. After changes have been performed on the Menu screen, functions are saved and operation returns to the Home screen.
The full SRCM Operation Manual is available in .pdf format on Setra’s website at Oper.pdf.
1. Primary Room Sensor: Onboard or External
2. Secondary Room Sensor: Onboard or External
3. Setup Selection: Primary or Secondary
4. Pressure Signal Output: 4-20mA, 0-5 or 0-10 VDC
5. Room Label: Primary or Secondary
6. Full Scale range of transducer: Primary or Secondary
7. Pressure value units of measure: WC or PA
5. Save settings and exit
Primary Room or Secondary: Screen is used to defi ne the alarm setpoints. When the room is then set to Positive, Neutral, or Negative, the setpoints and conditins confi gured here are in effect for alamr and warning conditions.
1. Condition Banner
2. Pressure Value
3. Room Label
4. Pressure Mode: Positive, Negative, Neutral (span) or Standby
5. Operation: Normal (green), Warning (yellow), Door (yellow), Alarm (red)
6. Slide bar and setpoint values
1. Change color and text of Condition Banner by pressing anywhere in the colored region.
2. Confi gure whether the user can change the test of the Condition Banner: Enabled or Disabled
3. Room Status: Occupied or Standby
4. Isolation Mode: Pressure mode confi gured for the unit: Positive , Negative or Neutral. (To change mode, refer to the Setup Alarm screen)
5. Save settings and exit
1. Setup Unit: Initial unit setup
2. Setup Display: Customizes the display
3. Setup Alarm: Setup how alarms are communicated to user
4. Slide ON/OFF: Defi nes whether pressure value and alarm setpoints are displayed on home screen
1. Primary Pressure Resolution: The number of signifi cant digits displayed for the pressure value.
2. Defi ne Supervisor and Operator passwords. Enable or Disable use of passwords
3. Contrast level of Home screen: Adjust from 1-4 for readability in varying lighting conditions 4, Display Averaging:. Select a value from 1-40
5. What Pressure To Display: • Primary Only • Secondary Only • Toggle
6. Save settings and exit
5. Calibration: used to re-zero or calibrate internal sensor.
6. Room label that settings apply to (global unless Secondary is shown)
7. Serial number and system info Alarm setpoint values
8. Save settings and exit
1. Latch Alarm: Causes the display of red ALARM on home screen to remain, even if room pressurization returns to normal.
2. Alarm Delay: Time between when the pressure went outside alarm setpoints and when the unit goes into alarm mode.
3. Primary or Secondary Room: Defi nes which room the Setup alarm condition applies to. Primary or Secondary: Whether room pressure will be Positive, Neutral, or Negative
4. Audible Alarm: Enables or disables audible buzzer.
5. Mute Time Out: Set the time (in seconds) that the
1. Alarm Blink: Defi nes the behavior of the Red alarm on home screen. Normal Blink is used for the green Normal indicator.
2. Warning Blink: Applies to the yellow WARNING or DOOR indicator.
3. Blink in Red/Green/Yellow: Applies to Condition Banner messages and icon on the left one-third of the Home Screen
4. Save Setting and exit
alarm will remain silent after pressing the Silence button before the audible alarm resumes.
6. Digital Input (DI) Used for monitoring door status, open or closed.
7. Deadband: Adjustable from 0 to 10% and represents the region within the setpoint range where yellow Warning is displayed on the Home Screen to indicate the pressure is near ALARM limits.
8. Buzzer Volume: Can be adjusted from 1 to four
9. Save settings and exit