Thank you for choosing Sennheiser!
We have designed this product to give you reliable operation over many
Please take a few moments to read these instructions carefully, as we want you
to enjoy your new Sennheiser product quickly and to the full.
Chapter Contents ........................................................................................................................................... Page
1 Brief description ............................................................................................................................... .. 29
2 Special features .................................................................................................................................. 29
3 Modes of application ......................................................................................................................... 29
4 Noise reduction with HiDyn
5 Diversity reception ............................................................................................................................. 31
6 Connections and operating elements ............................................................................................ 32
7 Mounting the antennæ ...................................................................................................................... 33
8 Mounting the EK 3041-U into the Philips LDK 120 ........................................................................ 34
9 Mounting the EK 3041-U into the Ikegami HL-V77 ....................................................................... 35
10 Mounting the EK 3041-U into the Sony SX .................................................................................... 36
11 Power supply ....................................................................................................................................... 37
12 Putting the receiver into operation / Switching the receiver on ............................................. 37
13 Switching the receiver off ................................................................................................................ 37
14 Display of receiving frequency or channel number ................................................................... 38
15 Overview of menus ............................................................................................................................. 38
16 „Fast search“ function ...................................................................................................................... 39
17 Adjusting the headphone volume ................................................................................................... 40
18 Adjusting the squelch ........................................................................................................................ 41
19 Changing the receiving frequency .................................................................................................. 42
20 Assigning a channel number ........................................................................................................... 43
21 Limiter .................................................................................................................................................... 44
22 Locking the operating buttons / „Lock mode“ function ............................................................. 4 5
23 Sennheiser transmitters report their battery/accupack status ............................................... 46
24 Suitable Sennheiser transmitters ................................................................................................... 47
25 Safety instructions ............................................................................................................................. 48
26 Error messages ................................................................................................................................... 48
27 Error checklist ..................................................................................................................................... 48
28 Recommended accessories ............................................................................................................. 49
29 Technical data ..................................................................................................................................... 50
.................................................................................................. 30

1 Brief description
The EK 3041-U is a miniature true diversity radiomicrophone receiver
designed for use with the new digital ENG camcorders. It can be inserted in
the slot-in facility of most professional camcorders such as the Philips LDK
120, Ikegami Hl-77 or Sony SX. Together with a suitable Sennheiser UHF
pocket or hand-held transmitter, a highly reliable radio link can be set up.
Annoying noise is effectively suppressed by HiDyn
, the Sennheiser noise
reduction system.
Interchangeable mounting kits (for mounting the receiver into camcorders)
ensure suitability for a great variety of applications.
2 Special features
• Compact design
• Robust all-metal housing
• Easy to use due to menu-assisted operation
• Up to 32 pre-programmed receiving frequencies
• High transmission reliability due to true diversity reception
• HiDyn
noise reduction system with more than 100 dB signal-to-noise ratio
• Powered via camcorder or GA 3041-B power adaptor
• Indication of transmitter battery status* („Low battery“)
• Mounting kits available for all current professional camcorders
• Weather-proof and therefore suitable for outdoor applications
• Stereo FM working on the „pilot tone“ principle
3 Modes of application
The EK 3041-U can be
• used as a „slot-in“ receiver inserted in the slot-in facility of professional
• inserted in a special housing for attachment to camcorders without slot-
in facility
• used as mobile receiver inserted in a belt pouch
• used as a small stationary receiver system mounted into a mini-rack
* only with Sennheiser transmitters transmitting battery status information

4 Noise reduction with HiDyn
This receiver is equipped with HiDyn
, the Sennheiser noise reduction
system that reduces RF interference. It increases the signal-to-noise ratio in
wireless audio transmission to more than 100 dB.
is a wideband compander system which compresses the AF level
on the transmitter side in a ratio of 2:1 (related to dB), and expands it in an
exactly the same way on the receiver side. The optimisation of the dynamic
range and the supporting effect of the control amplifier in the transmitter
effectively reduce modulation problems.
has been specially developed for use in high quality radiomicrophone
Only transmitters which are also equipped with HiDyn
work correctly in combination with the EK 3041-U receiver. If
this is not the case, the dynamic range is drastically reduced
and the transmission sounds blunt and flat. HiDyn
be switched off on the EK 3041-U receiver.

receiver 1
electronic switching
from one signal to another
receiver 2
5 Diversity reception
The EK 3041-U receiver operates on the „true diversity“ principle:
A receiving antenna receives not only the electromagnetic waves which reach
it by a direct path, but also the reflections of these waves which are created in
the room by walls, windows, ceilings and fittings. When these waves are
superimposed, destructive interference occurs, which can also be called „field
strength gaps“. Repositioning the receiving antenna can bring a solution,
provided the transmitter remains in its original position. With mobile
transmitters and receivers, however, the „field strength gap“ will then occur
with a different transmitter or receiver position. These field strength gaps“ can
only be eliminated with true diversity receivers.
In true diversity, instead of one antenna and one receiver there are now two
antenna and two receiver sections. The antenna are spatially separated. By
means of a comparison circuit, the receiver section with the strongest RF
signal is always switched to the common AF output. The switching is
inaudible. True diversity makes sense because, at UHF frequencies, even
antenna placed only a few centimetres apart provide effective protection
against interference caused by „field strength gaps“. The risk of the occurrence
of field strength gaps“ in both antenna at the same time is virtually nonexistant.

6 Connections and operating elements
햲햳햴햶햷 햸햵
햲 SET button for menu selection and programming
햳 Antenna socket, diversity branch A
햴 ON / OFF switch
햵 Multi-function display panel
햶 Button for adjusting the settings of a selected menu (cycling downwards)
햷 Button for adjusting the settings of a selected menu (cycling upwards)
햸 Antenna socket, diversity branch B

7 Mounting the antennæ
Your EK 3041-U receiver is supplied with two antenna which are necessary
for true diversity operation (see chapter 5). The length of the antenna has been
matched to the frequency range of your EK 3041-U receiver.
Insert the antenna into sockets 햳 and 햸 and screw them tight.

8 Mounting the EK 3041-U into the
Philips LDK 120 camcorder
Mount the base plate
suitable for the Philips
camcorder and fix it
to the left and right of the
receiver by means of two screws.
The Philips adaptor features
a 44-pin connector (accessories).
Mounting the receiver into the camcorder:
• Fix the receiver (from above) to the mounting frame by means of four
small screws.
• Insert the receiver in the slot-in facility until the 44-pin connector securely
• Fix the receiver to the slot-in facility by means of the two knurled screws.