Impo rtant safe ty inf o rmatio n
2 | EZX 70
Important safety information
왘 Read this instructio n m anual carefully and comp letely b efo re using the
pro duct.
왘 Always inc lude t his instruction manual w he n passing the product on to
rd p arties.
왘 Do no t use an obv io usly def e ctive
pro d uct.
Preventing da mage to health and accidents
Do no t listen at high volume levels for long periods of time to prevent
he ar
ing damag e.
왘 Always m aintain a d istance of at le ast 3 .9 4 “ (10 cm ) b etw een the e ar
cup s and the card iac pacemake r or implanted d efib rillato r sinc e the
pro duct g enerate s pe rma ne nt magne tic fields.
왘 Keep the p ro duct, accesso ries and pac
kag ing p arts o ut o f reach o f chil-
dre n and pets to pre ve nt accidents and cho king hazards.
왘 Do not use the p roduct in an e nvironment that req uires y o ur spe
atte ntion ( e.g. in traf f ic) .
왘 Do not w e ar the head se t during charging since the recharg eab le
te ry can get warm.
Preventing damage to the product and malfunctions
Always ke ep the pro duct dry and do not e xp o se it to extrem e te mpe ratures ( hairdrye r, heater, extende d
expo sure to sunlight, etc.) to avo id
co rrosio n o r d efo rm ation.
왘 Only use attachments/ acce sso ries sup
plied o r reco m mende d by Se nn-
he iser.
왘 Only cle an the product w ith a so ft, dry cloth.
왘 Only use t he prod uct in enviro
nm ents whe re w ireless Bluetooth
missio n is pe rmitted.
Intended use/ Liability
The EZX 7 0 is an accesso ry f o r mobile p ho nes or any Bluet ooth co m pliant
de vice with a “ hand s f ree p rofile” ( HFP) , a “ he adset prof ile” (HSP) o r the
“ advanc ed audio dist ribut ion prof ile” ( A2 DP). It is intended f o r wireless
co m m unication via Bluetooth co nnection.
It is co nside red im pro per use when this
pro duct is used f or any app licat ion
no t name d in this instructio n manual.
Sennhe ise r does no t acce pt liability f o r damag e arising fro m ab use or
misuse o f this pr
oduct and its at tachme nt s/ ac ce ssories.
Sennhe iser is not liab le for damages to
USB de vices th at are no t co nsistent
with the USB spe cificatio ns.
Sennhe ise r is no t liable for damages res ulting f ro m the lo ss o f co nnection
due to flat o r o v e rag ed rech arg eable batte ries or exceed ing the B luetooth
transm ission rang e .