Sencore MIP 1664 Startup Manual

MIP 1664 MPEG/IP Streamer
Startup Manual
February 2015
Form 7525A | 1.605.978.4600 Revision 1.1
MIP 1664 – Startup Manual
© 2012 Sencore, Inc. All rights reserved. 3200 Sencore Drive, Sioux Falls, SD USA This publication contains confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information. No part of this document may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any machine-readable or electronic format without prior written permission from Sencore. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and Sencore Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies. Sencore, Sencore Inc, and the Sencore logo are trademarks or registered trademarks in the United States and other countries. All other products or services mentioned in this document are identified by the trademarks, service marks, or product names as designated by the companies who market those products. Inquiries should be made directly to those companies. This document may also have links to third-party web pages that are beyond the control of Sencore. The presence of such links does not imply that Sencore endorses or recommends the content on those pages. Sencore acknowledges the use of third-party open source software and licenses in some Sencore products. This freely available source code can be obtained by contacting Sencore Inc.
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Sencore is an engineering leader in the development of high-quality signal transmission solutions for the broadcast, cable, satellite, IPTV, and telecommunications markets. The company's world-class portfolio includes video delivery products, system monitoring and analysis solutions, and test and measurement equipment, all designed to support system interoperability and backed by best-in-class customer support. Sencore products meet the rapidly changing needs of modern media by ensuring the efficient delivery of high-quality video from the source to the home. More information about Sencore is available at the
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MIP 1664 – Startup Manual
There is always a danger present when using electronic equipment.
Unexpected high voltages can be present at unusual locations in defective equipment and signal distribution systems. Become familiar with the equipment you are working with and observe the following safety precautions.
Every precaution has been taken in the design of the MIP 1664 to ensure t
hat it is as safe as possible. However, safe operation depends on you the operator.
Always be sure your equipment is in good working order. Ensure that all p
oints of connection are secure to the chassis and that protective covers ar e in place and secured with fasteners.
Never work alone when working in hazardous conditions. Always have an
other person close by in case of an accident.
Always refer to the manual for safe operation. If you have a question abou
t the application or operation call SENCORE for assistance.
Never allow your equipment to be exposed to water or high moisture envir
onments. If exposed to a liquid, remove power safely (at the breaker) and send your equipment to be serviced by a qualified technician.
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