1 Electronic Shelf Labeling – A brief introduction4
2 Label Family Introduction5
2.1 GeneralKey Features5
2.2 The G1 label family5
2.3 The VUSION label family6
3 Get the latest software and documentation7
3.1 Installsoftware7
3.2 System requirements7
3.3 Installationprocess7
3.4 SES-imagotag Customer and Partner Portal8
4 Core Appliance9
4.1 Why is it needed in the Store?9
4.2 Key Features9
5 Core Appliance initial setup10
5.1 USB device configuration10
5.2 Front side LEDdescription11
5.3 Additional documentation11
6 Start SES-imagotag Core Service and SES-imagotag Control Center12
6.1 Starting SES-imagotag Core Service12
6.1.1Example articles12
6.2 Starting SES-imagotag Control Center13
6.2.1SES-imagotag Control Center Login13
6.3 Activating your license14
7 ESL Access Point Configuration16
7.1 Connect and configure AP-201016
7.1.1Connect and configure16
7.1.2Discover the AccessPoint16
7.1.3Necessary configuration on the AP-2010 web UI17
7.1.4The Status LED18
7.2 Adding AP-2010 to ESL system19
7.2.1SES-imagotag Core Service19
8 Selecting channels21
9 Setup Security22
9.1 Generalencryption features and how does it work22
9.2 Set the encryption key22
10 Register labels23
10.1General procedure23
10.2What's on the label?23
10.2.1Registration page vs. Reset page24
10.3Handheld terminals, USB barcode scanner and SES-imagotag Core Service iOS-App25
10.4Encryption status25
10.5Unlocking labels26
11 Start tagging27
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11.1What can I do now?27
11.2Sending pictures to labels27
11.3Article management27
11.5Set (extended) filters for enums29
11.5.1Extended filter operators29
12 Templates31
12.1General information about templates31
12.2SES-imagotag TemplateEditor31
12.2.1Starting SES-imagotag TemplateEditor31
12.2.2Open default template file and load records from server:32
12.2.3Design Mode33
12.2.4Enable and show color red34
12.2.5Help Content34
13 Integration35
13.1Webservice integration35
13.3Custom integration35
14 Troubleshooting36
14.1SES-imagotag Core Service Dashboard36
14.2Running the SES-imagotag Core Service as a background service37
14.3Where can get a demo/development licensekey?37
14.4Deleting the demo articles37
14.5Establish a network configuration when no DHCP is available – Step by step38
14.6Accesspoint discovering with Bonjour Services38
14.7What can I do if the StatusLED of the AP-2010 access point doesn’t turn blue?38
14.8Labelsdon’t come online39
14.9The encryptiondoes not work39
14.10Unlocking labels39
14.11Starting Java applications39
14.12Encoding problems40
14.13Reserve RAM for Java heap space40
14.14Further documentation41
15 Declaration42
16 Warning45
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Core Service Quick Start Guide
1Electronic Shelf Labeling – A brief introduction
An electronic shelf label is a device that shows article data and price information on its display. In
comparison to printed labelsthe information is automaticallyupdated if price or article data changes.
l Cost reduction through elim-
l Fully automatic price updates
l Process security and price
l Increased flexibilityin price
l Simplified processes for store
l Enhancedsales & price prof-
ination of manualprice
from the headquarters to the
branch storeswithin seconds
integrity – 100% correlation
between cash point and shelf
design and immediate reaction
to market situation Image gain
due to use of highly modern
itability maximizeprice performance and profit
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2Label Family Introduction
The SES-imagotag electronic shelf labelfamily offers high-quality display options, operating with a
replaceable battery, thus working without any external power supply.
The performance of the labels (updates per hour) depends on the mode of the access point. In the
USA and Canada the AP-2010 usa/canada bundle incl. antenna with limited data efficiency is
required (based on the FCC/ICregulation).
2.1General Key Features
l 2.4 GHz proprietary radio protocol
l Radio coverage: up to 25 meters
l Bi-directional communication
l 11 available communication channels
l Ultra-low power consumption
l Customer-replaceable battery
l Full graphical e-Ink display with paper-like readability
l Different configurationsavailable (theft protection, display protection, LED flash)
l Label versions for deep-freezing environments
l Super wide viewingangle (nearly 180 degrees)
l Flexible mounting options available
l May be used in landscape and portrait mode
l Fast response time (less than 15/30 seconds, depends on wakeup time)
l 128-bit AES encryption with secure key exchange
l Multiple pages support with preloading and fast page switching
l Integrated"Active" NFC
l IntegratedPassive NFC tag
l IntegratedNFC
l G1 - Passive NFC
l VUSION - "Active" NFC
2.2The G1 label family
The SES-imagotag G1 BWR label family is capable of changing all pixels to black, white or red. The
current line-up has display sizes from 1.6 inch to 12.2 inch.
G1 1.6 BWR NFC152 x 152140b/w/r4*27.5 x 27.57500/46001
G1 2.2 BWR NFC / Bossard
2.2 red NFC
G1 2.6 BWR NFC296 x 152125b/w/r4*60.1 x 30.74500/26002
G1 2.7 BW NFC264 x 176117b/w8*57.3 x 38.25000/27004
G1 2.7 BWR NFC264 x 176117b/w/r4*57.3 x 38.245002
G1 4.2 BW NFC400 x 300120b/w4*84.8 x 63.63000/16004
G1 4.2 BWR NFC400 x 300120b/w/r4*84.8 x 63.62000/13002
G1 4.5 BWR NFC480 x 176117b/w/r4*104.2 x 38.22500/15002
G1 6.0 BWR NFC600 x 448129b/w/r4*114.9 x 85.8900/5002
G1 7.4 BW NFC480 x 800126b/w12*97 x 161.61000/5008
G1 7.4 BWR NFC480 x 800126b/w/r4*97 x 161.6600/3002
S-tag 6 HFNFC--b/w453 x 19.320000/200004
Battery life-
Display Res-
Colo rs
Active Dis-
play Area
(standard /
FCC&IC mode)
212 x 104111b/w/r4*48.6 x 23.88500/50002
time: 5
years with
N updates
per day
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*One useable page is shared with the registration code page. This page is initially shown when the
labelis shipped. After registration this page can be used as a custom page. To restore the original
content a service utility is required. To prevent accidentials overwrite this page is protected. To unlock
this page contact the SES-imagotag support team.
The content of all pages except page number 0 won't remain after a firmware update.
2.3The VUSION label family
The SES-imagotag VUSION (2.4GHz) electronic shelf label familyis capable of changing all pixels to
black, white or red. The current line-up has display sizesfrom 1.6 inch to 12.2 inch. Theymay be used
in landscape and portrait mode and can be configured in terms of radio, theft protection, display
protection and LED flash.
VUSION 1.6EDG2-0160-A152 x 152140b/w/r427.5 x 27.57500/46001
VUSION 2.2 FEDG2-0220-A212 x 104111b/w448.6 x 23.810000/65001*
VUSION 2.6EDG2-0260-A296 x 152125b/w/r460.1 x 30.74500/26002
VUSION 2.6 FEDG2-0260-A296 x 152125b/w460.1 x 30.76500/45001*
VUSION 2.7EDG2-0270-A264 × 176117b/w/r457.3 x 38.24500/26002
VUSION 3.7EDG2-0370-A416 x 240130b/w/r481.54 x 47.042000/13002
VUSION 4.2EDG2-0420-A400 x 300120b/w/r484.8 x 63.62000/13002
VUSION 4.5EDG2-0450-A480 x 176117b/w/r4104.2 x 38.22500/15002
VUSION 5.9EDG2-0590-A720 x 256134b/w/r4138.96 x 49.401100/5502
VUSION 7.4EDG2-0740-A480 x 800126b/w/r497 x 161.6600/3002
VUSION 9.7EDG2-0970-A960 x 672121b/w/r4201.60 x 141.12300/1502
VUSION 12.2EDG2-1220-A768 x 960103b/w/r6190.08 x 237.6300/1501
* Battery lifetime: 3 years with N updates per day
Display Res-
212 x 104111b/w/r448.6 x 23.88500/50002
Colo rs
Active Disp lay
Area (mm)
(standard /
FCC&IC mode)
lifetime: 5
years with
N updates
per day
The content of all pages except page number 0 won't remain after a firmware update.
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Core Service Quick Start Guide
3Get the latest software and documentation
Register at the SES-imagotag Customer and Partner Portal to get accessto the latest software and
3.1Install software
There’s several software you’ll have to installin order to configure and setup your ESL system. You’ll
just have to extract the following 3 archives in a location of your choice:
1. SES-imagotag Core Service <server.zip>
2. SES-imagotag Control Center <client.zip>
3. SES-imagotag TemplateEditor <template.zip>
3.2System requirements
l Server hardware: Pentium 4 (2 GHz or higher), 2 GB RAM
l JavaRuntime Environment Version 6, Update 36 or higher
l Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008 (R2), Windows Server 2012, Windows
Server 2016, Suse Enterprise Linux 11, Ubuntu 12 (all 32/64-bit versions), Mac OS X
l SES-imagotag Core Service
l SES-imagotag AccessPoint(s)
l SES-imagotag Label(s)
l License key
3.3Installation process
Please unpack the zip-archives <server.zip>, <client.zip> and <template.zip> on your machine - e.g.
under C:\ses-imagotag-core-service\.
Note: To unpack the zip-filesyou can either use the windows internal archive-unpacker (see
screenshots) or an unpack tool of your choice (e.g. the free tool 7zip – www.7zip.org).
FIGURE 1-2: Unpack/Install imagotag Software #1
After unpacking all 3 archives, your folder should look something like this:
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Core Service Quick Start Guide
FIGURE 1-3: Unpacked imagotag software folder
The SES-imagotag Core Service is now installed and you can step forward to point see Start SESimagotag Core Service and SES-imagotag Control Center on page 12.
3.4SES-imagotag Customer and Partner Portal
After user registration and activation you will have accessto documentation.
You can activate, manage and download your SES-imagotag software licensessee Start SES-imagotag Core Service and SES-imagotag Control Center on page 12.
Your user account will not be assigned to a customer account yet. Ask our salesbackoffice team for
user assignment (sales.at@ses-imagotag.com).
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4Core Appliance
The Core Appliance is a compact network device which can be used to run the SES-imagotag Core
Service in the store, instead of using an additional dedicated server. The SES-imagotag Core Service
is always needed in the store locally, also when cloud-based/centralizedmiddleware systems like
JeegyS3 Centralized/Jeegy Cloud or Bison ESL Manager is used.
4.1Why is it needed in the Store?
l Continuouscommunication with access pointsand labels is required (even without tasks)
l Limited bandwidth between store and headquarters
l Disconnected VPN connection will prevent proper operation
l Load (image rendering…) is distributed to stores
4.2Key Features
l Core Appliance is optimized to run up to 30 000 labels and 7 access points
l Easier and faster shop installations (“Plug and Play”)
l Is not recognized as an additional server
l Low maintenance
l Easy replace/restore when hardware crashes
l Limited deployment variabilities
l Lower development costs
l Lower support costs
l Better brand recognition
l Easier to sell as a “solution in a box”
l Lessoverall risk for system integrators
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Core Service Quick Start Guide
5Core Appliance initial setup
To operate the Core Appliance there are only a few steps necessary:
1. Supply with power
2. Turn it on (button on the backside of the device)
3. Plug it into your network
4. Initial setup
5. Update to the latest version
Per default, the Core Appliance comes with DHCPenabled. So if you have a DHCPservice running
you can find it with the MAC address which is printed on the bottom side of the Core Appliance.
If there's no way to get access to the DHCPserver we recommend to use an USBdevice with a
configurationfile to configure the appliance initially.
FIGURE 1-4: Core Appliance rear view
5.1USB device configuration
You can find an example configuration file (example.config) at ourSES-imagotag Customer and
Partner Portal.
Core Appliance service reference mode | Core Appliance example.config file
After downloading, editing and copying the configuration file onto any USBdevice, the configuration
is automatically adopted after plugging in the USB flash drive into the Core Appliance. A triple beep
indicates the successful configuration. A single beep signalsthat the configuration hasn't been set
Theweb user interface of the Core Appliance is now available under http://<ip-address>.
The initial configuration of the Core Appliancecan be compared with the installation and start of an
SES-imagotag Core Service. After configuration, you can accessthe Core Appliance via the SESimagotag Control Center from every systemconnected to your network (see Start SES-imagotagCore Service and SES-imagotag Control Center on page 12).
Example.config file
To set up your Core Appliancefor the first run you'll have to set at least the following network
l IPaddress
l Subnet mask
l Optional: Gateway, DNS
To set the parametersmentioned abovethe contents of the configuration file might look like this:
# Set IP address of bridge interface
set network br0
# Set a gateway
set gateway
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Core Service Quick Start Guide
# Set a nameserver
set dns
Note:This simple bridge configuration connects the network interfaces. No matter where the network
cable is plugged in, the applianceis accessible via the configured bridge address.
5.2Front side LEDdescription
On the front side of the appliance you can see several statusinformation:
Core Appliance front view LEDstatus information (Core Appliance version 1.8.0 or higher)
Upper LED:Power on
Lower LED: Core Appliance is active
Upper LED: OFF=service not running | Flashing=restart or software
update in progress | ON=service
Lower LED: OFF=no internet connection | Slow flashing=no VPN
configuration| Fast flashing=VPN not connected | ON=VPN connected
Upper LED: Port in use (color based on transfer rate)
Lower LED: Port/Device is active
5.3Additional documentation
You can find additionaldocumentation regarding the Core Appliance (e.g. a complete service mode
reference) on our SES-imagotag Customer and Partner Portal.
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6Start SES-imagotag Core Service and SES-imagotag Control
6.1Starting SES-imagotag Core Service
If you've recently configured yourCore Appliancethe SES-imagotag Core Service software is already
running and you can step forward to the next step.
In order to start the SES-imagotag Core Service with the default configuration, just execute the jar file
“server.jar” as described in Troubleshooting and wait for the small service GUI to show up (if the
window doesn’t show up after all, make sure your Java installation and configuration is correct).
FIGURE 1-5: Core Service web UI
The SES-imagotag Core Service will listen to TCP connections on Port 8000 and
8001 and UDP connections on Port 8000. Please make sure that there is no firewall
issue and/or interference with other systems.
After start of the SES-imagotag Core Service you can check the web user interface:
URL: http://<host|ip>:8000
Login: admin/admin
During the first start the SES-imagotag Core Service will automaticallycreate a Derby1database. If
another database connection is needed or preferred, the connection parameters should be validated
by SES-imagotag GmbH.
Note: As you can see there are several level numbers. You can find the description of the different
levels in the Developer Reference (which is also part of the documentation available at the SESimagotag Customer and Partner Portal) under “Integration Levels”.
6.1.1 Example articles
For easier usage some example articlescan be preloaded at the time you start the SES-imagotag
Core Service. You can find the corresponding XMLarticledata here: C:\ses-imagotag-coreservice\server\data\fixtures\.
To enable and disable the preloading of these fixtures go to the systemconfiguration and set the
correspondingproperty "importFixtures"trueor false.
Note: The article records are based on the XML-standard.
Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is an open source relational database implemented entirely in Java
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6.2Starting SES-imagotag Control Center
Go to the extracted directory and execute the “client.jar” file.
FIGURE 1-6: Starting SES-imagotag Control Center
The SES-imagotag Control Centerisconfigured to connect to a server on the local machine per
default. In order to change this to a remote machine in a network you have to start the SES-imagotag
Control Center with an additional parameter:
l Create a shortcut/Edit existing short cut
l Right clickto the shortcut and select "Properties"
l Append “ --host hostnameOrIPAddress” at the end of the “Target” field. (Note: The text to
append starts with an space and there are 2 hyphens to add!)
l Append “ --host hostnameOrIPAddress” at the end of command (e.g. “java -jar client.jar --host” Note: The text to append starts with an space and there are 2 hyphens to add!)
FIGURE 1-7: Starting SES-imagotag Control Center with parameter
6.2.1 SES-imagotag Control Center Login
l Username: admin
l Password: admin
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FIGURE 1-8: SES-imagotag Control Center Login
6.3Activating your license
After starting the SES-imagotagCore Service and SES-imagotag Control Center it's necessary to
activate the license key which is included in the "Software License Document". To view your current
license statusthere's a License status dialog. You can find it in the SES-imagotag Control Center
under "Help - License status". Since no license is activated/imported yet the window should look
similar to this:
FIGURE 1-9: License Status Dialog
Copy the "System serial" to the clipboard (STRG+Cor right click "Copy to clipboard")and then click
the "License activation". You'll be automatically redirected to the SES-imagotag Customer and
Partner Portal https://portal.imagotag.com.
Please log in (or register a new user). After log in, you can see a summary of already activated
licensesand/or activate a new license. Click "activate new license".
Fill in "License key", copy/paste the "System serial"(from the "License Status"dialog), add a
Comment (optional) and click the "Activate"button.
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+ 31 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.