Setra 209s Specifications

etra Systems' Model 209 pre s sure tra n sducer s are designed specifi cally
for industrial applications with demanding price and performance requirements. The 209 offers exceptional reliability in typical industrial grade environments. Standard features tailor the Model 209 for applications with more extreme environmental con­dit ions or more strin gent perf o r ma n c e need s . T he Model 209 offers unparalleled p e rf or m anc e i n a co n ­fi gurable transducer designed specifically for the budget conscious OEM.
Setra's proven center mount electrode con figu rati on is the heart of this simple, yet industrialized, design. A 17-4 PH stainless steel sensor and a rigid stainless steel electrode form the variable capacitor.
Se tra 209 tr ansducers are packaged in rugged stainless steel/Valox housings, which ar e smal l and lig htweight for optimum com patibility with system designs. As a to­tally self-contained electronic package, the 209 stainless steel capacitance sensing ele­ment, coupled with a high level output IC-based circuit, assures excellent accuracy and long term stability.
When it comes to a product to rely on - choose the Model
209. When it comes to a com­pany to trust - choose Setra
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