Infrared Accessories
GZG 1029
Swivel joint for positioning an IR radiator
GZP 10 Mounting plate
IZK 20 Mounting clamp
IZM 20 Cluster mounting kit
GZG 1029
Swivel joint for aligning radiators. SZI 1029 and SZI 1015 radiators can be directly connected;
SI 30 and SZI 30 require the IZK 20 mounting clamp.
GZP 10
Mounting plate for antenna with 3/8“ thread. Equipment can be attached directly or via GZG 1029.
IZK 20
Mounting clamp for secure attachment of an SI 30/SZI 30.
IZM 20
Contains a flange with 3/8” internal thread at the bottom and screws for mounting two,
three or four SI 30 / SZI 30. Every modulator/radiator must be provided with an IZK mounting clamp
(not included). The radiators can be rotated individually.
The swivel joint shall contain a 3/8“
external thread at the top and a 3/8“
internal thread at the bottom and shall be
designed for aligning radiators. The swivel
joint shall allow for direct connection of the
SZI 1029 and SZI 1015 radiators. The SI 30
and SZI 30 must utilize the IZK 20
mounting clamp.
The swivel joint shall be available in black or
white. The black version shall be the
Sennheiser GZG 1029, the white version
shall be the Sennheiser GZG 1029-1.
Continued on page 2
GZG 1029
Threads ...................................................................... top: 3/8“ external thread
bottom: 3/8“ internal thread
Color ...........................................................................black (or white, GZG 1029-1)
GZP 10
Thread........................................................................top: 3/8“ external thread
Color ...........................................................................black
IZK 20
Thread........................................................................3/8“ internal thread
Color ...........................................................................black
IZM 20
Threads ......................................................................3/8“ and 5/8“ internal thread
Color ...........................................................................black
Infrared Accessories
Contact your local Service Partner:
GZG 1029 Swivel joint for positioning an IR radiator,
GZP 10 Mounting plate, IZK 20 Mounting clamp, IZM 20 Cluster mounting kit
The mounting plate shall provide a 3/8“ external thread for antenna attachment. The equipment shall be mountable directly to the
mounting plate or via the GZG 1029 swivel joint. The color of the mounting
plate shall be black. The mounting plate shall be the Sennheiser GZP 10.
The mounting clamp shall provide a 3/8“ internal thread for wall or ceiling mounting an SI 30/SZI 30. The color of the mounting
clamp shall be black. The mounting clamp shall be the Sennheiser IZK 20.
The cluster mounting kit shall contain a 3/8“ and 5/8“ internal thread for mounting two to four SI 30/SZI 30. Every modulator/
radiator must utilize one IZK 20 mounting clamp (not included). The color of the mounting kit shall be black. The cluster mounting
kit shall be the Sennheiser IZM 20.
GZG 1029 (black) Art.No: 03226
GZG 1029-1 (white) Art.No: 03227
GZP 10 Art.No: 003193
IZK 20 Art.No: 003560
IZM 20 Art.No: 003561
Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Am Labor 1, 30900 Wedemark, Germany
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