Sennheiser EZX 70 Instruction Manual

EZX 70
Bluetooth headset for phone calls
Instruction manual
EZX 70 | 1
Important safety information ...................................................................... 2
The EZX 70 Bluetooth headset ..................................................................... 4
Delivery includes ............................................................................................ 5
Product overview ........................................................................................... 6
Overview o f picto g ram s ............................................................................... 7
Overview o f butto ns ..................................................................................... 8
Overview o f the LED indications ................................................................. 9
Putt ing the EZX 70 into operation ............................................................ 10
Charging the he ad se t .................................................................................. 10
Co nnec ting the he ad se t to a Bluetooth de vice
..................................... 1 1
Using the EZX 70 .......................................................................................... 13
Ind ividually adjusting the headset and we aring it ............................... 1 3
Switching t he he ad se t on/ o ff ................................................................... 14
Retrie ving info rm ation o n the rem aining talk time
............................. 15
Chang ing the speaker vo lume ................................................................... 1 6
Making calls using the he adset ................................................................. 1 7
Cleaning and maintaining the EZX
70 ...................................................... 20
If a proble m occurs ... .................................................................................. 20
Rest o ring fact o ry d efault set tings ( Reset) ............................................ 21
If yo u are out o f the Bluetooth transm ission range ............................. 2 1
Specifications ............................................................................................... 22
Manufacturer Declarations ......................................................................... 23
Impo rtant safe ty inf o rmatio n
2 | EZX 70
Important safety information
Read this instructio n m anual carefully and comp letely b efo re using the
pro duct.
Always inc lude t his instruction manual w he n passing the product on to
rd p arties.
Do no t use an obv io usly def e ctive
pro d uct.
Preventing da mage to health and accidents
Do no t listen at high volume levels for long periods of time to prevent he ar
ing damag e.
Always m aintain a d istance of at le ast 3 .9 4 “ (10 cm ) b etw een the e ar
cup s and the card iac pacemake r or implanted d efib rillato r sinc e the pro duct g enerate s pe rma ne nt magne tic fields.
Keep the p ro duct, accesso ries and pac
kag ing p arts o ut o f reach o f chil-
dre n and pets to pre ve nt accidents and cho king hazards.
Do not use the p roduct in an e nvironment that req uires y o ur spe
atte ntion ( e.g. in traf f ic) .
Do not w e ar the head se t during charging since the recharg eab le
te ry can get warm.
Preventing damage to the product and malfunctions
Always ke ep the pro duct dry and do not e xp o se it to extrem e te mpe ra­tures ( hairdrye r, heater, extende d
expo sure to sunlight, etc.) to avo id
co rrosio n o r d efo rm ation.
Only use attachments/ acce sso ries sup
plied o r reco m mende d by Se nn-
he iser.
Only cle an the product w ith a so ft, dry cloth.
Only use t he prod uct in enviro
nm ents whe re w ireless Bluetooth
missio n is pe rmitted.
Intended use/ Liability
The EZX 7 0 is an accesso ry f o r mobile p ho nes or any Bluet ooth co m pliant de vice with a “ hand s f ree p rofile” ( HFP) , a “ he adset prof ile” (HSP) o r the “ advanc ed audio dist ribut ion prof ile” ( A2 DP). It is intended f o r wireless co m m unication via Bluetooth co nnection.
It is co nside red im pro per use when this
pro duct is used f or any app licat ion
no t name d in this instructio n manual.
Sennhe ise r does no t acce pt liability f o r damag e arising fro m ab use or misuse o f this pr
oduct and its at tachme nt s/ ac ce ssories.
Sennhe iser is not liab le for damages to
USB de vices th at are no t co nsistent
with the USB spe cificatio ns.
Sennhe ise r is no t liable for damages res ulting f ro m the lo ss o f co nnection due to flat o r o v e rag ed rech arg eable batte ries or exceed ing the B luetooth transm ission rang e .
Impo rtant safe ty inf o rmatio n
EZX 70
| 3
Safety instructions for standard/ rechargeable batteries
In e xt rem e ca se s, abuse o r misuse o f sta
ndard/ rechargeable b atteries ca n
lead to:
• fire de velo pment,
• he at gen eratio n or
• sm o ke or gas d e ve lo pm e nt.
Dispo se o f produc ts with built-in rechargeable b at ­te ries at spe cial collection po int s o r return the m to yo ur specialist dealer.
Switch rechargeable batt ery-po w e red prod ucts off after use.
Only use recharg eable b at ­te ries recomm e nded b y Sennhe ise r and the ap pro ­priat e chargers.
When no t using recharg e­ab le b atteries f o r exte nd e d pe riods o f time, charg e them regularly ( ab o ut every 3 m o nt hs).
Only charg e recharg e ab le batt eries at am b ient t em­pe ratures b etw een 10°C/ 50°F and 4 0 ° C/ 1 0 4 °F.
Do not heat abo ve 7 0°C/ 158°F, e.g. do not e xp o se to sun light o r throw into a fire .
The EZX 70 Blueto oth head set
4|EZX 70
The EZX 70 Bluetooth headset
The EZX 70 B luetooth headset is the wireless solution fo r pho ne calls with sup erb so und qua lit y. The EZX 7 0’ s lo ng bat te ry lif e o f up to 8 ho urs m ake s it especially suitab le for professional applications. The Sennheiser dig ital noise and echo cancellation b locks out annoying interference – witho ut co mpromising on co nvenience, such as easy o ne -hand operation.
The EZX 70 co mplies with the Bluet oot h 3 .0 stand ard and is co mpatible with all Bluetooth 1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2.1 and 3 .0 devices with a “ hands f ree pro­file” (HFP) , a “ headset profile” (HSP) or the “ advance d audio distribution profile” ( A2DP). The EZX 70 pro vides w ireless free do m to give hands-f ree co nvenience with y our mo bile pho ne .
Additional features of the EZX 70 Bluetooth h eadset
Hand s-free calls – allo ws fo r saf er calling and talking w hile driving o n
the road due to Bluetooth 3.0 wireless te chnolog y
Easy call cont rol – co ntrol yo ur calls e ff o rtlessly with its easy-touch
multifunct ion butto n
Long talk time – allows co nt inuo us talk fo r up to 8 hours, and w ill last
fo r up to 10 days if yo u ke ep it on standb y mo de
Best-in-class, noise-canceling microphone – filters o ut unwante d
background no ise so only yo ur vo ice is transm itte d fo r clear co nv ersa­tions
Clear and natural sound quality – delivers natural voice and HD sound
fo r clear conversations and o ptimal so und experience
A2DP streaming – allows yo u to enjo y HD music, po dcast, etc.
Voice prom pt for t alk t im e and connection st at us – te lls you about
yo ur headset’ s connection status and its rem aining talk time
Real-t im e bat t ery monit orin g – indicate s the battery status o f y our
headset directly o n your iPhone
S lim and lightweight des ign – w eighs o nly 9 g rams so it’s comf o rtable
to wear – and it looks good on the ears too
Multi -connectivity – connects conve niently to two devices at a time –
e.g ., pho ne s and co mputers
Easy chargin g – co nne ct the USB charging cab le to yo ur device and a
po wer so urce, such as a co mpute r, and you’re go o d to go
Delivery include s
EZX 70
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Delivery includes
EZX 70 Bluetooth headset with b uilt- in recharge able Lithium- Polymer b at te ry
USB charging cable
Quick Guide
Safety Guide
A list of accesso ries can b e fo und at ww w .se nnhe m. Fo r infor­matio n, co ntact yo ur local Se nnhe iser partne r: www .sennhe ise m > “ Sales Partner“ .
Quick Guide
Safety Guide
Prod uct o verview
6 | EZX 70
Product overview
1 Socket for USB charging c ab le 2 Multi-f unction butto n 3 On/ o f f sw itch 4 LED 5 Microp ho ne
6 Volum e – button 7 Speaker 8 Volum e + bu tto n 9 Earho o k
Prod uct o verview
EZX 70
| 7
Overview of pictograms
Me aning of the pictograms for pressing a button
Me aning of the pictogr ams for the beeps
Me anin g of the p ictograms f or the f lashing of the LED
Exa mp le s o f so m e o f the pict o gra ms that a re used t hro ugho ut this instruc­tio n m anual:
The pictogram “i”
Pictogram Meaning
Briefly pre ss this butt o n.
Double-press this b ut to n.
Keep this b utto n pre ssed f o r 3 se co nds.
Pictogram Meaning
Asc ending se quence o f b eep s
Desc ending se quence o f beep s
One b e ep
Several be eps
Two des ce nd ing b eep s
Two as ce nd ing b eep s
Pictogram Meaning
This pict o g ram sy mbo lizes a f lashing.
This pict o g ram sy mbo lizes an interruption.
This pict o g ram sy mbo lizes a time inte rva l.
Pictogram Meaning
The LED flashe s rapidly.
The LED flas he s o nce eve ry 3 sec o nd s.
The LED flashe s 3 t imes pe r se co nd.
Notes marked w ith the picto gram “ i” pro vid e impo rtan t inf ormation on the use o f the headse t.
2 x
3 s
4s 4s
3s 3s 3s 3s
+ 19 hidden pages