etra Models 370 and
470 offer extremely high
accuracy and unmatched
stability in a digital output
configuration. Environmenta l mo nitoring and te s t &
measurement systems around
the world rely on Setra's
experience in barometric pressure me a s u r e m e n t instrumenta tion, as well as high
ac curac y measu rements of
higher pressures. Both models utilize Setra's unique SETRACERAM™ sensor, w hich
is combined with advanced
microprocessor based circuitry
and sophisticated firmware
to provide system accuracy to
better than ± 0.02% full scale.
The Model 370 Digital Pressure
Gauge is an extremely versatile instrument. Pressure and
altitude data is displayed on a 6
digit LCD and is also accessible
through a bidirectional RS-232
port. A numeric key pad is
provided for easy access to
engineering unit conversions,
min/max tracking, entry of
Hi/Lo alarm setpoints, nonlinear functions and calibration
procedures. The 370 is also
av ailab le wit h an optional
rechargeable battery pack to
bring lab accuracy to the fi eld.
The Model 470 is functionally the same as the 370. It is
intended fo r a pplications
which do not require local
display of pr essure or key
pad access to commands. The
470's solid stability, reliability
and versatility make it the fi rst
choice for weather observation systems worldwide. Both
units are programmable for
continuous, interval or onde ma nd pr in ti n g at an
adjustable (300-9600) baud
U.S. Patent No. 4168518