Sencore LC102 User Manual

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32 00 Sencore Drive, Slou*
Fails, South Dakota 57107
SIMPLIFIED OPERATIONS ........................................4
Introduction ......................................................... 6
Specifications ..............................................................6
Controls ........................ .....................-......................8
Rear Panei Features
Supplied Accessories........................................ 10a
Optional Accessories
AC Power Operation ..........................................
Battery Operation.....................................................12
Battery Test .........................................................
Recharging the Battery............................ 14
Auto O ff
STOP TESTING Indication .......................................14
Test Leads................................................... 14
Test Lead Mounting C lip
Test Lead Adapter..............................................
Test Lead Fuse...................................................15
Lead Zeroing.......................................................16
Entering Component Data .......................................16
Error C odes....................................... ................ 18
Capacitor Testing ................................
Capacitance Measurement Accuracy ......... 19
Measuring Small Capacitance Values in
Noisy Environments ...
Capacitor Parameter Testing..................................20
Measuring Capacitor Value
Measuring Capacitor Dielectric Absorption .... 20
Measuring Capacitor Leakage (Microamps) ... 21
Leakage Charts ..................................
Measuring Capacitor Leakage (ohms) .............24
Measuring Capacitor ES R..................................25
Capacitor Automatic GOOD/BAD Testing
Inductor Testing......................................................29
Balancing Out Lead Inductance
Inductor Value Testing .............................
Inductor Automatic GOOD/BAD Testing
Checking Inductors with the Ringer Test
GOOD/BAD Inductor Value Testing
............................................................ - 14
Paper, Mica and Film Capacitor Ceramic Capacitors Aluminum Electrolytics ... Tantalum Electrolytics ... Non-polarized Electrolytics
Aluminum Electrolytics ..................................23
Tantalum Electrolytics -. ..................................
.............Inside Front Cover
........... ...................................10
........... ............ ........
......... .................. .....
.......... 30
29 30
22 22 22
Connecting the LC102 for IEEE Operation.............31
Sending Data to the LC102
Component Type Commands............................33
Value Multipliers
Test Function Commands ............ ......................
General Commands ...........................................35
Reading Data from the LC102
Data Format............... ......
Separating Data Fields
Advanced Programming Ideas ..............................37
Error Testing ......................................................
GOOD/BAD Results
Shorted Capacitors .............................................38
Open Inductors ...................................................38
Making Leakage Tests with IE EE
Making ESR Tests with IEEE ............................38
Programming Examples
Sending Listener Codes ....................................39
Sending Talker Codes
Sample Programs
Introduction .. Indentifying Capacitor Types
Aluminum Electrolytics
Tantalum Electrolytics
Double Layer Electrolytics..................................46
Ceramic Capacitors............................................46
AH Other Capacitors ................... 47
Identifying Inductor Types .....................................47
Yokes and Flybacks Switching Transformers Coils ...
Identify Unknown Components..............................48
Capacitor Testing Applications ..............................49
Interpreting Capacitor Value Readings
Dielectric Stress................... ......... ... ................. .
Checking Leakage in Multi-Section Lytics .... 49
Intermittent Capacitors
Checking Ceramic Temperature
Checking Capacitance of Silicon Diodes
Testing High Voltage Diodes..............................51
Reforming Electrolytics
Inductor Testing Applications..................................52
Testing Inductors In-Circuit............. ...................52
Mutual Inductance ...............................................52
Ringing Peaking C oils
Ringing Metal Shielded Coils
Ringing Flyback Transformers ..........................53
Ringing Deflection Yokes ..................................54
Note on Solid State Yokes & Flybacks.............55
Characteristics...................................................5 0
and Transistors ................................................
................................. 33
................................. ....
...................................... ....
...................................... ........
..... .......
......... ...
36 37
38 39 39
49 49
Cable Testing Applications
Testing Coaxial Cabie
Determining the Distance to O pe n
Locating a Short in Coaxial Cable ...............56
Determining Capacitance & Inductance
per foot .........................................................57
Using the LC102 to Find Aging Cable .........57
Hi Potential Testing.................................................57
Measuring Resistor to 1 Gigohm ... Applications of the Leakage Power Supply
Recalibration and Service .......................................59
Circuit Description an d Calibration Procedures ... 59
Replacement Leads.............................................. ...59
Spare Button
Test Lead Fuse ........................................... ...........
Fuse Replacement
Display Te st.................... ............................. ...........
Capacitor Theory and the AUTO-Z Capacitor Types
Aluminum Electrolytics ......................................
Tantalum Electrolytics ..................... ...................62
A Capacitor is more than a Capacitor............. 63
Dielectric Absorption
Effective Series Resistance
Value Change
............................................................. 59
........ ............... ..........
............................................................. 61
...................................................... 63
................................... .................
, 60
63 64 64
Capacitor Parameter Tests
7. Read VALUE of capacitor 9 . Rea d % of 13. Re a d LEAKAGE in in pF, uF, or F on display D/A on display / uA or mA on display
15. Rea d ESR in ohms on display
6. Pus h button
-12. Pu s h button
* 8. Pus h button
14. Push button
1. Open test leads
3. Short test leads 2 . Momentarily h oi
5 . Connect capacitor to test leads switch to OPE N
positio n 4. Momentarily hold switch
Inductor Parameter Tests
5. Rea d VALUE of induc to r in uH, m H or H on display
8. Read Inducto r Rin g er test on display
10. Enter rated voltage of capacitor
11. Select CURRENT position
to SHORT position
Re a d i n g of 10 or mo re indicat es good co m p o n e n t
4 . Pus h button
6. Select Inductor type
1. Sh5rt test leads
3 . Connect inductor
7 . Pus h butto n
! . Momentarily h o l d switch to
SHORT pos i ti o n
Γ -msritnr and indu ct or usage is extensive, encompas
sing aT L T ts of industrial and consumer electronics. Very f L c ?rcu. ts lack either of these comp o nents. As
the tnnsistor gave way to the IC, and the IC gave way
tn t ho I STC so capacitor and inductor usage continues
o in c re a s e rapidly since neither of these components can be physically in corporated into ICs on a broad bas i s . ThmiiA thev have changed some m physical size ,
canac ft or s still perform the same basic functions. But
? A * .vniits more than ever before, the tolerances
andparameters of capacitors and inductors are critical
to proper circuit operatio n .
Automatic lead zeroing balances out test lead capaci tance, resistance, and inductance for accurate readings on small capacitors and ind u c tors . The LC102 is pro
tected from external voltages applied to the test leads by a fuse in the TEST LEAD JACK and a special stop testing circuitry which locks out all test buttons when
voltage is sensed on the test leads.
ing from industrial equipment to avionics to cable fault
uu-ιυι;ation troubleshooting in all types of servic
locating. An optional SCR250 SCR & TRIAC TEST
ACCESSORY extends the LC102 test capabilities to
provide a fast, accurate test of these co mponents. The LC1G2 may be interfaced into any computer interface system for fully automatic, computer controlled testing
in a laboratory or incoming inspection area.
__ r.vw.y pU l'L a-
The Sencore LC102 AUTO-Z takes the guesswork out
r induct o r testing. It provides automatic
e,ts ο _ p , - Inductors are automatically
anafy ed fbrv a T u e a*d quality with patented tests. The
T Pino io o PomOlet e, automatic, mieroprocessor-con-
, n j c -+n r and inductor analyzer. Its features
" , Γ ΰ suited for both single component analyzing in service or maintenance work or for large volume, batch testing in a lab or incoming inspection.
S k valne, leakage, ESE, and a patented
Qc,rr,yp LC102 AUTO-Z is a dynamic, portable,
automatic capacitor and inductor tester. It is designed
to auicklv identify defective components by simply con-
+· X sm»ritor or inductor to the test leads and
pushi^ a tesf butt o n. The test result is readily dis -
β T fn readout in common terms. All S a ectornand inductor test results may also be dis- Dlaved as GOOD/BAD compared to standards adopted
bv the Electronic Industr i e s · Association (EIA). User
defined Hmit s may also be programmed into the LC1 02 for the GOOD/BAD co mpar ison.
In addition to
TYPE: ,45, 6 digit, 7 segment LCD READINGS: Fully autoranged with auto decimal
placement. One or two place holding zero s added as needed to provide standard value readouts of pF , u F ,
F, uH or mH.
ANNUNCIATORS: pF, uF, F, uH, mH, H, uA, mA, %,
CAPACITORS (Out of circuit)
Dynamic test of capacity value is determined by
measuring one RC time constant as capacitor is charged
to +5 V through:
1,5 Megohms for 0 - .002 uF 1 5 K iloh m s for .002 uF - 2 uF
Values above 2 uF are charged with a consta n t current
of :
60 mA for 2uF - 2000u F 416 mA for 2000 uF - 19.99 F
Maximum voltage ac r o ss capacitors larger than 2 uF limited to 1. 75 V.
Ά & Μ " upt t0 T TOlts;ESR
U 1 J a natented test, and an automatic,
checked wi , capacitor dielectric absorption. A
patented _ e vaj; Ue test provides a fast, accurate
patented inductance v g
t est of tr ue >f duc^witchmg power Lpply t rans fe r
ees, def lec t on yo ke ^ fes
mers, and other non reliable GOOD/BAD quahtv test.
ACCURACY: +/ 1% +/ lpF 47-1 digit for values
to 1990 uF. + / 5% +/-.1% of range full scale for
values 2000uF to 19. 99 F.
RESOLUTION AND RANGES: 1.0 pF to 19 . 99 F, fully
.1 pF 1.0 pF to 199.9 pF
lpF 20 0 pF to 1 999 pF
.000 01 uF 0.00 200 uF to 0.01999 uF
.0001 uF 0.02 00 uF to 0.1999 u F
.001 uF
.01 u F
lu F
1 0 uF
100 uF
.001F 0. 200 F to
0. 200 u F to 1. 999 uF
2.00 uFto 19.99 uF
20.0 uF to 19 9.9 uF 200 uF t o 1, 999 uF
2, 000 uF t o
20 ,00 0 uF to 199,90 0 uF
2.00 F to
19,990 uF
1.999 F
19.99 F
READOUT.: User selectable between leakage current
and resistance ACCURACY: +/-5% +/-1- digit APPLIED VOLTAGE: Keyboard entry; 1.0 to 999 . 9
volts in .1 volt s teps; acc u racy + 0 - 5 %. Short circuit
current limited to 900mA, power limited to 6 watts. RESOLUTION AND RANGES: .OluA to 20 mA, fully
.OluA 0.01 uA to 19.99 uA
.luA 20.0 uA to 199.9 uA
1 uA 200uAto 1999 uA
.01mA 2 . 00 mA to 19.99 mA
CAPACITOR ESR (Test patented)
ACCURACY: +/-5% +/-1 digit CAPACITOR RANGE: 1 uF to 1 9.99 F RESOLUTION AND RANGES: .10 ohm to 2000
ohm s , fully autoranged
.01 ohm O.lOohmsto 1.99-ohms
.lohm 2.0 ohms to 19.9 ohm s
1 ohm 20 o hms to 1999 oh ms
CAPACITOR D/A (U.S. Patent #4,267,503)
ACCURACY: +/- 5% of reading + / 1 count
RANGE: 1 to 100% CAPACITOR RANGE: . 01 uF to 19. 99 F
INDUCTORS (In or out of circuit)
0 1 mH
.1 mH
2. 00 mH to 19.99 mH
20.0 mH t o 200 mH to 99 9 mH
1.0 00 Hto
2.0 0 Hto 19.99 H
199.9 mH
1.9 99 H
RINGING TEST (U.S. Patent #3,990,002)
A dynamic test of inductor quality determined by apply ing an exciting pulse to the inductor and counting the number of cycles the inductor rings before reaching a preset damping point. INDUCTOR RANGE: 10 uH and larger, non -i ron core ACCURACY: -f / 1 count on readings between 8 and 1 3 Rings RESOLUTION: +/- 1 co unt EXCITING PULSE: 5 volts peak; 60 Hz rate
TEMPERATURE: operating range: 3 2° to 104CF (0°
to 4G°C) range for specified accuracy (after 10 minute warmup): 5 0° to 86°F (10° to 30°C)
POWER: 105-13 0 V AC, 60H z , 2 4 watts with supplied
PA251 power adapter. Battery operation with op tional BY234 rechargeable battery. 210 - 230V AC op eration with optional PA252 Power Adapter.
AUTO OFF: Removes power during battery operation
if unit sits idle longer than 15-20 minutes.
BATTERY LIFE: 8 hours typical inductor testing; 7
hou r s typical capacitor testing. SIZE: 6 x 9" x 11.5 (15. 2cm x 22.9 x 29.1cm) HWD WEIGHT: 6 lb s . (2.7kg) without battery, 7.6 lbs (3.4kg)
with battery GOOD/BAD INDICATION: Functions on all tests. Re
quires user input of compo n e nt type an d value, or
input of desired limits. IEEE: Requires the use of Senco r e IB72 Bus Interface
The following interface codes app ly: SHI, AH1, T8,
L4, SRO, RLO, PPO, DCO, DTC, CO. All readings
are test accuracy +/ 1 count. Specifications su b je ct to change without no t ice
INDUCTANCE VALUE (U.S. Patent #4,258,315)
A dynamic test of value determined by measuring the EMF pr od u ce d when a changing current is applied to the coil under te s t . CURRENT RATES: automatically selected
50 mA/uSec
5 mA/uSec
.5 mA/uSec
50 mA/mSec
5 mA/mSe c
.5 mA/mSec
0 5 mA/mSec
ACCURACY: +/-2% +/ - 1 digit RESOLUTION AND RANGES: .10 uH to 20 H, fully
.01 uH 0.10 u H to
.1 uH
.00 1 mH 1 . 00 0 mH t o
OuH to
18 uH t o 180 uH 180 uH t o 1 .8 mH to 18 mH
1 8 mH to
1 .8 Hto
20.0 uH t o 200 uH to
18 uH
1.8 mH
180 mH
1.8 H
19.99 H
19 . 99 uH 19 9.9 uH
999 uH
1. 999 mH
39G219 Test Leads 39G144 Test Lead Adapter 39 G201 Test Button Hold Down Rod 64G37 Test Lead Mounting Clip PA251 AC Power Adapter/Recharger
39G85 Touch Test Probe FC221 Field Calibrator BY234 Rechargeable Lead Acid Battery SCR2 50 SCR/Triac Test Accessory CC25 4 Carrying Case CH255 Component Holder CH256 Chip Component Test Lead IB72 Bus Interface Accessory PA252 220V AC Power Adapter/Recharger
C on trols
1. COMPONENT TYPE select buttons. Use with TEST butto ns (4), and COMPONENT PARAMETERS butto n s (6) for component limit testing.
a. - e. capacitor type button s - Use with other beige
color cod ed capacitor button s (4a - d) and (6m - o) .
f. SPARE - Provides a spare button to allow for
future comp o n e n t types and internal memory up
g. - i. Induct or type buttons - Use with other blue
color co ded inductor buttons (4e - f) and (6s - u).
2. LCD DISPLAY 2a. SHORT - Indicates that test leads, or component
connec ted to test lea d s , are shorted when LEAD ZERO OPEN button (9a) or CAPACITOR VALUE TEST button (4a) is pushed.
2b. OPEN - Indicates that test leads, or compon e nt
con nected to test leads, are open when LEAD ZERO SHORT bu tt on (9b) or INDUCTOR VALUE TEST button (4e) is p ushed.
2c. W AIT - Indicates internal circuits are discharg
ing after CAPACITOR LEAKAGE TEST button (4c) is released. Also indicates external voltage on test le ads . All tests are locked out while WAIT indicator is on.
2d. DIGITAL READOUT - Indicates value of test
result. Last two digits are place holder s an d indi cate 0 on large readings. Displays error message if er ro r condition exists.
2e. READING ANNUNCIATO RS - Automatically
light to qualify the reading displayed in the DIGI
2f. GOOD - Indicates that component meets pr e-de-
flned tolerance s for the test selected by TEST but ton (4).
2g. BAD - Indicates that the component does not
meet the pre-defmed tolerances for the test selected by TEST button (4).
the amou n t of leakage voltage to be applied to the TEST
LEAD (10) when the CAPACITOR LEAKAGE bu t t o n (4b) is pr esse d. Voltage is selected using COMPONENT PARAMETERS keypad (6a-l & 6r).
4. TEST buttons
a. CAPACITO R VALUE - Depress to test capacitor
b. DIELECTRIC ABSORP - Depress to read per
centage of dielectric absorption.
c. CAPACITOR LEAKAGE - Depress to test
capacito r leakage after the capacitor working vol tage is entered with the COMPONENT PARAMETERS keypad (6).
d. CAPACITOR ESR - Depress to test capacitor
e. INDUCTOR VALUE - Depress to test ind u c t o r
f. INDUCTOR RINGER - Depress for ringing (qual
ity) test on coils, yokes/fly backs and switching transformers after selecting inductor type with COMPONENT TYPE switches (lg-i).
5A. CAU TIO N IND ICATOR LED - Blinks as a warn ing when leakage voltage is set to 25 volts or higher, as indicated on APPLIED VOLTAGE LCD DISPLAY (3). Voltage is only present at test leads wh e n CAPACITOR LEAKAGE test button (4c) is depressed.
5B. PROTECTION CIRCUIT OR FUSE OPEN AL AR M - A flashing LED along with an audible ala rm will activate when either the test lead input fuse o pens or the protection circuit senses 10 volts or greater.
6. COM PONENT PARAMETERS keypad - Use to
enter parameters for limit testing..
a~k. NUMERIC IN PUT - Use to enter numerical
value portion of parameters. Use with COMPO NENT PARAMETERS buttons (m-u).
1. CLR - Push once to clear NUMERIC INPUT entry. Push twice to clear all parameters and COMPO NENT TYPE switches (1).
after NUMERIC INPUT entry (6a-k) to enter capacitor value. Push to recall entered value.
p-q. PERCENTAGE buttons - Use after
NUMERIC INPUT entry (6a-k) to enter co mpo nent tolerance. Push to recall entered value.
r. VOLTS - Use with NUMERIC INPUT (6a-k) to
select desired test voltage for capacitor leakage tests.
after NUMERIC INPUT entry (6a-k) to enter in ductor value. Pus h to recall entered value.
7. P U LL CHART - Provides simplified operating in structions and quick reference table s .
S. LE AKAGE Switch
a. CURRENT - Selects readout of leakage current
in uA or mA when CAPACITOR LEAKAGE but
ton (4c) is depr essed.
fo. OHMS - Select s readout of leakage in ohms when
CAPACITOR LEAKAGE butt o n (4c) is d epres sed.
9. LEAD ZERO Switch a. OPEN - Use with CAPACITOR VALUE button
(4a) and ope n test leads to balance out test lead capacita nce.
b. SHORT - Use with INDUCTOR VALUE button
(4e) and shorted test leads to balance out test lead
induct a n ce .
10. TEST LEAD INPUT JACK - Provides a connec
tion for attaching supplied test leads (17) or optiona l CHIP COMPONENT TEST LEADS (30). Unscrew jack for acce s s to protection fuse .
11. POW ER Switch
a. OFF - Removes power from all circuits. b. AUTO OFF - Provides power for approximately
1 5 minutes after auto off circuitry is reset. Auto off is bypassed when LC 1 0 2 is powered from the AC Power Adapter.
c. ON & BATT TEST - Turn unit on and reset auto
off circuitry. Remaining battery life is displayed in LCD DISPLAY (2d).
AUT O O f f· B OFF C
! 1S V AC Q fl B A ?1
2a -
/^ W A R N IN G : Flashing tight i ndicates 25-1000V
applie d to tes t lead s wh en leakage bu tt o n is pressed.
TOP TE S T I N G : P r o t ectio n c i rcuit or fuse is
Capacit o r be ing tested may be cha rg ed.
Nos.· 3S9« 00 2. . ' « s e a ts . « 6 7 M 3 . Ori w n Pffndiny
Fig. 1 Locat ion of fr ont panel· controls and features.
2d 2e 2f
OPEN 4 ' O Q O Ο Ο O SprnHmA K ftG O O D -
Fig. 2 LCD annunciators.
Rear Fane! Features
12. BATTERY COM PARTM ENT COVER - Provides acces s to the (optional) BY242 rechargeable battery.
13. INTERFACE ACCESSORY JACK - Allows the (optional) IB72 IEEE 488 Bus Interface Accessory (26) to b e connec t ed to feed LC102 readings t o an automated measuring system.
- Ho lds TEST BUTTON HOLD DOWN ROD (19) when not in use.
16. POWER INPU T - Connects to supplied PA251
POWER ADAPTER (21) for 110V AC operation, or to
PA252 for 220V AC operation (not pictured).
Fig. 3 Location of rear panel features.
Supplied Accessories
17. TEST LEADS (39G219) - Special low capacity cable with E-Z Hook® clips. Connect to TEST LEAD INPUT (10) .
18. 39G144 TEST LEAD ADA PTER (39G144) - Use to ada pt TEST LEADS (17) to large, screw terminal capacitors.
Use to ho ld CAPACITOR LEAKAGE b utton (4a) depre
ssed when reforming capacitors.
20. TEST LEAD MOUNTING CLIP (64G37) - Use to hold Test Lead when not in use.
21. POWER ADAPTER (PA251) - Plugs into POWER INPUT (16) to power unit from 105-130 VAC line . Also
recha rges the (optional) BY234 Battery when installed
inside the LC102.
Fig. 4 Supplied Accessories.
Optional Accessories
22. 39 G85 TOUCH TEST PROBE - Use for in-circ uit 27. CARRYING CASE (CC254)- Provides protection testing of coils and inductors from P.C. board. and easy carrying for the LC102 and its accessorie s.
23. FIELD CALIBRATOR (FC2 2 1 ) - Use to periodi cally check calibration of the LC1 0 2 .
24. RECHARGEABLE B ATTERY (BY234) - Pro vides portable operati on for the LC10 2. One battery
for testing SCRs and Triacs.
Connects between the INTERFACE ACCESSORY JACK (13) and the IEEE 488 port of a Bus controller
to allow the LC77 to be used in automated test setups.
E-Z Hook® i s a registered trademark of Tele Tek Inc.
28. COMPONENT HOLDER (CH255)-Use to hold components for fast tests when doing, volume testing.
Special shielded test leads for testing small surface mount (Chip) components.
Fig. 5 Optional Accessories.
Before you begin to u se your LC102 AUTO-Z, take a few minutes to read through the Operations and Appli cations sections of this manual and acquaint yourself with the features and capabilities of your instrument. After you have familiarized yourself with the general operation of the LC 102, most tests can be performed
with the information on the front panel.
AC Power Operation
For continuous bench operation the LC1 0 2 is powered from any st andard 1 05-130V (50-60 Hz) AC line usi ng the PA251 Power Adapter. When 220V AC operation is required, power the LC102 with the optional PA252 220 VAC Power Adapter. Connect the Power Adapter to the POWER IN JACK located on the rear of the LC102 , as shown in Figure 6 .
Using an AC adapter other than the PA251
or PA252 may cause damage to the LC102, may cause the optional battery (if installed) to improperly charge, or may cause measure ment errors on low value of components. Only
use a Sencore PA251 or PA252 Power Adap ter for AC operation.
To operate the LC102 from an AC line:
1 . Connect the AC line cord of the power adapter to an
adequate s ource of AC power.
2. Connect the power adapter lead to the POWER INPUT JACK on the back of the LC102, as shown in figure 6 .
The power adap ter serves as a battery charger to re charge the (optional) BY234 battery when it is installed in the unit. The BY234 may be left installed in the LC102 at all times without danger of over charging. Connecting the Power Adapter bypass es the auto-off circuitry in the LC1 0 2 and allows continuous, uninter
rupted oper ation .
Fig. 6 Connect the PA251 to the 12 V DC input for AC bench operation and to recharge the optional bat tery.
3. Push the POWER switch on the LC102 up t o the ON & BATT TEST positio n and release . The WARNING
LED will momentarily blink to in dicate it is operational
and the displays will reset and rea d zeros.
4. The LC102 is immediately ready for use. If prec ise measurements are required, allow the unit to operate for 1 0 minutes to reach specified accu racy.
momentarily flash when the POWER switch is first turned on and moved from the OFF to
the ON & BATT TEST position. Failure of the
light to flash indicates a problem with the
LED or safety circuits. DO NOT operate the LC102 in this condition, since it exposes the
operator to dangerous voltages without
adequate warning.
Battery Opera tion
The LC102 is designed to operate as a completely port able unit with the optional BY234 rechargeable battery installed. The operat ion of the LC1 0 2 when it is battery powered is the same as when it is AC powered. The length of time the AUTO-Z will operate before the bat tery needs recharging dep ends on several factors: 1 . the test functions used; 2. tem perature; 3. battery age.
Leakage tests place the heaviest current drain on the
battery greater current s result in shorter battery life between charging. Value tests plac e the least drain on the battery. For typical operation, the LC102 provides approximately 7 hou rs of complete capacitor testing (value, ESR, D/A and leakage), and 8 hours of complete
ind uctor testing (value and ringing). These times, of course, will vary with temperature and battery age.
As the temperature of the battery decreases, its cap ac ity also decreases. The operating time between recharg ings decreases at the rate of approximately 1 hour for every 20 degrees F drop in temperature below 70°F. The BY234 battery is a sea led, lead-acid type which requires no maintenance other than recharging. As a battery ages, it will require more frequent rech argings. If used properly, the BY234 will provide several years of service before needing replacement.
You can maximize the lifetime of the BY234 several ways: 1. Never allow the battery to deeply discharge. The LC102 has a built-in battery test and low battery shut off circuitry. Check the remaining charge per iod ically and recharge the battery before the low battery circu it shut s the unit off. 2 . Keep the battery fully charged. The BY234 will not be harmed if it is left installed in the LC1 02 during AC operation. Instead, this will keep the battery fresh an d ready for use and will actually lengthen its useful lifetime. 3. Rec harge the battery before using it if it has sat idle for more than a couple of weeks. Lead-acid batteries normally loose some of their charge if they sit idle for a per iod of time.
Fig. 7 - The optional BY234 is installed in the LC102 for portable operation.
Observe these precautions when using lead- acid batteries:
1. Do not dispose of old lead-acid batteries in
fire. This may cause them to burs t, spraying acid
through the a ir.
2. Do not short the + and terminals together. This will bum open internal connec
tio ns, making the battery useless.
3. Do not charge 12 volt lead-acid batteries with a voltage greater than 13.8 VDC. High
charging voltage may damage the battery or cause it to explode.
4. Do not drop the battery. While lead-aci d bat
teries are well sealed, they may break if drop ped or subjected to a strong mechanical shock. If the battery does break and the jelled electrolyte leak s out, neutralize the acid with baking soda and water.
5. Do not charge the battery below 0° C or above +40° C. (32° to 104° F).
To install the optional BY234 Battery:
cated on the rear of the unit by unscrewing the thumbscrew. Fold the cover down on its hing e.
2. Slide the battery end that does not have the connector attached into- the battery compartmen t. (The wire should be facing out after the battery is in place.)
3. Connect the plug from the battery to the jack inside
the battery compartment.
4. Close t he battery co mpartmen t cover and tighten the thumbscrew to hold the door and battery in place.
Note: Recharge the B Y 2 3 4 overnight b ef ore using it for
the f i rst time.
Battery Test
The LCX0 2 has a built-in battery test feature which shows the remaining battery charge. A reading of 100%
indicates that the battery is fully charged. As the bat tery charge is used up, the reading will drop. The low battery circuits will turn the unit off shortly after the battery test reading drops to 0 %, and before the batt ery, level drops too low for reliable operation. The LC102 never fully discharges the battery which helps extend the life of t he BY234.
To perform the battery test:
Au to Off
1. With a BY234 installed, move th e POWER switch
to the ON & BATT TEST position.
2. Read the percentage of remaining battery charge in the LCD DISPLAY.
3. If th e reading shows 0%, the unit may not operate, or operate for just a short time since the low battery circuit turns the LC102 off at this battery level.
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P O W E R r g
To co nserve battery charg e, the LC102 contains an auto off circuit . This circuit keeps the batterie s from running down if you sh ould forget to turn the unit off, but keeps the AUTO-Z powered up during use. The auto off circuit will shut the LC102 off after approximately 15 minutes if none of the front panel buttons have been pushed. Pushing any COMPONENT TYPE button, COMPO NENT PARAMETERS butt on, TEST bu tton, or momentarily moving the POWER button to the ON & BATT TEST position will reset the auto off circuits. The auto off circuits are bypassed when the LC1 0 2 is operate d from the AC Power Adapter.
To operate the LC102 using the optional BY234 battery:
1. Install the BY234 battery into the LC1 02 battery
NOTE: If you are using the BY234 for the first time, be sure to charge the battery before using the LC1 0 2 . Though factory te sted, the BY234 may not be charged when you receive it.
2. Push the POWER switch to the ON & BATT TEST position and release. The WARNING LED will momen tarily blink to indicate it is operational and the display s will reset and read zeros.
Fig. 8 Push the Pow er sw itch to On & Batt Te st
to read the remaining battery charge.
Recharging the Battery
The BY234 battery should never be allowed to remain discharged for more than a few hours, since this will shorten its lifetime. The battery mus t be recharged whenever the battery test reads 0%. However, you should recharge the battery more often than this to lengthen the batterys lifetime an d keep the LC1 0 2
ready for portable use at all times. To recharge the battery, simply leave it installed inside
the LC102 while the unit is connected to the AC Power Adapter and the Power Adapter is conn ected to a source of AC power. The charging time required to return the battery to 10 0% depends on how far it is dischar ged. The battery will trickle charge while the LC1 02 is in use and powered from the AC adap ter, but it will re charge the quickest if the POWER switch is in the OFF position. Normally, a battery will completely recharge in about 8 hours with the POWER switch OFF.
4. The LC102 is immediately ready for use. If precise measur ements are required, allow the unit to operate for 1 0 minutes to reach specified accuracy.
------------------- WARNING
momentarily flash when the POWER switch
is moved from the OFF to the ON & BATT TEST position. Failure of the light to flash indicates a problem with the LED or safety circuits. DO NOT operate the LC102 in this condition, since it exposes the operator to dangerous voltages without adequate warn ing.
STOP TEST ING Indication
The LC102 is de signed to provide you with the safest possible method of testing capac itors and inductors. The STOP TESTING indicators of the LC102 are a flashing LED indicator on the front panel and an internal audi ble alarm. This important feature alerts you when a shock potential exists due to either the test lead fuse having blown, preventing the capaci tor from discharg ing, or that you have connect ed to a charged circuit (1 0 V or mo re).
You should, at this time, familiarize yourself with this feature by removing the test lead fuse. Refer to the maintenance section, located at the back of this manua l for information on replacing the test lead fuse (page 59).
If the STOP TESTING indicators activate:
1. Stop all testing with the LC 102.
N O T E : D o not mou n t the T E S T L E A D M O U N T I N G CL I P t o th e sides of the A U T O - Z . as this w i l l in ter f e re
with the handle movement.
2 . Carefully discharge the capacitor you are testing by
connecting a 1 0 k ohm 1 watt resistor across the termi nals.
3. Replace the test lead fuse if blown, or remove the voltage from the point the test lea ds are connected to.
4. Resume testing.
Test Leads
The test leads supplied with the LC102 (39G219) are made of special, low capacity coaxial cable. Using any other cable will add extra capaci ty to the meter circuits, which may not be within the range of the lead zeroing circuits. Attempting to zero the leads with another, higher capacitance cable conn ected will cause the LCD DISPLAY to show the messag e error. This indicates
that the value is beyond the zeroing limits of the LC1 0 2 . If the test leads ever require replaceme nt, new leads
(part #39G219) may be ord ered directly from the: SEN CORE SERVICE DEPARTMENT at 3 200 Sencore
Drive, Sioux Falls, SD 57107.
Test Lead Mounting Clip
Test Lead Adapter
Some larger value electrolytic capacitors have screw terminals rather than the conventional wire leads or sold er terminals. To connect the LC102 to these cap acitors you will need to use the suppl ied 39G144 TEST LEAD ADAPTER. The TEST LEAD ADAPTER conv erts the E-Z Hook ® clips of the test leads to al ligator clips which will clamp onto the large screw ter minals. A mounting clip on the back of the LC 102 stores the TEST LEAD ADAPTER when it is not in use.
A TEST LEAD MOUNTING CLIP (64G37) is supplied with the LC102. This clip is useful to hold the test leads out of the way when not in us e, but keeps them ready and within reach at any time. The mounting clip may be attached on the top of the LC102, on the side of the handl e, or wherever it is most convenie nt. To mount the clip, peel off the backing, place the clip in the desired location and press it firmly in place.
Fig. 10 - The 39G144 Test Lead Adapter allows large, screw-terminal capacitors to be connected to the LC102.
1. Connect the red E-Z Hook® of the LC102 test lead
to the red TEST LEAD ADAPTER terminal.
2. Connect the black E-Z Hook® to the black adapter terminal.
3. Connect the red TEST LEAD ADAPTER lead to th e 4-capacitor terminal, and the black lead to the terminal.
4. Test the capacitor in the usual manner.
Fig. 9 The test lead mounting clip holds the test leads out o f the way, yet ready for use at anytime.
Test Lead Fuse
A 1 amp, Slo Bio (3AG) fuse is located in th e TEST LEAD input jack on the front of the AUTO-Z. This fuse protects the unit from accidental external voltage or current over loads.
Lead Zeroing
The test leads c onn ected to the LC1 02 have a certain amount of capacitance, resista nce, an d inductance which must be balanced out before measuring small value capacitors and ind uctors or before measuring capacitor ESR. The test lead impedence should be zeroed when the LC102 i s first turned on. It will re main zeroed as long a s the unit is powered on. If the LC102 is battery operated and is turned off by the Auto Off circuits, however, the lead s mu st be rezeroed.
To zero the test leads:
1. Turn the LC102 o n by momentarily pushing the
POWER switch to the ON & BATT TEST position.
2. Connect the test le ads to the TEST LEAD INPUT
jack on the front of the AUTO-Z.
3. Place the open test le ads (with nothing connected) on the work area with the red and black test clip s next to each other, but not touchin g.
4. Move the LEAD ZERO switch to the OPENposi tion. Release whe n a begins to move through the display.
5. Connect the red and black test clips together.
6 . Move the LEAD ZERO switch to the SHORT pos
ition, a nd release when a begins to move through the display.
Fig. 11 The impedence o f the test leads is balanced
out with the LEAD ZERO button.
Entering Component Da ta
Fig. 12 Controls used for entering component data.
To use the LC102 to perform th e automatic GOOD/BAD
tests explained on page 26, you must enter data about the component under test into th e LC102 AUTO-Z. (All component tes ts can be performed without entering
component data if au tomatic GOOD /BAD test indica tions are not desired). The component data tells the LC102 the idealparameters necessary to make the GOOD/BAD determination.
The component data which can be entered into the LC102 includes : component type, value, tolerance and rated working voltage for capa citors, and component type, value, and tolerance for inductors and coils. These parameters are usually marked on the component, or can be determined by looking the component up in a parts list or replacement guide. The APPLICATIONS sect ion of this manual contains information on how to identify capacitor an d inducto r types.
N O T E : All component data can be cleared by p ushing
the C L R button on the gra y C O M P O N E N T
P A R A M E T E R S keypad twice.
To Enter Component Type:
N O T E : The C O M P O N E N T T Y P E switches t ell the
L C 1 0 2 what kind of component is being te s ted.
1 . Press the desired COMPONENT TYPE button. Use
the beige color coded buttons when checking capacitors
and the blue buttons when checking inductors.
2. A red LED indicator in the comer of the COMPO NENT TYPE button lights w hen that button is selected.
To Enter Component Value:
1. Enter a numb er, up to 3 significant digits, equal to the value of the cap acitor or inductor. (Example: 123. or 123000.). Each digit will appear in the display as a key is pus hed.
a . T h e LC1 0 2 rounds the entry do w n if y ou enter a nu m be r having more than 3 significant digits ( E x a m
ple: 1239 becomes 123 0).
b. T h e LC 1 0 2 accepts nu m b e rs up to 6 places befo re the decimal. (Example: 1000 0 0 ). Entries larger than th i s re s e t to 0. c. The LC1 02 accepts numbers up to 5 places a f t e r the decimal for numbe r s les s than 1. (Example: 0.00001 ) . Entries smaller than t hi s resul t in Error
d. All unnecessary place holder dig it s are dropped.
(Example: “.06700 becomes .067).
e. Pu s h the C L R button once t o clear the value entry an d s t a rt ov e r .
To Enter Compone nt Tolerance :
1 . Enter a 1, or 2 or 3 digit number up to 100 which
equa ls to the + value tolerance of the capacitor or inductor. Do not use a decima l.
2. Press the white + %COMPONENT PARAMET ERS button.
3. Enter a 1 or 2 digit number up t o 99 which equals
to the - value tolerance of the ca pacitor or inductor.
Do not use a decima l.
4. Press the white ERS bu tton.
5. To check the entered percentage, press the white + %or %button at any time.
0 u 0 u
π η η n
2. Enter the desired capacitor value multiplier or induc
tor value multiplier.
a . Th e capacitor value range i s 1 p F to 19.9 F . The
inductor value range i s .1 u H to 19.9 H. Entering values beyond th i s range causes an Error 2 . b . T h e L C 1 0 2 accepts non-conventional value nota ti o ns, such as .00001 F , .00002 u F or 100 0 0 0 p F
3. After entering the multiplier, the display momentar
ily shows the entered value and multiplier before re turning to a 0000 read ing. The LC102 is now ready for the next parameter entry.
4. To check the entered capacitor value at any time,
pu sh any beige colored capacitor value multiplier but ton. To check the ente red induct or value push any blue colored ind uctor value multiplier button.
5. To change φΐ entered value parameter, repeat step s
1 & 2 .
00 000 0 00000
u u
Fig. 13 To enter component data select the COMPO NENT TYPE switch which corresponds to the com po nent being tested (a). Next, enter the com ponent value (b) and value tolerance (c). Finally, if testing a capacitor, enter the rated working voltage (d).
To Enter Leaka ge Volta ge:
1 . Enter the desired voltage from 1 to 999.9 using the
gray keys on the NUMERIC INPUT keypad. A decimal, followed by one digit may be entered, but is not neces sary.
2. Push the white V key to enter the voltage. The voltage will appear in the applied voltage LCD display. For values greater than 25 volts the red WARNING
indicator LED will blink.
N O T E : The voltage is applied to the component Test
Leads whe n the C A P A C I T O R L E A K A G E t est button is
3. To enter a different voltage, repeat steps 1 & 2 .
Error Codes
Error 3 - Entered Value Beyond Range Of Test
The component parameter entered via the keypad c
IEEE is beyond t he limits of the automatic GOOD/BA test. The co mponent may still be able to be te sted, bi not for a GOO D/BAD indication.
Possible causes:
1. Performing an ESR test with a capac i tor value of less than 1 u enter ed.
2. Performing a D/A t est with a capac itor value of less than .01 u enter ed.
3. Per f orming a INDUCTOR RINGER tes t wi t h a ind uctor value
less than 10 uH en tered.
Error 4 - Value Beyond Zeroing Limit - The amour
of inductan ce or capacitance at the TEST LEAD INPU is beyond the range of th e zeroing circuits. An ope (greater than 2 0 koh ms) or shorted (less than 1 ohir
test lead will cause the "OPENor SHORTan nur ciator to come on, rather than produce a n Error 4.
Several error condition s may occur while using the LC102 which c au se an error message to appear in the LCD display. These are usually caused by sm all errors in the operatio n of the LC102, although severely defec tive components may also cause certain error co ndi tions. The error co nditions are explained below.
Error I - Component Type Selection Error - This error occurs when a component test is attempted, and either an incorrect COMPONENT TYPE switch is selected for the test, or no COMPONENT TYPE switch is sele cted when required.
Possible caus es:
1. Performing a capacitor test with an inductor COMPONEN T TYPE switch selected.
2. Performing an inductor t est with a capacito r COMPONEN T TYPE switch selected.
3. Performing the INDUCTOR RINGE R test with out a n inductor COMPONENT TYPE switch selected.
4. Perfo r ming an y com ponent t est with the Spare capacitor COM PONENT TYPE button selected.
Error 2 - Entered Value Beyond Range of Unit - The component parameter entered via the keypa d or IEEE is beyond the measuring range of the L C102.
Possible causes:
1. Entering a capac itance v alue g reater than 19.9 Far ads, or less tha n 1 picofarad.
2. Entering an induc tance value grea ter tha n 19.9 Henrys, or less tha n .1 microhenry s.
3. Enterin g a leakage volt a ge greater than 999.9 volts.
4. Enteri ng a t o lerance perce ntage greater tha n +100%, or less t han
- 99%.
5. Enterin g a tole rance percentage that includes a decimal.
Possible causes:
1. The capac itance at the TEST LEAD Input is greate r than 1800 pF.
2. The inductan ce at the TEST LEAD Input is gre ater th ah 18 ut
3. The resistan ce at the TEST LEAD Inpu t is greater t han 1 ohm
Error 5 - No Voltage Entered - This error occur
when the CAPACITOR LEAKAGE button is push e and no test voltage has been entered.
Error 6 - Invalid Computer Interface Command
An improper command was sent to the LC10 2 via th computer interface.
Possible causes:
1. Sendi ng a command that is not recogniz ed by the LC102.
2. W rong comma nd syntax.
N O T E : Refer to the C O M P U T E R I N T E R F A C E sectio, of thi s ma n u a l for information on using the A U T O -4 with computer co n t r o l .
Error 7 - Component Out Of Test Range - The com
ponent under test exc eeds the limits of the test whici was attempted.
Possible causes:
1. Measuring ESR of a capacitor having a value less than 1 uF.
2. Measuring capacit ance v alue on an extremely leaky capacitor.
3. At t empting a capacitor val u e test with 1 ohm to 2 Megohms < resistan ce connected across test leads.
N O T E : Entering a leakage voltage l es s than 1 volt wil l
se t the leakage supply to 0 vo lts.
Capacitor Testi ng
Fig. 14 Controls used for capacitor parameter tests.
The LC102 AUTO-Z ch ecks capacitors for value from
1 .0 pF to 20 Farads in 1 2 automatically selected ranges . The autom atic features of the LC102 AUTO-Z allow you to perform two levels of automated capaci tor test ing: basic parameter testing, and automatic GOOD/ BAD testing. For basic parameter testing, you simply connect the compon ent to the test leads and p ush the test butto n. The LC1 0 2 measures the capacitor and displays the test result. You must look up the values of leakage, ESR and dielectric absorption in a table to determine if the capacitor is good or bad.
For automatic GOOD /BAD testing, you first enter the parameters of the capacitor before performing the test. Then the LC102 will display the test results along with a GOOD /BAD indication of the capacitor. Only selected parameters need to be entered into the LC102, de pend ing upon which tests you desire a GOOD/BAD readou t for.
Capacitance M easurement Accuracy
The LC102 measures the RC charge time as the capacitor is charged through a precision resistor. This gives the most accurate measurement of true capacity available. Capacity values measured with the AUTO-Z may or may not exactly matc h readings on other instru me nts which use a different measuring technique. Bridges, for example, measure capacitive reactance
using an AC signal. Capacitive reactance changes with frequency. Therefore, two bridges operating at different frequencies will give different capacity readings.
Electrolytic capacitors may normally read up to 50% higher than their marked value when measured with the LC102. This is because electrolytics are marked according to their value as measured on an AC-type impedance bridge. The value of an electrolytic changes greatly with the meas urement frequency. This should cause no problem in determining if an electrolytic capacitor is good or bad, since most electrolytic capacitors have up to 80% value tolerance. The capacitor should read clos e to its marked value, or within tolerance when chec ked with the LC102. In ad dition, electrolytics most commonly fail due to leakage, dielectric absor ption, or ESR. When an electrolytic do es change value, the value drops far below the mar ked value.
The LC102 AUTO-Z is designed to measure capacitors out of circuit. Impedances found in the circuit will upset the AUTO-Z readings. Capacitors can not be checked in circuit accurately or reliably with any test method. Capacitors in circuit, however, may be tested by unso l
dering one lead from the circuit. When doing this, be sure to remove power from the circuit. If the unit is AC powered, unplug the AC line cord. Whenever possible, remove the capacitor completely from the circuit to test it.
Measuring Capacitor Value
When checking capacitors, remove the capacitor from circuit if possible. Otherwise, make sure the power is removed from the cir cuit and the AC line cord to the unit contain ing the capacitor is unplugged. Always con nect the capacitor to the LC102 test leads be fore depressing the CAPACITANCE VALUE test button, to prevent discharge into test cir cuitry.
Measuring Small Capacitance Values In Noisy Environments
The sensitive AUTO-Z measuring circuits may be af
fected by large, outsid e signals (such as the AC fields radiated by some lights and power transformers) when
small capacitance values are being measure d. Special
circuits in the LC102 help minimize noise pickup and stablize the readings.
Measurements of small value capacit ors in noisy envi ronments may be further improved by grounding the LC 102 case to earth ground. When possible, power the
LC102 with the PA251 AC Power Adapter connected to a properly ground ed AC outlet. The PA251 Power Adapter maintains the third wire ground shield and keeps the noise away from the measuringcircuits inside the AUTO-Z.
Capacitor Parameter Testing
To Measure Capacitor Value:
1. Zero the test leads , as explained on page 16.
2. Connect the capacitor to the test le ads. If t capacito r is polarized, be sure to connect the black t< clip to the terminal of the capacitor and the i test clip to the + capa citor terminal.
3. Depress the CAPACITOR VALUE button.
4. Read the value of the capacitor in the LCD display.
N O T E : T h e S H O R T annunciator appearing in \ L C D display wh e n the C A P A C I T O R V A L U E but tor , depressed indicates a resistance of 1 o h m or l es s at \ t es t lea ds . Check the tes t l e ad s. If they are not short the capacitor i s bad.
Some capacitors will cause the display to read Er: 7. These capacitors have too much leakage current allow the LC102 to make a value check and should considered bad.
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The LC102 check s capacitors for capacitance value, leakage, dielectric absorption and equivalent series re
sistance (ESR), These tests are made directly using the beige colored TEST buttons. Simply connect the compo nent to the test leads, push the desired TEST bu tton, and read the test result in the LCD display . You can determine if the component is good or bad by comparing the measured ESR an d leakage values to the standard values listed in the tables in this manual and on the PULL CHART underneath the LC102.
N O T E : Except for the capacitor leakage test, no com p o
nent parameters need t o be entered to perform any
capacitor par amet er te st , if any blue Inductor C o m p o nent Ty p e button i s s el ect ed, error code Error 1 w i ll appear in the L C D readout wh e n you attempt t o mak e a capacitor test. Pu s h the C L R key o n the gray N U M E R I C ke ypad twice to clear any parameters.
The following procedures provide all the necessary in formation required to perform the capacitor parameter tests. A more detailed description of each of the
capacitor tests and failure modes can be found in the
APPLICATIONS section of this manual.
3Ετ · φ 0 1 n r ;
Fig. 15 To m easure capacitance, connect capacitor to the test leads and push the CAPACH
VALUE button. The amount o f capacity appears in
LCD display,
Measuring Capacitor Dielectric Absorption
Dielectric Absorption is often called battery action
capacitor memory an d is the inability of the capac to completely discharge. While all capacitors have s< minute amounts of dielectric absorption, electroly may often develop excessive amo unts which affect operation of the circuit they are used in .
To check a capacitor for dielectric absorption, press the DIELECTRIC ABSORP button and compare the value to the cha rt. A fully automatic GO OD/BAD test may also be u sed to test for dielectric absorp tion. This test is explained on page 26.
To measure capacitor dielectric absorption:
1 . Connect the capacitor to the test leads. If the
capacitor is polarized, connect the red test clip to the + capacitor terminal and the black test clip to the terminal.
2 . Depre ss the DIELECTRIC ABSORP button. A -
will appear and slowly mov e through the display indi cating that the test is in progress.
3. Read the percentage of dielectric absorption on the
4. Compare the measured D/A to the amount listed in Table 1 for the capacitor type you are testing to deter mine if the capacitor is good or bad.
N O T E : D e pending on the capacitors value, type a n d
actual D/A, the LC 1 0 2 may, in a few cas es , take u p to 10 seconds to display a reading.
Maximum Allowable Percent Of D/A
ch arts. The capacitor is good if the measured leakage
is below the amount shown in the chart. A fully automa tic GOOD/BAD test may also be used to check capacitors for leakage. This test is explained on page 26.
o m p q n e n t p a r a m e t e r s
l e a k a g e
Fig. 16 To test capacitor leakage, enter the working
voltage o f the capacitor.
To measure capacitor leakage:
Capacitor type Maximum % of D/A
Double Layer Lytic Meaningless. D/A may normally
be very high. Aiuminum Lytic 15% Tantalum Lytic Ceramic 10% All others
Refer to the APPLICATIONS section of this manual for
capacitor type identification.
Table 1 Maximum amounts o f Dielectric A bsorption.
Measuring Capacitor
Leakage (In microamps)
Capacitor leakage occur s when some of the voltage from one plate flows (leaks) through the dielectric to the other plate. The amount of leakage current through the dielectric depends on the voltage applied acr oss the plates . For this reason, always check a capacitor for leakage at (or as close as possible to) its rated voltage. Voltages up to 999.9 volts may by applied with the LC102 .
1 . Connect the capacitor to the test leads. If the
capacitor is polarized, connect the red test clip to the + capacitor terminal and the black test clip to the
2. Set the LEAKAGE switch to the CURRENT posi
tion to read the leakage of the capaci tor in uA or mA.
3. Enter the normal working voltage of the capac itor as explained earlier in the section Entering Compo nent Parameters on page 16.
The LC102 is designed to be operated by a
technically trained person who understands
the shock hazard of up to 1000 volts applied to the test leads during the capacitor leakage test. DO NOT hold the capacitor in your hand,
or touch the test leads or capacitor leads
when making the leakage test.
4. Depres s the CAPACITOR LEAKAGE button and read the amount of leakage in the LCD display .
5. Compare the measur ed leakage to the maximum allowable amou nt listed in the Leakage Charts on pages 2 3 and 24 for the type, value, and voltage rating of the capacito r you are testing.
To check capacitors for leakage, enter the working vol tage of the capacitor and p ress the CAPACITOR LEAK AGE button. Compare the measured leakage current to the maximum allowable amounts in the leakage
N O T E : B y entering the Comp o n e n t Type a nd Value
parameters for the cap aci tor, the L C 10 2 wi ll automati
cally display the measured leakage along with the same
G O O D IB A D indication as the Leakage Charts.
+ 48 hidden pages