464, 424 & 324 POST-MIX VALVES
The Flomatic valves are available in manual, electric,
portion control and automatic fill mo dels. All Flomatic
valves share the same mounting and fl ow control char acteristics. The 324 valves are also compati ble with
the 300-Q mounting block. Those instructions are not
included here.
Prior to installation determine which mounting block
you need. The Flomatic mounting block kit 500784 2
has inlet “O” rings sized for both inlet port sizes
(located at the rear of the block) port. Sized at 0.380
inches is compatible with most c urrent mounting block
inlet fittings.
Be sure to relieve system pressure prior to beginning
work. When replacing most other brand valves with
the Flomatic valve, remove the existing mounting
block and install the appropriate Flomatic mount ing
block. This is an easy first ste p – just align the four bolt
holes and mount. The Flomatic mounting blocks have
a positive shut off and mounting system to prevent
accidental removal while the system is pressurized.
The valve cannot be removed unless the shut -off
valves are in the closed po sition (arrows poin ted
across the service line).
The hole pattern for most current valves will have key
slots for the product supply lines. Some older valve
mountings may require the use of the “S” clip 2 to hold
the product supply lines in place (av ail able as an
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Remove the valv e cove r
and align the valve stems
with the mounting block.
Engage the valve and
depress the latch pin. Do
not force the latch pin
down or you may bend
the latch pin. If you are
having difficulty , simply
re-engage the valve and
try again. Be sure the
valve base is completely
seated against the mounting block. Open the shutoff valves by turning 1/4
turn (arrows pointed
toward the service line) to
engage system pressure.
T wo simple adjustments are all you need to brix the
Flomatic valves. You will need a Flomatic S tube syrup
separator, 5/32 inch hex wrench, w atch and brix cup .
Place the S-tube syrup separator over the syrup diffuser and you are ready to
begin. You need not
remove the nozzle. Clockwise movement of the brix
nut adjustment screw
increases the flow rate and
vice versa. Restri ct the flow
by withdrawing the brix nut
adjustment screw as far as
it will go (turn counterclock wise). At this point the flow
will be at a minimum.
The 424 or 324 ceramic
flow controls can be
adjusted from 1.5 oz. /sec.
to 3.0 oz. /sec. T urn the
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soda brix nut adjustment screw five full turns clockwise and the flow rate should be close to 2.5 oz/sec.
You will need to fine tune from there. F or fast flow ,
continue adjusting the valv e until you get 7.5 oz. of
soda in 3 seconds. Once the soda flow rate is set, then
establish the syrup ratio in exactly the sam e way.
The 464GP ceramic flow controls can be adjusted from
2.0 oz./sec. to 4.0 oz./sec. Turn the soda brix nut
adjustment screw five full turns clockwise and the flow
rate should be close to 3.0 oz./sec. You will need to
fine tune from there. For fast flow, continue adjust ing
the valve until you get 9.0 oz. Of soda in 3 seconds.
Once the soda flow rate is set, then establish the sy rup
ratio in exactly the same wa y.
Most brix cups are calibrated for a sta ndard brix r atio.
Adjust the syrup flow with movement of the adjusting
screw until the desired ratio is established. Some Flomatic valves are equipped with a flow washer on the
water side instead of flow controls. In that case, it is
not necessary to set the flow rate. Simply se t the
syrup ratio and you are done.
Flomatic juice valves may combine with a flow washer
on the water side. The syrup side may be manufactured
with a flow control or metering screw. The metering
screw turns clockwise to close and counter clockwise to
open. The screw does not have a stop; be sure not
to withdraw completely when under pressure.
When converting a manual 424 valve to electric solenoid operation, the actuators need to be removed prior
to installing the yoked armature soleno id coil. The
actuators are the white pivots that engage the pallet
Synchronization should only be nece ssary when converting an electric to manual v alv e, in which case y ou
may be adding the actuators. The soda a djustment
screw needs to be adjusted until it is snug (not tight ).
If too tight, the valve will remain open and leak. Set
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