Sencore TC154 Service Manual

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When test ing e lectronic equipme nt, there i s alw ays a danger present. Unexpect ed high vo lta ges can be pres ent a t unusual lo cations in de fective equipment. The t ec h nic i an should bec ome familiar with the device that he i s wo rking on and observe the follow ing pre cautions.
1. An isolation transformer should always be used on equipment hav ing the chassis tied to one sid e of the AC po wer l in e.
2. When ma king test lead connections to h igh vo ltage point s, remove the power, i f this cann ot be d one, b e sur e to av oid contact with other equ i pment or metal ob jects. Place o ne hand in yo ur poc ket as a safety pre cauti on and stand on an in sulated floor to reduce the possibil ity of s hoc k.
3. Disc ha rge filter cap acit ors b efore connec ting tes t l eads to the m. Capacitors c an stor e a charge that co uld be dangerous to the tec hnician.
4. Be su re your equipment is in good order. Broken or frayed test leads can be ext re m el y d angerous and can e xpo se the t echnician to dangerous potentia ls.
5. Remov e the test leads i mmediately after the test has be en completed to reduce
the po ss ibil ity o f shock.
6. Do not work alone when w orki ng on hazardous circuits. A l ways have another perso n close by in case of ac cident. Remem be r, even a minor shock ca n be the cau se o f a m ore seri ous ac cident, suc h as falling against the equipment , or comin g in contact with higher voltages.
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS....................................................................................................
Tests the Mighty M i te will make
Acqu aintin g yourself with the Mighty M ite
Operating the Mi ghty M ite .....................................................................................
Add i tional Tes ts and Func tions of the M i g h ty M i te
Setting up the Might y Mite for new tubes
Exa mple o f s etting up the Mi ghty M ite...............................................................
MAINTEN ANCE...................................................................................................................
Disassembl y In structi on s
Emissi on Calibrat ion................................................................................................
Circ uit d escript ion
Tr oub l e chaxt...............................................................................................................
Parts L ist......................................................................................................................
Ser vice and Warranty................................................................................................
Fi g. 1 - 9QL T ube bas i n g .....................................................................................
Fig . 2 - Cal Mod ule Schematic..............................................................................
Fi g. 3 - P. C. Board la y out
Fig. 4 - Schemati c d ia gram .................................................................................
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The new Senco re Might y Mite VI r eprese nts a unique brea kthrough in tube testers . The M ighty Mite VI is compl etely solid state using the FET in a balanced b rid ge for an i nstant on checker. This new outs tanding fe ature means that no time is wasted wa i t ing f or the checker to warm up and stabil iz e before accurate testing c an begi n. The new Migh ty Mite is ready as s oon as itis turnedon. A full load cat hod e cur rent ch eck, high se nsitivi ty grid leakage check, and the famo us Se ncore Stethoscopi c shorts test ma ke this the ideal check er for service work and the man o n the go. Check the fe atures of the Mighty Mi t e below :
* Full load cathode current ch eck to pick out the weak tubes othe r checkers miss. * 100 megohm grid leakag e sensitiv ity to find the tough dog tubes f ast. * Steth osc opi c sh or ts test of 300K to pic k out true shorts in the tube. * Burnout pro of meter , ev en if a shorted tube is tested backwa rds. * FET bal anced bridge c ircui tr y for instant on action and greater accura cy . * All steel c ase f or ma xim um pr otectio n and g ood looks for the life o f the checker.
Cathode Emission Test : Fu ll load curren t draw n throug h tube up to 120 mA . Max applied voltage, 40 VAC RMS.
Grid Leakage Test: Good a rea, in finity to 200 megohm s, ? ar ea , 200 to 100 megohm s
and the Bad area 100 megohm s o r l e ss.
Shor ts Test: 300,000 oh ms or less will caus e s horts li ght to come on. Maxim um
applied voltage, 40 VAC RMS. Power: 105 to 12 5 VAC, 50/ 60 Hertz at 32 watts maximum.
Cathode Emission: The Mi g hty M i te tests all tubes at near their full ra ted cathode curr ent level for the best emi ssion c heck. Th is is very import ant as many te ster s
do not test at this high lev el of cu rren t and c an pass many tubes as g ood that wil l not
work satisfactor ily in the ci rc uit. Thi s test is ver y important o n high power tubes such a s rect if ier s, horizont al and sound output tubes. Grid Le akage T est: Gr id lea kage or grid emi ssion in a tube can upset many c ircuits, incl udin g the AGC, Chrom a, Video , Sy nc, ando th er s. Grid cur rents as low as one microam pc an change the bias in th ese circui ts causing many headaches. TheM igh ty Mite det ec ts grid cu rren t as low a s one-half a mic roamp or 1 00 megohms to pi ck out these tr ouble making tu bes that ar e ofte n m issed by oth er tube checker s. As soon as the tube is warm en o ugh to indicate ca thode emissi on, the gri d leaka ge test can be pref ormed.
Shorts Test: T h e Sencore "S teth oscopic " shorts test pic ks out t rue sh orts betw een el eme nt s in the tube of 300,000 oh ms or les s. Above this val ue, the sho rt s light may flicker indicat ing a high re sis tance s ho rt in the tube. The a ppl ied v oltage is kept be low the 50 volt maximum to pre ve nt damage to frame gri d tubes andnuv istors . Th is prevents the Migh t y Mite from damaging tubes and introdu cing a sh or t in the tube that was not there befor e.
ACQUAINTING YOURSELF WITH THE MIGHTY MITE The Mighty Mite is compose d of four setup control s and four push button switc hes.
The four controls marked A - FILAME NT, B - LOAD, C - SETUP, and D - SETUP are s et accor ding to the in for ma tion in the setup chart. The tube is inserted into on e of the thi rte en soc kets num bered fr om on e to thirte en as ind ica ted in the setup chart. Th e Grid Cap lead, located in the low er c or ne r of the fr ont panel, is pla ced on tubes ha ving a gri d or pla te cap. The d esired function is selecte d by depres sing
the button corre sponding with t he test de sired , Emission, Short s, or Gr id Leakage.
The tests can be made in any orde r witho ut damag e to the che cker, even i f th e tube
under tes t is s horted.
1. Plug the AC lin e c ord into a 105 to 125 VAC, 50 to 60 He rtz rec eptacle.
2. Locate the tube in the s etup chart in the cov er. The tub es are listed numerically and alphab etical ly. L ookin g to the r ight of th e tube number, note the s etup in formation for the cont ro ls A, B, C, D, and socket n umber. Some tubes have more than one li sting indicating the tube has more than one section to be tested. Each s ecti on of a m ult iple section tube is tes ted separ ately.
3. Set the controls A, B, C, and D as i ndicated in the se tup chart and inse rt the tube in t o the socke t listed. W h ere more than one setti ng is listed, make the tests on each setting . The shorts test need be mad e only once on most tubes.
4. Depress the SHORTS button and check the METER ZERO adj ust for aO indication
on the meter. Th en rotate the "D" swit ch through all its positi ons noting the SHORTS light. The light will glow if a sh or t of 300,00 0 oh ms or less is present . If th e ligh t does glow , be sur e it glows on both elem ents. In some tubes, short s e xist that do not a ffect the operatio n of the tube are marked with an asterisk (*) in the tube chart. If the SHORTS lightglows on the m arked points o f the "D" swi tch, then no shorts that will affect the tube operation are present. If the SHORTS light gl ows on a poin t other than that m arked in the setup book , then a short is presen t. Some tubes may show a short on on ly one pin of the tube. Th is is because the suppressor grid is tie d to the cathode of the tube in ternal ly and may indicate a short on only one positio n of the D" s witch. If the short is p resent on two or more po sitions, than a shortd oes e xist. The tube should be rej ec ted for sho rts, except if they are indicated in the se tup book. NOTE: A few tubes marked with an aster is k i n the setup book and ind ica ting a s havin g a nor ma l short m ay not show any shorts on the M i ghty Mite. This is because some tube manu factu rers use the s pa re base pins f or extra inter nal connect ions, whereas other man ufa c turer s of the same tube may not.
5. If th e tube passes the SHORTS test, depress the EMISSION button and read the em iss ion qua l ity o f the tube on the top scale of the meter . A tube indi cat ing in the quest ionab le ar ea of the meter may or m ay not b e reject ed depe nding upon you and your cus tomer .
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