Setra 470 Data sheet

Models 370 & 470
etra Models 370 and 470 offer extremely high
accuracy and unmatched stability in a digital output configuration. Environmen­ta l mo nitoring and te s t & measurement systems around the world rely on Setra's experience in barometric pres­sure me a s u r e m e n t instru­menta tion, as well as high ac curac y measu rements of higher pressures. Both mod­els utilize Setra's unique SE­TRACERAM™ sensor, w hich is combined with advanced microprocessor based circuitry and sophisticated firmware to provide system accuracy to better than ± 0.02% full scale.
The Model 370 Digital Pressure Gauge is an extremely versa­tile instrument. Pressure and altitude data is displayed on a 6 digit LCD and is also accessible through a bidirectional RS-232 port. A numeric key pad is provided for easy access to engineering unit conversions, min/max tracking, entry of Hi/Lo alarm setpoints, nonlin­ear functions and calibration procedures. The 370 is also av ailab le wit h an optional rechargeable battery pack to bring lab accuracy to the fi eld.
U.S. Patent No. 4168518
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